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Desperate for sleep Page 2 of 2

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Late to walk and talk, likes books - possibly calcarea sulphurica?
saltOftheEarth last decade
Thanks Joe, Allvis and SOE. Joe, For one of those doses I didn't succuss and then did so on the next night. Seemed more effective made "fresh" and not taken from the fridge. Sometimes the doses are perhaps a little too close to food - as she likes to eat frequently.

Joe, et al, I have been looking at the dates of when she only woke once and then slept thru. That was last Fri and Sat. On Sun, her Dad took her for a walk without me and she was basically hysterical. He hasnt really spent that much time with her because he doesnt enjoy parenting and resents his interruption to his sleep (he really needs it) and his life. We are still married (just), but it's a long sad story. I really try to not let Annabel see any of the trouble, but maybe she has sensed something. I havent thought so because she is just SO SO happy and dances and sings all day. These abandonment issues seem to appear at night, if that is what they are. Also, if she doesnt see me around for a little while, she will yell out "Mama" regualarly til she finds me. When I yell out "i'm here", she is content and goes about her business again. I really believe the arnica worked but we are now dealing with another issue and that being an emotional one. She certainly matches some of the Puls type - she clings to me (since Sunday) when I breastfeed her. She had held on tightly before then, bt not like this - she grabs my hair while feeding so that I wont go away. When she falls asleep, she will wake with a start and cry out for me - didnt happen in the past (pre Sun) but her language is improving daily too - "great need for company" - given that, she plays beautifully alone, But no shyness or timidity, no dislike of crouds, not moody or sulky, no thumb sucking, no frequent tears. She is kind, actively wanting to share her food and delights when it is eaten by me and the dog in particular! Loves to "break bread" with others - she adores sitting around and eating with others. Loves oranges.

Re" My diet. I used to take a breastfeeding supplement until about the time she stopped sleeping thru. Coincidence? Perhaps not. It had lots of Omega 3 and heaps of trace elements and considered one of the best preg and breastfeeding products on the market. When I got PND about the same time - hence my apathy to take my vitamins - she stopped sleeping thru. DPT? Travel? PND? No trace elements? Hard to tell which is the factor or a combination of all? Now, I must admit, my diet isnt the greatest cos I dont feel hunger cos Im so tired and also had an upset (emotional trauma) about four years ago that left me quite out of sorts - see my post "Feeling Flat" (zulie). I have alot of dairy -although I dont like milk per se neither does Annabel). I like milk in tea, yoghurt and cheese. Had read somewhere that her sleep probs may be related to a milk alergy. I honestly dont know. She doesnt have wind or frothy poo. Goes "off" dairy regularly tho where she wont touch yoghurt and cheese.

Sorry the post is so long, but the more detail the better, I would imagine. Lots of info. Thanks for looking into this for me. I am SOOOO wanting some uninterupted sleep and little sweetie needs quality sleep too.

Shall I keep with the arnica 6, or change to arnica 30, or give her puls or both? I am so confused and not educated enough in this modality to know what to do. I have researched sleep for almost two years and it is all consuming for me. Kindest regards.
bels mama last decade
Try a vitamin b complex,with b12.(1000mgc), at bedtime, drink no coffe, as that keeps both of you awake,and robs you of vit bs, vit bs get destroyed by food, and other things during day, best taken at bedtime, thenit brings deep, good sleep.
If you take a dose before you breastfeed, it should also be able to make the baby sleep well.
( if not colicky from acidity).
Clingy, and not cranky is pulsatilla, clingy and cranky is chamomilla.
and so on..
allvis last decade
Thanks Allvis. Off to bed now. Appreciate your time. Will have my vitamins now and report to you in the morning. Thanks again.

Hi Joe, Would love to hear from you when you have the opportunity. Good night!

PS...She has been clingy and somewhat cranky - more out of sorts than cranky. Has been so for over a week - no signs of illness but a few things going around. Generally tho, she seldom gets sick. Very much my constition - we are both well most of the time.
bels mama last decade
Forgot to mention - re:pulsatilla. She sleeps with her hands above her head. She is a side sleeper and at the moment has a coated tongue. Joe, her poo continues to be much nicer! ;)
bels mama last decade
More pulsatilla symptomes, but the crankyness, maybe a side effect of arnika.
Arnika has dont touch, or grumpyness.
Acidity is undoubtely a factor here,, so take a look at youd diet, it may be to acidic.
Eat more raw vegetables, but not thos who produce gas,(beans, cabbage , spices),
Dont use industrial vinegar.
And quit souer food, vinegar containing food, for a while.
It may help.
allvis last decade
Hi Joe, The Arnica is still doing a good job. She had another beaut night last night and poo still "nice"!! Will keep you posted. By the way, the silica was prescribed about a year ago and the sulphur only about two months before that.
bels mama last decade
Glad to learn that the Arnica 6c is still helping your baby. I hope you remember to succuss the bottle before you give her the tsp.
Joe De Livera last decade
with regard tou your concerns about potencies, i think it is a matter of the homeopaths opinion. i have a very well respected local homeopath that quite often gives 1m 10m even 10MM doses, but i am not a homeopath so that information is just for you to consider
nireeb last decade

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