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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Muscles Twitching, Anxiety & Depression

Hello All - I am 41 yrs old male - suffering from severe eye twitching and other muscles on face, arms, legs and feet - I have severe anxiety as well - Like I am always worried about unknown and known fears such as health related fears. My homeopath put me on Stramonium 200CH which worked well in the beginning but NOW my anxiety is almost double than before and twitching has spread to other parts of body as well. What is your opinion and/or suggestions.
  M Malik on 2013-06-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Malik,

When did you start Stram 200ch?

What was the prescription of dosing, how many days, how often?
simone717 last decade
I started it 2 months ago - 2 small globules under the tongue every 15 days.
[message edited by M Malik on Wed, 19 Jun 2013 23:40:50 BST]
M Malik last decade
Trying to see where you are at here.

The Stram worked well in the start of this.

Then what happened - did it wear off and you went backwards
a bit? Did the homeopath then tell you to take more?

Or did he tell you to just do these doses every 15 days ?

You are having an aggravation and have had too much of it.
How long has the anxiety been double like it is now?

Have you talked to the homeopath about this?
simone717 last decade
Well, I shall give more details - I was having dizziness spills, vertigo, anxiety & depression so i was put on Stram 200ch that I took 3 doses every 15 days - then my vertigo was out of control so they stopped Stram 200CH and put me on tabacum 30CH and vertigo went away completely with one single dose (2 globules) and homeopath asked my to check in 3 weeks - In 3 weeks when i was off Stram 200CH my anxiety came back - Then most recent dose of Stram 200CH i took a week ago and since then every thing is out of control. Now my next appointment is within next 2 weeks, so i am waiting but I thought of checking with the ABC forum as well. If it is aggravation then it is TOO MUCH of aggravation - COULD YOU TELL ME WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT? This aggravation would go away or I should repeat the dose. What do you suggest.
M Malik last decade
It sounds like Stram is the wrong remedy for you. It will
wear off, and you do not take more of it.

The homeopath may have the potency wrong or it is just
wrong. You should call the homeopath and say this is
too much aggravation and ask him what he wants you to
do -antidote it, or what bc it is too strong. See what he says.
He should be helping you out with this every few days if
you feel this badly.
simone717 last decade
Please stop other medicines and take Gelsimum-30 five drops per dose three times a day. Also take Kali Phos-200 one dose at bed time and report after one week

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you Dr. Mahfooz - I shall try to use the remedy that you suggested however what is your point of view about Stram 200CH that i am currently taking - Is there anyway to antidote it or the symptoms will go away on its own? I am really worried.
M Malik last decade

there are a couple ways to do this.

Stram antidotes are Belladonna, Tabacum! and Nux vomica.
( Very strange that your homeopath would antidote the first dose
due to the vertigo and then give you the same remedy again)

Dr. Mahfooz 's prescription is meant to cover what is going on with you
now- your present reactions - so it will antidote the stramonium.
I would go ahead and do this and then follow Dr. Mahfooz.
simone717 last decade
Hi Dr. Mahfooz & Simone 717:

I went today to buy the prescription by Dr. Mahfooz - couldn't find the the remedy in liquid form however bought those globules made by 'Bioron' I was wondering what whoud be dose now since its not the liquid its the globules. I have an appointment with my homeopath on WEdnbesday as well - could you please give me some guideline questions to rasie during the appointment? Thanks
M Malik last decade
Dear Malik,

What country are you in? If usa, you can order off this site. If Europe
you can order from Helios Homeopathic UK.

Every homeopath does doses differently- Dr. Mahfooz does 5 drops of liquid
or 5 pills. He does not say anything about putting pills in a little water, or
the liquid in some water.-usually people put the liquid in some water, and
either take pellets dry, chew slow and let dissolve or dissolve them in
a couple tablespoons of water.

Next- you have to decide if you want to keep going to that homeopath.
Homeopaths always have their own 'view' on things and they rarely agree
on the prescription and how to take the prescription. Your homeopath
probably won't be happy if you take the Gelsemium and kali phos-

So you must make your own choice, you can follow Dr. Mahfooz,
or keep going to your homeopath, or find another one.

I hope you are doing better than when you first wrote in.


Simone 717
simone717 last decade
I am in Toronto, Canada. I have paid the homeopath upfront for few visits package therefore I have to go however I would discuss the aggravation and Dr. Mahfooz's remedy as I dont see any harm in getting her feedback. Actually, I am going to Ontario College of Homeopathy where the case is studied and reserached by bunch of senior students and then the remedy is prescribed with the consultation of a Homeopath/Clinical Supervisor. I bought there package for 10 visits so there are few left. I did receive benefits from their remedy especially my vertigo is 99% gone which was my major worry. Now this twitching thing and anxiety & sepression will go away too with the help of you guys and the right remedy. I shall keep you posted.
M Malik last decade
Just so you know, you cannot take
dr. Mahfooz prescription and what
they suggest also- that will not work, remedies won't work

Gelsemium is for anxiety, and Kali phos, is a huge remedy
for the nerves.

You are going to have to pick which prescription you take.
simone717 last decade
Thank you Simone, I do understand what you mean - I can not use both remedies at the same time, I have to pick one however before picking the remedy I have to inform and consult the physician that I am already contact with besides it is always a good idea to get a second opinion. I have already bought the remedy that means I have complete faith in what Dr. Mahfooz prescribed remedy however I would like to wait for one more day and see what my homeopath says about the aggravation and Dr. Mahfooz's prescription. Just to let you know that I saw a Neurologist today and he has ruled out anything serious in regards to twitching. I would also like to share that my tongue is also twitching occasionally which makes me very anxious as well. I hope Kali Phos would fix my nerves.
[message edited by M Malik on Mon, 24 Jun 2013 23:36:44 BST]
M Malik last decade

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