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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 3 of 22
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So I gave him the dose before bed, and he still had a really tough time going to sleep. He didn't get off to sleep until I gave him Benadryl (which I've been doing a lot lately). It was around 9:30pm that he finally got to bed, when he normally would go down (and acts sleepy) around 6pm. He woke up a lot but seemed to sleep better toward the wee hours of the morning. At least, better than he has been sleeping. I didn't look at the clock but I felt like I got a long stretch of sleep where I got a long dream sequence in there. He was restless after 6:30 am (normally he would be waking up around then, if he had gone to bed at a decent time), and got up at 7:30am.
alaskamom last decade
alaskamom last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
He seems like he is teething, and possibly has some ear pain right now, for which I'm giving him clove oil mixed with garlic oil droppered into the ear, just to cover in case of infection. He always seems to get an ear infection when he's teething.
So today, he is cranky during the day---making complaining noises, crying more than usual at the normal little bumps and such. Seems to be not as interested in eating as he normally would be. Wants to be held often. Seems to be unhappy even when held--wants up, pushes away from me, I put him down, and he cries to be picked up. Has some times of just playing quietly but they are shorter than normal.
When it comes to naptime, if he is utterly exhausted, he will conk out easily. But if only somewhat tired, he will nurse for a few minutes, maybe close his eyes for a few and then pop up and act like he's done and ready to play. If I try to get him to lay back down and nurse he fusses at me.
Nighttime looks the same--he will be obviously tired, but when I take him back to nurse him to sleep, he will be very active physically while he's nursing...rubbing his head with his hand, kicking his feet, looking around. He might calm down a bit or even close his eyes, but then will open them and get up and try to crawl off. We repeat this maybe 3 or so times until it's way, way past his bedtime, and he is completely exhausted, and then with some persuasion, he will go to sleep grudgingly.
During the night he will sleep in 1 or 2 hour stretches mostly, sometimes with a 3 or 4 hour stretch in the middle of the night. Then waking more and more often as morning approaches.
So today, he is cranky during the day---making complaining noises, crying more than usual at the normal little bumps and such. Seems to be not as interested in eating as he normally would be. Wants to be held often. Seems to be unhappy even when held--wants up, pushes away from me, I put him down, and he cries to be picked up. Has some times of just playing quietly but they are shorter than normal.
When it comes to naptime, if he is utterly exhausted, he will conk out easily. But if only somewhat tired, he will nurse for a few minutes, maybe close his eyes for a few and then pop up and act like he's done and ready to play. If I try to get him to lay back down and nurse he fusses at me.
Nighttime looks the same--he will be obviously tired, but when I take him back to nurse him to sleep, he will be very active physically while he's nursing...rubbing his head with his hand, kicking his feet, looking around. He might calm down a bit or even close his eyes, but then will open them and get up and try to crawl off. We repeat this maybe 3 or so times until it's way, way past his bedtime, and he is completely exhausted, and then with some persuasion, he will go to sleep grudgingly.
During the night he will sleep in 1 or 2 hour stretches mostly, sometimes with a 3 or 4 hour stretch in the middle of the night. Then waking more and more often as morning approaches.
alaskamom last decade
Regarding the sleeplessness at night of ur son .........
Just one question ....
What is his sleeping nature at day time ?
Is it normal with no screaming and crying and sudden starting up ?
Please ignore this msg if ur problem is cured under medication prescribed above.
Just one question ....
What is his sleeping nature at day time ?
Is it normal with no screaming and crying and sudden starting up ?
Please ignore this msg if ur problem is cured under medication prescribed above.
anindya384 last decade
It is possible the clove and garlic is antidoting the remedy. I cannot say for sure it is, but strong aromatics can certainly do that in some cases.
When is does that behaviour, resisting sleep or going to sleep vey briefly and waking up again - how awake is he when he is like that?
When is does that behaviour, resisting sleep or going to sleep vey briefly and waking up again - how awake is he when he is like that?
♡ Evocationer last decade
He is wide awake when he does, Hey it's a party, let's play! He acts happy and like he wants to go explore. But very quickly after bringing him out into the living room, he goes back to being fussy, because he hasn't really slept and is still tired.
alaskamom last decade
Alright, I actually want you to give him Coffea instead. I would probably give him 200c if I was prescribing straight from my stock. What potencies can you easily or speedily get?
♡ Evocationer last decade
I called my local store, and they do have it in 200c. I'll have to go tomorrow and get it, I just got both the kids in bed and my husband is at work. Coffea Cruda, right?
alaskamom last decade
alaskamom last decade
So I just did the 3 pellets and 3 succussions, and one drop to the tongue yesterday afternoon. His afternoon nap seemed longer than it has been, but he is still fussy and clingy during the day, and his nighttime sleep last night was not any better.
alaskamom last decade
That's ok you don't want immediate relief in a chronic case. In fact that is very suspicious when it happens and often does not last, which is the sign of a merely palliative remedy.
Really, I would be expecting him to actually have worse sleep initially not better.
Really, I would be expecting him to actually have worse sleep initially not better.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Also is there anything I can give him in the meantime to make him sleep? I am seriously wearing thin with this kid. He is way worse than he normally is. I get so sick of trying to put him to bed (because he's TIRED), and it not working, three, sometimes four times. Some days I've been giving him Benadryl just to get him to fall asleep. Hopefully that's not going to interfere with the remedy.
alaskamom last decade
Hi Alaska,
Just wondering what goes on during the daytime?
Is he up all day? or does he have naps or fall asleep in
the day at all?
Also it sounds like he may have gas or
intestine discomfort waking him up. If he only has a stool
every 3 days, that is kind of a long time.
Have you thought about what you are eating- any gas
producing foods, onion, cabbage, spicy foods any
coffee etc.
He also sounds like he has a sensitive palate and stomach.
My first child, bf, now adult, eats totally different food
than I do-had colic and also was up every 2 hours-anyway
did much better after I stopped bf. My second one has
same food tastes as me and none of that went on.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:17:05 BST]
Just wondering what goes on during the daytime?
Is he up all day? or does he have naps or fall asleep in
the day at all?
Also it sounds like he may have gas or
intestine discomfort waking him up. If he only has a stool
every 3 days, that is kind of a long time.
Have you thought about what you are eating- any gas
producing foods, onion, cabbage, spicy foods any
coffee etc.
He also sounds like he has a sensitive palate and stomach.
My first child, bf, now adult, eats totally different food
than I do-had colic and also was up every 2 hours-anyway
did much better after I stopped bf. My second one has
same food tastes as me and none of that went on.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:17:05 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Hey Simone,
During the daytime, he is down to one nap a day now, from an hour to two hours depending. He fights that one until he is exhausted and then just crashes. Normally he doesn't fight sleep quite this hard, but with teething, he is especially bad on sleep right now.
I have no idea whether gas or intestinal discomfort is waking him. I tried everything when he was little to help him...eliminating dairy and soy, avoiding beans, onions, garlic, cruciferous vegetables, spices, zesty foods, too much acidic foods, and many other things. I called it 'the prison diet'. Since he's gotten older, he's seemed to tolerate a variety of foods better, and I also saw no improvement in his sleep with eating so restrictively, so I gave up trying to figure him out. His older brother did better when I weaned him, and they are like two peas in a pod when it comes to sleep. But I could not get Kody to take a bottle for anything. He just will not. He takes a sippy cup now and then, but very much prefers breastfeeding and I just didn't want to refuse him. It didn't feel right.
His stools just in the last couple of days have been looser and more frequent (twice today, which is NOT normal for him). He's also not really very interested in solids anymore, which is fairly typical for him when he's teething. I just hope it passes soon and that whatever tooth/teeth he's working on make it out quickly. It's just murder in the meantime and nothing seems to really help him except medicating him constantly with Ibuprofen, and Benadryl for bed.
During the daytime, he is down to one nap a day now, from an hour to two hours depending. He fights that one until he is exhausted and then just crashes. Normally he doesn't fight sleep quite this hard, but with teething, he is especially bad on sleep right now.
I have no idea whether gas or intestinal discomfort is waking him. I tried everything when he was little to help him...eliminating dairy and soy, avoiding beans, onions, garlic, cruciferous vegetables, spices, zesty foods, too much acidic foods, and many other things. I called it 'the prison diet'. Since he's gotten older, he's seemed to tolerate a variety of foods better, and I also saw no improvement in his sleep with eating so restrictively, so I gave up trying to figure him out. His older brother did better when I weaned him, and they are like two peas in a pod when it comes to sleep. But I could not get Kody to take a bottle for anything. He just will not. He takes a sippy cup now and then, but very much prefers breastfeeding and I just didn't want to refuse him. It didn't feel right.
His stools just in the last couple of days have been looser and more frequent (twice today, which is NOT normal for him). He's also not really very interested in solids anymore, which is fairly typical for him when he's teething. I just hope it passes soon and that whatever tooth/teeth he's working on make it out quickly. It's just murder in the meantime and nothing seems to really help him except medicating him constantly with Ibuprofen, and Benadryl for bed.
alaskamom last decade
We are trying to fix the chronic tendency he has to not wanting to sleep, so it will take a little bit of time to see the results. However, are you using drugs to make him sleep? That can create an obstacle to cure.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Yes there have been several nights where I have been using the Benadryl to get him to go to sleep. I've been trying to avoid it, and haven't used it in maybe 5 or 6 days, also have not been using the Ibuprofen either. I just was meaning that nothing 'natural' works for him, that the only thing that helps is drugs.
alaskamom last decade
Is there any way to know how long I may have to wait till I see improvement? Are we talking weeks or months here? Just so I can steel myself mentally for the road ahead.
I have a friend who is encouraging me to do the 'cry it out' method of sleep training, but I have tried that before and it's just too hard for me to listen to him cry like that. Part of me wonders if that's what I'm going to have to do, though. I guess I am feeling discouraged.
I have a friend who is encouraging me to do the 'cry it out' method of sleep training, but I have tried that before and it's just too hard for me to listen to him cry like that. Part of me wonders if that's what I'm going to have to do, though. I guess I am feeling discouraged.
alaskamom last decade
There isn't really a set time, but for someone so young I would expect a dramatic improvement within a few weeks.
What has happened as of today though. If you give me a daily follow up report we can try and assess what is happening.
What has happened as of today though. If you give me a daily follow up report we can try and assess what is happening.
♡ Evocationer last decade
OK, that is encouraging to hear.
So the last few days he has been really fussy during the day...pulling on his ear some (but I had stopped the garlic/clove oil for now). He also has periods of being happy and playful. For maybe a week he has been fighting nap time and bed time harder than usual. Like I described before, with him nursing and then popping back up and awake and not wanting to go to sleep. Same thing. His bedtime has been consistently late for over a week. Last night I really thought he was going to go to sleep early, he was tired at 6pm but he didn't go to sleep until 9:30pm last night. Then woke up every hour for a couple hours, then every 2-3 hours in the middle of the night, shortening to every hour toward morning. He pooped in his diaper at 3:30 in the morning...which he never does. His bowel movements have been rather loose and explosive in the last 24 hours or so. I attribute that either to teething/drooling, or the fact that he had some grape juice the other day, which was a new thing for him and I know it can be somewhat of a laxative.
Yesterday we went for a walk in the sunshine, which usually he is cheerful for and sometimes falls asleep for, but he fussed instead of falling asleep, and kept fussing until we were home and he was in bed. Today we went out to lunch and he was very fussy until I got him home again and in bed, nursed him, then he had another explosive BM and then seemed happy after that. He played for a long time this afternoon without fussing and just got fussy when it got late in the day.
It's now 5:45pm here and I was able to get him to sleep about half an hour ago, however lately he has been treating an early bedtime as a nap and waking up ready to play until 10 or 11pm. So I'm going to go sleep with him so I can at least 'nap' with him in case he will be up very late again, because I'm already exhausted.
Also I guess I should ask about the remedy I bought. I hesitated to ask because I didn't want to have to buy it again, but if it's not working I suppose it does no good anyway.
When I went to open his remedy (Coffea), the bottle opened in the middle instead of just the cap coming off (I had no idea they could open in the middle for Boiron), and about half of the pellets spilled into my hand. I put them back in and closed it up, but I know you guys say not to touch the remedy or handle it at all, so I guess I should be forthright about that in case I need to buy a fresh one.
So the last few days he has been really fussy during the day...pulling on his ear some (but I had stopped the garlic/clove oil for now). He also has periods of being happy and playful. For maybe a week he has been fighting nap time and bed time harder than usual. Like I described before, with him nursing and then popping back up and awake and not wanting to go to sleep. Same thing. His bedtime has been consistently late for over a week. Last night I really thought he was going to go to sleep early, he was tired at 6pm but he didn't go to sleep until 9:30pm last night. Then woke up every hour for a couple hours, then every 2-3 hours in the middle of the night, shortening to every hour toward morning. He pooped in his diaper at 3:30 in the morning...which he never does. His bowel movements have been rather loose and explosive in the last 24 hours or so. I attribute that either to teething/drooling, or the fact that he had some grape juice the other day, which was a new thing for him and I know it can be somewhat of a laxative.
Yesterday we went for a walk in the sunshine, which usually he is cheerful for and sometimes falls asleep for, but he fussed instead of falling asleep, and kept fussing until we were home and he was in bed. Today we went out to lunch and he was very fussy until I got him home again and in bed, nursed him, then he had another explosive BM and then seemed happy after that. He played for a long time this afternoon without fussing and just got fussy when it got late in the day.
It's now 5:45pm here and I was able to get him to sleep about half an hour ago, however lately he has been treating an early bedtime as a nap and waking up ready to play until 10 or 11pm. So I'm going to go sleep with him so I can at least 'nap' with him in case he will be up very late again, because I'm already exhausted.
Also I guess I should ask about the remedy I bought. I hesitated to ask because I didn't want to have to buy it again, but if it's not working I suppose it does no good anyway.
When I went to open his remedy (Coffea), the bottle opened in the middle instead of just the cap coming off (I had no idea they could open in the middle for Boiron), and about half of the pellets spilled into my hand. I put them back in and closed it up, but I know you guys say not to touch the remedy or handle it at all, so I guess I should be forthright about that in case I need to buy a fresh one.
alaskamom last decade
Alright so we are at 4 days and no improvement from the look of it. Since he may also be in an acute, I would be more aggressive with the dosing. Give him another dose right away, and assuming there is no change by tonight one dose before bed.
♡ Evocationer last decade
OK. I got up for a few minutes but he ended up staying asleep tonight (8:30pm Sunday night here). So I'm going to plan on giving him a dose when he wakes, and then another before bedtime tomorrow. Thanks for getting back to me on this. I will also give you daily updates, say at the end of each day.
[message edited by alaskamom on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 04:34:18 BST]
[message edited by alaskamom on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 04:34:18 BST]
alaskamom last decade
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