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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne Problem

Dear Doctors,

I am having problem of acne. I am 30 years old and I am suffering from Acne since I was 18. I did elopathic treatment at that time it recovered during some time but now I am again facing Acne problem. Generally I have a all types of acne on face (Big and Painful acne, white heads, small pimple) and during menstrul time I am floded with big and small acne. I have also consult one homeopathy doctor and he has give me 'Berberis aquolifolium'. I am having this since 2 months After taking this for 2 months its somewaht wroks and my skin tone is totally changed and it was good (during having this dose I have a very small range on my forehead)but after two months and I am facing more acne problem after having this. I am literally fed up with this acne problem and I am loosing my confidence due to this.
I have read about 'Agnus Castus' for hormonal acne (I am having more big acne on my face during menstrual time) is it suits to me?

I want permanent solution for Acne.Will you please suggest me which homeopathic remedy will be suit me?

  Jignasha on 2013-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To select a homeopathic remedy for any health problem, the patient has to be like an open book. As if talking to oneself and alone. Explain with detail what your problems are. Example answers are given in front of the questions. Please take guidance from these examples and reply in detail accordingly.

Remember, we don’t know and will never know your identity so be fully truthful when answering these question so that we can help you towards regaining full health.

1. Describe your appearance & age (example answer: I am a 30 yr old male, 5’ 7”, 110 lbs, have always been struggling……)

2. What are the symptoms of your health problem (Constipation, Swollen & painful joints………)

3. How & when did this problem begin (it began 3 years back when ….)

4. What makes the problem better or worse (It gets worse when I ……., it gets better when I………..)

5. How do you feel emotionally (I feel sad & depressed, thinking about suicide…..)

6. Describe your personality (I am strict about discipline….)

7. What occupies your mind mostly (I can’t sit idle……….)

8. How do you respond to consolation (I hate consolation…)

9. Do you want to stay alone or with people (I want to be alone….)

10. How is your sleep (I have poor sleep, always wake up tired…..)

11. Do you have any recurring dreams (I dream of snakes regularly….)

12. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints (I like dry & warm weather and hate winter. My complaints are better in winter…..)

13. Do you fight or flight (I never pick any fights…..)

14. What are your fears (I am terrified of spiders, dogs, cats, closed spaces, heights……)

15. Do you normally feel hot or cold (I am usually hot and like winter more. I keep wearing light clothes in winter even……..)

16. What types of clothes you wear (I like loose clothes especially around the neck.…)

17. What foods & taste you love & hate (I like fried foods and hate slimy foods. I like sweets more than anything else. I hate meat, love chicken……..)

18. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (Yes, I want to eat chalk…..)

19. How is your thirst (I am thirsty all the time……)

20. Any coating on tongue (some white coating on edges only…)

21. Any skin problems (I have eczema on my arms….)

22. Any problems with respiration (nose, chest, throat) ( I snore a lot when sleeping and sleep with open mouth….)

23. Any problems with stool/urine (I have severe constipation and the stool is always like balls…)

24. Any sexual problems (I have no interest in it ….)

25. Males genitals (Any pain or other problem…..)

26. Females menses details for regularity & flow (I have late periods, with clots, bright red blood, very heavy…..)
fitness last decade
Thanks for replying me.Here I am giving you my detail.

1. Describe your appearance & age (example answer: I am a 30 yr old male, 5’ 7”, 110 lbs, have always been struggling……)

A: I am 30 Years Old female. Height: 5'1', Weight: 48KG.

2. What are the symptoms of your health problem A:A(Acne Problem,Constipation, Acidity Problem)

3. How & when did this problem begin
A:(Acne problembegan since I was 18, Constipation and Acidity began since 5 yrs.)

4. What makes the problem better or worse
A: Acne Problem becomes worse during menstrual time. and in normal time I am facing acne problem but not as much

Acidity problem becomes worse when I am having oily and spicy food specially if I am having food of full of onion and garlic.

5. How do you feel emotionally (I feel sad & depressed, thinking about suicide…..)

A: I am sensitive person not depressed

6. Describe your personality (I am strict about discipline….)

A: I am normal person.not strict about discipline.

7. What occupies your mind mostly (I can’t sit idle……….)

A: It doesn't matter. I can sit idle.

8. How do you respond to consolation (I hate consolation…)

A. Sometimes I like consolation but it depends on situation.

9. Do you want to stay alone or with people (I want to be alone….)

A: I want to stay with people.

10. How is your sleep (I have poor sleep, always wake up tired…..)
A: Sleep is good.
11. Do you have any recurring dreams (I dream of snakes regularly….)

A: Sometimes I dream of snakes but it is rarely.

12. What type of weather do you like and how it affects your complaints (I like dry & warm weather and hate winter. My complaints are better in winter…..)

A: Better in winter. but I like weather like not so cold not so warm.

13. Do you fight or flight (I never pick any fights…..)

A: Never pick fights.

14. What are your fears (I am terrified of spiders, dogs, cats, closed spaces, heights……)

A: Water, dogs, Lizard, snaks

15. Do you normally feel hot or cold (I am usually hot and like winter more. I keep wearing light clothes in winter even……..)

A: I feel normal

16. What types of clothes you wear (I like loose clothes especially around the neck.…)
A: Not specific. All type of clothes.

17. What foods & taste you love & hate (I like fried foods and hate slimy foods. I like sweets more than anything else. I hate meat, love chicken……..)

A. I like a bit spicy food. not so spicy.

18. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (Yes, I want to eat chalk…..)


19. How is your thirst (I am thirsty all the time……)

A: Normal Infact My thirst is less.

20. Any coating on tongue (some white coating on edges only…)

A: No

21. Any skin problems (I have eczema on my arms….)

A: Acne problem and sometimes I got skin allergy problem i.e. itching in eye.under eye area and eye lead is swollen. Lips is swelling sometime

22. Any problems with respiration (nose, chest, throat) ( I snore a lot when sleeping and sleep with open mouth….)
A: sometimes sleep with open mouth
23. Any problems with stool/urine (I have severe constipation and the stool is always like balls…)

A: Constipation problem but it is not severe. In morning I m having a glass of warm water.
24. Any sexual problems (I have no interest in it ….)


25. Males genitals (Any pan or other problem…..)

26. Females menses details for regularity & flow (I have late periods, with clots, bright red blood, very heavy…..)

A: Menses is not regular. sometimes it comes early by 15 days or week and sometimes its late by 1 week. periods with clot, dark red blood, first 2 days heavy then for 3 days i is normal.)
Jignasha last decade
Where do you have acne, how does it look

Give details about skin allergy

Give details of constipation (stool appearance, better by, worse by..)

Please give details about yourself regarding Q-5,6,7 not just answer the examples I have quoted

Explain the symptoms of acidity, what you feel (burning, pain...., where?)
[message edited by fitness on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:11:48 BST]
fitness last decade
1. I have Acne on my Chick, chin area, and big acne on forehead and jaw line area. .In T-Zone area I am facing a problem of white heads. Also acne on upper lips which is small not big. and on nose I am facing a problem of blackheads and small acne. actually My Acne problem is like ...I get 3-4 big acne on my face as this described area. After curing 2-3 acne suddenly get another one. And it is taking too much time around (15 -20 days) to curing big acne and this process is continue.

2. About Skin allergy. sometimes I am getting swelling in my right eye. Suddenly I face itching problem in under eye area (only right eye) and when I get up in morning then whole eye area is completely swelled. this problem which I am facing sometimes. Also I have a allergy of metal and oxidize jewellery. When I wera this then after sometimes I get a problem of itching in skin area.

3. I have a constipation problem but it is not worse. every morning I am taking trifala churn with warm water so it makes me better through this problem.

4. About my nature I am not depressed person. I enjoy my life. About to work In some important work I need discipline otherwise it is ok. yes sometimes I feel anxiety before starting some important work.

5. In Acidity problem My mouth test is become very bitter and my forehead area is staring to pain severe. also I feel like vomiting in acidity problem.
Jignasha last decade
Please take only one dose of Natrum Muriaticum 200c and report back.

Just one dose.
fitness last decade
Thanks doctor for suggest me. I will have this dose and get back to you.
Jignasha last decade
Yesterday Morning I took one dose of Natrum Muriaticum 200c but didn't get any response. yes on my nose I got 2-3 white heads is it this dose effect?

Now what should I do?
should i take one more dose?

Please suggest
Jignasha last decade
No more dose.

Just wait and report back after seven days.
fitness last decade
Hello Doctor,

Its been seven days of dose which I took of Natrum Muriaticum 200c. I took first dose on last sunday morning. After taking this dose on monday,tuseday I got new pimple on my face but till friday I didn't get any new pimple on my face. Today (saturday) again I got two new pimple on my face which is small.

Acidity Problem:
In acidity problem I don't get any improvment.
During acidity problem I am having to starting severe headache(specially in forehead) and mouth test becomes bitter and feel like vomiting.

Please suggest me now what should I do for next dose.

[message edited by Jignasha on Sat, 02 Nov 2013 17:41:06 GMT]
Jignasha last decade
We will not do anything now and wait till you get your next periods.

Based on that, we will decide future course of action.
fitness last decade

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