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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal sinus please help

hi all, im brand new to homeopathy. i dont wish to undergo surgery for the pilonidal sinus that i have. i've had it for a couple of years now and feel drained by it, emotionally and physically. don't know if they are tied but i assume there is something foreign in the cyst. have been reading about Myristica 200, Silicea 30/200 treatment. whenever the cyst comes up i just usually pop it and pus/blood come out then it stops and it comes back when filled again and then i pop it again. Can someone please explain specifically what i am meant to do with the above mentioned Myristica and Silicea and does this permanently cure it.
thank you very much for your help
  mannyuk on 2012-08-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL take
1. only one dose of 6 pills of Penicilin-1m
Next Day : no medicines of any pathy
then start Hepar Sulph-200 6 pills at beditme every day
2. Take 10 drops of Myristica-Q. Mix it in small amout of White Petrolium Jelly (one Teaspoonful) and prepare an oinment. Pl apply this oinment to affected area. (This oinment may last for one week apporx)

Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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