The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pilonidal Sinus
Hello!I just got diagnosed today with a pilonidal sinus. I do NOT currently have a cyst- thankfully! There is no pain, just a very, very small amount of blood that has been leaking out of it, which is right below where the butt cheeks separate. I've done some research and do NOT under any circumstances want to get surgery, and I know I do not have to. I'm just having trouble knowing with natural route to take to make sure this does not get any worse, and hopefully close up the sinus if that is possible. I was reading another forum about pilonidal and saw you list these questions to answer, so here are my answers!
4. Single/Married
5. weight
190 lbs (I'm currently working on changing my diet)
6. Height
5 feet 5 inches
7. country
8. climate
Dry, near mountains in Colorado, somewhat desert-like
9. List of your complaints
Pilonidal sinus for the first time, very mild, no cyst, no pain, just red and very small amount of blood
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
1 week
11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
It varies from day to day, most often salt, though, once in a while sweets
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
I am a vegetarian. I particularly like spicy food and salty food, though I do try to limit my salt intake
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
Not one hundred percent sure... its usually around 120/75
16. What exactly is happening?
Mentioned earlier
17. How do you feel?
Anxious because of the research I've done, I just want to treat this naturally and effectively
18. How does this affect you?
It just worries me because I've also had chronic back problems for some years, but that issue is finally getting better. Now this pilonidal sinus popped up and the western doctor told me I would have it for the rest of my life.
19. How does it feel like?
Anxious, but hopeful
20. What comes to your mind?
Wondering if the western doctor was correct in saying I'll have this for the rest of my life.
21. One situation that had a big effect on you?
Moving to Colorado from Minnesota recently
22. How did that feel like?
Very good, but I moved with my partner who I am now trying to leave, so that is causing some stress
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
Exhilaration, curiosity
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
Not sure what this means
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
Nothing yet, just trying to stand and walk a little more since I heard sitting for so long is not good for it. I don't have an infection so they didn't give me medicine. In the past I've take Percocet pain pills for my back, but have not taken any in quite a while.
26. Family Background
Mother is an alcoholic with tons of health issues. She's had multiple surgeries but never seems to quite get better. She works in a group home helping mentally handicapped people. She has a good heart, but grew up in a bad situation. My father is a very nice man, though very unemotional at times. He is a software engineer, has asthma, and possibly Churgs Strauss Syndrome.
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient.
BA in English Literature and Creative Writing
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
Office Administrator at a toy shop, and I have a hula hoop business where I teach, perform, and make and sell hoops.
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food.
Love most vegetables. I desire potato chips a lot. I don't like olives. I desire spicy food often, and I usually like eating cooked food versus cold food. I crave salty, crunchy food a lot as well.
30. Name of foods which increase your problem.
Not sure
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
I am very positive most of the time, I usually only get angry when I'm stuck in traffic, I meditate frequently, sometimes I'm in a hurry, but I try to take my time and be conscious about it. Public speaking makes me nervous, but I am improving that characteristic in myself. I'm in the middle of taking some deep and powerful changes in my life to better myself. I am breaking up with my partner like I said before, so that's stressful. But I'm very excited for the future and most days I love life and the adventures it holds.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
More unhappy in the winter, but mainly because there was no sun in the winter in Minnesota. Now that I'm in Colorado, it will be sunny most of the winter, so I think I'll be better. I thrive in warm, but dry climates. I love being outside and being comfortable. I hate humidity unless I'm near a body of water.
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. Location of the disease
About an inch below where the but cheeks separate.
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
Lower part, right in the middle of the butt crack.
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
Redish/pinkish, then pinkish/tanish
FireDancer on 2013-10-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it and will be starting the regimen tomorrow once I find the tablets.
FireDancer last decade
I am on my fourth day of the regimen. So far it is itching a lot less, which is good! The area is not as red, and it's slightly more comfortable to lay down on my back. My partner looked at it last night and said it was a little white around the sinus. What does this mean?
So far this remedy seems to be doing some good. :)
So far this remedy seems to be doing some good. :)
FireDancer last decade
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
this is a local disease and it is a surgical disease , so big detail is not required...
pls try Myristica 200 weekly one dose will cure this problem permanantly...
dr.deoshlok sharma
pls try Myristica 200 weekly one dose will cure this problem permanantly...
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dr. Deoshlok- I read that Myristica is used for bursting open cysts and such. Does it have other uses? Because I do not currently have a cyst at all. I just have a very small sinus that is not infected or anything. The hole is simply there and I want to get it closed up.
Also, is Myristica in tablet form or liquid form? What time of the day should I take it if I do? Thank you so much for your input.
Also, is Myristica in tablet form or liquid form? What time of the day should I take it if I do? Thank you so much for your input.
FireDancer last decade
since you dont have a cyst i have prscribed calc sulph 6x ,5 tablets three times a pls continue it as it is healing your sinus which has not yet matured.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
I'm on my 8th day of the Calc Sulph 6x rememdy.
A couple of nights ago I was a little worried because a tiny chunk of blood came from somewhere. But today I took another look and the area is significantly less red than 4 days ago. It also has not been itchy at all within the past couple days. No blood at all either. Yay! :)
Should I continue with the same remedy?
I'm on my 8th day of the Calc Sulph 6x rememdy.
A couple of nights ago I was a little worried because a tiny chunk of blood came from somewhere. But today I took another look and the area is significantly less red than 4 days ago. It also has not been itchy at all within the past couple days. No blood at all either. Yay! :)
Should I continue with the same remedy?
FireDancer last decade
I'm on the 19th day of the regimen. So far the redness is almost completely gone, and the itchiness is almost completely gone as well. The sinus is still there, though. Is it possible for it to ever close up completely? Thank you so much for your continued input.
FireDancer last decade
Hello again.
My sinus randomly started bleeding a lot today, and I'm not sure why.
Are there certain activities I should refrain from while waiting for this to heal? Is there another remedy I should try taking other than Calc Sulph 6x? Is there a certain way I should be taking it... any foods I should avoid, taking it with food or without, etc...
Your advice would be much appreciated again. Thank you so much.
My sinus randomly started bleeding a lot today, and I'm not sure why.
Are there certain activities I should refrain from while waiting for this to heal? Is there another remedy I should try taking other than Calc Sulph 6x? Is there a certain way I should be taking it... any foods I should avoid, taking it with food or without, etc...
Your advice would be much appreciated again. Thank you so much.
FireDancer last decade
pls take one dose of myristica 200.
continue cs.
have the medicines half an hour before or after meals.
feed back after 4 days.
continue cs.
have the medicines half an hour before or after meals.
feed back after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
I should take the myristica even though I don't technically have a cyst? I just have the sinus, and it was bleeding from that. I just want to confirm. Thank you!
FireDancer last decade
hi sir
i suffered from pilonidal sinus.earlier i ignored it for 2-3 months.but after that i consulted doctor,who prescribed me some alopathy medicine.also i took sitz bath twice a there is no blood or puss,but the little hole still exists.i want to ask you whether haemopathy would be a good decision? and which medicine would you suggest?
i suffered from pilonidal sinus.earlier i ignored it for 2-3 months.but after that i consulted doctor,who prescribed me some alopathy medicine.also i took sitz bath twice a there is no blood or puss,but the little hole still exists.i want to ask you whether haemopathy would be a good decision? and which medicine would you suggest?
bunnysingh last decade
myristica 200. 5 pills ones a day for a week
calc sulph 6x,5 tabs three times a day in addition.
feed back after 7 days
calc sulph 6x,5 tabs three times a day in addition.
feed back after 7 days
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
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