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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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HI doctor Still no improvement is seen in my condition .
I mean tha attacks are still as usual...
ptappeta last decade
What have you been taking for the last 3 days?

Please give details of your mental and all physical symptoms at the moment?
nawazkhan last decade
I have been taking sulphur.
I was taking rice two times a day with curries .Also I took vegitables like beetroot,carrot,okra etc.
I had taken lamb as well.
I took fruits like apples ,bananas ,sapota etc.
I took tea daily once in the morning.
Also I am taking oil foods like dosas,vadas ,poori etc.
Also I took sweets .
My mental status is improved now .
ptappeta last decade
What Sulphur potency and how much have you taken continuously?

'My mental status is improved now .'
Please give details?
nawazkhan last decade
HI Doctor

I have been taking sulphur 200c .

My mental state is improved means that
1. I am taking decisions fast.
2.Also my tension go reduced .
3.My anxity is also reduced.
ptappeta last decade
'and how much have you taken continuously? '
nawazkhan last decade
i have taken it for 3 weeks
ptappeta last decade
Hi doctor ,
I have sulphur 200c for 3 weeks , 2 times a day ,4 drops at each time mixed with water .I hav etaken so at 6 am and at 6 pm in a day.
ptappeta last decade
That is too much. Please wait and do not take any remedy.
nawazkhan last decade
HI doctor

How long I need to wait not taking any remedy.why I am aying this is with remedy itself the attacks are common to me daily .So with out any remedy it wont be good for me and I have to see the worst.
pls confirm.

many thanks,
ptappeta last decade
could u pls post reply me...
ptappeta last decade
Hello moderators

I have npt got ny reply in the past 2 weeks .could you please look intot his matter for me....
ptappeta last decade

I did not get any email from ABC Forum regarding your posts. This has happened to several others. There seems to be a problem in the communication system. The moderator is kindly requested to look into the matter.

This time your post is picked up when I was reading on the Forum Home page as your name looked familiar.

In order to suggest any remedy, I would like to know your current mind and all physical symptoms.
nawazkhan last decade
HI doctor ,

I am still facing the same symtoms which I mentioned earlier.I did not get anything better .Also my mental state is good now.I am proud to be what i am .
please suggest me any remidy which will free me off urticaria.I am very much vexed of this .
thanks a lot.

ptappeta last decade
What are those same symptoms? Please post again.
nawazkhan last decade
1. ID : ptappeta
2. Age : 27(completed)
3. Sex : Male
4. Single/Married: single
5. weight : 75 KG
6. Height Â…. 5.9
7. country : India
8. climate: Normal cold(min 15 degree max 35 degree celcius)
9. List of your complaints:

1.I am suffering from rashes on my skin.First it starts with itching ensation randomly on the body and when i rub with my nails the red stripes/bands are forming. The bumps are red in colour.
2.My skin is very dry in the sense when I rub it with my hand immediately the area turns into red.It wont shine or it is lacking natural shine in it.

3.Also I am suffering from lack of apatite or hunger.
4.I am suffering from sneezing .If I sneeze I continuously sneeze for 4 to 5 times.But I am not facing any respiration problems during day/night.Having said that My nose keeps always blocked.So at a time one hole will be free and one hole is blocked .

5.I am suffering from irregular stooling in the sense my feaces are hard and I stool during day hours irregularly.
I used medicines like
practine(anti allergy) and some tablets as advised by my dermatologist .when I use thme , i feel better and if I stop them again the problem reappears.

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint : 8 months

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic: non -diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt: sweets.
13. Thirst : My tounge is thirsty but i dont drink too much water .I could say during entire day i drink 3 ltr water in a day.
14. Tongue and Taste : My tongue is dry .in the sense i feel more thirsty but i drink less water.I can't drink more water for unknown reason. And alos taste of the tounge is very dry.
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine): 120/80

16. What exactly is happening?

Itching on skin randomly and formation of rashes like nettle .Initially it starts with itch and when I use my nails to rub ,it forms nettle like rash and the are becomes reddish in colour.The bumps are observed in the area.Also little bit swelling also there from body in spots like thighs ,shoulders .the wounds are very small /minute and they swell some liquid when I pinch them with my nails.

Irregular pooping in the sense the stool is very hard and I feel pain in anus while pooping .But got this sorted out by using phosphorus and ausculus recently.this has minimised the pain in anus and relived me from hard stool.

17. How do you feel?
I feel very irritated about this sickness of urticaria .
My tounge is dry .I feel thirsty .My mouth is very dry .The itching is very irritating .I feel vexed some times of this desease and rub the areas of the effected with my nails getly .The itching is more on waist ,hands and shoulders.Also I feel very tired through out the day.I never feel active.I dont show interest in going out .I dont play .I sleep a lot.I sleep from 2 AM midnight to 9AM in the morning.

18. How does this affect you?

I cant tolerate the itchness and get out of my chair frequently .I am not able to sit properly for prolonged hours.But my job demands prolonged sitting in front of computer.Also I feel Itchy skin allergy,irregular pooping ,very hard feaces.
itching and pain in the anus.

19. How does it feel like?
I feel very irriated of this syndrome.I feel shy in going out due to this desease .
20. What comes to your mind?
I feel like stopping the work and sleep for alonger time.Also regarding the dreams I rarely dream.And I am the hero in the dreams.

21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
I went to a cold country in 2010 and I returned to india in last october.The urticaria started there only and when I consulted the docter there ,I was advised that the itching is due to the cold weather and to maintain a heater in the room while I sleep.So this chronic urticaria started almost 8 months ago i.e. when the winter started in that country.

22. How did that feel like?
Initially it started with itching .I thought it is temporary .Btut the itching prolonged for more days and then started formations of bumps red in colour and more itching .
I felt very bad about this desease as for everyone else it was not the same case.

23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
It started with itching all over the body initially .After that when I rubbed the various spots on the body with hand and nails ,the nettle like rashes are formed with red in colour.
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

My habits are
1.I don't drink alcohol
2.never smoke
3.consume 2 to 3 grams of coffee a day with 250 ml milk.
4.I eat less rice.
5.I eat more fruits.
6.I eat oil foods also a bit more.
7.I eat sweets .
8.I consume 10 g sugar a day.
9.I go to bed late around 12 am every day.

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

I am taking cypro heptadine HYdrochloride and MOntelkast with Levocetrizine HCL tablets . These were advised by my dermetologist .

26. Family Background
I am the only son to my mother and father.My father was suffering from allery to dust and esinophelia .How ever my mother was not having any halth problem .recently she got knee pain .

27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
Master of technology in power electronics.
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
IT professional.I work in Ac room about 10 hours a day .I work infront of the computer screen.I have to deeply concetrate on the screen and work.
I type through keyboard.Also some times I need to drag and drop some ikons on the screen with mouse.

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

likes sweets a lot.Also I like spicy food.I dont like rice for unknown reason.I like fruits especially apples.
I dont like ol food much and I feel irritated when I eat or touch the oil foods like poori .I eat one boiled egg daily.
I like cherry fruits .I don't like the sour tasted fruits like oranges .I like magoes if they are sweet.
BUt at the same time I dont like too much sweet also.
for example things like Gulab jamun I eat just one.

30. Name of foods which increase your problem
chicken ,brinzol and oil food like poori,dosa etc.
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
ans: this is the bog thing .I will explain it deep.
I feel very irritated for small things .for example once i took an internet connection .The seller promissed me that the service will get activated in 2 days but it did not .So I shouted on the seller for this.Also I feel very much Anxity about things .I want to be a perfect in all the things and would like to top in almost everything.Also I think a lot.For example if I am studying a book ,suddenly my mind gets diverted and i think some thing else out of book like personnel things , or think about others,think about family ,think about my marraiage ,think about my carreer.I am tensed for everything.For example in the exam even though I know the question well and I can't answer 100% what I knew for that question.I feel like I am a very lazzy person.But I have very high intentions and ambitions.I dont prefer to go out very much .I feel very tired alaways for unknown reason.Also I am not good in decision making .Also my mind instantly deveates from the discussion and think some thing else.
I dont listen to other while they are talking to me sinseerely.I think some thing else and I am lost in the middle and ask them repeat the story.Also I commit to the things with out thinking it would be possible but finally wont be able to make it with in the timelines.When ever I am in middle of some thing ,and when a thought comes to my mind about checking mail or so I immediately drop the current work ,and move on to the other work .In this I feel very much anxity about the second work and I do that .From my child hood onwards I ask many doubts to my teachers.But while asking the doubts in the class I feel like my heart is pounding very high .My heart beat goes to high state and after asking the doubt it comes down.
Also regarding my family my parents are divorsed ,But they do meet some time in a week and quarrel.I was vexed of them and stopped bothering about them completely before 8 years.
I show love towards my parents but some time I feel irritated of them.
I am getting married in few days.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

The itching sensation is very high during day times especially on the arms,shoulders ,stomoch ,waitst ,thighs and just below portion of back side of the knee.when I take the tablets

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
All over the body is affected by the desease .But especially the arms ,shoulder ,back ,thighs ,backside of knees ,armpits are the worst effected .
Also I feel my eyes are itchy some times during the day.The chin is also effected of the desease aspecially post shave .
very rarerely I get itching on the palms.

35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
The effected areas are arms,stomoch ,back side of knees ,thighs ,armpits ,shoulders ,back on both left and right side of the body.

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
The colour of the urine is pale yellow (light yellow) .The urine statistics are as follows .
colour:pale yellow
Reaction :Acidic
Bile salts :Absent
Bile pigments:Negative
Microscopic Examinations:
Pus cells:4-6 cells/HPF
Epithelial cells: 2-4 cells /HPF
RBC: nill

Stool :dark yellow.
Sputum : white
Saliva: white in colour
ptappeta last decade
Ok, let me read the whole thing as it will require some time.
nawazkhan last decade
is there any update on this doc?
ptappeta last decade

I need to look at your current mind and physical symptoms to move forward.
nawazkhan last decade

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