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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rishimba please prescribe for DIGESTION problem+ASTHMA+ECZEMA

Respected Rishimba,I want to get remedy for my mother from you.She has Asthma from last 15 years,have allergic tendency to many things,allergic rhinitis,recently started itching on limbs and trunk,specially in night time only,have history of small but recurrent kidney stones.
her present complaint for what I am seeking your help is BLOATING OF ABDOMEN AFTER HAVING FOOD(lunch and/or dinner).I will describe her symptoms in detail in day or two.Please take this case and prescribe SIMILIMUM that treats from root.

Age- 55 yrs female,Weight -54 kg ,height -5.4'

Chief complaint-bloating of abdomen after food..not everyday but often,about 4/5 times week.But many times bloating of abdomen takes place without or before having dinner or lunch and after having food it increases.She feels like her intestines are ligated or constricted.Then she takes antispasmodic or/and prokinetic drugs(dicyclomine 10 mg,metocloperamide) and then within 30 to 45 minutes she feels much better.Or if she passes motion then she feels better if she could pass gas during evacuation,she feels better.
[message edited by dranandpt on Wed, 29 Jan 2014 14:08:40 GMT]
  dranandpt on 2014-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experience and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering? State the correct location.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

7. What are the things that aggravate your suffering and those that ameliorate the same? Example: time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.

8. Do you think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

12. What do you crave in food items and what are your aversions?

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.

(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.

25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
rishimba last decade
Patient ID:
Sex: female
Age:53 years
Nature of work:teacher,in primary school,work time= 12.30 pm to 6.00 pm,everday

Chief complaint-bloating of abdomen after food..not everyday but often,about 4/5 times week.But many times bloating of abdomen takes place without or before having dinner or lunch and after having food it increases.She feels like her intestines are ligated or constricted.Then she takes antispasmodic or/and prokinetic drugs(dicyclomine 10 mg,metocloperamide) and then within 30 to 45 minutes she feels much better.Or if she passes motion then she feels better if she could pass gas during evacuation,she feels better

Habits:she have habit of rubbing baked black tobaco paste on teeth,before going to latrine,twice day(as she use to live in rural area in childhood,she got this habit,from her youn age,without applyng tobaco before going to latrine ,she will not get urge to pass motion,it old habit.....when she was healthy,and this habit she have much much earlier and independent of her present physical complaints.

1. Describe your main suffering? State the correct location.
My mother gets often bloating of abdomen nowdays.Then she feels like her abdomen is full of gas and she feels very much uncomfortable.Intially it doesn'tpain but if not treated and last for long time she feels slight pain(stretching pain).Also she tend to feel difficulty in breathing after sometime,if this bloating continues,as due to full abdomen she can not expand her chest down as she can do otherwise.

Another present complaint is she is not able pass motion satisfactorily.She complains of incomplete evacuation feeling.She passes lot of gas throught day,but its not smelling bad at all.So she manages with laxatives,but rarely,she does not take many times,once in month or lesser than that.
Recently she got very bad episode of PILES,and that time she was not able to pass any motion as her anal region was very much tight,constricted,and swollen.She also had slight bleeding for one day,but not much.So doctor advised suppository laxative DULCOLAX,with that she could manage to pass motion and slowly her all symptoms reduced and piles got better.She told me that time intially she passed 3/4 hard stool blocks like small stones,with force of laxative and then she could pass normal soft motion,rather loose motion due to laxative,i guess.That time she also took Ayurvedic medicine(tablets Arsh-har) for about 15 days.This piles is also quite recurrent because before also she had 2/3 piles episode in current year but not that much sever.She had eaten considerable amount of chiken before one day of getting piles this time.

She also gets itching over arms,forearms,legs,feet,thighs,buttocks,upper backs.This itching she gets in evening or NIGHT time only,MOST OF THE TIMES AFTER HAVING FOOD.This itching starts suddenly,very very sever,uncontrollable,and she keep on scratching.SHE GETS ITCHING MORE ON LEGS AND DORSOM OF FEET.NO ITCHING ON PALMS AND SOLES OR BETWEEN TOES AND FINGERS.she do not feel relief by scrating for few minutes and has to apply some mosturiser or talc powder,which reduces itching bit sometimes.But if it doesnt stops ,she has to take anti-histamine drug(cetrizine) which gives relief from itching within one hour.Now days itching problem is not so much severe,as she can manage with applying ayurvedic talc powder,need not to take cetrizine,and nowdays she do not get itching every night(before she use to get that itching every night after dinner)but that that itching problem is still there,not gone.I also marked that her itching was much more in RAINY SEASON and less in winter.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
She has tendency to get allergic rhinitis very often,along with this she gets lots of sneezing,10/12 sneezes at time.severe watery nose,itching like sensation in nose(but not itching exactly),watery eyes.And due to all these symptoms she get irritated.She use to take Anti-histamine(cetrizine or avil) and she will feel better,but she will get sleep and severe hunger as side-effect.
She also have asthma from more than 15 years and initially she was only on bronchodialator inhaler pump,but after few years she was not feeling good with same drungs,so doctor started with bronchodilator and steroid(low dose) combination and she is doing well with that till today.She takes that pump before going sleep every night.But she tells she can not sleep due to breathlessness if she does not take that inhaler pump,so she will get up and take that.

She also gets recurrent kidney stones(small size)which will pass off through urine without any medicine but she will get sever back pain 1/2 days when that stone is passing by ureters.That time she takes antispasmodic drugs given by doctor,so pain gets reduced.We have confirmed several times with Sonography that stone tend to small in size.But it happens 4/5 times year.

She also had an episode of sudden allergic reaction after having crabs(although very small quantity).About half an hour after having crab,she got swelling on face,she could not speak,felt like choking of throat,she could not breath properly,she got severe itching on arms and legs,she got very much afraid due to that.Also she had sever abdominal pain,diarrhoea,vomitting,when she had small prawns before 2 years.So now she avoids sea food,and small fish.

Before 5 years she was also suffering from burning and pain sensation in upper abdomen after having normal food,not necessarily spicy.By radiographic study with barium meal they diagnosed it as gastric ulcer due to hyeperacidity.She was on ANTACID treatment for about month and then got rid of that problem.Again before 1 year she got same pain and burning sensation after having any sort of food.But second time it was less severe and got well with antacid and some ayurvedic tablets,and took lesser time to get well this time.Both the time she had this Hyperacidity problem when she was taking much tension for some or other family issue or financial issue.

She also complaints moderate low back pain but she manages without any medication.

She also many times complaints that she feels very tired or week,but still she is active and do job,as well as household works.

She also have left side FROZEN SHOULDER,since last one year,can not raise arm above 40 degree(flexion and abduction).Her neck and upper back muscles are quite stiff.This I can say as I am physiotherapist.

She also has some soft tissue lump on left arm lateral side,following blow on that spot in train,from other person in rush time.Normally after injury we do not see such lump in muscle for many days but,for my mom its there for about year.This lump is painful if pressed,otherwise give no pain or any problem to my mom,I mentioned it just to inform.

Before about 15/20 years back,when I was small kid,she often use to get severe pain in one side of head(may be migrain).She hardly or almost never get such headache nowdays.

She also complains of moderte to severe hairfall,she has curly hairs,and now graiesh white in colour due to aging.

She has spects,she can not read nearby things without spects.NO DARK CIRCLES BELOW EYES.

She had piles surgery almost 22 years before and hysterectomy(surgical removal of uterus) before 12 years,as she use to get lots of low abdominal pain,and execessive bleeding during menses,and on sonography,doc said uterus was inflamed and swollen.In same surgery doc also removed APPENDIX as it was also grown,to prevent future surgery to remove appendix.


3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
She does not have much of mental symptoms associated with her physical symptom of bloating of abdomen as such.But she gets irritated when she could not pass motion satisfactorily,or gets itching in night time,after dinner,but its very mild,she do not get much affected mentally or emotionally by any physical illnes.As far as I know,she ignores her physical symptoms,and remain active in her daily routine,unless and untill symptoms are very intense(eg.very very much bloating of abdomen).Mentally she is very much strong,she does not expreses her small small physical symptoms and tries to ignore and remain active in life.She never thinks much of her small small symptoms,and forgets when busy in her work.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
She never mentions such expression when she is facing worst symptoms,but when she is very ill,she rather things of how much work is pending to do,in home and her school work,se she awaits to get well early to start working again.Sometimes she will think of me,that who will take care of her son(me) if anything happens to her.She is very very much emotionally attached to me,as I am only son.She will always tell me,that for me only she is bearing all family and financial problems,and if I were not there she would have left all job and society and go to Jungle area in search of peace and live alone there.But when she is in good mood,she tells me that after retirement from her job,she will go in our native area and live their in nature.She many time told me that she wants to serve poor people of society,especially in remote rural area,who never get much help of any kind.She has very much awareness about her social responsibilities.She has great respect for soldiers who serve to nation.She believes in GOD,an d have full faith but she will hardly go to temple instead she will go to library.SHE LIKES TO READ BOOKS A LOT.SHE READS VARIETY OF BOOKS OF MANY SUBJECTS.She believes that her work is god for her.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
ASTHMA-it is there from last 15 years,do not know how it started
ABDOMEN BLOATING AND BODY ITCHING- since last one year,I think its associated with her stress,since last 2 year she was in much stress for my career related issues and some family fights due to property issues.
HAIR FALL and GRAYING OF HAIRS- slowly started after her uterus removal surgery.

LOW BACK PAIN- started slowly after her uterus removal operation.(as physiotherapist I have noticed that after her hysterectomy she started developing belly,and now have considerable belly waist,so this gives stress on low back spine as curve increases and abdominal muscles get weaker and weaker.Sometimes she also get middle and rarely upper back pain,and feels better if apply pressure by hands

recurrent KIDNEY URINE STONES- it started since last 4-5 years.But there is NO burning sensation during passing urine,niether infection or fever.She gets typical renal colic pain (sharp scratching pain)in low backs,and lower abdomen, only for 1/2 days,till that stone get clear from urine tracts,pain is immediately lowered with allopathic antispasmodic medicines.

6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Her most of the symptoms get worst in night generally.
Itching over body(many times more on the front side of legs,near)= it starts in night only,after diner,but controllable and goes after scratching for about 15 to 30 mins.

Abdomen bloating- many times immediately after diner in nights.
But some times in morning also after or before having any food. More bloating of abdomen when she can not pass motion satisfactorily.

Asthma= can not say when its more as nowdays its well managed with allopathy pump but when its more its in evening and night only,and in past also more in night time.

7. What are the things that aggravate your suffering and those that ameliorate the same? Example: time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.

Bloating of abdomen=
Aggravating factor-
immediately after having food,on the day when she could not pass motion satisfactorily,incomplete evacuation.Also I have noticed that she gets more of this bloating problem when she is in more mental stress,tension,emotional stress,or when angry or agitated.
Relieving factor=if she can pass motion,and pass gas per rectum,or takes anti-spasmodic medication(that relaxes constricted intestines)

Body itching=
aggravating factor-NOTHING SPECIFIC,but it starts in night after any type of food(veg or nonveg),not specific to food.
relieving factor-antihistamine drug if severe,otherwise scratching for several minutes and applying ayurvedic talk powder over itching part if itching not severe.

aggravating factor-after climbing many staircase or on hilly area road,if its very humid air,near to sea,in very cold environment,if abdomen get fully bloated,if she happens to face lots of smoke suddenly,in closed room where air is not circulating she feels breathless.Before when she use to get asthma lying down used to further increase breathless.
Rlieving factor-taking allopathy bronchodilator inhaler pump,going in open air,when bloated abdomen becomes normal(only if cause of breathless was bloated abdomen),in sitting position.

allergic rhinitis=
aggravting factor- any strong smell of saint, paint,due to dust in air,due to smoke of hot oil during cooking pakoda,Puri,very cold air of fridge and AC,sudden change in environment(starting of rain in hot summer ending),eating sour fruits like pinapple,lemon and banana,drinking cold water or cold drinks

Relieving factor-in past once started nothing could stop rhinits and horrible sneezings,unless taken anti-histamine(cetrizine).But NOWDAYS I GIVE HIM Alium cepa CM,and after taking several dose(4 pills)with gap of 10 or 15 mins,slowly she feels alright,sneezing stops,running nose stops.This remedy is given me by one friend who work on Homeo pharmacy.But I DONT want to give here forever as its just stabilizes symptoms for that time,if she faces any of agravating factor again,she again gets rhinitis and sneezing ,so its not curing rhinitis permanently(and I also understand its not SIMILIMUM,so can not cure)

Low back pain
aggravating factor-working for long time in standing or siting position in one place without moving,work exertion
Relieving factor-applying pressure by hand on low-back,applying heating modalities like warm water bag,giving traction to lumbar spine,stretching of back muscles

aggravating factor-eating Egg yolk or chicken in large amount or eating it often ,constipation,straining during passing motion
relieving factors- abstinence from egg yolk and chicken,laxatives,applying warm water at anal region over piles

8. Do you think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Yes she and I,we both think that her physical symptoms are related mental stress and emotional feelings.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
She always feels very good in dry warm weather,and feels worst in humid cold weather.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
She is very much active in her work as such.But she do not like to get up early in morning,she feels lazy,instead she prefers to remain awake in late night if her office work is due.
She is quite moody,but not very much.She likes to eat fishes very much.She likes spicy,she do not like any type of sweets.But she likes to drink tea very much(2/3 times day).She do not like milk and also have moderate lactose intolerance.She likes her profession of teaching,very active in work,never avoids work due to physial illness.But she does not like others to interfere in her work in office.She feels good when anybody appreciates her work.She is very much extrovert and very fluent and clever in speaking,but she never engages in fights and argues with colleagues.But in home she fights almost everyday with my father for small small things if not done according to her wish.Nowdays I have noticed that she also do not like to wait for something for long time,she gets irritated angry then.She expects that all people around her should agree to her ideas and opinions in all matters and if we oppose to thatthen she feels bad,and in my case gets angry on me,will not talk properly with me for few days,and then slowly come to normal.If I try to talk to her when she is bad mood,she will not listen to me,nor she will express her feelings or for what she felt bad,or what my action or words did hurt her,she will just not talk for 2/3 days.
She is very much emotional and gets hurt easily if somebody tells something bad. Nowdays she is becoming very much irritable,gets angry easily and then she shouts loud,specially on me.Before she was not so reactive and calm but now changed greatly,as she is aging,specially in last 5 years..She thinks a lot for future.But she is very much devoted and perfect in her work and always wins prizes in school,where she is teacher.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
Nothing special feeling

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
yes she expects that her husband should console and support her in tough times,specially financial or emotional crisis.But she never gets that from my father(her husband),so she feels very much sad,depressed,cheated,angry all negative feelings. She also expects her mother and brothers,sisters to support and console her,in her tough times,but she never got such support from any of them,instead of being she helped all very much in their problems.So she always feels sad for that,as she feels like they all USED HER for their needs.Her mother is alive but she rarely talks to her.She also have much of emotional trouble from my father side relations(my aunts,uncle,my paternal grandmother).In short she do not like anybody except me and have lots of expectation from me,and so she again fears that I would also cheat with her or ignore her after i get married.But being all this she always stands for all relatives mentioned above to help them in all ways she can.She has nature of forgiving others,but she never forgets all past bad memmories)

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
yes I am strongly noticing since last 2/3 years she is has become very much sensitive to noise of loudspeaker,kids playing and shouting,she gets very much angry and shouts on kids,and if she can not sleep if there is slightest noise from kids playing outside our room.And actually that sound of songs or noise is not that noticeable also,I even dont realize,but my mom gets easily disturbed by that very low level sound.But when she is watching movie in home ,she will increase volume of TV very high,and will not feel any problem.She has become very much selective.I think that she gets agitated more as she hate those kids playing in afternoon,than the actual sound disturbance,because that sound will be negligible.She also dont like light on eyes,when she is sleeping.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
No such typical guesture.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
She always feels that her husband cheated her in many things,specially financial matters.And she also feels used for their needs,by other immediate family members except me.She loves me most in world.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

12. What do you crave in food items and what are your aversions?
Craves for-she likes to eat sour things,like curd,pickel,curd curry.She also like to have fishes and sea food a lot.She prefers chapati over rice.She likes spicy food.She sometimes eat mild sweat tut if she do not get her morning tea,she will get headache.Morning tea is must for her.She also likes to have ICE-CREAMS,kulfi.
Aversion of- very sweet food items,Cabbage,Brinjal,Potato
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
She feels very less thirsty.She takes very less water.I have to force her many times to drink water,as she gets kidney stones.

14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Her hunger Normal to her age.She eats only lunch and diner and drinks tea(two times day).She does not eat inbetween anything.If she eats anything in evening before diner,she will not feel hunger to have diner.She never takes breakfast from childhood,except when she was having stomach ulcer problems.

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
Earlier she could eat almost anything.But now she avoids sea food.She feels digestion problems when she eats roti madeup of BAJRA grain.If she takes EGG YOLK(yellow part) VERY OFTEN she get
s Piles or pain in anal region,but not by eating once.She have lactose intollerance,as she gets gas trouble if she drinks lot of milk.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Normal sweating generally.But nowdays sometimes suddenly she will get lots of sweating on face and forehead for minute or two and that time she will feel vey weak,drained out.When I check her pulse it will be fast,and her BP will be low about 90-100/60-70 mm of Hg,and other times it will be 110/74-78 mm of Hg range.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
She often complains of incomplete evacuation.And she often passes gas through out day,but no bad smell.Stool is well formed non-sticky and no bad smell to stool.But she has to wait and spend more time in toilet these days.She goes latrine 2/3 times per day.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
She sleeps properly.No sleep problem.She sleeps on either of sides(side lying),never on the back(supine lying) or never in prone lying.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
As per I know she never had such problem neither now.

20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
If she sleeps in afternoon,and if her sleep gets disturbed or she gets awake,then afterwards she will get headache or start with rhinitis(severe sneezing and watery nose,eyes)

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Asthma- bronchodilator(asthalin-salmetrol) inhaler pump
Allergic rhinits- antihistamine(Avil,cetrizine) and now only All. cep CM(pills)every 10 mins. till rhinitis symptoms stop
Bloating of abdomen with discomfort- Tab. Cataspa and tab. Buscopan(anti-spasmodic),sometimes gastrokinetic agent(tab perinorm)
severe body itching- antihistamine(Avil,cetrizine)
acidity- antacid
constipation-laxatives(LOOSE solution)

Side effects = due to antihistamines(avil,cetrizine) she gets lots sleep,drowsy feeling and lots of hunger next day

22. What major diseases are running in your family?
My mothers mother,sister,brother all had piles problem and had surgery for piles.No other major disease.Her one brother also has got body itching problem and weak digestion.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
She has got average height of 5.4' and weight = about 54 kg
Grey hairs not much dense,upto shoulders. Wheatish body colour. Black eyes.Earlier she use to walk with average speed but now walks slow as she gets difficulty in breathing if walks fast.She have no complaints for her body appearance or looks.She never engages much in make-up or not much in beauty parlors and beauty products.

(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
My mother had got operated for uterus removal surgery,before about 15 years as she got knots in her uterus and excessive bleeding in her periods and pain in lower abdomen.Now she do not have any of such complaints.

25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Allergic rhinitis is from young age only
Severe gastro-enteritis due to food poisoning(sever diarrhea and vometting)
Fibroids in uterus,
Stomach ulcers and acidity
Small kidney stones
Body itching(eczema)

Please give 2/3 days till I fill out all above information
[message edited by dranandpt on Sun, 02 Feb 2014 11:42:58 GMT]
[message edited by dranandpt on Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:29:54 GMT]
[message edited by dranandpt on Tue, 04 Feb 2014 04:26:53 GMT]
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[message edited by dranandpt on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 03:10:32 GMT]
[message edited by dranandpt on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 03:37:09 GMT]
dranandpt last decade
Respected Rishimba,
Hereby,I have completed detailed history and symptoms of my mother ilness.Please look to it and suggest remedy to get cure from her all possible health problems,at least for body itching in night and constipation(feeling of incomplete evacuation and gases)....
I am waiting for your valuable reply.
dranandpt last decade
Your mother is a NATRUM MUR personality. You can keep this remedy in some potencies at home.

Whenever she has any kind of physical troubles as stated in your post you can give her NATRUM MUR in 30C potencies initially to see if it helps her get rid of all her problems.

To start her treatment, you may give her three to four doses of 30C potency every four hours whenever she has bloated abdomen and / or

Don't give this remedy for more than a single day initially. Once you see in the next few days that the remedy produces a response, you can give subsequent doses whenever required.

A change of potency may be required if 30C cannot address all her symptoms.

Follow all rules in administering the doses as I have stated on other threads to you.

Come back to me after 15 days of giving the first dose-set and report if she felt better overall in all her symptoms.
rishimba last decade
On second thoughts, if NATRUM MUR doesn't create any response whatsoever, you can also try LACHESIS 30C instead after about 10 days of taking natrum mur.

However, if natrum creates a response, don't bother about LACHESIS for now. It may be required later.
rishimba last decade
Respected rishimba,

Please guide me for following queries
1.If Natrum Mur. doesnt show response,then Should I increase potency to 200 C or directly change to LACHESIS 30 C ?

2.Should I wait for 10 days or 15 days for response of Nat Mur. ?Because in one post you have asked to wait for 15 days and in next post for 10 days to see for response.

3.Should I give her Nat Mur 30 in pills or in liquid form.Also please suggest the dose,thats how many pills/dose or how many drops per dose if it is to be taken in liquid form.

4.You have also asked to follow all rules in administrating the doses as you have told me on another threads of mine.But I do not get this,is it like avoiding coffee and camphor or anything else.Please put some light on this.

Thanks for your efforts to serve mankind.I am very much thankful to you.
Sorry for late reply to your post.
dranandpt last decade
I just read for Nat. Mur and Lachesis on Materia Medica ,by Boericke.I personally find that Nat. Mur symptoms match to my mother than Lachesis.
I will inform you,few days after starting the treatment with Nat Mur 30 first.
dranandpt last decade
1.If Natrum Mur. doesnt show response,then Should I increase potency to 200 C or directly change to LACHESIS 30 C ?

Yes, we need to first see more potencies before we go to any other remedy. Atleast 200C potencies should be tried out first.

2.Should I wait for 10 days or 15 days for response of Nat Mur. ?Because in one post you have asked to wait for 15 days and in next post for 10 days to see for response.

For 30C potency waiting for 10 days is enough. Lower potencies act fast and for less time.

3.Should I give her Nat Mur 30 in pills or in liquid form.Also please suggest the dose,thats how many pills/dose or how many drops per dose if it is to be taken in liquid form.

Any form, pills or liquid. Liquid is better and follow the same dose quantity I had told you earlier.

4.You have also asked to follow all rules in administrating the doses as you have told me on another threads of mine.But I do not get this,is it like avoiding coffee and camphor or anything else.Please put some light on this.

Yes, all rules should be followed on the day and for about 3 days of taking the doses.
rishimba last decade
Thanks sir for your valuable reply.
I will follow your guidelines and report you after said time.
dranandpt last decade
I have given dose of Nat mur. 30 C in liquid form for one single day 4 doses with interval of about 4 hours inbetween.
Then-after there is no much noticeable change in health over-all.But she told me in last week she experienced less bloating (intensity and frequency).But now again BLOATING OF ABDOMEN AGAIN STARTED WITH SAME SEVERITY AS BEFORE AND DAILY,MORE AFTER DINER.It almost more than 10 days after 1st dose-set of 30 C.then-after i have not given any dose.
She is continuing to get bloated abdomen daily after lunch and diner,but its more intense after diner.then when she goes to latrine,sometimes she feels bloating reduced,sometime n decrease in bloating.
Also she is continuing to get sneezes and rhinitis but its not daily,its allergic kind,starts only after trigger.
Emotionally there is no change in her nature.She still behaves fast reactive and gets irritated soon.

Please suggest me,what next I should do,Sir?
dranandpt last decade
Please don't raise potency now. Give her a sustained dosage of NAT MUR 30C one dose a day for 7 days and tell me if her bloating gets better or not.

Seems nat mur will work but requires a stronger stimulus. So, lets make it a sustained dosage for some days. Stop the doses in case the condition worsens at any point of time.
rishimba last decade
ok sir,i will follow guidelines.
dranandpt last decade
I have given my mom Nat mur 30C,one dose of 5 drops in about 10 ml of water,in the morning empty stomach.Gap of 3 hours before and after dose,with any food intake.She takes a dose and again sleeps for about 2 hours,early in the morning.

Yesterday she was having moderate rhinitis,she was getting running nose,no congestion or blocked nose.But she told me that she was cleaning cup board and then it started in afternoon time,so I thought it may be due to dust exposure,an allergy,as she gets usually.By night while going to bed she was better,not completely well from running nose,but she could sleep,much better than afternoon,without taking any medication for running nose.In the morning I again given her dose of Nat 30 C,and she slept .But after she woke up after 2 hours,slowly she developed severe running nose,very much severe sneezing and she is very much distressed.She asked
me that,better to take any poison and die,instead of bearing this running nose problem.But she has no complaint against medication,and have good faith on homeopathy,as well as on me.

Last two days there was no change in complaint of bloating of abdomen,specially after diner.But yesterday she was having less bloating of abdomen,compare to before,in the morning she does not reported any bloating.I feel her bloating symptom are not consistent.When I asked her,she told me she herself can not keep track of when bloating is more and less,or is it same or improving.

Itching over body is decreased over last few days,its not gone completely but decreased the frequency and intensity.

Asthma is same as before.

Due to this problem of running nose she gets irritated.But when she gets bloating of stomach,she feels uncomfortable,but she is not irritated that time.But surely she gets worried,as why this bloating is happening.

I just want to ask you,should stop further dose for tomorrow?Is it aggravation symptoms?
Please guide me.
I would also request you,if any remedy help her for running nose,tentatively ,temporarily,in acute condition,until the CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY COMPLETES ITS WORK FULLY.
Or should I try with Lachesis?
dranandpt last decade
Please don't give any remedy now. Wait and watch for next few days.

Tell me how she has responded in the next 7 days. If she feels better in general, we will decide the next dose set.
rishimba last decade
ok sir.
dranandpt last decade
Following the last dose of Nat mur on 28th feb,I have not given any further dose to my mom and stopped completely and was just observing.
On 1st and 2nd march there was same symptoms of bloating of abdomen and intermittent running nose after any allergic stimulus.And she was not evacuating satisfactorily.But there was no itching on the body .

Then onwards on 3rd,4th ,5th she was not having any bloating of abdomen at all,and could evacuate properly in morning.But running nose is still there.
But on 5th night after diner she had slight itching on leg near ankle and inner thighs.
And on today on 6th morning she could not pass motion satisfactorily,incomplete evacution.In the night during having dinner itself she got bloating in abdomen after 3/4 days,(diner time about 9 pm)but it is then subsided by itself after going to latrin about 11 pm.Also today also she got itching on left leg near ankle where she before also used to get itching,same spot.Itching was more intense than yesterday but subsided after scratching for few minutes.Before starting Nat Mur about 2 weeks before,she used to also get itching at back and shoulder some times on forearms,wrists too,but it would never go so easily just by scratching.

I feel there was improvement in symptom of bloating of abdomen but for few days,again it came back today slightly,tomorrow it may become as severe as before.
And allergic running nose,rhinitis is stil there,whenever she is exposed to allergent,she still gets severe sneezing and then running nose.But it is not as severe as it was on 28th feb,when u told to stop nat mur.

please guide in further treatment
to cure bloating of abdoment(more after food)
allergic sneezes and rhinitis.
incomplete evacution.
dranandpt last decade
Thanks for the update.

Try this potency a few more times...at least, till it creates a response.

Give her two doses of NAT MUR 30C early morning in empty stomach, 30 minutes apart. She should go back to sleep for another one hour after taking the doses.

You will not give any further dose after that.

We will see the changes in her again. We will go one step higher in potency when this 30C potency stops creating a response.
rishimba last decade
Thanks sir for valuable reply
I shall give her said dose set tomorrow morning and let you know the response.

I will not increase potency unless you ask me.I have learnt to wait and observe.

Also I have one small query.
When you advised me Lycopodium you started with high potency of 1M but when you told Nat mur for my mom and Merc Sol for my uncle(on another post) you asked start with 30C.So why there is difference?Also Also I am doing well with Lycopodium(my body seems give nice response to lycopodium) but my mom and uncle not getting early positive response,so I was thinking is this response due to starting treatment with different potency. As I am learning this interesting art by reading books in possible time,I got this query.
so just asked?If possible please answer my query.I would be happy.
dranandpt last decade
Lycopodium shouldn't be repeated frequently and usually one single high potency remedy will create a good and lasting response. Also, I was rather sure you were a lycopodium person, so prescribed it in 1M.

In your uncles case, the problem was skin related. I didn't know about his mentals much, so the prescription was done based on modalities. When you treat skin related problems, you should start very low.

In your mothers case, I wasn't sure about her constitutional state. That's why I said, she could be nat mur or lachesis mentally. So, I found it safe to start low.
rishimba last decade
Thanks sir,for expounding in such detail.I understood what you said.
So sir,if I get any problem related my digestive system or any health problem which potency of Lycopodium I should taken?I now know that its not good to repeat any remedy frequently.But if problem is not much severe,like just minor attack of IBS,or just mild burning after evacuation ,then I guess it will be good if I take Lyco.12 or Lyco 30 instead of Lyco 1M ?

I have brought Lyco 6,12,30,200,1 M from shop.
Before 2 weeks I was having tooth pain,as it was irrupting (late irruption of last teeth),so I took Lyco 6 C,3 times with gap of 1 hour,but didnt get any relief,so next I took single dose of Lyco 30 ,4 drops in 10 ml water,and my pain dissapeared within 15 mins,I was feeling very much fine.The comfort over pain I perceived with Lyco 30 was much more superior than just allopathy painkiller tablet.Hence i feel,LYCO remedy like my friend and I am very happy to have it with me.And thanks a lot to you for finding me such miracle remedy for me.

I just want conform with you that,is it ok if I take Lyco 30 C or 200 C,for any health issue of mine.I also understand I should avoid takong remedy for any small small health issues,but If it really required not healing by itself,then only I should take
dranandpt last decade
I reckon you study the MM of Lycopodium and also go through some lectures on this polychrest. Once you know the essence of the remedy and the various symptoms with modalities it covers, you will be in a better position to diagnose yourself.

Sometimes you will have to resort to other remedies as well that are complementary to lycopodium.

Also, you should have an idea about using potencies. As long as you don't understand how to use potencies, its better to play safe and use low potencies. Never repeat high potencies if its not called for ie. if the symptoms don't relapse.
rishimba last decade
yes Sir,I had already been through MM for Lycop. I will again go through once.
dranandpt last decade
Before two days I have given my mom,Nat mur 30 ,I could just give her one dose,not two.
afterwards next day she didnt have any bloating of abdomen,complete evacuatin,no itching on legs or trunk,no horizontal band like erruptions.
But she continues to get intense sneezings and severe running nose and watery eyes,symptoms of allergic rhinitis,whenever she is exposed to allergic stimuli like dust,perfumes,while cooking ,its not avoid stimuli
everytime.Somehow somewhere she gets exposed to them and gets sever sneezings,and I have tried by giving her All-C ,instead of giving her antihistamine tablet,so it stops that for while,but again if she is exposed to allergent,she again gets same allergy symptoms.
I have not repeated Nat mur dose without ur permission,for sake of rhinitis,as it would be overdosing of Nat mur.

So please guide me for following,
1.What can I do for her sneezing problem to stop?

2.Is it ok,If I use All.Cepa for my mom,when she is on nat mur. ?If yes what dose and potency?If not,can I use any other remedy?Or nat mur only will stop it slowly

3.When to repeat Nat mur next dose?
dranandpt last decade
Please don't give any other remedy for sneezing. If NAT MUR has shown response in some areas first, its a good sign. There is a path in which the curing occurs. Everything doesn't get cured at the same time.

Also, there is no rule for repetition of doses. Let this dose hold for some days and when these symptoms relapse, give her another dose without raising the potency.

Let the cure be slow and steady. Don't rush in giving doses frequently.

We will raise the potency only when 30C stops creating a response.
rishimba last decade
Sir,I am giving my mom,dose of Nat Mur. 30 every 2 days after returning of symptoms.Like this I have now repeated dose for 2 times,but I feel now she is not responding well to dose of Nat mur 30 C
She is getting incomplete evacuations and abdomen is bloating again,and increases after having food.But no body itching ,no eruptions on body.She is not passing gas much,which was embarrassing to her before.

Tomorrow morning again I will give her same dose of Nat mur 30 C,and observe for symptoms change.Till then I waiting for your advice for further treatment.
dranandpt last decade

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