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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

In pain. Page 4 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I've been in pain all day today. Was not able to sleep at all. I'm too tired to write anymore right now.
veralucia1980 last decade
In earlier post you were a bit better but the very next post the same day you seem to be worse please if you could clarify what happened?
Dr. yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Hi Dr. Yogesh,
I've had a worsening of my condition. My jaw feels like it's gonna rip apart. I've tried to go back on my regular meds since I needed some relief of the pain without any success. Something is really wrong with me. I feel like I'm gonna die. I've ordered the Oxalicum acidum since it seems that the ignatia is only worsening my condition now. I have a strong feeling that my tb is causing this and I need to stop it before I get any worse. If felt very delirius at times too and that is not a good sign. I also felt my chest really heavy and constricted at times followed by moments of pain in that area and then I started to vomit again. I was in a lot of distress.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 02 Aug 2012 05:42:43 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
I'm going to contact my old doctor and see if he still has the isoniazid for me to take. It may not work right away but there has to be some relief from it. I really hope I don't have some form of drug resistant tb. I feel myself deteriorating day by day.
veralucia1980 last decade
Vera, can't you get some kind of test to determine
if there is active tb- ? You need to rule that out.

I think you need homeopathic pain management after
some of this pain is coming up, bc the aggravation is
too much-
simone717 last decade
There is no test that I haven't done that can determine it except for a lumbar puncture in my spine that could give proof of this but in Canada doctors know little about this disease and although I've asked for it to be done since it seems to be affecting the nervous system, they ignore it. The only doctor who cared was my old doctor but he too I guess was afraid to have that procedure done so he sent a request for an infectious disease specialist to see me. No one ever called. If they were in as much pain as I'm in they would go ahead with the procedure. There is another word for this type of tuberculosis. It's Pott's disease. I also learned that it can be logded in any muscle tissue and create an abcess. There are so many areas on our body that sometimes we just have to guess. My symptoms come and go. They say here that muscles spasms as an attempt to get rid of something. Well, there you go. I also noticed my lymph nodes to be very swollen. The ones under my chin are huge and it's been like that for some time. In other areas of my body as well. The only test I did that confirmed I even had this dreadful disease was in a tuberculin skin test that came back and measured about 5mm in the swelling that showed up. All I know is that since my overdose the condition has gotten worse over time so I'm starting to wonder if the overdose even has anything to do with the symptoms.
At one point I was in the hospital and all I was given was morphine for the pain but I don't do well on morphine. It messes me up mentally. I do better with certain types of alcohol but I hate the bitter taste of it, plus I don't want to become an alcoholic. My husband has seen me like this for so long he believes that these spasms are caused by the tb.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 02 Aug 2012 08:21:09 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 02 Aug 2012 08:22:38 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 02 Aug 2012 08:24:35 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade

I hope you can see your old doctor soon and raise hell
till you get the tests you want and need done.

Ask Dr Y the homeopathic treatment of tb.
simone717 last decade
Till then can you take arsenic alb 30C, 3 pills in the morning For three consecutive days
Report back with the results
Dr .Yogesh.
yogeshrajurkar last decade
I don't think the Arsenic 30ch will help me. I looked it up and don't agree with the profile. I was at my family doctor yesterday and he confirmed that I have Tourette's Syndrome. Had me put on cogentin but am not doing well. The next step will be Pimozine. I will see him on Saturday because he's taken a day off. If you have any other suggestions based on my physical symptoms then that would be great. I'm suffering too much.
veralucia1980 last decade

the ars Alb- is a remedy used for having toxins in your
body. In the usa midwest- they put almost an entire
farm town on ars album , daily! bc they had high levels
of chemicals from farm soil. Normally toxins go down
very slow in the body- the people had significant reduction
of chemicals after a couple months.

You obviously have all those prior meds etc etc in your
system and they are not releasing very well.

so Ars Alb is used for this purpose- the study was done
by MD's and being used as example of alternative medicine
for toxicity at training of new Md's At UCSF.
simone717 last decade
Will it be easy to find at the herbal store? I don't wish to be ordering more items. I had anemia before because of an infection in my uterus, but I don't now. If this stuff gets rid of the toxicity (I found out that it's in the part that mentions Tourette's as I was just looking it up), then I don't mind trying because right now I just got passed a whole day on Cogentin and it only aggravated my symptoms. My one side is so rigid that it tightens up even when I'm swallowing. It's too much. I just don't want to go through another proving. If it calms my nerves down then I can cope but if it does what I went through with Ignatia then forget it.
Does that mean that the arsenicum album is like an anti-dote for all the chemicals?
Also, I've also tried Baclofen, that also made my muscles tighten and it's a muscle relaxant, Cogentin, every kind of anti-anxiety medication, Paxil, Cipralex, zoloft, effexor, wellbutrin, epival. Drank some teas hoping that this would go away, etc. I think it's all that stuff that has caused my nerves to not function properly and cause me this horrible problem. I didn't take them all at the same time but over the three year period, that is why my last resort seems to be Pimozine but I'm afraid I'll react to it bad. Will I get some pain relief on this arsenicum album?
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 01:03:44 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 01:08:02 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 01:09:10 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
Call around and see if stores have it- 30c and 6c they have in most USA
stores- ARs Alb is a very common remedy. It calms nerves and it
releases toxins- it is also a huge remedy for food poisoning-
The fact that they gave it to an entire town means it stimulates thebody
to release toxins.

You might not feel much-but it is not like the Ignatia, I would try it.

The 30 c means it works on the physical issues more.

I am thinking you might need the Ars Album and some other anti
inflammatory remedies like Apis-

Please find the ars alb.

prayers for you- Simone
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 03:04:00 BST]
simone717 last decade
If anything the Ignatia did wonders for my mood, but it's like the muscles in my jaw area are locked up because even with the spasms it feels so hard. With all the psychiatric medications and with the muscle relaxants that I've taken it has only made matters worse. Now they try to patch up the damage. What if I get pregnant again? I'll be poisoning myself some more and the baby as well. Are these remedies unsafe during pregnancy because my doctor always asks me if I'm pregnant or not. Sometimes it's hard to tell. I hope not. I've tried to be careful in the past but even the contraceptive pills bother my fragile nerves. I can't take anything. Even the IUD I used to use caused me to have excessive bleeding. I don't understand why my body is so weak. I just can't handle the chemicals on all the drugs.
Another thing I thought I should mention to extend my history of problems is that a year before I turned 21 and was diagnosed with Anxiety I suffered a poisoning in my house. I used bleach to clean my stove parts and I think the corrosion from the bleach caused a reaction because the next day when I went to eat, as soon as I turned on the stove these horrible fumes came up. I tried not to inhale them but it was so strong that after that I would get frightened and paranoid about everything. I had called the poison control but they told me not to worry. Yeah, ok?? Where is this medical system going? Luckily I closed the door to the babies room so my little girl wouldn't be affected. Well, maybe not mentally but now she has psoriasis.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 01:54:50 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 02:01:41 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade

I know you are in pain so you are not thinking rational due to

Why do you think Paxil is off the market? bc it caused
suffering to millions and also caused birth defects and worse things.
There are websites devoted to people in agony
trying to get off effexor----

You are not weak-these are bad drugs-you never should
have been put on them in the first place. Now you have to
detox off of them.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 03:01:33 BST]
simone717 last decade
I'm gonna look for the arsenicum album at my local herbal store. They should have it. In fact, I think I've seen it before. I hope that I don't feel butchered with the detoxification process. lol.
Take care,
veralucia1980 last decade
Just came back from the herbal store with my new remedy.
I was feeling so embarrassed. I hate going out in public like this. I looked in the mirror and I've got a discolouration in my face. I look like I'm gonna die. I need some support. I haven't taken it yet because I had something to eat earlier on. Also, my teeth look yellow, and there's a chalky taste in my mouth. My teeth used to be white. I don't understand this. I really hope that I don't have to struggle this time to feel any relief. I'm kind of scared of the effects my body will have to this remedy. I'm just tired of this horrible jaw pulling and having these chewing type spasms. ttyl,
veralucia1980 last decade
Vera, look on abc remedies store and read about
Cicuta virosa, it is for clonic spasms and lockjaw etc-
I would think this would address those type pains
you are having.

I am going to ask another homeopath if this would be
ok and what potency- It matches your returning pains.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I'm having a reaction to the arsenicum album. When I first took it today the symptoms came and went but I had a very strong reaction. Up until a few minutes ago my jaw was clenching tight and some muscles have already cleared up. I don't think it has anything to do with Tetanus because if I had that I would be dead by now. See, when I used to take Paxil a lot of pain would shoot into my head from my jaw but I was sedated and the symptoms lasted a short time, but since I overdosed on a medication similar to that, Cipralex, because it was Cipralex and Clonazepam that I took. Now for me to get back to normal I have to endure a little bit of that pain that I had. So far I'm feeling more clear-minded but with that I get these horrible headaches and the jaw spasms that I believe will go away. I've been in bed because the pain is too intense but my teeth keep clenching hard due to the arsenicum album and am getting more clenching and less spasms. I'm going to wait and see how the night progresses and get back to you if I can't cope. I need to reverse the effects of those neuroleptics or whatever else is causing this. I was reading about it on another website and the symptoms actually match with the remedy. I just have a very low pain threshold. Maybe there is a remedy that can make the transition easier. I was wondering about the rescue remedies. I don't know how those work. All I know right now is that I'm having less Tourette symptoms. Not think that much about the pain but having trouble talk to people. I get really nervous and the tics increase.
veralucia1980 last decade
Ok, lets see how it goes here with detox. Many times
Hypericum 200 is taken daily for nerve pain while
remedies are working on the other things.

even tho circuta is given for lockjaw and tetanus-
you do not have to 'have' lockjaw and tetanus- you just have
to have enough matching pains that when homeopaths
decide on remedy there are enough matches -

Ignatia was trying to do the job of clearing all pain, grief etc
but it could not get past the stored toxins which they
call an obstacle to cure-I am hoping things move with
minimum amount of time here.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 23:15:31 BST]
simone717 last decade
Did you send me an e-mail? I don't recall if you asked me anything.
veralucia1980 last decade
No- I am trying to find out about the hypericum
for nerve pain, about taking that with ars alb to
diminish pain levels if they get out of hand.
simone717 last decade
Oh shoot. i was thinking that you were talking about Lycopodium.
I just bought that today. Oh, my husband can take care of that. He gets gas sometimes. lol
Well I'm definitely gonna continue the detox process even if I'm medicated because I don't have the strength to all this on my one. Pain relief is required and i'm not gonna be satisfied until I can find that other stuff you wanted me to take. It won't interact with the meds will it? Anyways, i don't need a nerve pain because I can cut the Epival really and then it can't intoxicate me.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 02:39:10 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 02:42:22 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 02:43:46 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
I just decided that I'm going to take that Pimozide stuff that my doctor prescribed to me. It seems to be the only solution. If the homeopathic stuff works than it hasn't helped me much with my Tourette's. Thanks anyways for trying.
veralucia1980 last decade
Good luck Vera, with prayers for a smooth road ahead.
simone717 last decade
Thank you. I will try my best with the new treatment. I know I'll probably not be able to control all my tics but my jaw tics that feel more like spasms will probably get better with this medication the doctor is giving me. I pick it up tomorrow. I'm practicing holding it in which is hard but for now I need to because I can't handle the pain I get from my jaw anymore. I just wish I could understand why I got like this but it's not hard to understand. You can't mess with your brain. My daughter has it too but she has learned to hold her tics with a professional. I think I need to go see a neurologist because my psychiatrist is clueless. My family doctor is the one who keeps pushing me to be better.
veralucia1980 last decade
Yes, you do need to go see a
neurologist to get the proper tests--bc there are
nerve abnormalities -- that is a fact and
can be shown in test results in black and white.

Medicines should be dealing with facts and science-
the psych- meds are like a blindfolded man throwing
darts at the wall hoping one will stick.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:47:33 BST]
simone717 last decade

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