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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression or anxiety

I am ahmer
gender male
age 39
height 5'8''
weight 83 kg
non diabetic
yes hypertensive
yes sensitive
my main suffering is
anxiety without any external reason, 2)Hypertension, 3)premature ventricular contraction of heart, 4)allergy.
I was also patient of IBS-C for 3 years but not now.
hard to make decisions.
don't feel happy in life as I don't have any problem other then health issues.
I talk while seeping some times walk while sleeping.
always feels tired, less of energy and get more anger in minor things, some time while sleeping I feel that my wife has physical relation with some one and I start abusing while sleeping as I don't have any 1 percent dought in my wife, she is very nice,
I always remain worrie in different diseases, some time
GERD, Allergy throat infection, high bp, high cholesterol, heart PVC,
in winter I feel some one is crying inside and I feel anxiety.
I even cant read news paper as I feel others problem as my problems.
some times I say to God why you created us as u knew this all will happen in world, we ll kill to each other then y u created us, if a killer is human being then I m ashamed to be human being but again Start weeping and say Oh God forgive me you know better.
I call to my home if I m outside and if no one attend call then I think may be something wrong at home.
I remain in high mood of anxiety when doctor start checking my BP.
finally one doctor suggested me a one SSRI anxiety medicine escitalopram and it gave me good results, I started remain happy, my bp controlled w/o med and my heart pvc reduced 90 percent but my cholesterol did nt controlled.
I took 6 months this med then discontinue slowly but in one month symptoms back and now doctors says u need to take this med life time but due to side effects I don't want to take it life time so any one
help me here I must remember him in my prays.

  ahmer.kazi on 2013-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
any other medical problem and any other medicine did you try?
faisal qureshi last decade
no other medical problem
no other medicine
last time I tried crateagus Q only.
ahmer.kazi last decade
Dear Dr.kadwa I need your attention plz.
ahmer.kazi last decade
Dear all doctors,
is my case typical or all doctors are busy so that's why not getting any response here?

take care.
ahmer.kazi last decade
Hi Ahmer.

Faisal is a homeopath in the UK. He takes a day or so to study
things.No one else replied bc they are waiting for Faisal to

Perhaps he is too busy-

so lets ask him- Faisal are you too busy to prescribe on this
and monitor, or do you want to have Kadwa suggest?
simone717 last decade
How and when was IBS resolved?
Zady101 last decade
Dear Dr. Simone717
Dr.faisal replied on 8th and today is 12th july, so i thought dr.faisal is busy.
dr.kadwa way of treating is like dr.hanmon way so i thought to take his name.
by nature i am over consoius so thats y want multiple opinion.

dear Dr. zady101, i suffered IBS 3 years and done endoscopy and all other tests but finally one doctor suggested me to be active physically so then i started playing badminton daily and finally my IBS resolved without medicines.

Take care.
ahmer.kazi last decade

If you want me to take up your case, then I would request you to create a new thread with my name included in the subject line - 'Attn ZADY, anxiety and depression case'.

In case your homeopath comes back here, you have my best wishes to continue treatment with him. I am just offering u a fall back option.
Zady101 last decade
Dear zady i will be happy if you take my case and give me ur precious time.
i have created new thread as you have written.
ahmer.kazi last decade
sorry for late reply i think Kadwa is look after you also i see zady is look after you now, in my study Phosphurus is right remedy for you also i was looking on nux and ars.

thanks and good luck

faisal qureshi last decade

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