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Attn - Dr Reva - 5 Yrs old boy with autism

We are from Hyderabad India. My son is 5 yrs old, he was diagnosed with Mild Autism when he was 20 months old. we believe all this is started after we gave him MMR in the 15th month, he fell sick badly was hospitailized for 3 days due to loose stools, vomiting, high fever and dehyderation.Since then he has been on GFCF Soy corn and sugar free diet. Have done Detoxification therapy (Infra Red Sauna Chamber, Cofee enema, rectal Ozone thearpy) for almost 1 year. Occupational therapy for abt 6 months and he could over come all the sensory issues like full sleev shirts, hair cut, fear of heigths, fine motor issues. Speech thearpy is going on since then and is still on. Gave him multi vitamin's s per the DAN protocol (Super Nethra, DMG, B12 Shots, Folic Acid, Calc with Zinc, Pro biotics, cod liver capsules, Primrose, GLA and Lipocuitical Gluthatione for Natural Detox etc) right now only giving him Calc, pro biotics and Gluthatione)

Issues that we could resolve with the above protocol were improved eye contact, no sensory issues (toe walking, spinning, lining up of toys, mouthing of toys etc) started speaking in single words with the use of Gluthatione, better stools (before the diet, had very frequent loose stools and vomitings). better sleep, better moods.

Since Jan 2012, we started Neurofeedback for autism (Brain function training by Medha mind) and this has turned out to be the best treatment for my son, has started speaking in sentences, askinh questions, improved receptive language, potty tarined, expressing his wants very well, doing good at school (he goes to a regular school and is in Lower Kinder garten) is able to answer questions in the exams. Is able to understand our feelings, is accepting his younger brother whos is 5 months old. Is playing approriately with toys and showing his creativity while playing. He has improved in bundles i can say

But the only issue which i still face is his abilty to listen(i dont mean hearing, but listing to what we saying) i believe its more to do with his attention and concentration level which are still bad. I think now its more like he has ADHD. He also has behaviour issues, he still cant sit in the class for too long. He gets too excited for simple things or nothing at all and starts of screaming or shouting or jumping and many a times stiffens his hands and body and screams. Even though he is been on diet for almost 3+ yrs, he still craves for Sweets, milk and wheat items.

As per his speech thearpist he can do wonder and be at par with his language as per his age very soon if he can pay attention to what we say and use the same language appropriately.

So, i was looking at some help with homeo on his hyperactivety, behavioural issues, language development and his ability to pay better attention. Assuming that homeo doesnt interfere with the Neurofeedback treatment that we doing right now. I would surely want to see what we can do with homeo to help my child

In the past, i have given him sulphur 30 few doses and for his cold i give him aconite 30 as soon as i see the cold or cough symptom and Natrum Sulp for cold and dullcamara or ANTIM TART for cough.

Please do let me know if you would need any more information abt my son, i would be more than gald to provide the same, if that can help you make a better judgement for the med to use.

Thank you in advance!

  Kamisetty radhika on 2012-10-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are sure that all problem started with MMR, then pl give him
1. Thuja-1m one dose of 6 pills on every Sunday at bedtime (Weekly Dose)
Pl give 4 weekly doses and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 02:34:29 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
Hi Radhika-
Great to hear the benefits this had for your child. Did you go to the
childpsychiatryindia .com place with Dr. Deepak Gupta?

I was wondering a few other things that would help others.
How many treatments did it take before you got results?

Did they do the electrode cap and then do the audio sounds?Or how did
they set this up with the feedback-


Simone 717
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,

Sure I can help you with more info on neurofeedback, I know it can help a lot of parents who have been looking for something more for their kids.

I have got this done by mr srinivasana, chief mentor medha mind (medhamind.com). Who is also doing the training for dr deepak gupta's patients in Delhi.

We doing the same at Hyderabad at my place. As we are the first to start at Hyderabad.

We have done an assessment with QEEG and based on the report, We have used LENS to start with and now moving on with other technologies which require the child to participate and provide feedback to the software. Which is going on well. We have done about 60+ classes so far since jan 2012.plan is to continue for few more months till we have not resolved the major issues with the child.

Mr Srinivasan and his team in medha mind are really doing a great job by helping kids with special needs, this more works like an alternative therapy as after a level we have no road to walk on. Once we done with the basic therapies this works wonders, I can definetly say it did do wonders to my child, as a mother I'm very much pleased with the training.
Kamisetty radhika last decade
Thank you so much for the reply and feedback-

It is great to know there are real results!
simone717 last decade

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