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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

In pain. Page 3 of 5

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[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 05:05:06 BST]
simone717 last decade
Yes, today I have noticed a big improvement in how often I get muscle spasms whether it is in my jaw or to neck or anywhere else. Tonight I found myself also focussing less on that and I've been trying to do more things and stay less in bed and the pain in my nerves seems to have improved more. My thoughts are less on the symptoms and more on other things in general. I just have a lot of nerve pain in both my head and neck areas that make my interest in doing things a lot less than I would like. It takes a lot to sit still and watch a show. I prefer to play games online as my nerves are still very frazzled. I just found myself feeling irritable because my sister just had to pick a fight with me. Of course, I'm always the negative one, so everyone thinks but it's hard to be me sometimes. I just wish I didn't feel so stressed all the time. Any little thing ticks me off and because of that I was trying to eat a nice meal that my partner made and I spilled the liquid from the bowel like three times because I couldn't hold my hand still. Very annoying thing to happen. I'm hoping I can sleep a bit tonight. I forgot to mention that I was also on sleeping pills. Great! (sarcastic)
It's like that though with my family. It's impossible for me to get along. I had to be reminded of a crime that I commit a long time ago that I paid hard for. Like everyone else is perfect. I also like black stuff but I don't go overboard on it.
Have a good night and thanks again for always being present. It means a lot to me.
veralucia1980 last decade
Vera, I think you've got to wait. If your body itself is able to clear its own problems then I think we shud let your body solve its own problems. this ability of the body to solve problem is immunity or your resistance power that is slow and steadily getting developed at some point where you feel that it is not getting corrected by your body then it may again need a dose my medicine only stimulates this self healing power of your body so even a dose maybe enough to work for months together for now I'd advice wait! we'll reassess after a couple of days regards Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade

I suggest you get a notebook just for what is going on with this
remedy. And write down what is leaving etc/changing everyday.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 05:06:15 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Dr. Yogesh and Simone,
I had a really rough night after midnight. My jaw kept locking up. It was so unbearable. If this is how my body is getting rid of it's problems then it's going to be a very painful road. I don't understand why I had such a rough night. I was feeling quite more relaxed the day before and now this again. I almost didn't even sleep today. That is one of the symptoms that I suffer the most from. I wish It would go away faster. :(
It's horrific the way my body reacts but I will be strong and patient and wait. I've noticed cases of where people take Ignatia for treating mental problems but they suffer more emotionally than physically and don't have the horrible lockjaw that I get. I honestly don't know what feels worse. Every symptom is painful in it's own way. I'm glad that at least I feel more control over my emotions and therefore, making it easier to make decisions and follow whatever I have to face. Thanks again for the info and advice.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:01:40 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:02:35 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade

like Dr.Y said, wait a couple days and then post mental and
physical symptoms and just like you having the 'bladder
infection' that came and went in hours-one has to get
a sense of how long things are staying in your body to know
whether you need more doses or not.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:46:00 BST]
simone717 last decade
Yes, I agree. I think for now any more doses will only aggravate my symptoms more. I'm scared at this point to take anymore Ignatia and think for now to let my body heal on it's own. Part of this could also be the withdrawal from the medications that I was taking that my body is fighting so hard to get rid of from the body since some medications stay in the body a long time.
veralucia1980 last decade
have you taken any medications since taking ignatia?

If so what are they and how much?
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 05:07:24 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
No I haven't taken anything in 9 days now. I was on a high dose of Epival, clonazepam, temazepam and trazadone but was feeling very sick on them. A lot of nerve pain and genenal instability, not including the horibble lockjaw that I was getting and spasms regardless. The clonazepam helped with the spasms but made me very emotionally unstable. The epival was very strong. I was on 250mg 3 times a day.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:11:59 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:14:38 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
Wow, that is great Vera, that you have stopped all that
in one go. Most people cannot do that.
simone717 last decade
I know it may sound amazing but I probably would not have had the courage to do that if I wasn't getting these clonic spasms, nerve pain and a worsening of my hysteria because of it. I have anti-anxiety drugs. They can be so wonderful but once you overdose on them they are a nightmare. Sorry I didn't disclose the amounts for the other drugs. I get confused sometimes and right now I feel very forgetful, confused and restless. My mental fog seems to come and go. Last night during my regular spasms that seem to come with a clock because they always come at a particular time of night and don't stop 'til morning, I was in an abnormally good mood, and now I'm back to feeling down again. I had this strange overcofidence as I was given an inspiration to write again, something I haven't done in years. I stopped being able to write after I was diagnosed with a major depression. However, today I didn't want anyone to read it. I don't feel good about myself again. It sucks but I could make money out of my talent. I used to write pages and pages full of stories that came to mind. I hope that I can get that back and it becomes a permanent thing. Thanks again for the support.
I think my desire to live and my belief in God helps me to overcome all the obstacles. It is also due to your constant presence Simone. You don't understand the difference you make in people's lives.
I forgot to mention how i overdosed on anti-depressants as well 3 years ago. I believe that it was a combination of that and the anti-anxiety medication that caused this horrible clonic spasm problem and a bipolar disorder because my current diagnosis is bipolar and not major depression. I hate how my mood switches so rapidly.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 22:55:34 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 23:13:57 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 05:08:55 BST]
simone717 last decade
No actually,
I never heard of it. I do know how ever the movie 'girl, interrupted' and it is about a girl who suffered from a borderline personality disorder, one of my other strange diagnosis, lol. She came to become a writer to show her experience and later it became a movie. The saddest part of this diagnosis is that allopathic doctors often shrug and turn their backs on the patient. I've been treated like garbage because of that condition. One of my many moods you can say. That is what I notice too, a change in my personality. I'm going back to being who I was and not a borderline. I've been very lost for a long time. It's time that I can be my true self again. Not what the drugs have turned me into.
veralucia1980 last decade
those drs. are in a 'sad' place bc they only have those horrible
medicines to give people. They are in denial of the spiritual
part of us.

Your true self can never be lost- it might be knocked way out
there - but you can get it back ----------------

you know what is weird about allopathy- is that before Descarte
the church (Pope) said no one could examine , take apart a dead
body bc it was thought it would hurt the soul. Descarte made a
deal with the Pope, to say that the body and SPIRIT were separate
and therefore it was ok to do cadaver exploration of the body.

But the separation of body and spirit due to this has kept on
like an old wives tale.
And do not spend a moment feeling bad about the Psych doctors-
did you know Freud himself had severe anxiety disorder, he would never go to public things, and he was insanely jealous
of his wife. The guy ( forgot his name- who is father of talk
therapy? he had an abusive childhood and was allowed no
emotional expression so his compensation was to invent
'talk therapy'-

talk to people who are kind, well balanced , believe in the
Creator to whom anything is possible and leave off any
negative people.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 02:20:23 BST]
simone717 last decade
Very interesting. I didn't know that. I guess I'm a lot like Freud because i too have major jealousy issues with my husband although lately I've been too preocupied with my feelings to care, but while on medication I didn't cope well around others. I have a lot of respect for Freud from what he wrote and I don't hate psych doctors, not altogether. There are some who really care and I know that mine tried hard to help me but I think I put myself in a bad situation and so whatever I had was unreversible for that type of medicine. I damaged my body by drugs and unfortunately they still have no way to reverse the ill effects of those drugs. My stomach should have been pumped to get the drugs out but instead I was given charcoal and by then my body had already absorbed a bad chunk of medicine. This I think is why some people actually end up dead from suicides. Drugs can be great but also very dangerous if the patient is not properly monitered by a doctor and I had long stopped having a psychiatrist to help me deal with my emotions. After my third child got taken away from me shortly after her birth I didn't want to live anymore and I did a stupid thing.
veralucia1980 last decade
Vera, you are going to get better now, and those drugs
that you were given hurt you and did not help you-
so how were you to know? You did what allopathic medicine
said to do and others have done the same with same
results. Now the allopaths are on a new trend of giving
medicines for the medicines, which is even more insane.

I know someone was on here recently due to getting
side effects from birth control pills. Birth control pills work
fine on some and not good at all on others. The Doctors
asked her if she wanted anti depressants in order to tolerate
what the birth control pills were doing, All she had to do
was get off birth control pills and I hope she did.

the drug companies are behind all this pushing of medicines,
and being fined huge amounts for ruining peoples health-
this astounds me-they admit to lying and just pay the fines. I can only think they must be sociopaths. You are
by far just one of millions of victims. Forgive yourself for
not knowing all this at 21 years of age and get better
and help others.
simone717 last decade
How are ur nights. How is ur sleep?
Also lemme know your
1) Energylevel.
2) Appetite.
3) Bowel movements (Motions)
Any thing else you wanna tell
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
My nights are horrible. I get horrible jaw spasms, followed by severe lockjaw and pain all night long from midnight until 7am. I have not been able to sleep at all in over a week because of this. My jaw is still very stiff and seems to not get better. Sometimes the nerves seems to relieve the jaw a little and I feel it crack when I open my mouth. I get a lot of warmth in that side of my face and neck. It's on my right side (your left). When i finally fall asleep I sleep better now as the headaches have subsided, but when I wake up I feel extremely anxious again. My jaw starts to spasm again upon waking but evenings the symptoms seem to improve until night falls again. The pain from my jaw feels like electric shocks going through my jaw into my temples and sometimes the jaw gets so tight that it feels like my jaw will crack open. Symptoms worse when thinking about them or myself. Pain very violent.
1. Energy- very tired at the slightest mental exertion. Worse in speaking and processing thoughts. Start feeling anxious and need to lay down to rest.
2. Appetite - Continue to have aversions but only to certain food. If I eat too much then I start to feel aversion to food again forcing me to stop eating. However, my appetite has improved significantly. Yesterday had an aversion to fried foods and couldn't eat them.
3. Bowel movements - Feel constipated a lot and have trouble passing gas.
4. Eyes are affected as well, although clonic spasms to the eyelids have improved, almost rarely having an episode and the pupils seem to become more stabilized although still notice them change in size from time to time sometimes things looking a bit foggy to me even though I wear contact lenses.
5. Throat spasms come on suddenly from too much mental exertion and anxiety but subside quickly now and less frequently. Have not vomitting at all anymore from it. I cough a lot too but nothing comes up.
Hope this helps. I find that my jaw problem to be the worst and need help to get rid of this. It's too painful. Thanks.
P.S. I was wondering if the following remedy may help. Oxalicum Acidum. Seems to correspond to my symptoms. One thing that caught me about this remedy is that it mentioned something about Tuberculosis. When I was taking a course for medical assistant 3 years back and when i went to take my tb test it came up positive although I was told that the tb was latent. In other words, it was not active. I was vaccinated against it at the age of 12. The doctors don't realize these days that Tuberculosis does not just affect the lungs but it can affect other organs as well. They found nothing in the lungs so they were not worried. Then how come I'm in so much pain? I was supposed to hear back from the rare disease specialist and no one called me back and I needed a special type of medication to cure this dreadful disease.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 22:43:17 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 22:54:26 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 23:17:11 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 00:33:17 BST]
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 00:43:14 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
lots of people test positive for the latent tb. It means you
were exposed, it could have been in an airport or whatever.
It does not mean you have it. They test everyone here going to
college for it and if you have been exposed they 'recommend'
something like 6 months straight of antibiotics for it.

However they don't make you get them and do this. If the rare
disease specialist saw your test or saw you-and thought you
had active tb I think they would have called you back.
simone717 last decade
That is the problem. I never got to see the specialist and the medication I was put on didn't seem to help so I stopped it. I was on Isoniazid as a preventative form of developing the bug and I was on it because the doctor too couldn't understand why I was getting these symptoms. I later found a new doctor but he dismised my claims.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 06:02:52 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
Honestly, I don't have to explain myself. I'm not making this up and I'm tired of being treated like I'm crazy because people just don't understand this disease and don't know all the different forms of it. I've tried every kind of mental health drug to no avail and the last time I took the Ignatia I felt my jaw stiffen up even more severely so I'm not sure if it's the right remedy or not. It may have helped me somewhat but I'm still having a lot of problems so I want to know if it's safe to try this other stuff and if so how much I should take. Since the medicine is supposed to work holistically then it should work towards my whole body. I'm getting so frustrated. My boyfriend hasn't even been able to touch me because I can't handle being close to anyone. Dr. Yogesh please help.
veralucia1980 last decade
Put 4-5 pills of Ignatia 30 in half a cup of water.
Stirr it with a spoon for 5 mins
then drink the whole solution.
Better if you do it in the morning on empty stomach.
Mind you stirring is necessary!
Observe for 24 hrs and report back.
Dont worry it wont aggravate.
Dr. Yogesh.
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Thanks. I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude with anyone. I'm just struggling real bad and I don't handle pain too well. I'm really scared that the jaw pain will aggravate but I'll try taking more Ignatia, just one dose like you said Dr. Yogesh. I look so pale and I haven't had a problem good nights rest and my sleeping is so messed up. Then earlier today I started wheezing really bad for a couple of minutes while my chest contracted violently. I used to have asthma at the age of 12 but never this bad. I don't recall ever feeling like this before. I couldn't breathe of course because of this. At least it went away after a few minutes but I thought I was gonna pass out. I've also been very confused mentally and I have a hard time talking to people. Any kind of mental exertion causes me problems. I can't think of anything without it bringing on a panic. I really wish I could understand why my brain is doing this to me. I don't think I'll ever understand.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:02:28 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
hope you are doing better. I was just confused bc you
had not mentioned the tb thing before, and I thought
all of this was from getting on the medicines earlier on.

With prayers for you,
simone 717
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
It may actually have been my currently inability to rationalize well that got my mind all confused too, but I did in fact have a test come back positive, but you could be right. I think I'm just messed up mentally right now. Earlier on today my husband said that he had given a check to his daughter to give to me and I honestly don't remember getting it. I've been very forgetful in general and confused over the state of events, but I know for a fact what has happened in the past. it's my short term memory that seems at it's worst. I think that is partly why I try to avoid close contact with others too. I feel uncomfortable around people because I have this distorted body image right now because of the violent spasms I get. I was told to get back to Dr. Yogesh in 24 hours and it's not quite 24 hours yet and I've already seen some improvement although I had a smaller aggravation then last time. It seems to be getting better. It's just that so many muscles that control chewing. All pretty much in my jaw has been compromised and it's taking small steps to get better. This is the area where my symptoms are the worst but I can move my mouth better now and although I'm still getting spasms, and although they are pretty extreme, every day I get a little better from each of these muscle groups. Then there is my leg muscle that at one point today felt really stiff as well but then contracted. It's so hard to explain all this but there are moments like right now where I get some mental clarity. I'm also a lot less anxious today then I was yesterday. I was really losing it. The anxiety was attacking me bad and today after I took the Ignatia I was able to relax more often although I'm awake again tonight. When I finally fell asleep after 2 hours of taking it I slept better and I didn't feel anxious this time upon waking. I think my body really need that extra boost and maybe now I should wait again a few days. My sex drive too has been pretty strong even before I started taking this stuff and sometimes it worsens dramatically and I find I orgasm too easily. I hate that. Too many muscles in my body seem to have gotten affected such as my chest muscles last night. I'm glad that didn't last long. That was before I took the Ignatia. I've also been coughing a lot less. In general it all just feels like I'm having a lot of electric shocks going through my body, even with my jaw when it sometimes stops spasming. I feel the best still laying in bed and I'm more relaxed. Thanks for understanding and for the prayers as well. God have mercy on me and help me get past this. I hope this nightmare ends soon so I can also pray for you and others. It's been impossible to pray and I know I need it real bad.
[message edited by veralucia1980 on Sat, 28 Jul 2012 07:31:17 BST]
veralucia1980 last decade
I've been in pain all day today. Was not able to sleep at all. I'm too tired to write anymore right now.
veralucia1980 last decade

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