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10 month old not sleeping through the night Page 22 of 22
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It does sound like it could be an aggravation - 5 days later would usually be the peak.
Are any of the other symptoms he has like yours?
Are any of the other symptoms he has like yours?
♡ Evocationer last decade
Yes, it seems like all his symptoms are very like mine...trouble sleeping because of stuffed nose, sneezing many times, nose runny but congested, not much appetite--food sounds good but doesn't taste very appetizing, can't smell much (just guessing on the last two--those were my symptoms). Headaches a bit from the sinus pressure.
alaskamom last decade
His symptoms have been clearing up. The congestion is down, now just a bit of clear nasal discharge, but not much. Sleeping better at night now, not waking up as awful as he was. Still not sleeping much better than baseline though.
alaskamom last decade
Wondering if it would be worth a try to redose the Thuja for baby Kody as well? No improvement in his sleep, and it's been awhile since we dosed him.
alaskamom last decade
Kody just started getting a fever again last night, and didn't want to eat all day yesterday. Early this morning he woke up and threw up a few times. Fever felt pretty hot. I made a tea for him of ginger, mint, chamomile, and Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), and his fever is down a bit now. Any thoughts? I noticed we're right around the full moon again.
alaskamom last decade
Any thoughts? The fever seems to have subsided last night, but he still looks pale with dark circles under his eyes. His hands are cold today, too.
Whenever his fever got high (around 103 or 104), he would vomit, and even though his fever is down, he's still kind of "urpy"---gagging now and then. I've been using a tea of mint, chamomile and ginger to keep the fever down slightly and help his tummy not be sick. He finally started eating again today, had a few helpings of sunflower seeds (a favorite for him).
Still refuses milk, also does not like anything that looks like milk, such as alternative milks.
He still sleeps on his tummy, with his knees and hands tucked underneath himself.
When he had the fever, his face got very red in the cheeks.
This fever coincided with the full moon again, for the third month in a row. I have read that symptoms around the full moon can mean parasites.
He has had some loose stools, like goopy diarrhea, with mucous all throughout, yesterday and the day before.
When he vomited last night, it was tinged yellowish green.
Sneezes every now and then, and rubs hard at his nose often as if it itches. This also was going on before the fever.
His sleep is still about the same, restless, waking often, makes jerks movements sometimes with his limbs (especially legs) as if something is bothering him or hurting.
He doesn't want me out of his sight. Cries if I leave the room (true before he got sick, too). Gets sick with a fever if he is separated from me and is cared for by strangers (for example, nursery at church).
Very aware of every little noise and has to "ask" about any little sound he doesn't recognize. Continues to ask until we offer an explanation and reassurance. Is very shy around strangers, even extended family or acquaintances that he doesn't know very well. Loves animals. Is very sweet with our pets. Loves to run and chase with his brother. Tries to copy us and his brother with mannerisms and things we do.
Whenever his fever got high (around 103 or 104), he would vomit, and even though his fever is down, he's still kind of "urpy"---gagging now and then. I've been using a tea of mint, chamomile and ginger to keep the fever down slightly and help his tummy not be sick. He finally started eating again today, had a few helpings of sunflower seeds (a favorite for him).
Still refuses milk, also does not like anything that looks like milk, such as alternative milks.
He still sleeps on his tummy, with his knees and hands tucked underneath himself.
When he had the fever, his face got very red in the cheeks.
This fever coincided with the full moon again, for the third month in a row. I have read that symptoms around the full moon can mean parasites.
He has had some loose stools, like goopy diarrhea, with mucous all throughout, yesterday and the day before.
When he vomited last night, it was tinged yellowish green.
Sneezes every now and then, and rubs hard at his nose often as if it itches. This also was going on before the fever.
His sleep is still about the same, restless, waking often, makes jerks movements sometimes with his limbs (especially legs) as if something is bothering him or hurting.
He doesn't want me out of his sight. Cries if I leave the room (true before he got sick, too). Gets sick with a fever if he is separated from me and is cared for by strangers (for example, nursery at church).
Very aware of every little noise and has to "ask" about any little sound he doesn't recognize. Continues to ask until we offer an explanation and reassurance. Is very shy around strangers, even extended family or acquaintances that he doesn't know very well. Loves animals. Is very sweet with our pets. Loves to run and chase with his brother. Tries to copy us and his brother with mannerisms and things we do.
alaskamom last decade
I noticed also that since the fever, he has a tiny bit of a red rash just on his nose. Also in the last several months I've noticed his fingernails and big toes curl up on the edge--I think they call it spooning? It's slight, but enough that I notice it if I don't keep his nails trimmed very short. They seem rather brittle/thin/prone to breakage or splitting. I don't know if this is normal for his age---I don't know if this is normal for his age though.
alaskamom last decade
My apologies for not getting to this sooner. I had the flu and it affected my ability to concentrate and read (strange for me!). My homoeopath has me recovering nicely now.
Ok these new observations actually help me quite a lot. I looked at:
Cold hands + pale face
Aversion to milk (heavy weight given)
Red cheeks during fever
Full moon aggravates (heavy weight given)
Mucous stool
Vomit yellowish/greenish
Rubs nose
Jerking of limbs in sleep
Clinging behaviour
Fear of noise
Timidity or shyness with strangers
Brittle nails
Split nails
This adds up nice to a picture of Silicea. Can you obtain either 12 or 30c of this remedy? Let me know which one you get and I will advise dosage.
Ok these new observations actually help me quite a lot. I looked at:
Cold hands + pale face
Aversion to milk (heavy weight given)
Red cheeks during fever
Full moon aggravates (heavy weight given)
Mucous stool
Vomit yellowish/greenish
Rubs nose
Jerking of limbs in sleep
Clinging behaviour
Fear of noise
Timidity or shyness with strangers
Brittle nails
Split nails
This adds up nice to a picture of Silicea. Can you obtain either 12 or 30c of this remedy? Let me know which one you get and I will advise dosage.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Oh, I'm sorry to hear you were ill! I hope I wasn't being a pest, just trying to keep the post toward the top in hopes that you'd see it.
Does the "heavy weight given" refer to the patient or the remedy given? If the patient, he is rather small on the weight scale, in the 15-25th percentile for his age (as compared to the societal norms in the US).
As for whether I can get Silicea--possibly next week, depending on how the money goes. We actually are doing rather poorly right now for finaces, but hubby starts a new job next week. I know I can find it locally, because I've seen it before, so likely in 6c or 30c.
Does the "heavy weight given" refer to the patient or the remedy given? If the patient, he is rather small on the weight scale, in the 15-25th percentile for his age (as compared to the societal norms in the US).
As for whether I can get Silicea--possibly next week, depending on how the money goes. We actually are doing rather poorly right now for finaces, but hubby starts a new job next week. I know I can find it locally, because I've seen it before, so likely in 6c or 30c.
alaskamom last decade
Heavy weight means that I made sure the remedy has those symptoms, and that any remedy that doesn't have it I didn't consider. Symptoms I do this with are usually very prominent in the case or are very peculiar (milk aversion was strong, full moon aggravation is peculiar). These are easier to use if they are physical generals for children.
I would get 30c rather than 6.
I would get 30c rather than 6.
♡ Evocationer last decade
OK, I have Silicea in 30c. Dosing?
alaskamom last decade
Would it be all right to start with the usual dosage? Three hits, three drops in water, 2 teaspoons?
alaskamom last decade
OK. I ended up going with my gut and did three hits and one drop to his tongue, even though I know he tends to aggravate on everything. Amazingly, he slept really well last night, only waking once or twice the whole night. Hopefully this is a good sign.
alaskamom last decade
alaskamom last decade
So it's been about 3 days I believe, and at this point Kody had a really great sleep the first night, and then the next two nights (or three? Can't recall) were back to his baseline. One interesting positive change is he is not so anxious about being separated from me. Usually I would postpone taking a shower until his midday nap, otherwise as soon as he heard either the shower curtain or the shower water turn on, he would run down the hall making a worried noise and be upset that I was getting in. I'd have to leave the door open, and let him play in the bathroom to be able to shower. Well the first day after the remedy, I started the shower water, and he didn't even come down the hall, just sat watching cartoons in the living room while I was in. He wandered in toward the end of the shower, like he was just saying hi or seeing how I was doing, but he did not seem worried at all. Then, day before yesterday, we had my mom watch the kids for a couple of hours in the evening, and I expected he would cry big tears when I went out the door, but he didn't. He was a little concerned, but didn't cry, and was easily distracted by toys. My mom said he didn't cry at all the whole time. I was really surprised.
So do we try dosing him again? Thoughts?
So do we try dosing him again? Thoughts?
alaskamom last decade
Hope you had a good holiday!
Any thoughts on this guy? I just noticed yesterday that he has three out of four of his 2-year molars that are pushing up inside the gums (not erupted yet). So he is accordingly not wanting food very much, and just nursing a lot. Sleep is about average.
Any thoughts on this guy? I just noticed yesterday that he has three out of four of his 2-year molars that are pushing up inside the gums (not erupted yet). So he is accordingly not wanting food very much, and just nursing a lot. Sleep is about average.
alaskamom last decade
I don't think it lasted. I only had improvement on his sleep for about one night. It seems like even his improvement as far as attachment goes (crying when away from me) also has not really lasted. Either that, or he is worse on that front due to teething.
I did re-dose him a few times with Silicea but didn't feel like anything changed after the doses. Last time I dosed him was about 2 or 3 days ago.
I did re-dose him a few times with Silicea but didn't feel like anything changed after the doses. Last time I dosed him was about 2 or 3 days ago.
alaskamom last decade
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