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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cat with diarrhea

What would you use after giving a cat ALOE FOr diarrhea .
The owner continued to give it for 3 weeks instead of 5 days (non compliance)
Now diarrhea is worse then ever still smells foul but rather then it previously being painless now there's is much straining

  starclipper on 2012-08-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi can anyone please give me some advice?
starclipper last decade
Sulphur or Podophyllum may be considered.
maheeru last decade
I have a 12 year old cat who has come down with an incurable virus (The corona virus) Right now his only symptom is severe diarrhea. Although homeopathy has helped me with inflammable bowel, I was hesitant to try it, since I did not know the protocol for animals. I have had him on prednisone and special food which has only made it manageable.
I had tried Aloe30C, but now believe that that potency was too high.
I just recently tried Aloe 12C 4 times a day, and have had HUGE improvement.
With homeopathy it is way better to start as low as possible, then work up.
Another frustration, whether with people or animals, if you use a remedy that is not the 'Simillimum', you will have initial success, but the results will wear off and higher potencies wont help.
If that happens with my buddy 'Junior' my next choice of remedy based on his symptoms will be Colocynthis
WTrotter last decade

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