The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Infamous (Side)Effexor
My wife is currently weening off of Effexor (ER I Believe)..she has only been on SNRI's a total of a month--Cymbalta 30mg 1 week, switched to Effexor 75mg for a week, and 150mg for 2 weeks...currently she is on 75mg again (for another 2 days) and then 37.5mg for 5 days and then completely off...I ordered Sepia 30c and 200c, also Silicea 30c and 200c for her (strong Sepia profile) the question is...Does she need to wait to be off of the SNRI before starting Sepia (at 30c)?
I do not have a 'profile' filled out for her due to a general question, however I may be doing one very soon for assistance with her issue
superdave972 on 2014-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For people who have been on these meds a long time and have
chronic issues homeopaths do start them on remedies and then
have them wean off the meds as they improve.
If your wife has only been on these a short time, let her get off
and then she should probably do several nights of Nux vomica to
clear the meds out of her system. Then she can start on other
However, if this is a chronic problem and you are trying to supervise
what she should take that is a bad idea.
You should put her information on here using one of the forms, or better
have her go to a homeopath in person in your area.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 15 Feb 2014 00:40:40 GMT]
For people who have been on these meds a long time and have
chronic issues homeopaths do start them on remedies and then
have them wean off the meds as they improve.
If your wife has only been on these a short time, let her get off
and then she should probably do several nights of Nux vomica to
clear the meds out of her system. Then she can start on other
However, if this is a chronic problem and you are trying to supervise
what she should take that is a bad idea.
You should put her information on here using one of the forms, or better
have her go to a homeopath in person in your area.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 15 Feb 2014 00:40:40 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Sorry it took so long. Here is info that could help..reply for additional info please.
Patient ID: KC1009
Height: 5'2'
Weight: 112lb
Sex: Female
Age: 25
1. Describe your main suffering?
No libido, weak/no orgasms, depressed moods, avoids sex/husband/family (does it to please)-ruining relationship/new marriage
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Usually has pain between shoulder blades (just to the inside of both blades, mostly right side), some lower back pains (sore or pinched nerve-type feeling). Decreased sensitivity in nipples/vagina (arousal). Weak orgasms.
Thin hair, usually small amounts come out while showering
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Fatigue (mental mostly), lack of concentration/focus on single or multiple things (memory problems, but mainly gets so mixed up when there is more than 1 thing going on at a time and forgets to do them), hard to get
out of bed in the morning, no matter how much sleep she has had, very sensetive to jokes or criticism-usually cries at work or any time she gets in trouble, hard for her to tell her problems to loved ones-usually cries in the
process, rarely in a good mood/cheery, usually unhappy, feels worthless or undeserving of anything to make her happy, wants to shut herself off from the world becasue she doesnt feel 'normal', frequent urination (more than
an average person)-urine has very strong smell to it but not too bright or too clear in color, no motivation-lazy, pale skin but generally clear-has pimples come up-usually around chin under lip or side of corner of mouth, fears
being alone-does not like being by herself (doesnt matter if dark or light out), worries a lot-usually about pointless things or out of control things, talkative generally but about nothing of real importance-just talks, cannot sleep
because she always is worried or has something on her mind-usually cannot get comfortable, really hot at night while sleeping-sweats a little, lack of appetite-fills up quickly even if hungry, selfish tendencies-however very
caring person,
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Like she will never get better, nothing can fix her. When anything sex or intimate related happens or is talked about (ie scenes from movies, talking about it, being naked)
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
She has been this way since around puberty (close to 16). We got together and the first 2 weeks of the relationship we had sex usually 1-2 times a day about 6 days a week, she was very cuddly and all about me and making us
happy, always want to have fun, but started Tri-Sprintec birth control and was on it for about 3 years. Her libido quickly declined and because of that her intimacy level dropped with it (ie cuddling, touching, making out, etc).
Also her mood declined with it. Has not returned since stopping 'the pill'.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Mornings or late afternoons. Night is about the same as mornings-super tired and wants to sleep a lot
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Drinking alcohol generally make things a little better, she is more cheery and doesnt worry, turned on a little more. Being around crowds or people seem to make it worse, she wants to be alone or at home. Getting her outside
or going to do something ouside of home makes her talkative.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
No. Periods make no difference
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Weather does not seem to change anything
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Sensitive, lazy, anxious/nervous, worriesome, sad, lethargic
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
In the past, she was terrified of storms. But likes them now. Not super excited about them but likes them
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Generally no. Doesnt like having something wrong and tries to cover it up or tell herself she can get over it
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Biting lip (usually inside) or picking at lip (outside)
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Loves family, friends, and husband but gives off vibe of not caring or seeming to put them last.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear of not knowing what will happen after death, being alone, fears spiders
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Sweets, sours, salty. (Chips and Wolf Brand chili is common)
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
less. Usually drinks decaf tea
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
not known
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
normal during day, night/sleeping seems more head, some whole body
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
generally light (float) and 'chunky'
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Usually sleeps on stomach or right side. If side, legs are up (90 degree angle)
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No. Has no sexual desire, wants to please husband more just to make happy
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Different by not wanting sex or craving it, not being happy and care-free, unable to do anything ('no skills', no future type attitude)
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Took Wellbutrin (dont remember dose or how long) around 17-18 but didnt like the idea of SSRI's, didnt help much so stopped taking, recently diagnosed with major depression by RN. Took Cymbalta 30mg/day
for 1 week (mood greatly improved, almost '180', as if a switch came on and she 'woke up', but lost most feeling in vagina/nipples-could not orgasm). Switched to Effexor ER 75mg/day for 1 week, then 150mg/day
for 2 weeks. Effexor made her quickly depressed again, had frequent but momentary dizzy spells, lost all appetite, nausea, and still had no sensitivity in vagina/nipples. Currently weening off (on day 5 of 75mg, starting 37.5mg
for 5 more days then off completely) She has only been doing this for maybe a month so far, and hates it.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Mothers side of family (mom, aunt, cousin) 'diagnosed' with depression. Unsure of what meds. another cousin had bi-polar and depression, suicide at 16 because she stopped meds
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Small frame, pale skin/white, dirty blonde, green eyes, not fit but has an athletic frame (big legs, calve, glutes) and arms/shoulders have muscular appearance (not lean). Skin usually clear, not a lot of freckles, no moles.
Likes to look 'put together' especially outside of home-very picky about appearance. Wants to match and look cute. Doesnt wear heavy bright make-up, but blends well ('natural look').
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
regular..5-7 days
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
no change
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
pale, almost 'dried up'
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
=-=-=-=-ADDITIONAL INFO-=-=-=-=--=-=
Takes Opti-Women multi daily (recent 30days)
Before that took daily B-Complex, a, biotin
Before anti-depressants tried DHEA, 5-HTP (made no difference)
Went to internist a week ago and had physical and blood panel
NO ABNORMALITIES. TSH and thyroid ok, adernal ok, vitamin levels ok (noted slightly low D-vitamin levels and slightly high iron level)
We have not tried any homeopathic remedies, however we do have X potency remedies and cell salts for other ailments but do not use them frequently
[message edited by kadwa on Thu, 13 Oct 2011 06:15:23 BST]
Patient ID: KC1009
Height: 5'2'
Weight: 112lb
Sex: Female
Age: 25
1. Describe your main suffering?
No libido, weak/no orgasms, depressed moods, avoids sex/husband/family (does it to please)-ruining relationship/new marriage
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Usually has pain between shoulder blades (just to the inside of both blades, mostly right side), some lower back pains (sore or pinched nerve-type feeling). Decreased sensitivity in nipples/vagina (arousal). Weak orgasms.
Thin hair, usually small amounts come out while showering
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Fatigue (mental mostly), lack of concentration/focus on single or multiple things (memory problems, but mainly gets so mixed up when there is more than 1 thing going on at a time and forgets to do them), hard to get
out of bed in the morning, no matter how much sleep she has had, very sensetive to jokes or criticism-usually cries at work or any time she gets in trouble, hard for her to tell her problems to loved ones-usually cries in the
process, rarely in a good mood/cheery, usually unhappy, feels worthless or undeserving of anything to make her happy, wants to shut herself off from the world becasue she doesnt feel 'normal', frequent urination (more than
an average person)-urine has very strong smell to it but not too bright or too clear in color, no motivation-lazy, pale skin but generally clear-has pimples come up-usually around chin under lip or side of corner of mouth, fears
being alone-does not like being by herself (doesnt matter if dark or light out), worries a lot-usually about pointless things or out of control things, talkative generally but about nothing of real importance-just talks, cannot sleep
because she always is worried or has something on her mind-usually cannot get comfortable, really hot at night while sleeping-sweats a little, lack of appetite-fills up quickly even if hungry, selfish tendencies-however very
caring person,
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Like she will never get better, nothing can fix her. When anything sex or intimate related happens or is talked about (ie scenes from movies, talking about it, being naked)
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
She has been this way since around puberty (close to 16). We got together and the first 2 weeks of the relationship we had sex usually 1-2 times a day about 6 days a week, she was very cuddly and all about me and making us
happy, always want to have fun, but started Tri-Sprintec birth control and was on it for about 3 years. Her libido quickly declined and because of that her intimacy level dropped with it (ie cuddling, touching, making out, etc).
Also her mood declined with it. Has not returned since stopping 'the pill'.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Mornings or late afternoons. Night is about the same as mornings-super tired and wants to sleep a lot
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Drinking alcohol generally make things a little better, she is more cheery and doesnt worry, turned on a little more. Being around crowds or people seem to make it worse, she wants to be alone or at home. Getting her outside
or going to do something ouside of home makes her talkative.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
No. Periods make no difference
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Weather does not seem to change anything
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Sensitive, lazy, anxious/nervous, worriesome, sad, lethargic
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
In the past, she was terrified of storms. But likes them now. Not super excited about them but likes them
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Generally no. Doesnt like having something wrong and tries to cover it up or tell herself she can get over it
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Biting lip (usually inside) or picking at lip (outside)
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Loves family, friends, and husband but gives off vibe of not caring or seeming to put them last.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear of not knowing what will happen after death, being alone, fears spiders
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Sweets, sours, salty. (Chips and Wolf Brand chili is common)
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
less. Usually drinks decaf tea
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
not known
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
normal during day, night/sleeping seems more head, some whole body
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
generally light (float) and 'chunky'
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Usually sleeps on stomach or right side. If side, legs are up (90 degree angle)
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
No. Has no sexual desire, wants to please husband more just to make happy
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Different by not wanting sex or craving it, not being happy and care-free, unable to do anything ('no skills', no future type attitude)
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Took Wellbutrin (dont remember dose or how long) around 17-18 but didnt like the idea of SSRI's, didnt help much so stopped taking, recently diagnosed with major depression by RN. Took Cymbalta 30mg/day
for 1 week (mood greatly improved, almost '180', as if a switch came on and she 'woke up', but lost most feeling in vagina/nipples-could not orgasm). Switched to Effexor ER 75mg/day for 1 week, then 150mg/day
for 2 weeks. Effexor made her quickly depressed again, had frequent but momentary dizzy spells, lost all appetite, nausea, and still had no sensitivity in vagina/nipples. Currently weening off (on day 5 of 75mg, starting 37.5mg
for 5 more days then off completely) She has only been doing this for maybe a month so far, and hates it.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Mothers side of family (mom, aunt, cousin) 'diagnosed' with depression. Unsure of what meds. another cousin had bi-polar and depression, suicide at 16 because she stopped meds
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Small frame, pale skin/white, dirty blonde, green eyes, not fit but has an athletic frame (big legs, calve, glutes) and arms/shoulders have muscular appearance (not lean). Skin usually clear, not a lot of freckles, no moles.
Likes to look 'put together' especially outside of home-very picky about appearance. Wants to match and look cute. Doesnt wear heavy bright make-up, but blends well ('natural look').
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
regular..5-7 days
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
no change
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
pale, almost 'dried up'
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
=-=-=-=-ADDITIONAL INFO-=-=-=-=--=-=
Takes Opti-Women multi daily (recent 30days)
Before that took daily B-Complex, a, biotin
Before anti-depressants tried DHEA, 5-HTP (made no difference)
Went to internist a week ago and had physical and blood panel
NO ABNORMALITIES. TSH and thyroid ok, adernal ok, vitamin levels ok (noted slightly low D-vitamin levels and slightly high iron level)
We have not tried any homeopathic remedies, however we do have X potency remedies and cell salts for other ailments but do not use them frequently
[message edited by kadwa on Thu, 13 Oct 2011 06:15:23 BST]
superdave972 last decade
After her last day of Effexor have her take Nux vomica 200c for
3 nights in a row after dinner. Dose is 3 pills in a couple tablespoons
of water. Do this half hour before or after dinner and then report back
what is going on a day after the last dose.
You have to order the 200c- you can check online or order off this
site remedies shop.
After her last day of Effexor have her take Nux vomica 200c for
3 nights in a row after dinner. Dose is 3 pills in a couple tablespoons
of water. Do this half hour before or after dinner and then report back
what is going on a day after the last dose.
You have to order the 200c- you can check online or order off this
site remedies shop.
♡ simone717 last decade
She is on her 2nd day of Nux Vomica 200c. Having 'brain zaps' and nauseous
Only changes are her going back to the way she was before the Effexor
She takes this on a clean pallet also
Only changes are her going back to the way she was before the Effexor
She takes this on a clean pallet also
superdave972 last decade
Don't take the 3rd dose of Nux vomica. You can buy the
cell salt Natrum Sulph 6x for the brain zaps- that is a withdrawal
effect of Effexor. Take 4 tabs 3x a day and you can get these
at Whole Foods ( hylands brand) or at the Vitamin Shoppe( not sure
where you are and if you can pick these up locally, let me know
if you need some help in finding)
Will be posting again shortly.
Don't take the 3rd dose of Nux vomica. You can buy the
cell salt Natrum Sulph 6x for the brain zaps- that is a withdrawal
effect of Effexor. Take 4 tabs 3x a day and you can get these
at Whole Foods ( hylands brand) or at the Vitamin Shoppe( not sure
where you are and if you can pick these up locally, let me know
if you need some help in finding)
Will be posting again shortly.
♡ simone717 last decade
Ok. I dont have a Whole Foods anywhere close but I have a Vitamin Shoppe that may have them. IF not then I will make the drive to the nearest Whole Foods
superdave972 last decade
And I am assuming Sulphuricum?
or Sulphurisom?
And Vitamin Shoppe only has 6c and 30c
[message edited by superdave972 on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:28:48 GMT]
or Sulphurisom?
And Vitamin Shoppe only has 6c and 30c
[message edited by superdave972 on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:28:48 GMT]
superdave972 last decade
Has she experiemced any of the brain zaps earlier on while she was reducing the
How bad are they on a 1 to 10 scale? Are they escalating?
Reason I am asking is bc you can take a cell salt along with a remedy.( you need the cell salt-tablets which are 6x)
I suggest that you start Sepia 30c tomorrow and do one dose of 3 pills dissolved
in a tablespoon of water. And then wait and watch for that day and report
any effects the next day.
If the zaps are not that bad then you don't have to get nat sulphuricum- they will
eventually wear off.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:51:22 GMT]
Has she experiemced any of the brain zaps earlier on while she was reducing the
How bad are they on a 1 to 10 scale? Are they escalating?
Reason I am asking is bc you can take a cell salt along with a remedy.( you need the cell salt-tablets which are 6x)
I suggest that you start Sepia 30c tomorrow and do one dose of 3 pills dissolved
in a tablespoon of water. And then wait and watch for that day and report
any effects the next day.
If the zaps are not that bad then you don't have to get nat sulphuricum- they will
eventually wear off.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:51:22 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
The brain zaps aren't terrible she says, just more annoying than anything. They started while on Effexor and got a little more frequent. She says its more of a dizzy type feeling, almost 'pulse/wave-like' sensation mostly front of her head and seems as if her eyes are vibrating. Only lasts for about a second, worse in morning/first half of day. She said Pulsatilla 30x helped with the nausea. BUt on a scale from 1-10 about a 3, again not terrible but annoying
I do have Sepia 30c and 200c.
I do have Sepia 30c and 200c.
superdave972 last decade
Hi- glad they are just an annoyance.
Tomorrow, start on the Sepia 30c- one dose and notice any even
tiny changes- then report.
Do not take any other remedy to stop anything that may appear.
How often has she used Pulsatilla 30x or any other remedy?
Tomorrow, start on the Sepia 30c- one dose and notice any even
tiny changes- then report.
Do not take any other remedy to stop anything that may appear.
How often has she used Pulsatilla 30x or any other remedy?
♡ simone717 last decade
Pulsatilla was once about 2 days ago but stopped once the nausea stopped. Other than that its just been Nux Vomica 200c one dose for 2 days (yesterday and day before)
And I will note any changes. I wont be around her much tomorrow until about 4pm since we both work
And I will note any changes. I wont be around her much tomorrow until about 4pm since we both work
superdave972 last decade
Just have her jot down what she notices-even very minor things.-and don't take this if period is going on.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 19:21:21 GMT]
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 19:21:21 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Ok. I had her take a dose before I knew she was on her period and she acted different. She got very talkative and a bit more relaxed in the sense she didn't seem to worry too much about anything, as if she was all of a sudden 'awake'. And while we were trying to sleep kept talking.
She did get a bit emotional/upset for about 3 minutes about all of the issues we have been having..
She has not taken another dose since I found out but it was just one dose of 30c
Oh and she said she slept very well. Her nausea subsided and her appetite was good. She ate more for dinner than I did which is very rare, if it has even happened beofre
[message edited by superdave972 on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:22:11 GMT]
She did get a bit emotional/upset for about 3 minutes about all of the issues we have been having..
She has not taken another dose since I found out but it was just one dose of 30c
Oh and she said she slept very well. Her nausea subsided and her appetite was good. She ate more for dinner than I did which is very rare, if it has even happened beofre
[message edited by superdave972 on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:22:11 GMT]
superdave972 last decade
That is a good response.
Have her keep note of what is better or worse over the next
few days and report changes. In case you are not aware of this,
more is not better in homeopathy, When a remedy starts to work
you only dose again when things have gone backwards or
have a plateau.
Have her keep note of what is better or worse over the next
few days and report changes. In case you are not aware of this,
more is not better in homeopathy, When a remedy starts to work
you only dose again when things have gone backwards or
have a plateau.
♡ simone717 last decade
Another thing I forgot to mention is she has been starting her period early. Last month I think it was nearly a week early, and it was lighter than normal. This week she was a few days early as well. Her moods rarely ever , if at all, change during this time. Its been about 6 months since she has been off the 'pill'
Thanks for the advice. I knew that if it was a correct remedy the effects would come on rapidly.
I don't know why I have always been/still am a skeptic. I have been around remedies my whole life and they have always worked..maybe its because this isn't me and its been happening for a long time..but to see her improve in the least bit is rewarding even with this chronic issue
Thank you for any and all help as this may be an lengthy process
I also noticed her body responds fairly quickly to medicines. Like when she took Cymbalta, I had NP's telling her its impossible for the med to kick in that quick but within 24 hours she did a complete 180..but also got unwanted side effects in about 2-3 days and when she switched to Effexor the same happend. She did another 180 and went back to the way she was before the med, but now had even more/worse side effects. Is that normal?
[message edited by superdave972 on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 15:34:13 GMT]
[message edited by superdave972 on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 17:38:04 GMT]
Thanks for the advice. I knew that if it was a correct remedy the effects would come on rapidly.
I don't know why I have always been/still am a skeptic. I have been around remedies my whole life and they have always worked..maybe its because this isn't me and its been happening for a long time..but to see her improve in the least bit is rewarding even with this chronic issue
Thank you for any and all help as this may be an lengthy process
I also noticed her body responds fairly quickly to medicines. Like when she took Cymbalta, I had NP's telling her its impossible for the med to kick in that quick but within 24 hours she did a complete 180..but also got unwanted side effects in about 2-3 days and when she switched to Effexor the same happend. She did another 180 and went back to the way she was before the med, but now had even more/worse side effects. Is that normal?
[message edited by superdave972 on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 15:34:13 GMT]
[message edited by superdave972 on Mon, 24 Feb 2014 17:38:04 GMT]
superdave972 last decade
Yes, it is normal bc she is sensitive- I know many with these
same reactions to those drugs- reactions within hours when the
dr. said it takes 3 weeks- Not True! She does not need those
medications they are not going to the cause.
Her issues are caused from the pill- the pill can cause a lot of
problems-imagine if you took a pill that was tweaking your
testosterone levels a bit low-you would be depressed asap. forgetful,
low libido and if you had no idea the pill was doing this to you-
you might think this is the new you or go for therapy.
Neither I nor any of my friends could take the pill, we all felt
different than normal and not in a good way.
same reactions to those drugs- reactions within hours when the
dr. said it takes 3 weeks- Not True! She does not need those
medications they are not going to the cause.
Her issues are caused from the pill- the pill can cause a lot of
problems-imagine if you took a pill that was tweaking your
testosterone levels a bit low-you would be depressed asap. forgetful,
low libido and if you had no idea the pill was doing this to you-
you might think this is the new you or go for therapy.
Neither I nor any of my friends could take the pill, we all felt
different than normal and not in a good way.
♡ simone717 last decade
Another update...
She still has been fairly talkative. A bit more cheery and smiling today. Very playful-type attitude like joking and laughing which i haven't seen much of in a long while. She has slept very well the last 2 nights without interruption nor trouble sleeping and hasn't had to take Calms Forte or drink chamomile tea. Her appetite is still very good, she was hungry a lot yesterday and was eating very well which again I haven't seen In forever. I noticed her forehead has small breakouts and her chin, which she has had before. She has also been cramping due to her period which also hasn't happened in a long while. She has been less passive about 'issues' meaning she doesn't just give up and drop the subject but actually gives her full and honest opinion as if she is more open to communication again. I ask her about all these 'symptoms' and she mentions them as 'returning' but nothing has been new other than the vertigo and nausea (from Effexor)
She still has been fairly talkative. A bit more cheery and smiling today. Very playful-type attitude like joking and laughing which i haven't seen much of in a long while. She has slept very well the last 2 nights without interruption nor trouble sleeping and hasn't had to take Calms Forte or drink chamomile tea. Her appetite is still very good, she was hungry a lot yesterday and was eating very well which again I haven't seen In forever. I noticed her forehead has small breakouts and her chin, which she has had before. She has also been cramping due to her period which also hasn't happened in a long while. She has been less passive about 'issues' meaning she doesn't just give up and drop the subject but actually gives her full and honest opinion as if she is more open to communication again. I ask her about all these 'symptoms' and she mentions them as 'returning' but nothing has been new other than the vertigo and nausea (from Effexor)
superdave972 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
I was meaning to ask before and I keep forgetting...but how come she is not supposed to take Sepia while on her period?
superdave972 last decade
It is not the only remedy not to take while on period-
pulsatilla is another one- both remedies have many
symptoms for menses but also are given for
hundreds of other reasons-so that time period is
not a good time to take them.
pulsatilla is another one- both remedies have many
symptoms for menses but also are given for
hundreds of other reasons-so that time period is
not a good time to take them.
♡ simone717 last decade
So the day before yesterday...
She slept very well with no interruptions. She was irritable by people (she is a cashier at a car dealership) but did not take it out ON me, but TO me (she recognized it before she just reacted which is odd to me). She had some vertigo still and nauseous, but was better by eating. Her appetite is unusual, as she now not only has one, but eats more than normal (for her) and is hungry a lot more often. She still craves sweets/sours/salty food, but especially chocolate and pickles. Still having some small acne breakouts on her forehead and chin, but seems to be quickly clearing up. She is smiling and joking more, and still very talkative. Her feet are cold, along with erh hands, even if covered up by blanket and rest of body is warm. Her moods are now changing a bit (as a normal woman would seem to get 'moody' on her period, which hasn't happened in a long time). We had a 'playful' session (foreplay) which I initiated and she followed through (which normally once I try any slight sexual thing with her, I am rejected instantly) and she said her sensitivity is returning in her nipples (which set her 'over the top' and died off while she took SNRI's) but is still lower than it should be however is 'normal' for her.
She slept well again, but was mentally exhausted/lethargic (which is normal for her). She was that way all day and less talkative. Had trouble focusing on her college homework, easily distracted and could not fully focus. Her appetite is still doing good. She was very irritable and not smiling so much, but again would not really take it out on me as she normally would have. She had more sexual thoughts about me yesterday to the point she described she just 'wanted to go home right that second and do it' which definitely isn't normal for her, and said she actually got horny, again which isn't normal for her (not complaining =).
So far today she woke up and said she didn't sleep too good and was unsure why. But she was very happy and cheery. Was a little 'playful' as well right before I left for work. She said she should be off her period this weekend and we will be out of town Friday and most of Saturday so I will have more one-on-one time with her
She slept very well with no interruptions. She was irritable by people (she is a cashier at a car dealership) but did not take it out ON me, but TO me (she recognized it before she just reacted which is odd to me). She had some vertigo still and nauseous, but was better by eating. Her appetite is unusual, as she now not only has one, but eats more than normal (for her) and is hungry a lot more often. She still craves sweets/sours/salty food, but especially chocolate and pickles. Still having some small acne breakouts on her forehead and chin, but seems to be quickly clearing up. She is smiling and joking more, and still very talkative. Her feet are cold, along with erh hands, even if covered up by blanket and rest of body is warm. Her moods are now changing a bit (as a normal woman would seem to get 'moody' on her period, which hasn't happened in a long time). We had a 'playful' session (foreplay) which I initiated and she followed through (which normally once I try any slight sexual thing with her, I am rejected instantly) and she said her sensitivity is returning in her nipples (which set her 'over the top' and died off while she took SNRI's) but is still lower than it should be however is 'normal' for her.
She slept well again, but was mentally exhausted/lethargic (which is normal for her). She was that way all day and less talkative. Had trouble focusing on her college homework, easily distracted and could not fully focus. Her appetite is still doing good. She was very irritable and not smiling so much, but again would not really take it out on me as she normally would have. She had more sexual thoughts about me yesterday to the point she described she just 'wanted to go home right that second and do it' which definitely isn't normal for her, and said she actually got horny, again which isn't normal for her (not complaining =).
So far today she woke up and said she didn't sleep too good and was unsure why. But she was very happy and cheery. Was a little 'playful' as well right before I left for work. She said she should be off her period this weekend and we will be out of town Friday and most of Saturday so I will have more one-on-one time with her
superdave972 last decade
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