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Premature Ejaculation



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Ok sir will give you the complete progress after 10 days. However, since you are my doc I need to share something with you. Two days back ive been cheated by my gal with whom I was getting married, I am still in shock as to how could she do that, I dont know what to feel, I am emotionally devastated but to console myself I keep sharing this heartache with all my close friends and family just to get temporary relief, at the same time I thank God for revealing her true unfaithful nature and rescuing me from taking wrong decision. Sir no matter how much I get convinced I still cant get her off my mind. It has aggravated my stomach discomfort. When I think of it my heart sinks down and there goes a strange sensation in my stomach. I just wanted to share this with you
thundercracker last decade
Sir it's been 10 days now.its raining these days so the pollen count is minimal. However that I went out in the rain felt cold so came back but after few hours was spitting thick and dense phlegm. My tummy problem is gradually decreasing.
Asthma : still the same, aggravates in evening and night.
Mood swings: 20 % improvement, that heartache is not bothering me much.
Stomachache: 70% improvement but a bit of gases are still there.
Bowel movement: 40% improvement
Pollen allergy: 40%improvement.
Sir my chest hurts and it gets irritated as if its all dry, injured and clogged With thick phlegm,was not exposed to pollen but still the chest is having too much phlegm. I use nebulizer once a day followed by puffs of ventolin. Whats next sir,
thundercracker last decade
Hope all is okay at your end sir . waiting for your next move
thundercracker last decade
I won't review the case before Apr 03. Update the status on that date.
fitness last decade
Ok sir will update you on the stipulated date. Till then takecare and wish me health
thundercracker last decade
Sir I am reporting on the stipulated day.
Asthma:30% overall improvement but chest congestion / cloggeg with phlgm reduces improvement.
Allergy: 30 % improvement as I stay indoors plus rainy season
Mood swings: 50% improvement and getting over heartache but loneliness bothers me.
Stomach problem: 90% Improvement
Bowel movement: 90% improvement

Sir from the past 2 days too much of phlegm has stored in my chest without experiencing much rhinitis. Only nebulization helps in loosening phlegm. What should I do
thundercracker last decade
Take one dose, just one dose and report back after one week.
fitness last decade
Sir it's been a week now so heres my update.
asthma: 10 % improvement from last time as the phlegm is more in solid form and easily excreted.
Hayfever: remains minimal unless I get exposed for a longer period. Still I get too much phlegm at night and morning. Overall 5% improvement from last time.
Mood swings: mostly depends on the activities I do in the day.
On monday I will receive the result of newly conducted AFT test.sir if you help me eradicate this ongoing not so severe hayfever I would be very obliged. In the morning I spit out too much oblong transparent thick hard phlegm, can we stop it from getting accumulated in there? Waiting for your next move
thundercracker last decade
Have one dose of Natrum Muriaticum 200c and report back.
fitness last decade
Sir I bought this remedy but the shopkeeper who also happens to be a homeopath, cautioned me that its excess may cause sugar and that its lower potency lower than 200c increases blood pressure And 200 and above decreases it. Sir I hardly believes hes right but still as I often have low blood pressure so I am a bit concerned. Sir please guide and give me a go so that I can take it tonight.
[message edited by thundercracker on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:16:16 BST]
thundercracker last decade
Sir I had taken the medicine as per your instructions. On the 2nd day I experienced extreme Hayfever but then it subsided. Lately I haven't experienced Hayfever but in the morning two cupful of phlegm is excreted.
Asthma: 5% improved
Hayfever: 10% improved
Mood swings: 10 % deteriorated

Theres another thing ive experienced from past one month, I masterbate daily and on weekends when I wake up I have a heavy breakfast but despite that I experience low blood pressure. Then I take additional eggs to come to normal. My ALTs have come down from 67 to 59 . This means my liver has always been under stress. I still don't know what's wrong with my liver and what will it take to lower ALT. I am taking some liver tonic. Please guide its been a week now since I've taken last dose
thundercracker last decade
Sir waiting for your reply
thundercracker last decade
Theres no reply yet I hope and wish fitness is ok. Simone what shall I do? Can I be referred to another doc
thundercracker last decade
Hi -

Fitness always replies back and on time. So please email
him bc there may be a problem with email alerts on the
forum- that happens from time to time .
simone717 last decade
I am sorry I didn't see your reply. I didn't get any email alert either. If you don't hear back within 24 hrs, send me an email.

Coming to your case, what are the symptoms as of today in % relief or worsening.
fitness last decade
no problem sir, glad I msged you and you replied. Will do as told. Heres the over all improvement.
Hayfever: 70% improvement( only accumulation of to mush hard phlegm with negligible Hayfever symptoms)
Asthma: 40% improvement since I have not indulged in exertion activities
Stamina: 30% improvement as compared to last time pollen season)
Mood swings: 20% Worsened since last week but It improves when we go out in search of a girl for my marriage otherwise loneliness persists.
I feel tired and sleepy most of the day. Still worried about LFT's , maybe all my problems sprouts from over stressed liver. Waiting for your view ans prescription.
thundercracker last decade
No more doses for now. Report back in one week.
fitness last decade
Its been a week now. My condition is getting worse, asthma and phlegm problem has risen To a considerable level. Sleeping in a air conditioned room has made it worse. Stamina has gone down, wheezing has increased. Please help. From past 3 days m having extreme loose motions with immense burning in the anus area, feels like it has been wounded. Please recommend medicine
thundercracker last decade
What happened during this week which caused the improvement to reverse?
fitness last decade
According to my guess only the activation of air conditioning at home and the chilling room in the morning. And that other problems of loose motions is somehow related to over eating or maybe I consumed something unhygienic.
thundercracker last decade
Have a dose of Arsenicum Album 200c, just one dose and report back.
fitness last decade
Had taken ars album 200 on that very day I.e on 3-05-2015.not much of different, phlegm is still on the rise. No effect on asthma.
thundercracker last decade
How are the loose motions.
fitness last decade
Loose motions are over and that burning/pain has also subsided to certain level but still afraid to pass stool as it would refresh the sore spot. Have had started flagyl and ciproxin followed by a application of cream on anus area as I was worried. Tried sleeping in the warm room but couldn't due to suffocation so went back to chilly room. Wheezing started in 2 hours and now m up throwing round and thick jelly type of phlegm after puffing inhaler.this is worse then hayfever related asthma. It makes me think that I should not marry at all as I'll be burden on a gal.sir help
thundercracker last decade
Why did you start antibiotics.
fitness last decade
Sir I had no other option, the loose motion was worst than I ever experienced. That anus area still burns and aches. I am not saying that homeopathy couldn't do anything it's just that I could not wait it was an emergency as it takes 2 to 3 days for us to get in contact.
thundercracker last decade

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