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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

In pain. Page 5 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, you do need to go see a
neurologist to get the proper tests--bc there are
nerve abnormalities -- that is a fact and
can be shown in test results in black and white.

Medicines should be dealing with facts and science-
the psych- meds are like a blindfolded man throwing
darts at the wall hoping one will stick.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:47:33 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I think I have something called trismus which is a reaction to anti-psychotics. It feels like I have tetanus but if it were tetanus I'd be dead already because my whole jaw would lock and I would die suffocated. I'm tired of hiding behind medication after medication. The last medication I tried almost gave me a stroke. I was really scared. I'm wondering if a dentist could help me with this. Some people would like to think that it's TMJ but I've had my jaw corrected years ago by a chiropractor. Right now I have no money for more homeopathic medicine. My family doctor has put me back on Valium but I guarantee it won't work overnight because it's gotten really bad. 5mg for me a day just isn't enough. If I can manage to get some money I think I will try again with homeopathic medicine. My doctor thought I had Tourettes but I find that the anti-psychotics are the reason why it looks as If I've got that. I'm done with psychiatric medicine. The remedy cicuta virosa will be hard to get but maybe the hypericum will do. I'm really not sure.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:37:19 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
I have seen lots of people on forum use Hypericum 200 c once
a day for pain plus other remedies to address whatever is going on.

I think you need to see a good homeopath where you are or
else go online and check out drtahirahp.com testimonials ( she
used to be on forum) you talk to her and do skype or phone-
and are paid close attention to- or I will look up more people that
can work with the detox homeopathically as private patient.

The cicuta you would have to get from Helios homeopathic UK-
I don't know what you have up there for Hypericum but it would
be the 200c.
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone!
I don't know if it helps but although there is more then one nerve affecting me, I feel as if there is a punctured wound in my jaw just where the teeth come into contact with the jaw. It feels very sore in that area. Maybe that is why that area is so sensitive. Even if i don't find 100% relief then at least I can find some relief because the Valium i'm taking is 5mg but it's still not as effective as it should be. If anything it will help me sleep and maybe that's it.
veralucia1980 last decade
When was the last time you went to the dentist?

One bad tooth can make all the nerves go off in the jaw
and teeth and bone. That should be checked out for sure.
simone717 last decade
It's been awhile. The pain is in the gum area and again it's like electric shocks and I grind my teeth because my jaw pulls everything together. It's like having Tetanus for sure, except only on one side and the nerves extend from the neck as well so I don't think it's the tooth itself. It feels very raw in that area where the jaw joins together. Either way the dentist might be more helpful than the doctor because they must see regular people with this kind of problem on a regular basis. Tomorrow I will probably go check one out.
veralucia1980 last decade
It's been awhile. The pain is in the gum area and again it's like electric shocks and I grind my teeth because my jaw pulls everything together. It's like having Tetanus for sure, except only on one side and the nerves extend from the neck as well so I don't think it's the tooth itself. It feels very raw in that area where the jaw joins together. Either way the dentist might be more helpful than the doctor because they must see regular people with this kind of problem on a regular basis. Tomorrow I will probably go check one out.
veralucia1980 last decade
You have to get x ray of the jaw teeth area. You could have a gum infection
going into the nerves around the bone. Especially if you have any root
canals on lower teeth- parts of them can go bad-

The tooth roots go all the way down in there. so there are many things
to check out- gums and teeth and infection.
simone717 last decade
Hello again,
I bought some hypericum today but I could only get it in the 30ch potency. How long should I take it and how often? Finding that my meds are just making matters worse. So far my spasms are only affecting my gums and not my whole jaw. Fell asleep and slept well. I'm wondering if I should take any more ignatia since after taking my meds started getting some clonic spasms again. Can I take Ignatia and then hypericum or should I stick to the hypericum for now?
veralucia1980 last decade
Hi- don't take any more Ignatia until you go to the dentist and find out
what is going on-it is more than tmj.

Hypericum can prevent anasthesia from working- so don't take it on
day you go to dentist or before any work that requires novacaine.

I would try the 30c, 4 pellets mixed into 1.4 cup of spring or mineral water.
Stir up and then sip slowly. You can take it 3 times a day as needed. See
what happens. I think that the 200C is better choice, when you can order it. That also can be used as needed.

Hypericum is for nerve rich areas like teeth, nerve injuries and also Hypericum
and Ledum are two main remedies for lockjaw and tetanus after animal
or insect bites.

So try it and see how much relief you get- I feel the dentist is going to
have an answer for you. The ignatia was very good, but it could not clear the
nerve pain in the jaw , gum , teeth- so you have to find out exactly what is
going on in that area.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 16 Aug 2012 17:50:57 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thanks. I'll try that.
veralucia1980 last decade
Hi Simone and Dr. Yogesh,
I have good news. Well, kind of. The doctors found out or are close to find out what is causing this problem I have. Two days ago my cheeks puffed up and I couldn't open my mouth. I have a buccal infection/ Stenson's duct paritosis that could be linked to Lyme's Disease, which also affects your nervous system causing it to hide as a mental problem for years only to affect also the muscles in the body. Anyways, I am close to fighting this thing whatever it is because you just don't get a buccal infection in your mouth from nothing. I'm on antibiotics now and a nurse is coming here every day to give me Ceftriaxone interveniously. Thanks for your help. I'm one step towards recovery. I meant parotitis.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Sat, 25 Aug 2012 04:57:14 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
Hi Vera,

prayers for you dear- please let
us know how you are progressing
with treatment.

Best to you as always,
simone717 last decade

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