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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic bacteria problem

My 6 year old son, who has autism, has had a chronic bacteria problem for a year. He has a lot of gut issues - food allergies, past fungal and bacterial overgrowth issues and intestinal parasites, that have been controlled and in the past eliminated with herbal supplements. When he keeps to his diet, organic, allergen free, his gut is generally good.

However, in the several months, despite avoidance of allergens, and consumption of copious high count, good quality probiotics given twice daily, and repeated rounds of Goldenseal and Olive Leaf, now rotated with Uva Ursi, we never do more than control the bacteria for periods of time. On the GS etc, his bm's and demeanor are perfect. Once we stop the anti bacterials, the bacteria comes back. My son has low immune function and low neutrophils which may contribute to this. Again immune boosters still seem to not help this problem.

When he is plagued with bacterial overgrowth: he has loose foul smelling bowel episodes a few times a day; his behavior declines, he becomes aggressive, oppositional, exhibits ocd, and is generally moody and unhappy, not his typical demeanor. He has a short fuse and has meltdowns over the smallest thing now. Usually he is even tempered and a happy kid. Cognitively, his language and understanding declines, he becomes more obsessed with repetitive topics and images, much more so than normal.

We have never used homeopathy with him or ourselves other than oscillo and once earlier this year I used a homeopathic bacterial remedy. But at this point, I think it may be necessary. Repeated use of the herbal anti bacterials and things like activated charcoal seem only to be a temporary fix.

I have on hand a homeopathic remedy called Bactex by Mediral that a holistic MD sold to me for myself earlier this year when I had a persistent bacteria problem. I do not know if I should use it with him or not.It worked well for me. It does have instructions for a child's dose. But I don't know what else there is available to me.

I am open to suggestions and would appreciate any help or guidance. And just wondering once one finds the right remedy for this kind of thing , how long should we expect it to take effect on the body? Thanks.
  bflow on 2011-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Unfortunately those combination products are not actually homoeopathy. Homoeopathy is based on a basic principle called the law of similars, which requires a high level of indvidiualisation of any patient's disease. When a medicine is given across the board to all people with the same named condition, it is not homoeopathy at all. The bottles certainly do contain a group of our medicines, but we get our success on the basis of how the medicines are prescribed, not how they are made.

Homoeopath doesn't lend itself very well to the idea of a 'product' in the way that orthodox medicine does. We tend to think of our medicines more like tools, which must be selected for the job on the basis of the specific situation. One medicine at a time, and careful assessment done before moving on to a new one.

If you are interested I am happy to try and help advise you on the most appropriate homoeopathic treatment for your son. This will involve a fairly detailed case to be taken.

I can post my initial intake form and you can look over the questions.


It is important to describe all his problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information. Note that some complaints may not lend themselves easily to answer each of these questions.

1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain. With someone so young his ability to do this may be limited
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in his life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?

Move from one problem to the next, doing the same thing. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU GIVE A COMPLETE PICTURE OF HER HEALTH BY PROVIDING ALL PROBLEMS YOU HAVE, EVEN IF NOT CONNECTED TO THE MAIN ONE, AND EVEN IF YOU CONSIDER IT OF LESS IMPORTANCE. You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide.

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in his life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on him mentally, emotionally or physically.

Discuss the way that he manages or deals with his problems, or any problems that occur in his life.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in his behavior especially concerning her disease.

Discuss any part of her life where he seems stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of his disease, or as the disease evolved.

Describe his childhood and the kind of environment he is growing up in, with reference to his relationships with his family, his school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

If her earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that he craves (not just like) or hates
2. The specific drinks that he craves or hates
3. What his sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects him
5. What kinds of things in the environment he is particularly sensitive to
6. What is his general level of energy is like

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.

11. Describe any fears or anxieties.

12. Describe any dreams he has reported.

David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:45:26 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you David. I will do my best to give as much useful info as possible about my son. I am new to homeopathy, so I did not know what info to provide.

My son is currently age 6, with PDD, high functioning autism. His main deficits are expressive language and fine motor issues. So some questions as to how he feels, pain etc, may be impossible for me to tell you.

1. At birth born normally. Did have a rash on his cheeks (later determined to be hsv rash) and at 11 weeks old developed chronic diarrhea. Repeated nasal congestion.

2. Doctor put him on soy formula, gave triaminic for congestion. Cream for cheeks. Thereafter developed chronic constipation and eczema. At age 20 months dairy and gluten removed from diet. Eczema cleared up, bowels better, congestion better. Age 24 months soy removed.

3. Hit most milestones until age 1. Between 12 mos and 18 mos, after series of vaccinations incuding flu shots, lost all language, eye contact, motor skills. Lost in his own world.

4. After dietary modifications between 20-24 mos, and use of herbal antifungals, gut issues improved, and some language returned.

5. Employed some biomedical interventions - vitamins, fish oils etc, behavior & cognition improved.

6. Age 3 1/2 to date - after hair testing and other testing showed high heavy metals (lead and mercury), followed Cutler protocol for metal detox. Dramatic improvements observed in all areas over the ensuing years.

7. Last summer, suddenly,after having no yeast or other problems for years, bacterial issues surfaced. UTI infection, then repeated loose bowel, smelly poop. Testing revealed that my son had low neutrophils. His immune function had long been low, but had been improving steadily with detox and the aid of immune boosters. Gave Neutrophils Plus supplement and continue to do so to this day.

8. Dropped one of the supplements used for lead detox which can cause low neutrophils. Continued with extra vitamin D and neutrophils supplement, echinacea, beta glucan, zinc and other supps to help in this area.

9. Throughout the year have used OLE and Goldenseal on and off over and over again for bacteria issues. Once we go off anti bacterials, bacteria seems to come back again and again, despite lots of high count probiotics given.

10. Generally sunny disposition disappears.

What exactly happens with bacterial overgrowth:

1. becomes angry over every little thing, has ocd, obsesses over one toy or one picture, if can't have it or something happens to it, full scale tantrums. Becomes overwrought if he gets dirty or wet. Gets hysterical screaming - and there is no calling him back. Out of control. Coincides with start of loose smelly bm.

2. Can't describe the pain - he does say sometimes 'my belly hurts', limited expressive language

3. After the problem starts, if he has not made a bm for hours or a day or more which happens, the ocd etc escalates.

4. What creates relief is a bm for him, and when we start giving the Goldenseal and up his Culturelle to 5-6 caps.

5. What triggers the problem into occurring - the actual bacteria we cannot figure it out. Over the year a few times we tried reintroducing the supp for lead detox - which probably ran his immune system down again. So perhaps that is an issue. He has not taken it at this point for months - so I do not know why he has bacteria now. It seems if we eat out, though we are careful, if the food is not at the peak of freshness etc, he will get sick and it starts off the bacteria cycle.

6. At what time of day does it occur - well the bacteria issues, anger, ocd, screaming etc, usually start mid morning a few hours after breakfast and morning vitamins. Then they flare up again late afternoon - around 3 - 5 o'clock, before dinner.

7. When did the problem start - as stated last summer. Precipitated by a supplement that may have been running his immune function low.

Recently - we moved and he has had a lot of upheaval, new home, new state, new school and he has been upset about missing certain people in his old life.

Problem solving - used to be he was very adaptable and would try and try despite his issues to solve his problems. Now he gets easily frustrated, and is more aware of his limitations, and will whine or scream, and wants us to fix things or solve his problems. He tends to scream and carry on if he does not get what he wants lately or cannot complete a task, even something as simple as picking up a deck of cards he dropped on the floor. Everyday challenges seem to push him over the edge.

He has been progressing on all fronts -except language is an issue still. Receptively he understands everything it seems but sometimes he feels frustrated it seems by the lack of ability or vocabulary to express himself, we and his new school, which is more integrated, are working on this.

Previously, he was not really integrated, and he has left his small little safe environment where all of the kids were like himself or lesser functioning. He loves his new school etc, but there are lots of variables and unknowns, and he has said he is 'scared'. And now he sees we think what others his age can say and do naturally which are a challenge for him.

He is an only child, and generally has been loving and had good relationships with us his parents and other family members. But since the move he has become more contentious and less demonstrative.

Foods he likes:
all meats, spicy foods - craves curries and things like spicy chilly. Loves extra dark chocolate, and his gfcf ice cream bars. Lately asks for more 'junk ' type foods - like cheetos and reeses cups which he sees other kids eating. We try to find gfcf healthy look a likes - like Pirates booty corn/rice puffs, of gfcf oreo look a likes to give on a limited basis as a treat. Well meaning relatives have given him things like peanut butter cups - with allergens here and there, which has not helped his loose bms. We try to control this as best we can.

Drinks he craves:
He only drinks water and rice milk

Sleep patterns:
He goes to bed late, but falls into a deep sleep, and will sleep for hours and hours, and it is difficult to rouse him in the morning.

He loves unsettled weather - snow, rainstorms etc. He seems to do fine with cold weather, hot weather bothers him a little more at higher temperatures, but he does not complain and still likes to go outside in it.

Sensitivities in his environment:
He is sensitive to loud noises, bright light and unfamiliar smells.

Energy level:
He is usually high energy most times, except in the morning - when he drags, regardless of when he goes to sleep. Although he tends to be a night owl. He does get sleepy in the late afternoon sometimes and requires a nap.

Body type:
a)Thin, tall, wiry build. Does not gain weight often.
b)Skin is pale white and tends to be rough.
c)Tends to sweat a lot on his feet.
His hands and feet are always very warm.
d)His urine has a strange sweet smell, And his bowels and gas, are very strong smelling - when bacteria is evident.

e) stools are dark brown, urine intense yellow

As for dreams - again he cannot report those to me. He cannot take any rx drugs, he is sensitive to additives etc. The only rx med he takes is Armour thyroid for hypo thyroid condition. He takes Adrenal Cortex for low adrenal function. When he was vaxed - he ran fevers, twitched, and cried for long periods.

Anyway I hope this gives enough background to help with my inquiry about the bacteria.


bflow last decade

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