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adhd son - 7 year old Page 3 of 3

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Please continue with Cypre as long as you see a progress on the weekly basis. This means, this week should be better than the previous week in any behavior of other means. As long this happens, the medicine continue to help and let us take advantage of it.

I found Cypre addressing the root of the problem, which lies in the gut. Hence every symptom, including hyper will eventually be addressed. We can give the follow up medicine if certain symptoms remain unaddressed or too slow to make the change.

You can write to me once in 2 weeks or early, if it is not too difficult for you.

With Prayers,
Reva V
Reva V last decade
Hello Reva. Sorry it took so long for me to write back. Been a very busy summer here. Brandon continues to do well with his behavior on the Cypre. I have just made another solution of the 4 pellets dissolved in 200 ml of water. The only problem we still have to address is the hyperness. I am giving him 2 half pills of his adhd meds still. He gets easlily hyper. Is there anything you had me get that we can try for it. I want to keep him on the cypre because it works great for his behavior. Or should we give it more time. I would like to get some of this hyper controlled before school starts in August if at all possible. Also, what are the recommendations on the Cypre. Is this something I will have to give him for years to come to keep his behavior controlled? Or can it be stopped at some point? Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
medicines are required only till gut flora is formed. It is important to stop taking allopathic medicine to allow full gut flora formation. We can target to slowly taper it down in the next few weeks.

Please get Antimonium Crud 30 and give the wet dose, twice a day for 2 days and write back. You can stop giving Cypre for these 2 days to make sure, we know the action of Antimonium Crud. If it is too long a wait time, before you can get Antimonium crud on hand, you can use Apis Mel 30 in the same place (which you already have) and write back in 2 days. In the mean time you can order Antimonium Crud. Most natural food stores carry Antimonium Crud.

If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to write back.

With Prayers,
Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva V. I have given the Antimonim Crud 30 for 2 1/2 days now. I stopped the Cypre. He is not really bad with his behavior as before the Cypre but we do see a little more mouthiness with him. He is a happy child still but a little mouthy. Not a real big change giving him the Antimonium Crud. One thing I noticed today is that he hardly ate until supper time. I am not sure if the 2 doses a day on the anti crud is too much for him. This may not have anything to do with it either. Let me know what route you want me to take now please. thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
Reva V. Not sure if you received the previous thread regarding the Cypre. As of today Brandon has been on the Antimonium Crud for almost 4 days. He did seem a little better with his hyperness today. He is still of course somewhat hyper but it may be too early to tell. Can we give the Cypre again also? We notice some behavioral issues since stopping it. If so, should we give at different times than the Antimonim Crud or the same time. Should we wait on giving the Cyper for awhile to see if the Antimonim Crud will work? Also, I want to make sure the wet dose is the same as what you told me last time. 4 Pellets diluted in 200 ML of water? Thank you for your time.
[message edited by Branmika7 on Tue, 17 Jul 2012 04:56:07 BST]
Branmika7 last decade
Reva V. I hope you are still on here. I posted twice with no reply. Need your advice asap. Thank you.
Branmika7 last decade
I am sorry for the late reply. I was making some travel arrangement and could not attend to this promptly.

I suggest to continue with Antimonium Crud 30c, only once a day for the next 3 days and then stop. Yes, wet dose preperation is correct. You can hardly over dose, when given in wet dose with Antim Curd, especially during the summer time. Antim Crud really helps with summer complaints.

After this 3 days, please note the symptoms and then start with Cyper again, once a day and increasing to twice only if needed.

I will be travelling for the next 2 to 3 weeks and please expect delay (to no reply) during this time. If you need urgent medicines, please start a new thread or request any one else to help you. I have great regards to every one in this forum for their selfless efforts they put to uplift the suffering humanity to best of thier possibility.

With Prayers,

Reva V
Reva V last decade

I would like to mark this thread as i am afraid my 7 yr old is also having same problem.

Best of Luck to your son Branmika

Hannah Hannah last decade
Reva V. We are having a problem with morning behavior and he is very hyper. The only way to calm this is to give him his adhd medication at 1/2 tab sometimes twice daily. I am giving him the Cypripedium diluted still also. I am concerned as school starts in a couple weeks and he will have to go to 2 half pills a day to focus and behave if I can't get this more under control with the homeopathic med. Not sure what to do?
Branmika7 last decade
That is fine. You can give the medication as necessary till the Homeopathic medicine takes over.

If Cypripedium is not helping now, I would suggest you to pay attention to his diet (GAPS diets as close as possible).

Please order SACCHARUM OFFICINALE 30c and 200c and let me know as soon as you receive them. In the mean time, please give Apis Mel 30c, once in the morning and continue with Cypr.

My appologies for late reply, since I had some more travel again this week.

With Prayers,
Reva V
Reva V last decade
Reva v.
First off I assume the reply was for me. You wrote the title to Hannah so I want to make sure this was for me. I assume you want the wet dose of the Apis Mel 30C also as well as the wet dose of the Cypripedium? I will order the other you request. What is that for? Thank you for your reply.
Branmika7 last decade
Hi Ronda

I am sorry for messing the name. Yes it was addressed to you.

You can give Apis either a pills or in wet dose. Please watch for changes especially in the first two days, as Apis works faster.

The new medicine is for hyper. It is clinically found to reduce yeast in the intestine. ADHD patients are clinically found to have poor digestion leading to yeast

Reba V
Reva V last decade
Hello Reva V.
I wanted to let you know that I have been giving Brandon a daily Probiotic (just started it Wednesday). It is Animal Parade Brand from a health food store. It is Acidophi Kidz with Probiotics, FOS,Rhododendron. Should I still give the Saccharum Officinale since he is taking the Probiotic. I also started him on a Pure Fish Oil with DHA and EPA. He was taking fish oil in the past but this is a Good Brand. Please let me know if you want me to still give the new med. Also, what are signs if any I should watch for with the new med? Thank you for your time. It is greatly appreciated.
Branmika7 last decade
Ms Ronda,

Fish oil and probiotic is a great addition. I have been exclusively giving 6 of my adhd patients with Cod Liver Oil only (from Carlson) to understand its benefit and was very impressed with its benefit (esp calming the mind) in 3 weeks.

the down side of these supplements only approach is, they work, only as long as it is given. Succrose can help to rebuild good bacteria on its own and hence supplement given for a short time is sufficient to entirely rebuild the system. I am also giving Cod liver oil in homeopathic form (Oleum J 3x) and seeing a similar benefit and I beleive this could be of lasting benefit.

Please continue with these supplments and complement with Succ.

If you see any benefit from probiotic and Cod liver oil so far, please write back.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Hi, Dr. Reva V.--- I posted long before about my 7 years old who is not diagnosed yet, but practically speaking he has high functioning autism (Aspie), on top there is layer of ADHD (I believe).

Since last years homeopathy treatment his syphilic layer has been taken off with baryta carb-Sulfur, right now he is in the process of layering off his tubercular layer (for which he is using coffea cruda for attention and focus issues).

He is getting benefit out of coffea for his inattention-focus problem, but his behavior is not good enough, he gets very agitated when situation is changing or other boys or girls putting him into trouble (as he is almost as Aspie with very high intelligence, but zero social skill).

I tried cypre for behavior issues, it helped on that part, but it brings up lots of ideas and creativity in his brain/mind (that he can't control), so he can't provide objective focus which is must in school.

My question is, can Cypre be given in the afternoon and coffea cruda LM is given before going to bed or late evening?
Can these be continued together?

Dr. Reva V -- I am enthusiastically looking forward to your response, if both can be given in same day?

He got a detoxification with Apis Mel-30 for 2-3 days, it helped some.

But cypre is one of the fittest just like coffea, it is reducing over stimulation of his brain, he is behaviorally better than coffea, but attention wise worse than coffea.

Please help!!!
mirrorlight73 last decade
What I would recommend is to fill the pills of Cypre in a glass bottle and just put next to his skin for the whole day (in his pant pocket for example). This should help him 24x7. Don't give inside. Homeopathic remedies work on energy level.

Now you can try Coffea LM in the night.

Please report back the result in 3 days, as you seem to have a good sense of what is going on fairly quickly.

Reva V
Reva V last decade

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