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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cat with Diarrhea

SO, I have had some very good results with homeopathic remedies for my cats- one with stomatitis that thrives with the remedies recommended here.
My 14YO cat has been to the vet due to diarrhea. They said he had pancreatitis---- charged us 600 dollars and this is the second time theyve given this same diagnosis and charged a fortune. They gave him probiotics and something for the diarrhea, but once he finished the meds it came back.
He seems to have it after he eats--- sometimes he goes to the litter box and cant go. Then, he might have an explosive bout of diarrhea ---- and sometimes its on the floor. Very smelly and loose. He wants to eat alot--- started gaining weight after his last vet visit. Mood is fine--- energy is fine. Does seem to drink more, but did not show diabetes or thyroid issue in his bloodwork. Appetite is fine too. Hoping to find a remedy to get to the bottom of the diarrhea bouts. Thanks in advance.
  millizzgmail.com on 2024-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

anuj srivastava 5 days ago
I only have 30C strength-- can I use that?
millizzgmail.com 5 days ago
Try it.No issues.
anuj srivastava 5 days ago

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