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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help need remedies for son with autism

I am from USA, currently living in NJ. I have a 21 year old son Born normal, 40 weeks, 7lbs 7/2 ounces. Did not cry much as a baby, received 2 teeths at 5 months old. Learned how to walk at 15 months ( a little late for me), very awkward. He would fall alot. At 1 years old, he knew how to count to 10, read back and entire story book, my son had language. At 2 1/2, it all stopped. He couldnt communicate any more, he cried all the time, sensitive to smells, crowds. Especially the detergent isle of the supermarket.It would freak him out. He would attack babies in the stroller for no reason. My son was given MMR vaccine twice because the doctor lost shot record and said that giving it to him twice would not hurt him, but it did. He is autistic and frustrated because he cannot communicate how he feels or what hurts him. He loves to eat as he did as a baby. Appetite has increased since being on Olanzipine, (to control impulses.) He is eating me out of house and home. Cant afford to buy food as much . He loves music, likes to sing, and has a great long term memory. He Like to wear the same shoes all the time nothing new. he does not like to be touched or hug. sensitive to touch. hold his ears cause of noise. he stares at an object as if he is lost in fog. he sometimes make humming sounds, unusal. attacks strangers and family members he has not seen in a while. He ran out the house yesterday and does not know how to cross a straight. He darted through traffice. Mind throws things. Jealous of little brother. He has digestive issues. Diagnosed with colitis in 2010 but colitis is gone. he is now constipated and was diagnosed with chronic gastris. He can not eat dairy. if he does he goes into bad behavior, tantrums that makes him run and scream and jump on people. He is obssesed with my feet. he smells them and stares at them and likes to touch my feet. he gets excited when he plays with my feet. he flaps his arms and finger, and occasionally rocks. He loves hot dogs, he has to have something cold to drink. does not like hot drinks. He loves candy. He is obsessed with sugar or anything sugary, (sweet)and he craves ketchup and puts it on everything. he eats alot of bread and hotdogs.. He has severe dadruff in his scalp with smells bad. (wondering if its yeast related) his tongue is white and coated, and he has pimples all over his face and back and has cafe late spots down his spine. Please help me find remedies for my son who is to hard to handle. i have 3 other kids to tend to. Bryan is the oldest. i work 8 hrs a day, and i attend online college courses. i feel like a prisoner in my home. today i was at the beauty parlor and I got a call that he was throwing chairs. he does this when he cant communicate what he wants. He said he wanted to speak to me and he was looking out the window for my car. He is 6 feet tall, 180 punds. Please help! Also, i went on to the Remedy Finder and it kept telling me that Belladona was perfect for him. not sure if this is correct. He is black,part native american, father maternal grandmother has history of cancer of stomach and bile duct. On my side, my dad has diabetes, prostate cancer, high blood pressure. Stomach Ulcers and cancer. I am healthy besides my bad nerves from dealing with my son. I feel like I am about to have a nervous break down! I would also like to add that he has no facial hair yet, he looks younger than 21, is very independent. he is impatient. When he is not over stimulated he smiles alot and loves to laugh. Sometims he laughs to himself or after he has an outburst . When he has explosive behaviors he grabs me from my legs and pull me down. He did this to me last year because I got so frustrated with him and I took a belt to hit him and he started screaming and fighting me. He bit me on my leg, kicked me in my chest. This went on for 25 min. Last June. He was taken to hospital and put on all kinds of hallucinating drugs. Dont want my son on any more drugs. Please, i want to help him. Help us. Thanks for reading.

best regards,

Autism need help/ mom
[message edited by ambarden on Sun, 10 Jun 2012 19:54:11 BST]
[message edited by ambarden on Sun, 10 Jun 2012 19:55:25 BST]
[message edited by ambarden on Sun, 10 Jun 2012 20:08:33 BST]
[message edited by ambarden on Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:50:41 BST]
  ambarden on 2012-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I m researching on this kind of patients and have nearly cured some of them who are still under my very close regular observation. I would like to take this case privately if u want but as it is a very long time treatment process and have to look reports and photos of her regularly so it is not possible to continue regularly at here like that. So for treatment flexibility of him u have to email me if u really want to have me in this case.

Thanking u very much for being extra careful and having never loosing hope for perfect curing for this child of urs. U r a real good example to those parents who have child like u and I want to assure u that if the actual underlying cause can be revealed under his situation than it is possible to permanently get him back to a normal life again. Be inspired!!

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
What is your private fee? and are there any remedies based on a picture of who he is you could advise me on today. I have read other posts and have seen others posting remedies based on what was provided.

Thanks for the pat on the back. I sure needed it! :D
ambarden last decade
Click on Dr. Showrav name and you
will see his profile and email.

You should have a private conversation
about working together on this-
so please email him to discuss it.
simone717 last decade
Hi Amberden,
Just wanted you to check this site-
homeopathyhouston.com -they
work by phone and specialize in Autism,
Asbergers and so on.

You may want to write them your story
of your son, they might do some cases
based on what you can afford.

Dr. Showrav is a very good Doctor and
hopefully that will work for you but
I wanted you to see that there is
something In USA where they know what
they are doing with the autism.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 11 Jun 2012 05:28:45 BST]
simone717 last decade

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