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Boiron Sinusalia ®:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinus problems

Hi I have a problem with smelly squishy white,creamy ball like things that get stuck in each side of my mouth, sometimes they come out on their own or i have to try and get them out myself by picking them or with a cotton bud . I think it is cataarh or something like that. I get a post nasal drip all the time and constantly swallowing mucus . It causes horrible bad breath and is extreamley bad in the mornings which dear i say have to spit or hauk(sorry i cant spell that word properly) out and i have blow my nose and i start sneezing. I take nasal sprays, antihistimines and i also use a nasal apparatus to clear out my nostrils with water and salt. I have good oral hygeine and i am paranoid about my smelly breath, i have had this problem for years. I have been to an ear, nose,throat specialist and all he gave me was some antibotics. He also said from my xrays that my nasal passages are very narrow and are child like and havnt fully developed, and he thought i may have sinus disease but didnt give me any other treatments apart from antibotics and the nasal apparatus to clean out my sinus's.He couldnt see any polysp things either. It is horrible do you know what this is and is there anything to help me with this please.
Desperate :(
  mel76 on 2012-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Before moving further let me apprise you that I am not a qualified doctor and don’t hold any certification in Homeopathy which allows me to use Doctor (Dr.) tag before my name. It is possible that advice given by me may cure or may not cure your health problem, and you should make your own choice for that. I will be glad if you will address me by my name (without Dr. Tag) in future communications. You can view my case taking history (posts) by clicking my profile ID in the respective posts. If you do not agree with the above, you can just ignore my post. And if you agree, I will do my best to handle your health problem with appropriate support from you.

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1) State your Age -Sex -Height-Weight-Job-Location?
2) Explain in details the chief complaints?
3) What is the duration of illness?
4) If you have Thyroid functioning complications, please explain?
5) If you have blood sugar, do mention the clinical details?
6) Do you have digestion problem? Explain in details.
7) Do you face any problem in bowl movement? Any constipation symptoms?
8) Do you feel thirsty? How many glasses of water you drink every day?
9) Do you feel good in warm or cold or humid climate? Which climate aggravates your problem?
10) Do you have any stress? Explain in details.
11) Do you get normal sound sleep?
12) Explain in detail about your mood?
13) Any problem with you periods? (For females)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
14) Any past health history for which you would like to share the information?
15) List all the medicine used / using for past / present health complaints?
16) Do you exercise daily? Or any other physical activity.
17) What is your Cholesterol level?
18) What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
19) How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
20) Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
21) How much is your present blood pressure?
22) Please give details about your food intake (breakfast-lunch-dinner)?


Note the following when using my email id during the progress of treatment:
1) In situation were in you are not comfortable discussing some of the symptoms on open forum.
2) In situation were in you are not comfortable to upload image on open forum.

Getting all the symptoms at the time of evaluation is the soul purpose of this note which will give tangible benefits to the patients’ health treatment, which will be carried out on this forum. Don’t forget to give your feed back on this link: http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/285783/
Nikkie last decade
Hi Nikkie
Thanks for your reply I will try & answer as much as possible.
I am 36yrs Female, 150cm, 50kg. I live in Christchurch New Zealand. I just left my retail job about a month ago and have taken a break & I am doing a computer course partime.
My chief complaint is my bad breath which i think is mainly caused by the squishy,mucusy cream like balls i get in the sides of my mouth( they come out of little passage holes on each side (inside) of my mouth. They are quite potent in smell sometime i cough them out or i pick them out often with cotton buds.
I have had this condition since i was a young teenager.
I had my thyroid function checked a while ago and it come up normal at the time.
I havn't had blood sugar tested.
Yes i have digestive problems, I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease about 10yrs ago and sometimes I have an irritable bowel and sore tummies often even though i am on a gluten free diet. I have stopped eating most dairy as well which i found was upsetting my stomach. I drink lactose free milk and soy milk.
Yes i get constipation and sometimes & alot of the time my bowel movements are squishy and runny.
Yes I feel thirsty alot and i drink about 750ml a day of water.
I feel better in warmer climate the cold weather effects me alot.
Yes I have been under alot of stress in my life and a considerable amount since we have had our earthquakes here in Christchurch. I left my job recently as i was under alot of stress & pressure ,I become quite depressed and my doctor put me on anti depressants x2 pills a day( Citalopram). I am a single mum of a 12yr old girl and have worked about 30hrs since she was 2yrs old in retail and sales, but i do struggle with energy levels which are very low and i can become exhausted easily.
My sleep patterns are not the best I tend to be most alert at night and i can stay up reading/internetuntill midnight & can take me a long time to get to sleep and i wake a few times during the night, when i wake in the morning i am tired and larthagic and i want to sleep more and i have been getting up quite late since leaving work i can rise anywhere between 11-1pm at the moment which is terrible and i hate this.
My mood tends to go up and down and i find winter very hard with the cold and miserable weather. I am moving to perth Australia at the end of the year to get some sunshine and a fresh start. I am usually a very vibrant bubbly outgoing person and i like to achieve things and are usually very social buti have lost my mojo recently and my confidence and mood had drooped alot, the meds have helped with anxiety and my sleeping is alot better wheras before i started taking them i had insomnia and would lay awake till early hours in the morning. My mood has improved slightly and i feel alot better a scale 1-10 i would probably be 5.
My periods are fairly normal i do get extra irritable a week before my period and they last 3days. I feel tired during them but have no pain, flow is normal not too heavy or not too light. It is bright red then as flow becomes lighter. I get clots on the odd occasion but not very often.
Health wise i tend to get sick every winter and it has often led to Bronchitus/asthma and thus have had to take alot of antibiotics over the years. Have suffered from depression on and off, bowel/sinus problems. I have stuggled with acne since a teenager but since going on a gluten free diet my skin is 90% better. I get tension headaches and sore necks when stressed. Ihave allergies hayfever itchy nose.
I am just taking 20ml x2 tablets Citalopram.
I walk 2x a week for 45mins.
I am not sure as to what my cholesterol level is as i havnt had this tested.
I dont really have food cravings but i do like alot of orange juice. I dont smoke and i dont drink much alcohol.
Actually i do sweat alot mainly under my arms, it use to be very bad before i went on a gluten free diet.
I am not sure as to what my blood pressure was but the doctor said it has always been normal .
My food intake usually consists of the same things.
Breakfast toast with eggs or GF vegemite or tomatoe or banana.
or GF cornflakes with lactose free milk or soymilk.
Lunch can be a baked potatoe with marg and cheese, cornthins with cheese/ham/tomatoe, orange.
Afternoon tea maybe a amall packet of chips,crackers.
Dinner is usually meat (mince,sausages,chicken,lamb,pork)with potatoe,broccoli,cauliflower,carrots,peas,corn,beans.
Summer months is green salad with meat.
Sometimes we have pudding icecream, with choc topping and fruit salad, maybe 2x a week.
I drink hot chocolate, orange juice, and herbal teas.
mel76 last decade
Please get hold of following medicines in liquid dilution:

1) Nux Vomica 200.
Take two doses of Nux Vomica in a day. First dose should be taken early morning empty stomach, second dose before going to bed. This is for one day only.

One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 3 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content.

Make sure you keep all medicines away from direct sunlight, strong smell, strong heat zone (keep it in a dark cool place away from allopathic medicines). Also make sure the dropper is fitted with the bottle, else use separate dropper for different medicine for making doses, this will avoid unnecessary contamination.

Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine, also it is important to wait one hour minimum before or after brushing the teeth. These restrictions need to be followed each time you take homeopathy medicines during the treatment.

Also you need to stop other medicines while going ahead with this treatment.

Keep me updated.

Blessings & Prayers,
Nikkie last decade
Ok thanks Nikkie
I will try and get hold of this medicine and get back to you once i have taken it.
mel76 last decade
Hi Nikkie

I had the formula made up for me which i got today will take as you have said tomorrow. Just a question you have said to stop all medication, does that mean i stop taking my citalopram meds for just the day ?
mel76 last decade
Hi Nikkie

I took the nux vomica 200 yesterday as recommended, i just stopped my citalopram for the day.
So just wondering do i need to take anything else or the nux vomica 200 at any other time? Also what will this do for me and how long will it take to notice any differnce?

Thanks for all your help.
mel76 last decade
Please get hold of following medicines in liquid dilution:

1) Manganum Aceticum 30.
Take two doses of Manganum Aceticumin a day. First dose should be taken early morning empty stomach, second dose before going to bed. Repeat for five days.

One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 3 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content.

Make sure you keep all medicines away from direct sunlight, strong smell, strong heat zone (keep it in a dark cool place away from allopathic medicines). Also make sure the dropper is fitted with the bottle, else use separate dropper for different medicine for making doses, this will avoid unnecessary contamination.

Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine, also it is important to wait one hour minimum before or after brushing the teeth. These restrictions need to be followed each time you take homeopathy medicines during the treatment.

Keep me updated.

Blessings & Prayers,
Nikkie last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.