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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

SINUS problems

Hi guys – a little help please.
Have a nephew with severe sinus problems. One of his nostrils is always closed – they are never both open at the same time – especially the right nostril. And he catches colds very very easily. He is still young. Only 25.

Whats interesting is that when he stands and is in fresh air his nostrils open and he can breathe easily.but the moment he sits down whether outside or in one nostril will close. Particularly the right. In fact the right nostril is so bad that he has to sleep on his right side to allow the left nostril to open.

I administered ferrum phos but this did not work.

The patient in the past has also tried the Calcarea Carb (which helped acidity) followed by phosphorous but this had little effect. Lycopodium made things worse and completely blocked both sinuses with eye pain. Nat mur helped the patient in the past – the personality and physical description fits and his hair is thinning but I have advised him not to use this as he has low blood pressure – which will further lower with nat mur (which he feels it did and felt very weak).

I am inclining towards pulsatilla now and would appreciate someone to confirm my diagnosis.
  santinosharma on 2012-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is his nature?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thanks for replying

short tempered, irritable, very determined and focused, bit of OCD, quite sensetive, emotional - especially for a guy, come to think of it his personality is more like a girl. even most of his friends are girls - but he has a girlfriend so nothing like that

very artistic, very into his looks, egotistical, arrogant. but overall helpful and caring. although does have a short fuse and very argumentative and stubborn. hope this helps

ps love the way u know all the difeerent personality types for meds !
santinosharma last decade
That isn't Pulsatilla.

I think that as an adult, a more complete case would need to be taken and given here. I couldn't even hazard a guess based on this. Maybe get him to fill in an intake form or copy your consult notes here.

A complete case also allows you to determine miasm, which must be cured if you are going to get permanent improvement in his symptoms.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thank you brisbane - thats very helpful - i will get back to you with a complete case.
santinosharma last decade

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