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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction

dear sir i am 35 yrs unmarried slim 5'11' .i hv masterbated from 12 yrs of age 3 to 4 times daily.now i hv no sexual desire at all with no erection in my penis .it bents leftwards.i hv depression prob and can not sleep at night and i am taking allopathic medicine alprex 0.5mg and fluoxetine cap 20mg from last 3 years.i am takind medicine sildnefil 50mg.but it causes headache and acidity.i v acidity prob also.
Abt myself if hv very dull nature ,anger,I like sweets,having sweatnes prob in all seasons,I hv my nose blocked in all season and cough also.my eyesight is week having blurred vision .i want to live alone at all the time.pls tell me the medicine as soon as possible as i am going to marry in few days
  amit141 on 2012-09-10
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