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Yes I think I was pursuing the wrong words. In clinic, in a face-to-face situation, there are a number of clues that allow me to see which words are more important. Here I have to make educated guesses.
However you have described the state of Lac-caninum. Can you get 200c of this remedy?
However you have described the state of Lac-caninum. Can you get 200c of this remedy?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Lac - caninum is not something the person I've been seeing has recommended. I couldl ask her aobut it. I guess I could order it through this website. Does this rmedy seem so clear to you for me, compared to say lycopodium or others which havea lardeady been recommended?
D.S.B. last decade
Yes I try to be as sure as possible, which is why I spend so much time asking questions and clarifying the answers you give.
You aren't going to get the same prescriptions from other homoeopaths. My method, the Sensation method of Dr. Sankaran, while very popular now is still not practiced by everyone.
You have presented a clear Animal kingdom problem - comparison between yourself and others, with a feeling of being ugly, inferior or low. The mammals in particular have strong feelings of being looked down upon. And in fact, our best known mammal remedy that feels others look down upon them is Lac-caninum. The Animal remedies have a sense of duality, of two sides, one human the other is something else.
The issue of the Dog is loyalty, and having that loyalty abused. The are very aware of the low place in the social hierarchy they occupy, and that they will never really be equal to others. To maintain whatever position they have they show strong loyalty. But they continue to feel ugly, inferior, less than others, ashamed of their bodies.
Lac-canium is one of the few remedies that appears in the symptom 'Sensation of floating in bed'.
You aren't going to get the same prescriptions from other homoeopaths. My method, the Sensation method of Dr. Sankaran, while very popular now is still not practiced by everyone.
You have presented a clear Animal kingdom problem - comparison between yourself and others, with a feeling of being ugly, inferior or low. The mammals in particular have strong feelings of being looked down upon. And in fact, our best known mammal remedy that feels others look down upon them is Lac-caninum. The Animal remedies have a sense of duality, of two sides, one human the other is something else.
The issue of the Dog is loyalty, and having that loyalty abused. The are very aware of the low place in the social hierarchy they occupy, and that they will never really be equal to others. To maintain whatever position they have they show strong loyalty. But they continue to feel ugly, inferior, less than others, ashamed of their bodies.
Lac-canium is one of the few remedies that appears in the symptom 'Sensation of floating in bed'.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Let's say it is not the best choice - what would be the results?
Also, how many pellets should I take, and for how long? Shouldn't I let my N.D. know before I take this?
Thank you again for your patience and time....
Also, how many pellets should I take, and for how long? Shouldn't I let my N.D. know before I take this?
Thank you again for your patience and time....
D.S.B. last decade
My constitutional type seems to be lycopodium. Why not use the mosst potent dose? The N.D. seems to want to work with 1 m and 10 m. There are higher potencies....
Thank you again...
Thank you again...
D.S.B. last decade
I am a professional classically trained homoeopath with almost 20 years of clinical experience. Do you believe that this level of experience means I have no idea what I am doing? You wanted my opinion and it is that Lycopodium does not fit your case.
Why did you make me go to all this trouble to take and analyse your case if you had no intention of following my advice? I do not have the time to waste doing this if you are going to play games with me. There are many people who are are serious about seeking help, and I barely have enough time to deal with their problems much less use up that precious time this way.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 28 Jan 2012 11:42:43 GMT]
Why did you make me go to all this trouble to take and analyse your case if you had no intention of following my advice? I do not have the time to waste doing this if you are going to play games with me. There are many people who are are serious about seeking help, and I barely have enough time to deal with their problems much less use up that precious time this way.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 28 Jan 2012 11:42:43 GMT]
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you for telling me this. Because, I bought, I did buy, the remedy you recommended; I just have a way of going around in circles (fear, I guess), which is exactly why I kept asking about lycopodium. Wow, okay, that lycopodium does not fit my case, fine. And, I have a lot of depsair that anything can help, which may fit actually with the remedy you recommend. It is difficult to adhere to one thing when one has little confidence in one's own existence, I think. There may be an underlying resistance to get helped, but many have told me otherwise, their intuition has told them otherwise, after talking to me. The fact is, I intend to take the remedy you recommend. And, I always ask questions, the way I do things, perhaps unfortunately.
So, how much and for how long, in pellets, would you recommend?
Thank you much.
So, how much and for how long, in pellets, would you recommend?
Thank you much.
D.S.B. last decade
I have receieved the lac caninum. How much and for how long do you recommend I take it for now?
D.S.B. last decade
Okay. I took the lac caninum about two weeks ago (?) as recommended. Do I notice a difference from a week ago? I would say no. Perhaps, someone else would. Perhaps, if you had certain things for me to pay attention to, I could tell you if they've changed. But, re. sinking into bed, vs. floating sought of on it, it's about the same. My fears are just as strong, if not stronger, and my imagination in the world of fear is about the same I would say, maybe less. So, overall, I would say I don't see a difference in these things. What do you recommend? Do you have any questions?
Thank you
Thank you
D.S.B. last decade
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