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DepressionPostpartum Depression



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help/Suggestions requested for postpartum depression in one of my patients

Hi Everyone,

I need help/suggestions from experts on this forum regarding one of my patient's case. Unfortunately, I am unable to see the patient personally so can't get more details except the following:

The patient is a female of age around 30. She got married last year & now had a baby after 7 or 8 months of pregnancy. While her baby was of 1 or 2 weeks, she saw a nightmare that someone is telling her 'your son is dead', she argued that her son is alive but the same voice said 'but he has to die & will die soon'.... Since that day, the lady has become very much depressed rather in deep grief. Has become very lean & thin, her skin has become pale, is always buried in deep thoughts, doesn't properly take care of herself or her baby even. Just lost in deep grief & always thinking. Whenever she remembers or someone reminds her of that nightmare, she becomes very much afraid & her condition is even worsened. Does not take interest in anything, not even in her kid or family. I had following few remedies in my mind but advice from other fellows id also requested for the same:

1- Calcarea Carb
2- Ambra Gracea
3- Ignatia Ammara
4- Natrum Mur
5- Sepia
6- Arsenic Album

Please share your valuable suggestions.

[message edited by AsadGhumman on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:07:24 GMT]
  AsadGhumman on 2012-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also consider Opium, Gels, Verat, Stram.

kadwa last decade
Thanks Kadwa for your help, I am still quite confused about her remedy
AsadGhumman last decade
welcome to the site, This is a very good forum site
jackmillarrr last decade
I would suggest that you give her Sulphur 200C.
Possibly because of the shock, Aconitum 30C.

Start with a dose of Aconite 30C. Wait a day and see if this had any effect, if not give Sulphur 200C. One dose, then wait a week.

This is my suggestion. :)

Parakletos; practitioner of classical homeopathy.
Parakletos last decade
Thanks Parakletos :). Very nice suggestion indeed, I would try this
AsadGhumman last decade
hi dear if your pat, is well so thanks GOD. if your pat, symptoms still.so used this combination. good result for this history.

ignatia. 200+
staphysagria. 200+
natrum,mur. 200+

all medicine mix 13+13+13 drops twic a day for 4 day,s then report 5th day.
dr, badar baig
doctorbadar9 last decade

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