The ABC Homeopathy Forum
IBS & Anosmia
I am a 30 year-old female with severe IBS and have recently developed anosmia coupled with a loss of taste. I have a fantastic career and life should be good yet I have felt ill every single day for the last 13 years. When I was 17 I woke up one morning feeling very sick in the stomach; I had extreme gas and I have never had a 'normal' bowel movement since. Throughout the years I have suffered from alternating constipation/diarrhea which isn't so bad these days but the gas continues. The on-set of the IBS occurred while I was studying for my final school exams. This, together with the fact that my teenage years weren't particularly happy ones led my GP to think that the root cause may be psychosomatic. Sometimes I wonder whether the cause is due to unreolved family issues.My bowel problem is chronic and it has pretty much ruined my life. When I first starting having problems I was quite ill. I lost a lot of weight and became very chronically tired. I worried about my health problems so much, I stopped sleeping and have now been taking sleeping tablets for 10 years (can't sleep without them). It doesn't seem to matter what I eat. So if the cause is food-related, then it is must be something that I eat every day. I think that I might have an intolerance to sugar. I have a very sweet tooth and since I was a teenager have always binged out on sugary snacks when depressed, this had led to me require heavy dental restoration. A herbalist suggested that I might have candida so I tried an anti-candida diet (as well as anti-candida medicines). Cutting out sugar and carbs did make me feel a bit better and the 'fuzzy head' symptoms I used to experience disappeared and my stomach calmed down a lot, but the bowel symptoms didn't go away. I managed to stick to the diet for a few weeks but once I had my first sugary snack I started to binge out on sugary snacks-I've been over-eating ever since and have put on weight and feel really unwell.
When I went on holiday this summer, the flight affected me badly-for some reason, I lost my sense of taste and smell and just felt really ill. I recovered after a couple of days but the same happened on the flight home. During various nights out this summer, I seem to have become intolerant to alchohol. Following a night out, my nose runs and runs in the morning and I think I took a bad reaction to some wine during a work-trip abroad, which was just a few weeks after the first trip I mentioned. I had a really runny nose following said night out, this coupled with the flight home, meant that upon returning, I was quite ill. My nose dripped for days and I'm worried that I might now have some kind of internal damage from blowing too often. I have not been able to taste or smell anything for a month now.
Although I have never had any real problems with my sense of smell before, I have noticed that my sense of smell diminishes when my IBS is really bad. I wonder if I am taking reactions to certain foods? I also wonder whether I have a weakened immune system (I had a tonsillectomy 6 months before the IBS started, which incidentally resulted in a haemorrhage and I required a blood transfusion).
When the IBS started I consulted a homeopath who gave me nat mur 1m. This calmed the stomach down quite a bit but did not eliminate symptoms completely. I subsequently tried a few other remedies but can't remember what these were. If anyone has any remedy suggestions, I would be most grateful,
Chelsea33 on 2011-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.
1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?
You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide. Do not put all your complaints into each of the 7 questions. Discuss one problem at a time. If you have, for example, a headache with nausea, do each component separately too (what makes the head pain worse or better, what makes the nausea worse or better).
As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.
Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.
Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.
Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.
Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.
If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:
1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
6. What your general level of energy is like
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle
9. Also give these details
a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat
10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
Let's see how we go with those questions, and I will likely have more for you to clarify your responses.
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.
1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?
You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide. Do not put all your complaints into each of the 7 questions. Discuss one problem at a time. If you have, for example, a headache with nausea, do each component separately too (what makes the head pain worse or better, what makes the nausea worse or better).
As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.
Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.
Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.
Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.
Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.
If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:
1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
6. What your general level of energy is like
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle
9. Also give these details
a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat
10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
Let's see how we go with those questions, and I will likely have more for you to clarify your responses.
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi there Chelsea33,
The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.
1. ID:Chelsea33
2. Age:30
3. Sex:F
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height Â….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
16. What exactly is happening?
17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?
19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.
1. ID:Chelsea33
2. Age:30
3. Sex:F
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height Â….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
16. What exactly is happening?
17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?
19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Dear David,
Thank you for your reply. I've did my best to answer fully all of your questions:
1. What exactly happens?: Loss of smell & taste.
2. Describe all sensations and pains: When I first starting experiencing anosmia (approx 2 months ago), I had an extremely runny nose. This has largely subsided, although it still runs sometimes and I sneeze quite a lot. I can't smell any thing at all.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?: Alcohol. Possibly some foods but unsure which.
4. What creates some relief for the problem? Nothing, steaming does not even help.
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?: Unsure. I have never had any sinus problems before this summer.
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?: Problem is constant.
7. When did the problem start?: About 2 months ago. What was happening in your life at that time? I was a bit sressed out with work and because life was so busy. I had been having a runny nose for most days prior to the onset of the anosmia and was thinking that I had an allergy to something. Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?: The problem was triggered whilst on a flight abroad and worsened after drinking alcohol.
1. What exactly happens?: Constipation (sometimes diarrhea). Main problem is excessive flatulence and feeling sick.
2. Describe all sensations and pains: Sometimes I feel that I am being 'poisoned' and feel better after moving bowels.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?: Alcohol. Possibly some foods but unsure which.
4. What creates some relief for the problem? Nothing at all.
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?: Unsure. The problem is pretty constant.
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?: Problem is constant. Gets worse as the day continues and as I get tired.
7. When did the problem start?: When I was 17 (13 years ago). What was happening in your life at that time?: I was sitting my final school exams.
Traumatic incidents that have taken place in life:
When I was around 7, I had my adenoids removed and I remember my nose bleeding heavily following the operation. At 17, I had a tonsillectomy and a week later had a haemorrhage; this was quite bad and I required a blood transfusion. At 22, I had to get cells removed from the cervix and subsequently had another haemorrhage; I have now developed a phobia to blood. The sight of it makes me weak at the knees.
Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life: By 'burying myself away in the books' (working hard) and comfort eating (especially sugary foods).
Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease: No real patterns; symptoms are pretty constant.
Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved:
My IBS symptoms prevent me from moving forward with my life; it's difficult to stay with friends,start new relationships with the other sex, go travelling, and social situations can be akward. I also generally feel ill all time, which often limits what I do.
Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases:
I didn't have any serious childhood diseases. My childhood was wonderful until I was 12/13. At this age, I became reacquainted with my birth father who died of a lung disease 8 months later. My mother and step-father were unhappy with me visiting him and relations between myself and my step-father subsequently deteriorated. As well as contending with these issues, I was simultaneously bullied and had to move schools. In the years that followed I slept and comfort ate a lot. I suffered from depression and took a few overdoses.
1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate: I crave sugar. I'm not that keen on meat & milk products.
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate: Coffee & I also like cold drinks.
3. What your sleep is like: I need sleeping tablets to get to sleep. I often wake up craving sugary foods.
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you: The heat sometimes aggravates me.
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to: I think that I am sensitive to foods but I'm not really sure which.
6. What your general level of energy is like: Low; I am constantly tired.
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like: I have a fairly high sex drive at times.
8. Describe your menstrual cycle: I menstruate for approx 4 days and it is fairly heavy.
a) Body type and build: I'm 5ft 6 and weigh 12.5 stone.
b) Skin colour and texture: Pale and soft skin.
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on: Under arms.
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine: Sweat does not smell. Stool does not smell particulary bad. Flatus can sometimes smell bad.
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat: Dark brown, medium yellow and clear, respectively.
10. Reactions to medicines: When previously in hospital, I noticed that my IBS symptoms were triggered when hooked up to a drip (unsure what kind of drip but presumably it was a glucose one).
Any remedy suggestions would be much appreciated,
Thank you for your reply. I've did my best to answer fully all of your questions:
1. What exactly happens?: Loss of smell & taste.
2. Describe all sensations and pains: When I first starting experiencing anosmia (approx 2 months ago), I had an extremely runny nose. This has largely subsided, although it still runs sometimes and I sneeze quite a lot. I can't smell any thing at all.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?: Alcohol. Possibly some foods but unsure which.
4. What creates some relief for the problem? Nothing, steaming does not even help.
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?: Unsure. I have never had any sinus problems before this summer.
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?: Problem is constant.
7. When did the problem start?: About 2 months ago. What was happening in your life at that time? I was a bit sressed out with work and because life was so busy. I had been having a runny nose for most days prior to the onset of the anosmia and was thinking that I had an allergy to something. Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?: The problem was triggered whilst on a flight abroad and worsened after drinking alcohol.
1. What exactly happens?: Constipation (sometimes diarrhea). Main problem is excessive flatulence and feeling sick.
2. Describe all sensations and pains: Sometimes I feel that I am being 'poisoned' and feel better after moving bowels.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?: Alcohol. Possibly some foods but unsure which.
4. What creates some relief for the problem? Nothing at all.
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?: Unsure. The problem is pretty constant.
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?: Problem is constant. Gets worse as the day continues and as I get tired.
7. When did the problem start?: When I was 17 (13 years ago). What was happening in your life at that time?: I was sitting my final school exams.
Traumatic incidents that have taken place in life:
When I was around 7, I had my adenoids removed and I remember my nose bleeding heavily following the operation. At 17, I had a tonsillectomy and a week later had a haemorrhage; this was quite bad and I required a blood transfusion. At 22, I had to get cells removed from the cervix and subsequently had another haemorrhage; I have now developed a phobia to blood. The sight of it makes me weak at the knees.
Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life: By 'burying myself away in the books' (working hard) and comfort eating (especially sugary foods).
Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease: No real patterns; symptoms are pretty constant.
Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved:
My IBS symptoms prevent me from moving forward with my life; it's difficult to stay with friends,start new relationships with the other sex, go travelling, and social situations can be akward. I also generally feel ill all time, which often limits what I do.
Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases:
I didn't have any serious childhood diseases. My childhood was wonderful until I was 12/13. At this age, I became reacquainted with my birth father who died of a lung disease 8 months later. My mother and step-father were unhappy with me visiting him and relations between myself and my step-father subsequently deteriorated. As well as contending with these issues, I was simultaneously bullied and had to move schools. In the years that followed I slept and comfort ate a lot. I suffered from depression and took a few overdoses.
1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate: I crave sugar. I'm not that keen on meat & milk products.
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate: Coffee & I also like cold drinks.
3. What your sleep is like: I need sleeping tablets to get to sleep. I often wake up craving sugary foods.
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you: The heat sometimes aggravates me.
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to: I think that I am sensitive to foods but I'm not really sure which.
6. What your general level of energy is like: Low; I am constantly tired.
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like: I have a fairly high sex drive at times.
8. Describe your menstrual cycle: I menstruate for approx 4 days and it is fairly heavy.
a) Body type and build: I'm 5ft 6 and weigh 12.5 stone.
b) Skin colour and texture: Pale and soft skin.
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on: Under arms.
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine: Sweat does not smell. Stool does not smell particulary bad. Flatus can sometimes smell bad.
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat: Dark brown, medium yellow and clear, respectively.
10. Reactions to medicines: When previously in hospital, I noticed that my IBS symptoms were triggered when hooked up to a drip (unsure what kind of drip but presumably it was a glucose one).
Any remedy suggestions would be much appreciated,
Chelsea33 last decade
Dear Nawaz,
I have just replied to David's request for further info (see above) and will answer the questions that David did not ask. In addition, I have thought of some more info that I did not include in my previous post to David.
1. ID:Chelsea33
2. Age:30
3. Sex:F
4. In relationship
5. weight: 12.5 stone
6. Height: 5ft 6 inches
7. country: UK
8. climate: Cold and damp
9. List of your complaints: IBS and Anosmia. I also suffer from stress and sleeping difficulties.
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint (anosmia: 2 months; IBS: 13 years),
11. Non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets
13. Thirst: Excessive
14. Tongue and Taste: No taste at moment.
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine): Don't know.
16. What exactly is happening?
I've recently lost my sense of smell and taste which is frustrating and depressing. I've suffered bad IBS symptoms for years: Mostly constipation and bad gas. It often feels that I'm being 'poisoned' and I feel better following a bowel movement.
17. How do you feel? Very tired.
18. How does this affect you? Depressed about poor health.
20. What comes to your mind? Just want to be happy again.
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? When relations with step-father broke down when I was 12/13.
22. How did that feel like? Devastating. Prior to that,I had a very good relationship with both him and my mother. But my home-life was thrown into disarray when they found out I was in contact with my birth father who at that time was nearing the end of his life.
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation? Uncomfortable/awkward being in family home/nervous.
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? I bite the skin around the sides of my finger nails.
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
When I first started having IBS symptoms, I was given nat mur 1M which alleviated a lot of the symptoms, but they didn't go away completely. I've also tried most of the more common homeopathic remedies but can't remember which ones.
26. Family Background
Father died of lung disease, his mother of old age, not sure about his father. My mother's mother committed suicide, her father is still alive and suffers from stomach problems and poor sinuses. My mother suffers from poor sinuses and hormonal problems.
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient: PhD.
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Researcher in University.
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food: I like sweet foods, not keen on dairy & meat.
30. Name of foods which increase your problem: Not sure. Possibly sugar and alcohol.
31. Mind-behavior:
I am fairly impatient; I am always on the go and like to get things done. I am ambitious. I would describe myself as a nervous person who worries a lot. I love animals and care a lot about the feelings of my friends and family. I feel that I haven't met the right partner yet but when I do, I will have a lot of love to give.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases): Unsure.
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)N/A
34. Location of the disease: Unsure
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body): Both
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.: Yellow urine, dark brown stool.
For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date?: Middle of month. No issues.
38. Are you pregnant? No.
Additional info: For as long as I can remember (until I was around 17), I suffered from severe genital itching; cause unknown. Additionally, my finger nails do not grow properly; they are weak and develop horizontal ridges which can be peeled off.
If you could suggest any remedies which may be beneficial that would be much appreciated,
I have just replied to David's request for further info (see above) and will answer the questions that David did not ask. In addition, I have thought of some more info that I did not include in my previous post to David.
1. ID:Chelsea33
2. Age:30
3. Sex:F
4. In relationship
5. weight: 12.5 stone
6. Height: 5ft 6 inches
7. country: UK
8. climate: Cold and damp
9. List of your complaints: IBS and Anosmia. I also suffer from stress and sleeping difficulties.
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint (anosmia: 2 months; IBS: 13 years),
11. Non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets
13. Thirst: Excessive
14. Tongue and Taste: No taste at moment.
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine): Don't know.
16. What exactly is happening?
I've recently lost my sense of smell and taste which is frustrating and depressing. I've suffered bad IBS symptoms for years: Mostly constipation and bad gas. It often feels that I'm being 'poisoned' and I feel better following a bowel movement.
17. How do you feel? Very tired.
18. How does this affect you? Depressed about poor health.
20. What comes to your mind? Just want to be happy again.
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? When relations with step-father broke down when I was 12/13.
22. How did that feel like? Devastating. Prior to that,I had a very good relationship with both him and my mother. But my home-life was thrown into disarray when they found out I was in contact with my birth father who at that time was nearing the end of his life.
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation? Uncomfortable/awkward being in family home/nervous.
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? I bite the skin around the sides of my finger nails.
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
When I first started having IBS symptoms, I was given nat mur 1M which alleviated a lot of the symptoms, but they didn't go away completely. I've also tried most of the more common homeopathic remedies but can't remember which ones.
26. Family Background
Father died of lung disease, his mother of old age, not sure about his father. My mother's mother committed suicide, her father is still alive and suffers from stomach problems and poor sinuses. My mother suffers from poor sinuses and hormonal problems.
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient: PhD.
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Researcher in University.
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food: I like sweet foods, not keen on dairy & meat.
30. Name of foods which increase your problem: Not sure. Possibly sugar and alcohol.
31. Mind-behavior:
I am fairly impatient; I am always on the go and like to get things done. I am ambitious. I would describe myself as a nervous person who worries a lot. I love animals and care a lot about the feelings of my friends and family. I feel that I haven't met the right partner yet but when I do, I will have a lot of love to give.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases): Unsure.
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)N/A
34. Location of the disease: Unsure
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body): Both
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.: Yellow urine, dark brown stool.
For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date?: Middle of month. No issues.
38. Are you pregnant? No.
Additional info: For as long as I can remember (until I was around 17), I suffered from severe genital itching; cause unknown. Additionally, my finger nails do not grow properly; they are weak and develop horizontal ridges which can be peeled off.
If you could suggest any remedies which may be beneficial that would be much appreciated,
Chelsea33 last decade
Ok I need some more information to make a prescription with confidence.
It is important not to give single words or names of your conditions, but to fully expand on them as much as possible. We don't give remedies for 'headache' for example but need to know what pain, where the pain is, what the pain does, what makes it worse, what makes it better and what occurs with it.
Describe the sensation of 'being poisoned'.
Describe feeling 'sick'. When do you feel this, what exactly do you feel?
Describe the constipation in more detail, when does it happen, what does it feel like to be constipated. How close to the exams at 17 did this occur, and what was the problem at this time for you?
Describe more on what the sight of blood does to you, what exactly is 'weak at the knees'? What feeling or thoughts does it produce?
Describe more on 'working hard'.
Describe more on 'comfort eating'.
Why do you need sleeping tablets to go to sleep?
What form do you crave sugar in?
What does your flatus smell like?
What fears do you have?
What things in your life (not physical) create the biggest issues or problems for you?
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
It is important not to give single words or names of your conditions, but to fully expand on them as much as possible. We don't give remedies for 'headache' for example but need to know what pain, where the pain is, what the pain does, what makes it worse, what makes it better and what occurs with it.
Describe the sensation of 'being poisoned'.
Describe feeling 'sick'. When do you feel this, what exactly do you feel?
Describe the constipation in more detail, when does it happen, what does it feel like to be constipated. How close to the exams at 17 did this occur, and what was the problem at this time for you?
Describe more on what the sight of blood does to you, what exactly is 'weak at the knees'? What feeling or thoughts does it produce?
Describe more on 'working hard'.
Describe more on 'comfort eating'.
Why do you need sleeping tablets to go to sleep?
What form do you crave sugar in?
What does your flatus smell like?
What fears do you have?
What things in your life (not physical) create the biggest issues or problems for you?
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Any issues with toenails?
What do you take for breakfast and how do you feel after breakfast?
'I suffered from severe genital itching;'
What is the condition now?
Do you cry a lot? If yes, in what situations?
Any issues with toenails?
What do you take for breakfast and how do you feel after breakfast?
'I suffered from severe genital itching;'
What is the condition now?
Do you cry a lot? If yes, in what situations?
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Hi David,
Thank you for your reply.
1.Describe the sensation of 'being poisoned': I might have used too strong a terminology here, but basically, it's like there's something that my body doesn't like and feels better for getting rid of. I don't know if this is related to food intolerances, candida, some kind of gut flora imbalance etc. (I've never been able to get to the bottom of this).
2. Describe feeling 'sick'. When do you feel this, what exactly do you feel?: It's not the kind of feeling where I think that I'm actually going to throw up. It's more of a general stomach discomfort due to the gas. Before the IBS started however, I used to feel physically sick and anxious every day on the way to school. I was being bullied at achool and this anxiety continued when I moved to the new school. However,I eventually settled in to the new school and enjoyed my time there.
3. Describe the constipation in more detail, when does it happen, what does it feel like to be constipated. How close to the exams at 17 did this occur, and what was the problem at this time for you?: Since the IBS started, I don't get 'normal' bowel urges any more. I get bloated and I can go for days without going to the toilet unless I force myself to try. The problems started when I was studying for my exams. I have always been bright but missed a lot of school due to being bullied/having to move schools and having to spend a few months in a day centre for adolescents with emotional problems. The exams were my last chance of getting some good qualifications and getting into uni. I remember cramming every last piece of information into my head and drinking lots of coffee to keep me awake at night so I could study longer. I passed the exams with flying colours but before I even got the results I started feeling ill and have never felt well since.
4.Describe more on what the sight of blood does to you, what exactly is 'weak at the knees'?: I feel really queasy and that I might faint (during one of my haemorrages I did faint and then threw up a lot of blood I had swallowed from my throat). What feeling or thoughts does it produce? : I just think about my past negative experiences with blood.
5.Describe more on 'working hard'. I am an academic and will bury myself away in my office for hours just reading and writing. It makes me happy and takes my mind off anything negative that's going on in my life.
6. Describe more on 'comfort eating'. When I was a teenager, I would eat whole packets of chocolate biscuits at once. I still eat a lot of sweet things. It is only with hindsight that I realise that I comfort ate through my teenage years.
7.Why do you need sleeping tablets to go to sleep? When I started getting IBS I couldn't understand what was happening to me. I had never had bowel problems before and my GP couldn't help. The symptoms made most social situations awkard so I stopped socialising. This was hard as I had always been a sociable person and got on well with people.So, it was really the worry of it all, aswell as the fact that my stomach was so uncomfortable at the time (always producing gas) that I just stopped being able to sleep. The stomach is not as bad as it was then (after a homeopath gave me nat mur 1M) but it is still quite bad. I sleep better but still have problems nodding off.
What form do you crave sugar in?: Chocolate bars, biscuits.
What does your flatus smell like?: It differs depending on what I eat. Sometimes it is like pure methane.
What fears do you have? I am scared of being trapped, in either a physical place or in an unhappy relationship.
What things in your life (not physical) create the biggest issues or problems for you?: There were a lot of family issues whilst I was a teenager (I have already discussed these). At the moment, I have found myself in an unhappy relationship. We have been together 2 years and most of it has been quite stressful, but we are actually in the middle of moving out our house and next week will be separated.
Please let me know if you require any additional info and thanks for taking the time to read my case,
Thank you for your reply.
1.Describe the sensation of 'being poisoned': I might have used too strong a terminology here, but basically, it's like there's something that my body doesn't like and feels better for getting rid of. I don't know if this is related to food intolerances, candida, some kind of gut flora imbalance etc. (I've never been able to get to the bottom of this).
2. Describe feeling 'sick'. When do you feel this, what exactly do you feel?: It's not the kind of feeling where I think that I'm actually going to throw up. It's more of a general stomach discomfort due to the gas. Before the IBS started however, I used to feel physically sick and anxious every day on the way to school. I was being bullied at achool and this anxiety continued when I moved to the new school. However,I eventually settled in to the new school and enjoyed my time there.
3. Describe the constipation in more detail, when does it happen, what does it feel like to be constipated. How close to the exams at 17 did this occur, and what was the problem at this time for you?: Since the IBS started, I don't get 'normal' bowel urges any more. I get bloated and I can go for days without going to the toilet unless I force myself to try. The problems started when I was studying for my exams. I have always been bright but missed a lot of school due to being bullied/having to move schools and having to spend a few months in a day centre for adolescents with emotional problems. The exams were my last chance of getting some good qualifications and getting into uni. I remember cramming every last piece of information into my head and drinking lots of coffee to keep me awake at night so I could study longer. I passed the exams with flying colours but before I even got the results I started feeling ill and have never felt well since.
4.Describe more on what the sight of blood does to you, what exactly is 'weak at the knees'?: I feel really queasy and that I might faint (during one of my haemorrages I did faint and then threw up a lot of blood I had swallowed from my throat). What feeling or thoughts does it produce? : I just think about my past negative experiences with blood.
5.Describe more on 'working hard'. I am an academic and will bury myself away in my office for hours just reading and writing. It makes me happy and takes my mind off anything negative that's going on in my life.
6. Describe more on 'comfort eating'. When I was a teenager, I would eat whole packets of chocolate biscuits at once. I still eat a lot of sweet things. It is only with hindsight that I realise that I comfort ate through my teenage years.
7.Why do you need sleeping tablets to go to sleep? When I started getting IBS I couldn't understand what was happening to me. I had never had bowel problems before and my GP couldn't help. The symptoms made most social situations awkard so I stopped socialising. This was hard as I had always been a sociable person and got on well with people.So, it was really the worry of it all, aswell as the fact that my stomach was so uncomfortable at the time (always producing gas) that I just stopped being able to sleep. The stomach is not as bad as it was then (after a homeopath gave me nat mur 1M) but it is still quite bad. I sleep better but still have problems nodding off.
What form do you crave sugar in?: Chocolate bars, biscuits.
What does your flatus smell like?: It differs depending on what I eat. Sometimes it is like pure methane.
What fears do you have? I am scared of being trapped, in either a physical place or in an unhappy relationship.
What things in your life (not physical) create the biggest issues or problems for you?: There were a lot of family issues whilst I was a teenager (I have already discussed these). At the moment, I have found myself in an unhappy relationship. We have been together 2 years and most of it has been quite stressful, but we are actually in the middle of moving out our house and next week will be separated.
Please let me know if you require any additional info and thanks for taking the time to read my case,
Chelsea33 last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi Nawaz,
Thank you for your reply.
1.Any issues with toenails? I have had a severe fungal toenail infection before and sometimes they look a little yellow.
2. What do you take for breakfast and how do you feel after breakfast? I take fruit as it is light on my stomach. After breakfast I feel quite good, my IBS symptoms and amnosia get worse as the day continues.
3.'I suffered from severe genital itching;'
What is the condition now? I don't know. It just stopped. Someone has suggested to me know that I have candida and that perhaps the symptoms have shifted and it is now deep in my bowels. That is, I may have systemic candida as this could explain a lot of my health problems. I just don't know. I do feel better following a low-sugar diet, but symptoms never completely disappear.
4.Do you cry a lot? If yes, in what situations? Not that often. Mostly when I'm feeling really tired and when everything is getting on top of me. Lately, I have been becoming more angray and frustrated as opposed to becoming upset.
I hope this info helps youo with my case
Thanks again,
Thank you for your reply.
1.Any issues with toenails? I have had a severe fungal toenail infection before and sometimes they look a little yellow.
2. What do you take for breakfast and how do you feel after breakfast? I take fruit as it is light on my stomach. After breakfast I feel quite good, my IBS symptoms and amnosia get worse as the day continues.
3.'I suffered from severe genital itching;'
What is the condition now? I don't know. It just stopped. Someone has suggested to me know that I have candida and that perhaps the symptoms have shifted and it is now deep in my bowels. That is, I may have systemic candida as this could explain a lot of my health problems. I just don't know. I do feel better following a low-sugar diet, but symptoms never completely disappear.
4.Do you cry a lot? If yes, in what situations? Not that often. Mostly when I'm feeling really tired and when everything is getting on top of me. Lately, I have been becoming more angray and frustrated as opposed to becoming upset.
I hope this info helps youo with my case
Thanks again,
Chelsea33 last decade
Hi David,
I have previously been to see two homeopaths. The first when I was 17 and the symptoms began. The second, about four years back.
I was given nat mur by the first homeopath, I think I had to take it once at night, once the next morning and once at night again. Following that, we tried many different remedies, I'm not sure if I had nux vom.
The second homeopath tried me on nat mur again (I can't remember the doses) and it didn't do anything. We also tried lots of different things and I can't remember what. I do remember that we tried a candida remedy though. So, the short answer is, I don't know-sorry!
I have previously been to see two homeopaths. The first when I was 17 and the symptoms began. The second, about four years back.
I was given nat mur by the first homeopath, I think I had to take it once at night, once the next morning and once at night again. Following that, we tried many different remedies, I'm not sure if I had nux vom.
The second homeopath tried me on nat mur again (I can't remember the doses) and it didn't do anything. We also tried lots of different things and I can't remember what. I do remember that we tried a candida remedy though. So, the short answer is, I don't know-sorry!
Chelsea33 last decade
Well I think that Nux-vomica is worth a shot. I would suggest 200c, a single dose.
Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.
Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).
Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. I would suggest 1/4 cup at first. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.
This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.
Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 12:41:52 BST]
Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.
Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).
Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. I would suggest 1/4 cup at first. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.
This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.
Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 12:41:52 BST]
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Please take Nux Vomica 30C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Hopefully, the remedy will remove the bad effects of alcohol and solve your other issues.
Down the road, we may need Lemna Minor 30C and Abrotanum 30C. Let's see how it goes.
Report progress after 3 days.
Many prayers for your healthy and happy life.
Please take Nux Vomica 30C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Hopefully, the remedy will remove the bad effects of alcohol and solve your other issues.
Down the road, we may need Lemna Minor 30C and Abrotanum 30C. Let's see how it goes.
Report progress after 3 days.
Many prayers for your healthy and happy life.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Dear David and Nawaz,
Thank you for your remedy suggestions. I am going to order Nux Vom tomorrow although I don't know whether to order 30c or 200c. Is there much of a difference?
Thank you for your remedy suggestions. I am going to order Nux Vom tomorrow although I don't know whether to order 30c or 200c. Is there much of a difference?
Chelsea33 last decade
Well this might the first time we have agreed on a remedy. Interesting.
I would disagree on dosage - I think 15 doses of a 30c is way too much. If you wanted to use 30c, I would suggest no more than 3 doses, one taken each 1-2 days, and stopping the remedy as soon as there is an aggravation.
If you use 200c, then one single dose is appropriate, until we assess the response.
It is also important to follow all the steps I mentioned, especially the making of a dosing bottle which is hit against the palm of the hand. This is called succussion, and it alters the strength of the remedy a little between each dose, making the remedy more effective. Without succussion the remedy becomes less effective and may actually cease to have an effect.
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Dip.Hom.Med 1994
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 21:00:40 BST]
I would disagree on dosage - I think 15 doses of a 30c is way too much. If you wanted to use 30c, I would suggest no more than 3 doses, one taken each 1-2 days, and stopping the remedy as soon as there is an aggravation.
If you use 200c, then one single dose is appropriate, until we assess the response.
It is also important to follow all the steps I mentioned, especially the making of a dosing bottle which is hit against the palm of the hand. This is called succussion, and it alters the strength of the remedy a little between each dose, making the remedy more effective. Without succussion the remedy becomes less effective and may actually cease to have an effect.
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Dip.Hom.Med 1994
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 21:00:40 BST]
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi David,
thank you for your swift response. OK- I will go with 200c, at least that way the dosage can be increased if necessary. I've already bought the mixing bottle and the remedy will take a few days to come when ordered. When you say mix the water with alcohol, which type of alcohol should I use?
thank you for your swift response. OK- I will go with 200c, at least that way the dosage can be increased if necessary. I've already bought the mixing bottle and the remedy will take a few days to come when ordered. When you say mix the water with alcohol, which type of alcohol should I use?
Chelsea33 last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Chelsea33 last decade
Dear David (and Nawaz),
I received the Nux Vom (200c) remedy three days ago. I made a dosing bottle and took a single dose immediately(I followed David's instructions exactly). Since then, my IBS symptoms have got worse-I'm going to the toilet 5 times ago. What should I do?
Kind Regards
I received the Nux Vom (200c) remedy three days ago. I made a dosing bottle and took a single dose immediately(I followed David's instructions exactly). Since then, my IBS symptoms have got worse-I'm going to the toilet 5 times ago. What should I do?
Kind Regards
Chelsea33 last decade
Worsening of symptoms is often the first sign that a remedy is working.
In what other way apart from frequency are your symptoms worse?
How have the rest of your symptoms been affected ie. have any changed in a positive way?
In what other way apart from frequency are your symptoms worse?
How have the rest of your symptoms been affected ie. have any changed in a positive way?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
That is the only negative symptom. I do feel that my mood has significantly improved.
That is the only negative symptom. I do feel that my mood has significantly improved.
Chelsea33 last decade
Excellent. This is likely to be what we call direction of cure. Symptoms in more important places (mood/mental) improve while symptoms in less important places (physical) aggravate. Just keep an eye on things, if there is no improvement after 7 days we may need to step in, but it is vital not to interfere with the curative process.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
This is what exactly I was expecting, the aggravation due to the wrong potency 200C.
Please stop the remedy and take Nux Vomica 30C as suggested, if you really want to get well?
Please stop the remedy and take Nux Vomica 30C as suggested, if you really want to get well?
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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