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Premature Ejaculation



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(dr mehfoozurrehaman)curved penis and premature ejaculation 1



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

curved penis and premature ejaculation From Page 7 of 9

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The aggravation will die in 2-3 days, don't worry. Its part of cure.

Update status in one week from now.
fitness last decade

You have to create your own treatment
thread. Go to the forum first page.
Above the first post, click a button
that says Post New Topic and you will
create a thread for yourself.
simone717 last decade
Sir its been 8 days now,though the aggravation subsided but still the medicine didn't bring a considerable change. On running after few days of taking it I ran for longer period but after using inhaler however at the end of two laps used to feel pain in kidney/ lung area. It used to subside I 5 mins on stopping running. I still use inhaler alot, even previously arsenic alb was better than this in terms of stamina


Depression/mood swings= stayed at 20 %
Desire for masterbation= stays at 90 %
Acidity= remains at 95 % ( occasional bouts)
Asthma related to Anxiety= stays at 50 %(followed by constipation, burping and gasses)
Asthma general= lowered from 75 % to 60%(sputum 50%+exertion 05%)
Constipation= stays the same at 95 % ( bloating, acidity, )
ANGER ISSUE : stays at 65%
CONFIDENCE ISSUE : problem stays at 60% ( increases with thinking)
RETENTION OF ERECTION PROBLEM:again decrease from 50% to 40% (premature ejaculation is there)

Please suggest medicine
thundercracker last decade
I am unable to understand the feedback.

Please tell the change from before taking the remedy to after.

What does mood swing 20% mean, is it worse by 20% or better by 20%. Similarly for all symptoms.
fitness last decade
Ok let me try another method of feedback


Depression/mood swings= problem has decreased from 25% to 20 % ( meaning 80 % I am cured)
Desire for masterbation= I feel 90 % urge and little temptation makes me do it despite intending to quit it ( it is also triggered by slight boredom and moodswings as I feel theres nothing better to do)
Acidity= problem has decreased slightly from 95 % to 90% ( occasional bouts after heavy eating)
Asthma related to Anxiety= problem increased from 50 % to 55% (aggravated by constipation, thinking about being breathless and gasses)
Asthma general= problem lowered from 75 % (day of taking 1 M, aggravation) to 60%. Have tried an experiment, during workout I used to feel breathlessness but today I ate a tiny portion of food before work out and I didn't feel asthma.
Constipation= problem stays at 95 % (with bloating and gasses) if I don't pass stool in time it gets worse to 100%.
ANGER ISSUE : I feel anger 65%
MAKING GESTURES/IMAGINING FIGHTS : problem is 50% and increases when I am unoccupied and have time to think.
CONFIDENCE ISSUE : problem is 60% ( increases with thinking and decreases from 60 % when I am praised)
PROBLEM OF PREMATUER EJACULATION: problem decreased from 50% to 40% but it all depends on level of excitement and sensitivity to touch ( sometimes I evacuate just prior to full erection)

Please suggest medicine
thundercracker last decade
Please take a dose of Cal-C 1M on Sep 25 and report back on Sep 28.
fitness last decade
Sir please help me things have gone good to worse.i think I am on the verge of getting my depression back, m feeling that boredom, anxiousness, confusion and heavy feeling in my head. When I am out I feel better. The reason I masterbate more is due to increase in depression as finding no joy elsewhere, I am starting to despise n grown a lil distant from my family again which was the primary sign of my depression. Please cancel yhe effects of this medicine.

Depression/mood swings= problem has increased from 20% to 50 % ( meaning I am getting worse)
Desire for masterbation= I feel 90 % urge and little temptation makes me do it despite intending to quit it ( it is also triggered by slight boredom and moodswings as I feel theres nothing better to do)
Acidity= problem has decreased slightly from 95 % to 90% ( occasional bouts after heavy eating)
Asthma related to Anxiety= problem stays on 50(aggravated by constipation, thinking about being breathless and gasses)
Asthma general= problem remains at 60% ( means 40 % relief).
Constipation= problem stays at 95 % (with bloating and gasses and now I can't seem to pass stool properly)
ANGER ISSUE :anger has increased from 65% to 80%
MAKING GESTURES/IMAGINING FIGHTS : problem is 60% and increases when I am unoccupied and have time to think.
CONFIDENCE ISSUE : problem is 60% ( increases with thinking and decreases from 60 % when I am praised)
PROBLEM OF PREMATUER EJACULATION: problem decreased from 50% to 40% but it all depends on level of excitement and sensitivity to touch ( sometimes I evacuate just prior to full erection)

Feeling very sleepy all the times help sir please
thundercracker last decade
It seems we have overdosed. Now just stay off of all remedies and update status in 10 days. We will review the case then.
fitness last decade
Sir its hi time for me to give update so please suggest quick solution. 4 days back I forgot to pass urine after evacuation and when I woke up I had pain in lower abdomen and in left testicle the kind of pain I get during ( UTI) TO WHICH M REALLY PRONE SO I statted taking cranberry juice and lots of fluids . It subsided in 3 days but is this normal to have this once in 3 months? This was followed by extremely low blood pressure in morning time (with headache) when I go for work it don't happen but when I stay at home it becomes regular feature ( eating more n passing stool relieves the condition). Sometimes on standing up or sudden action I feel dizzy like fainting. 3 days back on Eid I ate too my goats meat m stuff n felt asthmatic.


Depression/mood swings= problem has decreased from 50% to 30 % ( meaning I am getting little better)
Desire for masterbation= has dropped from 90 % to 60% due to UTI.
Acidity= problem has decreased slightly from 90 % to 85% ( occasional bouts after heavy eating)
Asthma related to Anxiety= problem stays on 50(aggravated by constipation, thinking about being breathless and gasses)
Asthma general= problem remains at 60% ( means 40 % relief).
Constipation= problem stays at 95 % (with bloating and gasses and now I can't seem to pass stool properly)
ANGER ISSUE :anger issue remains on 60% ( slightly decreased)
MAKING GESTURES/IMAGINING FIGHTS : problem is 60% and increases when I am unoccupied and have time to think.
CONFIDENCE ISSUE : problem is 60% ( increases with thinking and decreases from 60 % when I am praised)
PROBLEM OF PREMATUER EJACULATION: problem decreased from 50% to 40% but it all depends on level of excitement and sensitivity to touch ( sometimes I evacuate just prior to full erection)
thundercracker last decade
Are you following the diet & exercise routine that I had advised?
fitness last decade
Not religiously, during these last 4 days of eid I had not touched any vegetables, fruits and exercise. Otherwise I do all that in a day. Don't make yogurt at home, should I use the packed one or substitute it with probiotic pills? Last night after that low blood pressure pinching pain started in my kidney area. Can't pinpoint the cause cuz I have too much gases/ constipation plus that bp problem and that UTI sort of problem which lasted for 4 days. Now going to hospital for RFTs and serum electrolyte test and maybe ultrasound in case theres any problem inside. Will resume my exercises n diet today. Sir ok I admit it that I don't have good healthy habits but having discomfort/ pain near belly button, low bp without exercise n this kidney pain ain't normal.
thundercracker last decade
Once you are back into your healthy routine, update status here.
fitness last decade
Sir I have started that routine but due to cold weather my asthma problem has increased. Please help otherwise I maybe compelled to use allopathic medicines
thundercracker last decade
When did you take the last dose.
fitness last decade
Sir on September 25th .
thundercracker last decade
Have one dose now.
fitness last decade
Cal Carbonica 1 M ? Or lower dose?
thundercracker last decade
1M dose.
fitness last decade
I took that dose on 17-10-2014


Depression/mood swings= problem has increased from 30% to 40 % ( all because of a road fight in which I didn't ventilate my anger, I still feel like beating the person)
Desire for masterbation= 90% ( everready) .

Acidity= problem has decreased slightly from 85 % to 50% ( occasional bouts after heavy eating)
Asthma related to Anxiety= problem stays on 50(aggravated by constipation, thinking about being breathless and gasses)
Asthma general= problem decreased from 60% to 50%( heavy phlegm after eating).
Constipation= problem decreased from 95 % to 80% (with little bloating and gasses and regular stool )
ANGER ISSUE :anger issue increased from 60% to 70% frustration regrets included
MAKING GESTURES/IMAGINING FIGHTS : problem is 60% and increases when I am unoccupied and have time to think.
CONFIDENCE ISSUE : problem is 60% ( increases with thinking and decreases from 60 % when I am praised)
PROBLEM OF PREMATUER EJACULATION: problem decreased from 50% to 40% but it all depends on level of excitement and sensitivity to touch

Sir my asthma gets aggravated when I start jogging and cold air enters my system. Stamina needs to be increased. Recommend remedy sir with which asthma is minimal and the mood swings are reduced
thundercracker last decade
Have one dose of Natrum Muriaticum 200c and report back in 2 weeks.
fitness last decade
Two weeks passed to the following update


Depression/mood swings= problem has decreased from 40% to 25 %
Desire for masterbation= stays at 90%

Acidity= problem has decreased slightly from 50% to 20 %( occasional bouts after heavy eating spicy food)
Asthma related to Anxiety= problem decreased from 50 % to 30%(aggravated by constipation, thinking about being breathless and gasses)
Asthma general= problem decreased from 50% to 40%( heavy phlegm after eating).
Constipation= problem stays at 80% (aggravates when i skip regular stool )
ANGER ISSUE :anger issue increased from 70% to 75 frustration regrets included
MAKING GESTURES/IMAGINING FIGHTS : imaginary fight problem has increased from 60% to 70% and further increases when I am unoccupied.
CONFIDENCE ISSUE : problem stays at 60% ( problem increases with thinking and decreases from 60 % when I am praised)
PROBLEM OF PREMATUER EJACULATION: problem stays at 40% but it all depends on level of excitement and sensitivity to touch

Sir my nose remains dry and when I blow it a clot of blood mixed with yellowish booger comes out after every 12 hours. I stay worried mostly all day regarding general things like my aging mother, my apprehensions regarding my posting. Dont feel like stuying and working at home, got lethargic. My appetite has increased.hair falling alot due to cold dry weather. My main concerns are asthma/ phlegm/ pollen allergy, slight mood swings and anger issues coupled with inability to control negative thoughts.
thundercracker last decade
Homeopathy is not magic, it can't change your habits e.g. making gestures/imagining fights or lack of confidence which might be due to the way you have been raised.

I am not sure if the nose is a new symptom or old?
fitness last decade
I have had dry nose before and in my childhood it often bled but in recent years I didn't bleed till now. I understand that my attributes cant be altered but they are the symptoms for diagnosing my problem.
thundercracker last decade
Return of your nasal symptoms is a very good sign. Just observe for now and report back in one week.
fitness last decade
General Conditions are the same, nose needs cleaning twice a day as its inner surface is coated with flakes of greenish booger a bit tough at surface and wet in the inside. On blowing nose the whole flake comes out with slight traces of blood. Constipation has increased and too much gases are produced. After masterbation when I wake up early I am very depressed not because of guilt but maybe due to low energy. My mood becomes better later on. My semen feels this and too much in quantity. Very faded white patches on lower side of penis. Sometimes I ejaculate early and sometimes its normal ( satisfactory) previously it was not so better. Haven't ran lately so don't know about stamina and about asthma. What do you prescribe sir
thundercracker last decade
Waiting for your reply sir. M having pimples inside my nose Could that be a pospositive sign
thundercracker last decade

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