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So no danger of taking numerous similimum doses? Page 3 of 8

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how do I not make sense?

Since about january this year I am hearing frequently that platina is not my remedy, that I am attached to it, etc. So It gives me doubt at times. It is not that people thought I am self prescribing platina why they said those things. Its since january.

Yes I want it to go faster. Low potencies feel subtle and dont seem to address my EGO. It feels like tiny steps forward at this stage.

i am patient. I havent taken a a new 200c or 1m dose
[message edited by starface on Tue, 10 Apr 2012 22:42:01 BST]
starface last decade
TELL your paragraph 3 of the above
post to your homeopath.

Ask her about her dosing strategy.

I have read cases where a 30c changed
tons and tons of things little by little
and the person was transformed after
5 months.

Experience counts big time on dosing
and potency. You don't know what
you don't know. But you can find out
from her.
simone717 last decade
ok. i hope to get a reply in less than 7 days than.

anyway i like how i am able to sleep at night again
starface last decade
well work was a breeze again. Towards the end of my work shift, the time when I am usually half dead I was energised, feeling confidence. when I went to drive home, what a difference compared to 2 weeks when my paralyzing weakness was bothering me. It was like I was 3 quarters dead already, driving home, barely moving. Today I felt energy, music turned on loud etc.

Again I am operating from my DISEASED STATE still. And this is why I keep mentioning improvements and will do so. I very well feel myself that not everything is ALRIGHT, like it was when I took higher potencies, from 1M up.

It is good. I feel like I am operating from a diseased point but feeling more confident, less vulnerable to attack and not feeling humiliated so quickly. This is good aswell. I like how at work communicating was pretty good. My stomach feels good and when I look in the mirror I like what I see.

I can handle my older brother who came back home with ease.

When I do my check in... I can still feel a bit of disease in the background and this must be the reason why i am talking still about it.

.... It is just funny to me how I disproved every theory and thing thrown at me of how i cannot find my remedy, how I am not the remedy I want to be and the list goes on. But this was expected, I cannot loose. I am to intelligent, calculative, a too deep thinker to ever loose intellectually. Educated people or whoever wish to come they can come and have a try. Being intelligent, having a fine mind precedes any accumulated knowledge always. Ackwiring knowledge is easy, a fool can do that.

Anyway its strange that when the special feelings come, its like they just make themselves aware to me for the past day, but no charge behind it or no overwhelming emotions follow. Just stability.

on the 10m when i once made my check in a few weeks later or when i got reminded by something... being special did not matter at all. It felt like whats the point, what it going to do? Why be special? I just felt no charge.

I tell you with 100% certainty that needing to be special in order to be able to live is what was the underlieing drive for my BDD. And why it so magically got better the moment I took platina for the first time.

When I had my BDD trouble. On some days I was admiring my appearance in the mirror. Totally in love it, (but those days were rare). And most often I was totally hating it, great suffering. This was a monster. My motivation for life, everything was BLACK for aslong as I had the problem with my appearance. No appearance, no life. I am non existant unless special looking. I mean when you dont have a good appearance you are never going to appear special but most of all you yourself cannot feel special. It was agonizing. I still cannot believe what I had to deal with since age 21. that this happened to me. WHoever has BDD I feel for them. It is worse than anyone can ever imagine. Your appearance, disgusting body parts on your mind 24/7 and never relief from it. I was very very very sick. From the suffering of loosing my appearance.... my gold

Thanks to homeopathy the suffering about my appearance gone. I still look into the mirror to often, I still look at things I consider a flaw. But no fixation and it doesnt feel like the end of the world anymore at all. when I was taking 1Ms and the 10m I wasnt looking much in the mirror.
starface last decade
Well all I can say at this stage...is whatever. This has become so pointless and boring I can't even maintain interest in it anymore, not even to criticise your choices.

Well they are your choices anyway, so you live with the consequences, whatever I think of it.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 04:58:19 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Reading this thread is like reading the rantings of a mad man. Very sad on the one hand, but a fascinating train wreck on the other. And then I feel guilty for being drawn to look at it and watch this person lose any grip on reality. It really is too late, isn't it.
allicando2 last decade
'..when we know how things really are'

what things do you know?

I want to understand your view point. On how you come to conclusion that platina not helping me? this isnt debate... I just want to understand it

and I will past this here whcih you said yourself in another thread

'Low potencies are also useful when the patient has a very low vitality, patients who are extremely debilitated or who are close to death. LM potencies are also useful here. Higher potencies can overwhelm such weak vital energies and even kill such patients by creating aggravations that cannot be survived.'

Even though the 10M was terrible experience... I went to work, I went to homeopath, I improved.

To get benefit from 10M dose the prescription must be very accurate.

I wonder whether it is just that you dont read my whole posts. Because above I explained why I am still talking about my problems. That I dont feel the 200c potencie is going to the level of my mind
starface last decade
'I am to intelligent, calculative, a too deep thinker to ever loose intellectually.'

Actually, in that context it is 'too intelligent', 'calculative' means you are manipulative and therefore not honest (even though you have gone to great lengths to 'prove' your so-called honesty), the word here would be 'lose' not 'loose', although you do have a few 'loose' marbles.

Who exactly are you in an intellectual competition with? You cannot even spell and use the proper words. Instead of intelligent, I would use another 'i' word to describe you. Ironic.
[message edited by allicando2 on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 05:03:08 BST]
allicando2 last decade
allicando. I have no words for you. you are so clueless. Next time when you write something on my thread put more thought into it please. I am saying this because of the clueless statements you make ie. of platina not doing me any good etc.

I am not talking to you anylonger. Reading your posts always lives a bad taste in my mouth.
starface last decade
I actually recanted on that last post, decided that even the effort of refuting your craziness is no longer something I want to do.

However, I explained to you why you are still sick, something you even just admitted to. So your disease continues to distort your life, it is poisoning you from beneath, and you seem happy to let it do that, allowing the various placebo effects, palliations, and even proving symptoms to replace actual healing and removal of your disease.

I have explained it to you over and over, even given you highly specific examples. You just continue to act as if you don't hear me. So...whatever.

I do read your posts. They are full of warning signals, things that would be making me change remedies immediately. Like Allicando says, they are strangely fascinating watching someone doing this to themselves. I am just tired now of how much energy I have wasted here, when so many more people really want help.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 05:04:33 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by allicando2 on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 05:06:57 BST]
allicando2 last decade
Be careful with your posts. Use of bad language like that can have you banned. I would remove that if I were you (else how will I keep helping you?)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, I didn't realize that was a bad word.
allicando2 last decade
Yeah we walk a fine line with mr Starface here. I know he is frustrating to talk to - believe me I know that. But we still have to respect the rules of the forum, cause I like it here actually.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Me too, I am glad it is here!! You are right!
allicando2 last decade
david gave up. Good. Nice to see your defense mechanism in tact aswell by the little edit you made.
I dont know what David is trying to tell me. I dont know from what planet he is from. My mother, everyone commented that I am getting better since the 10M. I am far better off than I was 6 months ago and at least out of the house.

You people are funny.

Mrs allicanod I havent responded to your last post and not going to. The above post was just to low and repelling again. I dont talk to people who have 0 self respect which is always so visible from your own posts. The nitpicking about how I spell things is below low (lol).

Again. I dont feel the 200c is deep enough and know very well the platina 200c is not changing anything mentally (my ego).

Pointless to talk about it to you people who dont seem open to the possibility that only above 200c my mind (ego gets affected). I dont know from what planet you 2 are from. To be unable to grasp this. even more so that I have the results when I took the 1m and 10m in the past.
starface last decade
'...allowing the various placebo effects, palliations, and even proving symptoms to replace actual healing and removal of your disease'

how is my BDD not being suffering anylonger a placebo effect?

how is it that after the 10m dose i did not need another dose for 4 months and a half?

How is it that when I was regressing and took mercury, totally believing that it could fit me when my homeopath prescribed it, that I still at work felt humiliated so quickly and just in such danger. so that after 2 days on it I just felt no other choice but to take platina again to feel relief?

how is it that when I took palladium, another remedy I wanted to be, that I proved it and let it go immediately and never went back to it, because I knew it is not my remedy? Well I proved it to your theory, mine is different. Palladium magnified my special feelings totally, it made me feel attacked and once after going out for a walk when I came home everything seemed so distanced... a platina symptom which I usually dont have. What would this mean that I have gotten a platina symptom on palladium? and the moment I took platina actually after palladium my ego and everything calmed down instantly?? explain this please? for 6 days I was in such fight mode, but the 1M of platina calmed everything down.

Sorry, but it is difficult to think for me platina is not helping me, if not the similimum. Based on how I feel when I take a 1M, at least back when I took it the first time I had no doubt it is correct.

I dont know what would happen if I took it again, same effective or not.

needless to say in every potency I took the platina so far I noticed results.
starface last decade
Well even your mother is able to assess and judge your case. So lucky to have another person smarter than a homoeopath in your household. Maybe that is where you inherited it from, this innate ability to do homoeopathic prescribing with absolutely no training or knowledge. She must be right then. You are cured and on the right remedy. You are clearly much more capable than every homoeopath in the world. How special does that make you!?

So you don't really need our approval or help then. You are a self-sufficent healer with amazing powers far beyond anything seen before. I look forward to the silence that comes when a patient becomes healthy and no longer needs to endlessly babble about every tiny problem and symptom they have. That should start pretty soon what with all this amazing cure you are experiencing.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
good to see allicando deleted her post without me ever seeing it. I would not want to see such disgraceful thing.
starface last decade

[message deleted by allicando2 on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 06:15:03 BST]
allicando2 last decade
Well sarcasm and joking aside, let's review (for one last time) the clear signs that you are not being cured.

1. You continue to have the same violent dreams. This is a primary indicator for not being on the right remedy.

2. You continue to obssess over all your problems and talk about them endlessly, constantly speculating on whether you are well or you are sick. Patients who are well, even in the inital stages of cure (like within 2 weeks of receiving the right remedy) stop talking so much about it. They just lose interest, because the energy goes out of it. After many months of the 'right' remedy, you should be quiet as a mouse by now. Clearly it is the opposite - your disease is louder than ever.

3. You continue to engage in the same behaviours that has made you fall out with EVERY homoeopath who tries to help you - self-prescribing, hiding those prescriptions and so on. Reoccurance of any pattern of behaviour the patient cannot help is a primary indication of the wrong remedy.

4. You have displayed a variety of new symptoms over the many months you have been experimenting with Platina and with other remedies. New symptoms show that the remedy does not fit perfectly over the patient's case, but at best is a partial similar.

5. The same words keep appearing in your posts. The same descriptions, sometimes the exact same phrases. This is a sure sign that the state of the patient has not changed at all, because the subconscious choice of language is usually beyond the control of the sick patient, who often is even blind to it. A patient who is genuinely getting well speaks in terms and words that are appropriate for the subject and do not feel compelled to keep repeating things over and over.

6. The strength of a disease can be seen in the level and frequency of denial. When a patient continues, often spontaneously, to deny that they have a problem any more, you can be certain they still have it. A cured patient, again even in the first few weeks of the simillimum, will lose interest in talking about their condition, will even seem to forget about it. There is no need to deny, because there is no disease to respond to. Denial is a way of countering our disease, and when it is strong we will deny it alot.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I know when the remedy is effective and when not. Maybe it was 4 days after the mercury that I took platina. I can't remember and it doesn't matter. My disease is bad and working while I am regressing to my old state is not an option. It is that bad when it is bad so I could not continue any longer Mrs Judgemental small minded mrs allicando.

Allicanod what are you doing in my thread still, you are annoying and never have anything useful to say. and your nitpicking is seriously going on my nerves. Please get your low self out of my thread.

To david

No. Wrong and it isn't fair. This is an online forum. If in person a homeopath who sees me after he gives me a remedy and so on and despite my view that I am improving going to say that the remedy is wrong I will put more value into his judgement. Compared to an online forum where noone even sees me.

I would much more be inclined to believe you people if you weren't pulling into the complete opposite direction. Here I am feeling like I am improving and you are all telling me the exact opposite. That I am suffering, etc which isn't the case. How am I going to believe you are seeing things accurately?

If you told me that while I was taking palladium, I obviously would agree, since back than on that remedy it didn't feel good at all 'the nothing can defeat me thing' I had going on and high ego

Sorry but when a remedy is helping me and you people are telling me it isn't, I am not 5 years old I can tell whats what.

Me working, me been to homeopath and not having a BDD problem... is the truth in the pudding. We would have this conversation if I would be still sitting in my room daily talking about how I improved but nothing happening ok

Correct potency and I am on my way to going to be cured with platina
starface last decade
I am reading above reply
starface last decade
1. ok, dreams are the only thing that made me have doubt over platina, but you know what after I started regressing from the 10M dose I started having sexual dreams again which I only remembered than are the dreams I used to have. So in terms of the sexual dreams... they went away with the 10m. I dont know about the violent dreams. If I still had them.

2. I am talking about them endlessly AGAIN, yes, because for one I was regressing again + the low potencies actually are aggravating so they bring up old stuff. I know I havent talked about my BDD or appearance for months after the 10M dose. As well about things of how my voice sounds and there surely are many other things I havent talked about again, since I got the improvements from platina.

I know patients dont talk about it when they get well. Well I can just say again, I am not in the state where everything feels ok like was the case when I took the 1M. I dont feel the remedy went deep enough. (the 200c potency)

my disease louder than ever, because I was regressing. Even feeling the low scattered ego a few weeks ago which I havent for months. And the low potencies are aggravating me. On the 1m and 10m i did not feel aggravated in this way. It was different. Like I said before. It felt like emotional hurt came up. and on those days when I aggravated I felt kind of vulnerable, those were the days when I thought the window has been opened now to take natrum muriaticum to clear the emotional dissapointment. back then when I didnt know much.

3. I disagree. I have been very low on self prescribing. Even just took the tarantula, cannabis indica, thuja since novemeber 2011 only because you kept repeatedly saying I am not platina. The need has gone. Even now I am not jumping to lac leo, or lac caninum.

I just took the platina again after the mercury because I could not continue any longer. I felt exhausted at work. half dead when driving home.

4. well thats a bold statement. Since you dont know me that well or entirely. I said before to you when I once was on a social phobia forum I was always the nice guy there... but than once we played a rejection game and from than on I became totally unstable, attacking everyone, making myself superior I guess, pounding my own chest. Got banned numerous times but did not leave the forum. I was crazy. So saying I have NEW SYMPTOMS is bold.

5. Again too low potency I believe. It not affected my mind. I am saying this because I have taken the 1M and 10M before. So I am saying this from experience and know I was in a different mind state when I took higher potencies

If I ever get to take a 1m again and nothing happens I will put more weight on all those things. At the moment I wont, because I am still convinced

6. I have no denial.I say openly I am operating from diseased point of view. I just feel offended when I am told I am wrong.

I will ask again how many remedies feel special. Just 2? than I know which one mine. It aint palladium

I will add I read once when someone takes the similimum he opens like flower to the people around. After the 10m I talked often about my issues spontanously with my mother, which I usually never did. My greatest fear.

SO not entirely sure if this is what is meant with the opening like a flower. But this is what I can identify with as to what happened/changed when I took high potency
[message edited by starface on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 06:32:55 BST]
starface last decade
More denial, more resistance, more struggle to remain fixed to something. Even your reactions to what I say continue to show that you are stuck in one place, running on the spot, but believing you are moving.

It is also hilarious (or disturbing, not sure which) to see that you believe rejecting your homoeopath's prescription and going back to self-prescribing the same remedy you have been on for months, counts as having 'been to a homoeopath'. Shall we pat you on the back for that? Yes, such a huge effort to do the right thing. I knew you would sabotage that, so predictable from you. I predicted that months ago, and here you are - exactly where I said you would be.

It would have been so nice to have been proven wrong. I wonder what you are like when you are rational?

No you are not 5. That is what is sad. You act like you are, a stubborn spoiled child with no discipline or self control, determined to do whatever they want no matter how much harm they do to themselves. Children also have blinkers on, their world defined by a very limited ability for self awareness. The more someone tells you not to do it, the more you must do it. So fixed, so rigid, so helplessly under the sway of your compulsions.

Of course you are trying to justify living with your choice. Every sick person does the same, full of so many justifications for why they never seek help, never accept help, because really they are just ok they don't need help, everyone else is sick. Everyone with an addiction does the same thing. I work with people with addictions alot - you show alot of the same behaviours. Which is no surprise, you are addicted to homoeopathy and to Platina specifically.

Of course, because of your nature, anyone trying to tell you otherwise will just make you stamp your feet and throw a tantrum, hit yourself in the head, just to show you are the one in charge of your life!

This presents a problem for any person trying to help you since you just do the opposite of whatever they say. Which of course means, no-one will ever be able to help you.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
You saying I am in denial doesnt do a thing... because repeatedly I said I regressed 4 months after the 10m dose and now the 200c and 30c didnt feel deep enough to get me out of this state again.

'Been to a homeopath' - counts as that I did something I thought months ago will never be possible. But I did it strangely enough.

ok the rest is just strange and shows you are just wanting to be right or feeling offended by me.

So have nothing more to say.
starface last decade

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