The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dear All ParentsI want to try homeopathy for my son and after extensive reading am quiet impressed but woory mostly about the method and accuracy with which the potencization is achieved.
For our children, I feel only high potencies (>200C, preferably 1M) will work. ANY COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS?
The higher potencies require great degree of successions and am not sure if the homeo pharmacies would be doing the right thing by us. COULD ANY BODY SUGGEST SOME PHARMACY OR A WAY THAT I MAKE THE MEDICINE AT HOME? I REALLY WANT IT TO BE PERFECT.
A father who is ready to fight it out
mukeshm on 2003-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am agry with You, but you have forgotten that the remedy of your used shold be right. If you use the wrong remedy in that hight potension damage could be done. Never use that hight potension if you are not shure, that is why it could be beter to ask for a help from the professionals. The remedy is depend of your child individuality. If you tell us the individual things about yours child behave, what he likes, what he hates, how he behaves, may be we could help you.
homeopaatti 2 decades ago
Try it at a lower potency first, and then try the highter potencies if that relieves symptoms slightly.
Don't try making it yourself, let a homeopathic pharmacy do it for you. THey will have years of experience and access to things you do not (asceptic conditions, distilled water, etc)
The pharmacies in the shop here have all been established many years and have an excellent reputation in homeopathic circles.
Don't try making it yourself, let a homeopathic pharmacy do it for you. THey will have years of experience and access to things you do not (asceptic conditions, distilled water, etc)
The pharmacies in the shop here have all been established many years and have an excellent reputation in homeopathic circles.
maria 2 decades ago
Following is an article and a list of homeopath that has succes with homeopathy treatment of autism:
Homeopathic Treatment of Autism
Homeopathy isn't a 'take this for that' medicine. Ten different autistic children might be prescribed ten different remedies. Choice of remedy depends on a child's individual characteristics. However, there are some remedies that are more commonly used than others to treat children in this community.
Autism, unfortunately, is a very serious condition and is not an easy cure. For example, while ADD (ADHD) has an 70% cure rate in many homeopathic practices, autism is much more difficult. However there are definitely many cases of homeopathic autism cures besides Max's. Although complete cures cannot be expected in most cases, the homeopath who treated Max (John Melnychuk -- see below) and many other homeopaths who treat autistic children are seeing significant progress in a majority of cases. If treatment begins early -- especially before age 5 -- there is room for great hope! Even later treatment can find success. But you must have commitment and view treatment as a long term process that will take months and years, not days or weeks.
Note that by 'cure,' we mean cure without the ongoing need for a heavily restricted diet, therapies, etc. -- i.e. complete recovery, not just functioning better. If you met Max today (at age 15) you would never suspect he had been autistic. He attends regular school at age level, is an excellent student who gets all A's and B's, and is outgoing, friendly, and popular socially. He no longer has any food sensitivities. He still sees his homeopath once or twice a year and takes occasional remedies. But even in Max's case, it took two years of treatment until he was testing at age level and another four or five years until we felt he no longer had any vestiges of autism. So cure is possible, but it requires commitment on your part.
Because autism is difficult to treat, we recommend that you seek out a very experienced classical homeopath (one remedy at a time, no mixtures) and stick with it for at least a year. Do not try to treat your child yourself. If you read Impossible Cure you will learn what classical homeopathic treatment is all about and how to discern if a particular practitioner is classical. Ideally, select a practitioner whose entire practice is devoted to homeopathy.
Many people have inquired about homeopathic 'detox' treatments or 'sequential therapy' approaches to homeopathy. These kinds of therapies have been successful in some cases. However, such protocols are sometimes implemented in ways that can be drastic and harsh. My own preference and recommendation is to find a well-trained and open-minded classical homeopath instead. Not all practitioners who use nonstandard homeopathic protocols have thorough training. Be sure that you check practitioner qualifications and training in homeopathy. A practitioner who treats autistic children should have at least four years of training in homeopathy and preferably several more years of clinical experience. Ask for patient references.
In our view and experience, properly and individually selected remedies can naturally detox the body in a gradual and natural way. Predetermined protocols that are not tailored to the specific symptoms being exhibited by a child can sometimes be misguided, given the acute sensitivity of autistic children.
As far as sequential therapy goes, it can be used in beneficial ways in the hands of a skilled practitioner. In our view, this approach should be applied in a way that is guided by the presenting symptoms of the child -- which is, after all, the very foundation of the homeopathic approach. The way sequential therapy works is, based on the history of symptoms of a case, a remedy is given to address each 'event', in reverse order. The remedies chosen are often based on an idea of 'specifics' (see page 157 in Impossible Cure). So you'll get one remedy to treat this vaccine, then a month later another remedy to treat the previous vaccine, etc. Sometimes this approach is applied in a very routine way rather than being based on the actual symptoms being presented by the patient at the given time.
Please be aware that many classical homeopaths will use variants of detox and sequentialist approaches if they need to. For example, if treatment is not progressing using the indicated remedies, a vaccine in potency might be used to unblock a case. Similarly, classical homeopaths will use nosodes as remedies when they are indicated. So don't worry that a classical homeopath won't use 'detox' or 'sequential' techniques if they need to. They just won't do it in a routine way, which (in our view) is very wise. Each case must be treated individually. This is our opinion, based on our experience as well as reports from other parents.
Please also remember that it usually takes a practitioner time to find a good remedy and dosing regimen -- sometimes months of trial and error. In Max's case, there was slow and steady improvement throughout, but that's unusual. It's really a long term process -- but well worth it! Your child's life is at stake -- and your own life as well. Once you begin to see improvement, you will have an easier time sticking with it. Try to be patient. Autism cures are usually slow -- but slow and steady wins the race. If you have no success over a period of time with a particular homeopath, try another. Successful homeopathic treatment, unfortunately, depends on the ability of the practitioner to successfully find the right remedy for your child. See referral information below.
Don't give up hope for recovery.
So many parents with autistic kids become despondent and don't believe their kid can recover. This really works against them. Don't give in to despair. Try as hard as you can to be loving, accepting, but confident that full recovery is possible. In addition, try not to become accommodated to or invested in your child's illness. Don't try to convince yourself that your child is just fine as an autistic person; they will be much better off if they aren't autistic! Striking a balance between love and acceptance of your child and confidence in their improvement can sometimes be difficult, but you can achieve it. Moreover, don't be afraid of potential disappointment. What's worse, experiencing disappointments or never trying at all? You owe it to your child to not let your own fears get in the way.
The sooner you seek treatment the better.
In a way, autistic children 'leave' us and the further away they get, the harder it is to bring them back. Besides, as the brain grows and matures, it becomes more set in its ways. When allopathic drugging comes into play, the situation becomes even more difficult. Ideally, you should treat before age 5 or 6. However, even older autistic children can manifest significant improvement that will improve their quality of life.
Give the issue of vaccination serious thought.
There's been a huge rise in autism in the USA over the past twenty years -- from about 1/10,000 to 1/150 -- and the most suspected culprit (at least within the autism community) is vaccination damage. Some believe it is the mercury in the vaccines. Some believe it is the vaccines themselves -- the most suspected ones are the MMR and DPT. If your child experienced convulsions, fever, and shrieking before the onset of autism, DPT is highly suspect. If the onset was more insidious, especially if accompanied by gut problems, MMR is more likely. The Hepatitis B vaccine is also suspected by some parents. Whatever the reason, many believe that vaccines are the cause of 99% of the cases of autism and the reason for the dramatic rise over the past 20 years. The vaccinations trigger autism as a kind of auto-immune disorder. More children are experiencing other kinds of auto-immune diseases as well -- diabetes, severe allergies, etc. The vaccination trigger for autism may be one reason that homeopathy is successful, because it has a good track record in correcting vaccination damage.
Pay attention to potential food allergens.
Many autistic children improve significantly if they adhere to dietary restrictions. It is likely that the vaccinations have triggered severe food allergies in these children that affect their brain, resulting in autism. Eliminating the allergens can unburden their systems and provide relief, though usually not a cure. Homeopathic treatment can then go in and, over time, remove the allergic tendency altogether. However, as this can take a number of years, it is best to remove foods from the diet that are aggravating your child's condition. As homeopathic treatment creates improvement, you can slowly introduce foods back in.
One of the most implicated problem foods is milk -- especially cow's milk. A study at the University of Florida on the effects of milk protein on the brain found that eliminating dairy helped something like 95% of autistic and psychotic kids! Goat milk is not as bad (it contains less milk proteins), but try to cut out all cow milk and dairy in general. Some people also believe that pasteurization is the culprit and advocate using raw milk instead.
Other common food allergens are wheat and gluten. You might also experiment with eliminating corn (why add genetically engineered foods into the problem?) and avoid food colorings as much as possible.
Try to keep things constant when you embark upon homeopathy.
Most homeopaths will request that you not add in or remove other treatments in the initial stages of homeopathic treatment. In this way, the homeopath can assess the effects of a remedy on your child. If you change many things at the same time, it is hard to assess what is achieving what effect.
Classical homeopaths who have been successful in treating autistic children (in alphabetical order):
Pat Deacon, RSHom (NA), HMC
734 Creekside Road
Penticton, B.C. V2A 2C4, CANADA
www patdeacon com
Pierre Fontaine RSHom(NA), CCH
New York City Office: 315 W 57th St., Suite 308, New York, NY 10019
Long Island Office (Fridays only): 194 Deer Park Ave., Babylon Village, NY 11702
Queens Office: 98-15 74th Ave., Forest Hills, NY 11375
www homeopathicservices com
Nancy Frederick RSHom(NA), CCH
237 Oxford Street, Suite 22
Portland, Maine 04101
Yolande Grill HMA, RSHom(NA)
Desert Institute of Classical Homeopathy
2001 Camelback Road Suite 150
Phoenix, AZ 85015
Paul Herscu ND DHANP
Amy Rothenberg ND DHANP
115 Elm Street, Suite 210
Enfield, CT 06082
Louis Klein RSHom(NA), CCH
RR 1, F-31
Bowen Island, British Columbia V0N1G0
John Melnychuk, CCH, RSHom(NA)
3707 Lindero Dr.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Deborah Olenev, CCH, RSHom(NA)
59 Paul Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94041
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND DHANP
Robert Ullman ND DHANP
The Northwest Center for Homeopathic Medicine
131 3rd Ave.
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Fran Sheffield
26 Corona Lane
Glenning Valley NSW 2261
02 4388 3739
Sadhna Thakkar, RSHom(NA) CCH
166 N. Moorpark Road, Suite 206
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: 805-496-0940; Fax: 805-241-0258
Sally Williams RSHom(NA), CCH
Healing Arts Association
288 Linwood Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14209
Joy Wilson RSHom(NA), CCH
Texas Institute for Homeopathy
1406 Brookstone
San Antonio TX 78248-1425
Practitioners of Sequential Homeopathy who I know have had success.
Cindy L. Griffin DSH-P, HD(Rhom), DIHom
Lindyl Lanham DSH-P, HD(RHom)
7670 Woodway Drive, Suite 340
Houston, Texas 77063
Homeopathic Treatment of Autism
Homeopathy isn't a 'take this for that' medicine. Ten different autistic children might be prescribed ten different remedies. Choice of remedy depends on a child's individual characteristics. However, there are some remedies that are more commonly used than others to treat children in this community.
Autism, unfortunately, is a very serious condition and is not an easy cure. For example, while ADD (ADHD) has an 70% cure rate in many homeopathic practices, autism is much more difficult. However there are definitely many cases of homeopathic autism cures besides Max's. Although complete cures cannot be expected in most cases, the homeopath who treated Max (John Melnychuk -- see below) and many other homeopaths who treat autistic children are seeing significant progress in a majority of cases. If treatment begins early -- especially before age 5 -- there is room for great hope! Even later treatment can find success. But you must have commitment and view treatment as a long term process that will take months and years, not days or weeks.
Note that by 'cure,' we mean cure without the ongoing need for a heavily restricted diet, therapies, etc. -- i.e. complete recovery, not just functioning better. If you met Max today (at age 15) you would never suspect he had been autistic. He attends regular school at age level, is an excellent student who gets all A's and B's, and is outgoing, friendly, and popular socially. He no longer has any food sensitivities. He still sees his homeopath once or twice a year and takes occasional remedies. But even in Max's case, it took two years of treatment until he was testing at age level and another four or five years until we felt he no longer had any vestiges of autism. So cure is possible, but it requires commitment on your part.
Because autism is difficult to treat, we recommend that you seek out a very experienced classical homeopath (one remedy at a time, no mixtures) and stick with it for at least a year. Do not try to treat your child yourself. If you read Impossible Cure you will learn what classical homeopathic treatment is all about and how to discern if a particular practitioner is classical. Ideally, select a practitioner whose entire practice is devoted to homeopathy.
Many people have inquired about homeopathic 'detox' treatments or 'sequential therapy' approaches to homeopathy. These kinds of therapies have been successful in some cases. However, such protocols are sometimes implemented in ways that can be drastic and harsh. My own preference and recommendation is to find a well-trained and open-minded classical homeopath instead. Not all practitioners who use nonstandard homeopathic protocols have thorough training. Be sure that you check practitioner qualifications and training in homeopathy. A practitioner who treats autistic children should have at least four years of training in homeopathy and preferably several more years of clinical experience. Ask for patient references.
In our view and experience, properly and individually selected remedies can naturally detox the body in a gradual and natural way. Predetermined protocols that are not tailored to the specific symptoms being exhibited by a child can sometimes be misguided, given the acute sensitivity of autistic children.
As far as sequential therapy goes, it can be used in beneficial ways in the hands of a skilled practitioner. In our view, this approach should be applied in a way that is guided by the presenting symptoms of the child -- which is, after all, the very foundation of the homeopathic approach. The way sequential therapy works is, based on the history of symptoms of a case, a remedy is given to address each 'event', in reverse order. The remedies chosen are often based on an idea of 'specifics' (see page 157 in Impossible Cure). So you'll get one remedy to treat this vaccine, then a month later another remedy to treat the previous vaccine, etc. Sometimes this approach is applied in a very routine way rather than being based on the actual symptoms being presented by the patient at the given time.
Please be aware that many classical homeopaths will use variants of detox and sequentialist approaches if they need to. For example, if treatment is not progressing using the indicated remedies, a vaccine in potency might be used to unblock a case. Similarly, classical homeopaths will use nosodes as remedies when they are indicated. So don't worry that a classical homeopath won't use 'detox' or 'sequential' techniques if they need to. They just won't do it in a routine way, which (in our view) is very wise. Each case must be treated individually. This is our opinion, based on our experience as well as reports from other parents.
Please also remember that it usually takes a practitioner time to find a good remedy and dosing regimen -- sometimes months of trial and error. In Max's case, there was slow and steady improvement throughout, but that's unusual. It's really a long term process -- but well worth it! Your child's life is at stake -- and your own life as well. Once you begin to see improvement, you will have an easier time sticking with it. Try to be patient. Autism cures are usually slow -- but slow and steady wins the race. If you have no success over a period of time with a particular homeopath, try another. Successful homeopathic treatment, unfortunately, depends on the ability of the practitioner to successfully find the right remedy for your child. See referral information below.
Don't give up hope for recovery.
So many parents with autistic kids become despondent and don't believe their kid can recover. This really works against them. Don't give in to despair. Try as hard as you can to be loving, accepting, but confident that full recovery is possible. In addition, try not to become accommodated to or invested in your child's illness. Don't try to convince yourself that your child is just fine as an autistic person; they will be much better off if they aren't autistic! Striking a balance between love and acceptance of your child and confidence in their improvement can sometimes be difficult, but you can achieve it. Moreover, don't be afraid of potential disappointment. What's worse, experiencing disappointments or never trying at all? You owe it to your child to not let your own fears get in the way.
The sooner you seek treatment the better.
In a way, autistic children 'leave' us and the further away they get, the harder it is to bring them back. Besides, as the brain grows and matures, it becomes more set in its ways. When allopathic drugging comes into play, the situation becomes even more difficult. Ideally, you should treat before age 5 or 6. However, even older autistic children can manifest significant improvement that will improve their quality of life.
Give the issue of vaccination serious thought.
There's been a huge rise in autism in the USA over the past twenty years -- from about 1/10,000 to 1/150 -- and the most suspected culprit (at least within the autism community) is vaccination damage. Some believe it is the mercury in the vaccines. Some believe it is the vaccines themselves -- the most suspected ones are the MMR and DPT. If your child experienced convulsions, fever, and shrieking before the onset of autism, DPT is highly suspect. If the onset was more insidious, especially if accompanied by gut problems, MMR is more likely. The Hepatitis B vaccine is also suspected by some parents. Whatever the reason, many believe that vaccines are the cause of 99% of the cases of autism and the reason for the dramatic rise over the past 20 years. The vaccinations trigger autism as a kind of auto-immune disorder. More children are experiencing other kinds of auto-immune diseases as well -- diabetes, severe allergies, etc. The vaccination trigger for autism may be one reason that homeopathy is successful, because it has a good track record in correcting vaccination damage.
Pay attention to potential food allergens.
Many autistic children improve significantly if they adhere to dietary restrictions. It is likely that the vaccinations have triggered severe food allergies in these children that affect their brain, resulting in autism. Eliminating the allergens can unburden their systems and provide relief, though usually not a cure. Homeopathic treatment can then go in and, over time, remove the allergic tendency altogether. However, as this can take a number of years, it is best to remove foods from the diet that are aggravating your child's condition. As homeopathic treatment creates improvement, you can slowly introduce foods back in.
One of the most implicated problem foods is milk -- especially cow's milk. A study at the University of Florida on the effects of milk protein on the brain found that eliminating dairy helped something like 95% of autistic and psychotic kids! Goat milk is not as bad (it contains less milk proteins), but try to cut out all cow milk and dairy in general. Some people also believe that pasteurization is the culprit and advocate using raw milk instead.
Other common food allergens are wheat and gluten. You might also experiment with eliminating corn (why add genetically engineered foods into the problem?) and avoid food colorings as much as possible.
Try to keep things constant when you embark upon homeopathy.
Most homeopaths will request that you not add in or remove other treatments in the initial stages of homeopathic treatment. In this way, the homeopath can assess the effects of a remedy on your child. If you change many things at the same time, it is hard to assess what is achieving what effect.
Classical homeopaths who have been successful in treating autistic children (in alphabetical order):
Pat Deacon, RSHom (NA), HMC
734 Creekside Road
Penticton, B.C. V2A 2C4, CANADA
www patdeacon com
Pierre Fontaine RSHom(NA), CCH
New York City Office: 315 W 57th St., Suite 308, New York, NY 10019
Long Island Office (Fridays only): 194 Deer Park Ave., Babylon Village, NY 11702
Queens Office: 98-15 74th Ave., Forest Hills, NY 11375
www homeopathicservices com
Nancy Frederick RSHom(NA), CCH
237 Oxford Street, Suite 22
Portland, Maine 04101
Yolande Grill HMA, RSHom(NA)
Desert Institute of Classical Homeopathy
2001 Camelback Road Suite 150
Phoenix, AZ 85015
Paul Herscu ND DHANP
Amy Rothenberg ND DHANP
115 Elm Street, Suite 210
Enfield, CT 06082
Louis Klein RSHom(NA), CCH
RR 1, F-31
Bowen Island, British Columbia V0N1G0
John Melnychuk, CCH, RSHom(NA)
3707 Lindero Dr.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Deborah Olenev, CCH, RSHom(NA)
59 Paul Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94041
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND DHANP
Robert Ullman ND DHANP
The Northwest Center for Homeopathic Medicine
131 3rd Ave.
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Fran Sheffield
26 Corona Lane
Glenning Valley NSW 2261
02 4388 3739
Sadhna Thakkar, RSHom(NA) CCH
166 N. Moorpark Road, Suite 206
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: 805-496-0940; Fax: 805-241-0258
Sally Williams RSHom(NA), CCH
Healing Arts Association
288 Linwood Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14209
Joy Wilson RSHom(NA), CCH
Texas Institute for Homeopathy
1406 Brookstone
San Antonio TX 78248-1425
Practitioners of Sequential Homeopathy who I know have had success.
Cindy L. Griffin DSH-P, HD(Rhom), DIHom
Lindyl Lanham DSH-P, HD(RHom)
7670 Woodway Drive, Suite 340
Houston, Texas 77063
sergiorvil last decade
Dear Sergiorvil,
The information you have listed is great. But the information on the following is not working as such. The telephone number belongs to some body else. And the web page belongs to a doctor in USA. Could you please check that again. I am desperately looking for some one in Sydney.
Fran Sheffield
26 Corona Lane
Glenning Valley NSW 2261
02 4388 3739
The information you have listed is great. But the information on the following is not working as such. The telephone number belongs to some body else. And the web page belongs to a doctor in USA. Could you please check that again. I am desperately looking for some one in Sydney.
Fran Sheffield
26 Corona Lane
Glenning Valley NSW 2261
02 4388 3739
Nitish last decade
I'm a patient of Fran. She is brilliant. Here phone number is +612 43889262. Her business is Homeopathy Plus. The URL under her name above.
csplinter last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.