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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

adhd son - 7 year old

I am writing to see what best homeopathic remedy there is for adhd. My son has been on medication but his heart rate increased so we have cut the medication down and started him on the homeopathic remedy Synaptol. I don't feel it has helped at all. Seemed to at first but it may be missing something he needs. Want to try something different. He will still be taking his prescribed medication at low levels until we find a working homeopathic medication. His symptoms are as follows:
hyper (before medication)
temper when mad
hard concentration in class (at times)
talks over people
These are my main concers.
Thank you
  Branmika7 on 2012-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Synaptol is a combination of several medicines and I stronly recommend to stop and wait for 3 to 5 days, before starting the below medicine.

ADHD shows two things: nutritional deficiency and excess irritating toxins in the blood. fixing these two has invariably reversed adhd in every case.

Give 1/2 Carrot and 1 Apple blended together everyday. You can juice or shred it, but it should be freshly made. Cut down all junk food, sugars, snacks that has artifical flavors or coloring agent.

For medicine, I would suggest to give Apis Mel 30, 2 pellets, every morning for 3 days and write back.

For general information, please read my profile. I would like to know the state and country where you live.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Thank you. I will order the pellets and try. It is still ok for us to give him his adhd med at the low dose we are doing correct? He needs this for concentration. Typically, only in school. On weekends at home he does not get it unless he needs it. I am in the US in Ohio.
Thank you
Branmika7 last decade
Is the Apis Mel 30 the same as the Apis Mellifica. And is it the 30X? Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Can you describe your child's personality in details , his likes and dislikes , fears , what make him happy and what makes him angry .

Please also describe any oddities and pecularities and embarassing behavoiurs ( if any ) that you have noticed .

Please be as descriptive and detailed as possible.
vikas_grower last decade
Yes, Apis Melifica. It is 30c, not 30x. You can get from your local health food store, say, Whole Foods or Sprouts.

Let me clarify regarding Vikas's questions. That is the classical approach to prescribe based on all collected symptoms and wait for the results.

However, I started with this classical approach, but learned over years of practice that it is only few remedies that help for ADHD consistently. I also found the importance on fixing food habits for lasting success. Please stay on my plan and you will see results.

Yes, continue with your current allopathic medication, till Homeopathic medicines take over.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Thank you Reva. I will order the Apis Melifica 30 C from ABC Homeopathy as we do not have a Whole foods or Sprouts nearby. The Health Store we do have doesn't carry this.
Thank you and I will stay with your guidance only.
Out of curiosity, Are you a Homeopathic Doctor, do you practice? I like to know who I am talking with. It looks like you have great experience and I am willing to try what you suggested. I will order and let you know. I may wait to start this April 9th while my son is on Spring Break so that I can monitor him fully. Never know what happens while in school. Thank you again.
Branmika7 last decade
If you dont have a store nearby and you are ordering from online, I would suggest you to add these two medicines for near future use:

Arsenicum Album 30c
Cypripedium 30c

Sure, you have rights to know. Yes, I practice in a small town in Tamilnadu, India, but currently in US.

Apis Mel 30 is very safe and have been tried in many cases and you can confidently give, even during the school days (or weekends). You are likely to notice a frequent urination and hence never given in the night. This is very temporary. This is the path Apis promotes to release toxins in the blood.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva I am ordering the 3 homeopathic remedies today and will begin with the Apis Mel 30C when I get it. You also have me getting the Arsenicum 30C and Cypripedium 30C for future use. What is there purpose for ADHD. I ask because there are so many listings when you look up a remedy that I cannot distinguish the use. Also, are there any future remedies needed or are these 3 the main ones. Also, what is C in 30C mean?
My chiropractor is a nutritional practitioner also. She does a Nutrition test using the muscles (not sure what it is exactly called). She tested my son and she said that his adhd medication Focalin doesn't agree with him and that the Synaptol (which we will be taking him off of to start your regimen) has something in it that agrees with him and others that do not. Hard for her to tell what since it has so many different remedies in it. I know that when he started the Synaptol after 3-5 days he urinated alot and went to bed and slept really well (no fears of being by himself upstairs)and his behavior improved. Seems now it does nothing really for him. Anyway, I will be starting this as soon as I get it, I am hoping you will be available to see us through this?? In other words I hope you do not leave the forum. Are you typically available incase questions arise while using this remedy? I appreciate your help. Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Reva, I am ordering the remedies right now but the Arsenicum shows several different types. Not sure which one to get? Please adivse.
Branmika7 last decade
ARSENICUM ALBUM 30c. When Apis Mel 30c arrives, please start giving and write back,

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva V. I am starting the Apils Mel 30C tomorrow for my 7 year old son. I will contact you in 3 days (Tuesday) for further instructions. Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Thank you for ack

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva V. I have given my son Apis Mel 30 C for 3 days. You wanted me to write back. I noticed a little more frequent urination last evening. He is sick with a cold/cough right now so not really sure if I am seeing much difference yet. I have been giving him the apple and carrot blended. I don't have a juicer. Please advise next step. Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Please wait for his cough and cold to get over, before some doses of Apis is given.

For seasonal cough in kids, I found Probiotics doing the magic. The one I consistently using with my patients are Garden of Life's Kids Probiotics sold for ~$16. You can buy any probiotic, if you cannot find this. One teaspoon twice a day for 2 or 3 days accelerates recovery, permanently.

Please write to me after he got well with cold.

With Prayers,
Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva V. My son has one more day on his antibiotic. I would like to know if we can start the Apis Mel then.
He had a sinus infection.
Thank you
Branmika7 last decade
Good to know your son is recovering from cold. Please let me know whether you ordered the other medicines (Ars, Cyper) and I can suggest the dosage accordingly.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Hello Reva V. I have all 3 that you told me to get. Do you also want me to continue giving him the Apple and Carrot daily?
Thank you
Branmika7 last decade
Hello Reva V.

I am not sure if my last post got to you. I would like to start this immediately. Please let me know what doses to use as well as if I should continue carrot and apple mixture? Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Please give Apis Mel 30 - 1 dose in the morning and Ars Alb 30 - 1 dose in the evening.

Please repeat this for 3 days only and report me.

It is important to monitor the behavior during these 3 days and let me know.

I have found amazing cures by using a small set of medicines, permanently. Have confidence and report back.

If there is any other common health problems you want me to know, you can fill the standard questions (say from Nawaz Khan's post).

Reva V
Reva V last decade
What is the dose for both these medicines? 2 pellets?
Also do I still give carrot and apple blended together?
Since it is important to monitor his behavior for the 3 days I will wait until Wednesday when his Spring Break from school begins, so I can personally monitor him here at home. Please advise on dosing as well as carrot and apple. Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Hi Branmike, click on Reva V name
and her profile will come up- you can
read on there what she says is the dose
with pellets.
simone717 last decade
Hi Branmika,

2 pellets is enough for a dose. Please make sure, you dont give water, during, before or after the medicine for 15 to 30 minutes.

Carrot and Apple blended is a very good nutrition for the entire system. If it is too difficult to give, you can give a spoon of cottage cheese (organic preferred), mixed with some freshly ground flax seed, once in the morning.

Thanks Simone.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva V.Hello. Is it best to drop pellets on tongue or under tongue? Also, I am starting them tomorrow morning. I will contact you after 3 days on his behavior. The 4th day will be a Saturday. Will you be available. If he is doing fine do I continue and for how long? Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Hi Branmika,
on the tongue is fine. I never suggested anyone to do under the tongue. Yes, I am available during the weekend.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva V. We are on 4th day now. Not too much of a change yet. Seems a little more thirstier today but was running around alot with his friends this morning so not really sure if this is important. I noticed yesterday his eyes seemed a little glassy. Today not so much.
Branmika7 last decade

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