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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am looking for advice for one of my friend.

Age . 38 Years, Male, Married with 2 kids.

Diabetes; Fasting Sugar averages . 130-140; Since one year; started with a constant tension, work pressure in office as well as family problems. Initial fasting reading was 165-170. Taken Ameryl 3g for a months times then started homeopathic medicines: Bioplasgen 7 was taken for 4 months time in the beginning resulting in no effect.Discontinued. Then used Uranium nitrate 30, Acid phos 30, rhus aomatica30, Natrum phos-30 (single dry dose per day) which brings down fasting reading nearly 130-140 now. If these medicine are stopped, fasting reading returns back to 150-170 range within 2-4 days.

Use of Lactic acid 30 increases pain in fingers and left hand so discontinued.

No sleeplessness problem.

Hunger increased.

Thirst increased.

Chronic frequent & Urgent urination (problem since 10years); frequency increases with cold environment (worsen with air-conditioning and during winter). Large quantities of urine. Urine leakes before reaching the toilet.

Recurrent throat infections; pharangytis. Infection increases with intake of cold water, cold drinks, ice cream, pickles, fried food, oily food etc.

Planta facia (Pain in feet when get out of bed after sleep or standup from a chair after long time.)

Pain in the knees when climbing upstairs. When sitting on floor with bend legs; during prayers
Sometimes felt pain in thighs.
Sometimes shooting pain in finger joints (left hand).

Pain in left hand palm (under the ‘life line’); cannot grip strongly.

Numbness & tingling in both hands & fingers.

Weight : 75 KG; nearly normal as per height; stable weight since 3-4 years. No loss of weight during a year’s time since diabetes is diagnosed.

Uses spectacles for shortsightedness.

Solitary nature.
  madnan on 2012-10-29
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