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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 mo baby with reflux- please help! Page 2 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I gave him remedy, per instruction.
Had a same effect as before- he slept better( usually restless), no effect on his reflux.
Toma24 last decade
When did you give the doses.
fitness last decade
Toma24 last decade
In your 26th post you said you will give the doses and now you are saying you gave on 21st, which is it.
fitness last decade

She gave a 30c of Cham on the 21rst herself, and then I told
her to try one more dose of it later on after that dose.

I am sure she did a second two doses on the 26th as you
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone!
I gave him a dose on the 21, and then, as advised one last night(2/25) and second 12 h later this morning(2/26)
[message edited by Toma24 on Wed, 26 Feb 2014 23:33:33 GMT]
Toma24 last decade
Please report back in 24 hrs, observe for now.
fitness last decade
I will, thank you!
Toma24 last decade
It's been over 24h- no change.
Toma24 last decade
Please give him a dose of Colocynth 30c and report back.
fitness last decade
Is it the same as colocynthis?
One dose is the same as before- one pellet dessolved in 1/2 cup of water and a tspoon of that water?
Toma24 last decade
Yes to both questions.
fitness last decade
Baby is doing better!
He nursed better,
Fell asleep in his crib(never done it before, I had to nurse or rock him to sleep) and slept for almost 4 hours!
Should I give him a second dose 12 h after the first one?
Thank you!
Toma24 last decade
No more doses unless there is a significant slide back.
fitness last decade
Ok, got it!
I'll let you know how he's doing.
Thank you so much!
Toma24 last decade
Baby was doing good for over 36h, and then his simptoms came back, so I gave him another dose.
Does it mean it's the right remedy and he'll be complitly cured?
On a different subject- he's having his shots this week. Anything you can advise I can give him before- after?
Last time his leg was swollen and he screamed pretty bad:(.
Thank you!
Toma24 last decade
I believe this is the remedy and it will cure.

Do you have Ledum or Bellis Perennis, 30 or 200.
fitness last decade
It's been 12h since I gave the second dose- it didn't seem to help... his symptoms persisted. I gave him a 3rd dose. He fell asleep, so not sure how he's doing.
I don't have ever Ledum or Bellis. I'll try to get them.
Thank you!
Toma24 last decade
I had the same problem with my baby (reflux). I bought a tissue salt called: Nat- phos, crushed half a pill and added it to baby's formula. If you breast feed your baby, you can put some on nipple or add it to a little bit of water and let it drink. I could see results after the first time! I repeated this dose maybe 3 times (every time there was reflux) and it completely stopped. Good luck and all the best
Baba123 last decade
Thank you, I tried Nat phos before, it didn't help him!
[message edited by Toma24 on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:35:01 GMT]
[message edited by Toma24 on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:36:08 GMT]
Toma24 last decade
Nat-phos will only help if the individual's symptoms match that remedy. There is no cure-all for a specific condition in homoeopathy.
Evocationer last decade
Let me know how is he after the 3rd dose.
fitness last decade
It's been 8h since the 3rd dose.
At first he wasn't doing so good- his simptoms came back(so I wanted to wait a bit to see how will he be).
Now he seems better.
I'm wondering now, maybe it's my fault- I'm usually on a very strict diet, but yesterday I went out to eat( thought I got all 'safe' food), and I also had black coffee( don't really drink anything on my diet except water and some herbal tea)
Toma24 last decade
Coffee is a known antidote of remedies and its likely that breastfeeding may antidote it.

Anyways, keep me posted.
fitness last decade
So it is my fault! I'm so sorry, I didn't know...I feel so bad! Anything else I'm not suppose to eat/drink?
He's doing OK so far. He always nursed good at night, so I'll have to see how he is in the morning.
Toma24 last decade
Nothing to feel bad about, some cases don't antidote regardless of whatever you do. His symptoms will tell if its antidoted or not.
fitness last decade

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