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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

liver problem + others

I am 30 yrs old guy. recently got married. have been suffering from folloiwng problems:

1) too much acidity
2) excessive heat in liver and bladder
3) dark pale colored urine
4) low blood level
5) low bloo dpressure
6) accute premature ejaculation
7) very low sperm count (27%)
8) lack of sex desire
9) erectile problem (not very hard most of the time).
10) hair loss

i shall be highly grateful for any kind help provided by this forum members.

Thanks and best regards
  redstorm on 2005-08-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Did you have any --- or all of these problems before you got married.

In the time immediately following marriage how often in a week did you make love.

Have you had any antibiotics for any problem in the last 18/24 months.

Are the whites of the eyes yellow tinted.

What do you mean by "low " blood level.
walkin last decade
Dear Walkin,

yes i had all problems even before marriage except lack of sex desire, premature ejaculation (never had sex before marriage), erection problem.

after marriage, i made love every day, sometimes twice and rarely three times a day. it continued like 3 to 4 months. now i do it like 2 to 3 times a week.

not 18/24 months back but i took antibiotic "augmentin 650" for my tonsils problem.

my eyes whites are not yellow tinted.

from "low blood level" i meant deficiency of blood. my skin is pale and my nails are quite whitish as there is very little blood underneath them.

i am sorry that i forgot to write in my first post that:

1) sometimes i get pilesproblem.

2) too much gas problem and use to go to the toilet 5 to 6 times a day.

3) very low memory

thanks and best regards
redstorm last decade
Do you like to take salt more than most other people.Do you have some emotional wounds or painful memories,emotions, insults etc. which you are unable to forget?Can you describe yourself as a person?It will help in selecting the remedy.

rajivprasad last decade
Hello Red
Do you ever meet with"Typhoid fever" in past??
doctorishtiaq last decade
To rajivprasad:

yes i like to take salt more than most of the people. i am not very much into sweets.

i have one painful memory and that is losing my girl friend some 6 six years ago. i am married now but i am unable to forget this loss.

as a person, i am not very jolly, stays silent most of the time, get bored of anything very quickly, too much angry nature, enjoy with my friends but not very active in home, dont like staying at home, quite careless nature, like loud music, movies, enjoy hill stations very much, dont like eating very much, no specific choice in food, like eating fruits. quite confident one in many matters but in some matters i lose my confidence, mostly it depends on the situation.

To doctorishtiaq:

no i never met with "typhoid fever" in past.

best regards
redstorm last decade
Dear redstorm,

I suggest Natrum Mur 1M to be taken once in two weeks.One dose is equal to two drops or two globules.After taking the medicine report about your symptoms in 10 to 12 days i.e. before taking the second dose.I will then advise you further.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,

thank you very much for your kind assistance. I will take the medicine Nat Mur as per your advise and will let you know in 10 to 12 days about the symptoms.

best regards.
redstorm last decade
NAT MUR is the rite remedy but the potency must be 10M.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Rajiv,

i have some confusion about dosage. do i have take 1 dose every day for 2 weeks or do i have to take only 1 dose in total 2 weeks.

due to water problem at my job place, i find it difficult to take drops. can i use tablets instead of drops. if so, then which potency should i use?

I also got a reply from Mr. Sajjadakram about using potency 10M but i would go with your given potency (for drops or tablets).

best regards.
redstorm last decade
Dear redstorm,

No problem with taking globules.Take two globules or if it is a big globule, then take one globule.Take one dose, then wait for two weeks before taking the next dose.Before taking the next dose report to me with all the symptoms that emerge after taking the remedy. Do not take the remedy every day.Take one dose, then do not take any other medicine for next two weeks and then repeat the dose.I hope now it is clear.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,

Thanks for the explanation. Now I understand and will let you know the results after 1st dose.

Best regards.
redstorm last decade

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