The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic Constipation in 10 year old, Please Help!!!
Hi,My daughter is 10 and has constipation problem for a long time. We all have been struggling to help her by giving her extra fruit, fiber (Celery, carrots, other veges, etc.), water but that has not helped. Occasionally, I would give her Miralax for a week or two but after a while it goes back to the same issue. Her stool is very hard (pebbles). She says that in the morning she does not even feel the urge to go. She does feel the urge most of the times at night before going to bed. She has had this issue for about five years now. The constipation comes and goes. She routine gets bad during the weekends and during summer. Few years ago (when she was about 6), she her stool get really backed up and she had severe stomach ache. When we took her to the doctor, they performed and X-Ray and mentioned that her colon was really backed up. We had given her Miralax at that time to cur the issue and it worked. But her constipation came back again. The doctor also mentioned that due to her stool being backed up continuously for such so long (over a course of years), her colon size has increased. We never took a second opinion on that and this was almost 5 years ago so I dont know if this is still an issue. I hope her colon has gone back to normal.
I think the main issue here is that she does not feel the urge to go in the morning. So, I would like your help in this matter. Is there any remedy that would help her by feeling the urge and going in the morning?
To give a little background, when she was a baby, we had milk protein allergy, meaning her stomach could not break down the milk protein easily and we had to give her a special formula with pre-digested milk protein until she was 17 months. After that her allergy went away. We found this out when I had given her normal formula one day when she was 27 days old and she started to throw up profusely for over five hours and was completely de-hydrated. We had to rush her to emergency. But her pediatrician was not that good. She never mentioned that the formula could have been the cause of her problem. Since we were first time parents with her, we did not know. But when I gave her the same formula second time, same thing happened. This time she had completely white stools for two days then blood the third day and it went back to normal the fourth day. This incident happened at least four other times with her due to her taking milk product until she was 17 months. So, I dont know if this has something to do with her being constipated and not feeling the urge.
I really need help, I cannot see my daughter suffer. Please, please kindly let me know how I can help her cure this problem.
Many thanks,
Very concerned mother
p_garg on 2013-07-31
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