The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hypothyroidism please help
Is there a modern homeopath that is willing to help treat my under active thyroid.Asad was helping over a year ago. He was amazing I saw good results quickly but then he vanished and I discontinued the treatment as It was a stop start treatment and I didn't know what to do.
I dropped down to 150mcg of thyroxine from 175 when Asad started treating me and I have stayed on 150 for over a year now.
Please let me know if you want to help
Many thanks
pixie wood on 2014-04-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well only that I have had much more success with my kids illnesses and myself using what I thought was called the modern way.
I have spent a lot of money on several homeopaths that treat the classical way and I have to say so far I haven't had any success.
Maybe I used the wrong word.
Many thanks
I have spent a lot of money on several homeopaths that treat the classical way and I have to say so far I haven't had any success.
Maybe I used the wrong word.
Many thanks
pixie wood last decade
Can you describe what that homoeopath did? It might help us to decide who here has similar experience or skills.
I like to think of myself as a classical homoeopath who utilizes a number of modern methods, but depending on what you are talking about I might not be what you are looking for.
I like to think of myself as a classical homoeopath who utilizes a number of modern methods, but depending on what you are talking about I might not be what you are looking for.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I have put the link to the posts below as it would probably make more sense to you if you read the bits you wanted too.
Many thanks
[message edited by pixie wood on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 23:52:24 BST]
Many thanks
[message edited by pixie wood on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 23:52:24 BST]
pixie wood last decade
Ah now I see what you are talking about.
Using multiple remedies at once is a particular kind of therapeutic approach that has existed as long as homoeopathy has existed. It is in fact the allopathic approach, superimposed over the use of our medicines. I suppose one could argue that the use of a single medicine is much more modern an idea than multiple medicines.
I do not give multiple remedies at once. I have never found the need to, but if this is a specific desire you have I would not be able to fulfil that for you. I am happy to find a single medicine that suits whatever the current state is for you, and also to change that remedy as the situation changes - I do not believe in one remedy for life (in case you feel that is something contained with the idea of Classical homoeopathy).
I have looked through the entire post. I am wondering what you felt you got from those large doses of multiple remedies though? I can see there was some improvement, but it was not an overall improvement, and it appears it was mainly mood at certain times. What exactly were the results - there are a lot of posts so it is difficult getting an feel for what happened. I can see your TSH level became lower - was that the only benefit?
I can also see that a previous homoeopath helped one of your children quite noticeably with a single prescription of Drosera (which is more along the lines of how I treat).
I do also see that there was continuing aggravation while taking the remedies, which does imply to me that perhaps you were being overdosed somewhat. It is hard to know what worked and what didn't with so many prescriptions.
We all work a little differently. Homoeopathy is as much an Art as it is a Science, and because of this practitioners can extend themselves creatively to get their successes. I don't know everything, I certainly don't cure everyone who comes to my clinic, so one has to allow for the fact that different approaches can give positive results.
On the other hand, I must remain true to my own way of practicing, and I am happy to try and extend my own creativity and experience to help you if are willing to do that.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 01:45:09 BST]
Using multiple remedies at once is a particular kind of therapeutic approach that has existed as long as homoeopathy has existed. It is in fact the allopathic approach, superimposed over the use of our medicines. I suppose one could argue that the use of a single medicine is much more modern an idea than multiple medicines.
I do not give multiple remedies at once. I have never found the need to, but if this is a specific desire you have I would not be able to fulfil that for you. I am happy to find a single medicine that suits whatever the current state is for you, and also to change that remedy as the situation changes - I do not believe in one remedy for life (in case you feel that is something contained with the idea of Classical homoeopathy).
I have looked through the entire post. I am wondering what you felt you got from those large doses of multiple remedies though? I can see there was some improvement, but it was not an overall improvement, and it appears it was mainly mood at certain times. What exactly were the results - there are a lot of posts so it is difficult getting an feel for what happened. I can see your TSH level became lower - was that the only benefit?
I can also see that a previous homoeopath helped one of your children quite noticeably with a single prescription of Drosera (which is more along the lines of how I treat).
I do also see that there was continuing aggravation while taking the remedies, which does imply to me that perhaps you were being overdosed somewhat. It is hard to know what worked and what didn't with so many prescriptions.
We all work a little differently. Homoeopathy is as much an Art as it is a Science, and because of this practitioners can extend themselves creatively to get their successes. I don't know everything, I certainly don't cure everyone who comes to my clinic, so one has to allow for the fact that different approaches can give positive results.
On the other hand, I must remain true to my own way of practicing, and I am happy to try and extend my own creativity and experience to help you if are willing to do that.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 14 Apr 2014 01:45:09 BST]
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hi sorry for the late reply.
As far as I can remember I did actually see the most improvement once I cut back on remedies or stopped.
The effects were very long and my mood has only just started to go back to what it was.
I have had higher energy. Less mood swings and higher libido but this is all disappearing. Although the energy isn't too bad actually.
Yes David kempson treated my son with drosera which was amazing.this was obviously an acute illness which I have had many successes with single dose homeopathy but it's the long term health I have never seen Improvement on me or my children. I will say my children mainly as I haven't been treated much.
If you have the time I would be grateful for any help and advice on remedies. Thanks very much for your time
As far as I can remember I did actually see the most improvement once I cut back on remedies or stopped.
The effects were very long and my mood has only just started to go back to what it was.
I have had higher energy. Less mood swings and higher libido but this is all disappearing. Although the energy isn't too bad actually.
Yes David kempson treated my son with drosera which was amazing.this was obviously an acute illness which I have had many successes with single dose homeopathy but it's the long term health I have never seen Improvement on me or my children. I will say my children mainly as I haven't been treated much.
If you have the time I would be grateful for any help and advice on remedies. Thanks very much for your time
pixie wood last decade
Alright let's see what we can do.
In homoeopathy, prescription is based on precise details of various symptoms from which you suffer. To tell or write to a homoeopathic physician 'I have a headache ', ' an eruption ' or a cough would not be enough. If you inform him 'I have headache with sharp shooting pains in the left side of the head and temple, these pains always come on when the slightest cold air strikes the head. I feel better by pressing the head very hard. Then only you have given all the information required for making a good homoeopathic prescription. The success of the prescription depends; largely on how detailed your description of the symptoms is.
We require the following details about your symptoms.
LOCATION: Please give the exact location of sensation, pain or eruption. Also describe where the pain or sensation spreads.
SENSATION: Express the type of sensation or the pain that you get in your own words however simple or funny it may seem. You may have a sensation that a mouse is crawling or the heart was grasped by an iron hand or you may have a pain that is cutting, burning jerking, pressing. Express the sensation or pain as it feels to you. Try to explain the whole sensation in the exact way it is happening and not just the word. We need to understand the whole process of the sensation as it is happening to you.
Many factors are likely to influence your complaint. Some factors may intensify it and some factors may relieve the trouble. A detailed list of the factors is given at the end. Please refer it while describing each of your troubles and indicate which factors make the complaint better or worse.
DISCHARGES: You may have a discharge from nose, ears, mouth, eyes, ulcers, fistula, eruptions on skin, private parts, etc. Please describe your discharge under the following aspects.
The quantity and the time or condition under which the quantity varies i.e. when is it better or worse, when does it increase or decrease?
The consistency: Is it thin or thick, stringy or clotted?
Is it like jelly, white of an egg, like water, sticky forming a scab etc.?
The odour, what does it remind you of?
Does it make the parts sore, and in what way?
1] Your Complaint:
(Use your own words as far as possible, but if you have recognized or diagnosed the condition, give this information also.) By answering as many of these questions as fully as possible, you are helping me to understand what your body and unconscious mind is conveying. This can help me find a remedy for you.)
What is your complaint?
When did the complaint begin?
Where is it located?
What sort of sensations (and emotions) do you associate with it?
Does anything make it better or worse?
How does it bother you? How is it coming in way of your day-to-day life?
How does it feel like to have this/these problem/s?
What is the effect of this/these problem/s on you?
Did any event happen which caused the complaint? Describe the emotion associated with it.
What are the other symptoms started with it, esp. mental and physical symptoms, which are not directly related to the main complaint.
What are your reactions with it?
1] What are the issues which are bothering you the most?
How does it feel to have these issues?
What about these issues bothering you the most and why?
2] What are the emotions that you are going through?
What are the factors to which you are sensitive?
What about these factors bother you the most?
How does it feel to have these factors and how you react during such time?
3] Any incident which had a deep impact on you? Describe in detail.
What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it?
At that moment of time what were your feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
(Note: Incidents might have happened long ago and now it has no impact on you but at that moment of time if it had any impact on you, describe.)
4] What are your anxieties/fears/phobias real or imaginary? Describe them in detail. What about them is bothering you the most?
What are the feelings associated with it?
What could be the worst form of fear/phobia/anxiety according to you?
5] What are your interests and hobbies?
What about them do you like the most and why?
6] What are the thoughts which are coming in your mind again and again?
What about them bothers you the most?
7] Any unusual sensation/vibration or movements have you experienced? If yes, describe them in detail. Describe the whole process of that sensation without adding or subtracting a word from it.
8] What is/are the bodily sensation/s you experience with all your fears/ feelings and thoughts. Please describe the complete picture of it.
9] Please close your eyes and bring that incident, feelings, fears, thoughts which had/having a deep impact on you/bothering you the most and see what is happening deep within your body right now. If you perceive any bodily sensation, vibration or movements please feel it completely and then right the whole experience as it is without adding or subtracting a word from it.
10] What according to you will be best moment of your life?
How does it feel to be in that moment?
What will be opposite feeling of this moment or feeling?
11] How do/did you react in situations which have/had a deep impact on you?
What is your first reaction when you face your worst fear/situations?
Describe your reaction as it is?
How do you react when you are faced with stressful situations?
12] What you feel/feel like doing when you are alone and free of all your work?
13] How is your relation with your near and dear ones, at your work place?
Anything in the relationship that is bothering you the most?
If yes, describe that in detail? How does that feel like? How do you experience that?
14] Describe five negative and positive points in you?
Which out of it you would put first and why?
How does it feel to have that?
Please answer the following:
1] Tell about the dreams that had a deep impact on you.
2] Tell about the dreams that are repetitive, strange and weird that are not related to you at all.
3] Any dreams from childhood till today that you remember the most?
4] Any dream from childhood till today that had a deep impact on you?
5] Any dreams, just before your problem started?
6] Any particular part of your life where you had some recurrent dreams? If yes, describe in detail.
1] Any incidents from your childhood which had a deep impact on you, which touched you the most. Describe in detail about that incident/s and the feelings/thoughts/perception and sensations associated with it. What was your reaction to these incidents?
2] Describe your fears during childhood in detail.
3] Any imagination/fantasies/imaginary fears which you remember the most?
4] What you wanted to become as a child and why?
1] Describe your posture in sleep. (On the back, side, abdomen etc.) Are you able to sleep in any position? In which position you cant sleep?
2] During sleep do you:
a) Snore?
b) grind teeth?
c) Dribble saliva?
d) Sweat?
e) Keep eyes or mouth open?
f) Walk? Talk?
g) Moan? Weep?
h) Become restless? Wake up with a jerk?
3] Describe if anything else is unusual about your sleep: (sleepy, sleeplessness, etc. if so when?) ________________________________________
1] How is your appetite?
2] When are you hungry?
3] What happens if you have to remain hungry for long?
4] How fast do you eat?
5] How much thirst do you have?
6] Any particular time are you especially thirsty?
7] Do you feel any change in your taste and feeling in your mouth?________________________________________
Food/Drink likes and dislikes, and how strongly
1] Do you have any problem regarding your stools?
2] When and how many times a day do you pass stools?
3] When is it urgent?
4] Do you have any problem about bowel movements?
5] Do you have to strain for stool? Even if soft?
6] Do you have belching or passing gas? Describe its character.
7] How do you feel after passing gas up or down? ________________________________________
1] Any problem about urine?
2] Any strong smell? Like what?
3] Do you have any trouble before, during and after passing urine?
4] Any difficulty about the flow? Slow to start, interrupted, feeble dribbling etc.?
5] Any involuntary urination? When?
1] How much do you sweat?
2] Where and on what part do you sweat the most?
3] Do you perspire on the palms or soles?
4] Is the sweat warm, cold, clammy, sticky, musty, greasy, stiffens the linen etc.?
5] What is the smell like? E.g. foul, pungent, sour, and urinous.
6] What color does it stain the clothing?
7] Is the stain easy to wash off or difficult?
8] Any symptoms after sweating?
9] When do you get fever or chill?
10] What brings it on?
11] Do you experience any sense of heat or cold in any part of your body at any particular time? ________________________________________
1] Do you catch cold often? If so, how often?
2] Describe the symptoms, nature of discharge etc.
3] Is there any trouble with your CHEST or HEART?
4] Is there any trouble with your voice or speech?
5] Is there any difficulty in breathing?
6] Do you have cough?
7] Is it more at any particular time? ________________________________________
1] Any excessive indulgence in sex in past and present ? Any effect on your health?
2] How do you feel after sexual intercourse?
3] Any particular feeling or symptoms appear before, during and after sexual intercourse?
6] Did you suffer from any venereal disease?
Syphilis? Gonorrhoea?
7] Do you have increased desire or decreased desire for sex?
8] What is the method you use for family planning?________________________________________
1] Any difficulty in erection?
2] Wanted erection? Unwanted erection?
3] Weak erection? Failing erection? Describe.
4] Any other trouble in sex? Describe in detail.
1] Menses: How are the periods; regular or irregular?
2] At what age did it start?
3] Was there any trouble then?
4] Mention number of days of flow.
5] Menstrual flow: Is there any change in quantity, color, smell or consistency?
6] Are the stains difficult to wash?
7] Have you noticed any variation in quality and quantity of flow during menses?
8] How and when?
9] Do you suffer in any way before, during or after menses? If so, describe.
10] What symptoms did you suffer during menopause?
11] Do you feel the internal parts coming down?
12] Is there any white discharge?
13] If so, mention the nature, color, consistency and smell of discharge.
14] When and under what circumstances is it more or less?
15] Has the discharge any relation to menses?
16] What is the effect of this discharge on your general feeling? Or any of your symptoms?
17] Any itching, excoriation etc. due to discharge?
18] Do you pass any gas from vagina?
19] Any trouble with breasts?
Aggravated or Ameliorated by various Factors
Affected by the Environment in any way, and how does it affect you?
Affected by position in any way?
Affected by some physical activity?
Affected by some mental activity?
Anything else you are sensitive to?
In homoeopathy, prescription is based on precise details of various symptoms from which you suffer. To tell or write to a homoeopathic physician 'I have a headache ', ' an eruption ' or a cough would not be enough. If you inform him 'I have headache with sharp shooting pains in the left side of the head and temple, these pains always come on when the slightest cold air strikes the head. I feel better by pressing the head very hard. Then only you have given all the information required for making a good homoeopathic prescription. The success of the prescription depends; largely on how detailed your description of the symptoms is.
We require the following details about your symptoms.
LOCATION: Please give the exact location of sensation, pain or eruption. Also describe where the pain or sensation spreads.
SENSATION: Express the type of sensation or the pain that you get in your own words however simple or funny it may seem. You may have a sensation that a mouse is crawling or the heart was grasped by an iron hand or you may have a pain that is cutting, burning jerking, pressing. Express the sensation or pain as it feels to you. Try to explain the whole sensation in the exact way it is happening and not just the word. We need to understand the whole process of the sensation as it is happening to you.
Many factors are likely to influence your complaint. Some factors may intensify it and some factors may relieve the trouble. A detailed list of the factors is given at the end. Please refer it while describing each of your troubles and indicate which factors make the complaint better or worse.
DISCHARGES: You may have a discharge from nose, ears, mouth, eyes, ulcers, fistula, eruptions on skin, private parts, etc. Please describe your discharge under the following aspects.
The quantity and the time or condition under which the quantity varies i.e. when is it better or worse, when does it increase or decrease?
The consistency: Is it thin or thick, stringy or clotted?
Is it like jelly, white of an egg, like water, sticky forming a scab etc.?
The odour, what does it remind you of?
Does it make the parts sore, and in what way?
1] Your Complaint:
(Use your own words as far as possible, but if you have recognized or diagnosed the condition, give this information also.) By answering as many of these questions as fully as possible, you are helping me to understand what your body and unconscious mind is conveying. This can help me find a remedy for you.)
What is your complaint?
When did the complaint begin?
Where is it located?
What sort of sensations (and emotions) do you associate with it?
Does anything make it better or worse?
How does it bother you? How is it coming in way of your day-to-day life?
How does it feel like to have this/these problem/s?
What is the effect of this/these problem/s on you?
Did any event happen which caused the complaint? Describe the emotion associated with it.
What are the other symptoms started with it, esp. mental and physical symptoms, which are not directly related to the main complaint.
What are your reactions with it?
1] What are the issues which are bothering you the most?
How does it feel to have these issues?
What about these issues bothering you the most and why?
2] What are the emotions that you are going through?
What are the factors to which you are sensitive?
What about these factors bother you the most?
How does it feel to have these factors and how you react during such time?
3] Any incident which had a deep impact on you? Describe in detail.
What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it?
At that moment of time what were your feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
(Note: Incidents might have happened long ago and now it has no impact on you but at that moment of time if it had any impact on you, describe.)
4] What are your anxieties/fears/phobias real or imaginary? Describe them in detail. What about them is bothering you the most?
What are the feelings associated with it?
What could be the worst form of fear/phobia/anxiety according to you?
5] What are your interests and hobbies?
What about them do you like the most and why?
6] What are the thoughts which are coming in your mind again and again?
What about them bothers you the most?
7] Any unusual sensation/vibration or movements have you experienced? If yes, describe them in detail. Describe the whole process of that sensation without adding or subtracting a word from it.
8] What is/are the bodily sensation/s you experience with all your fears/ feelings and thoughts. Please describe the complete picture of it.
9] Please close your eyes and bring that incident, feelings, fears, thoughts which had/having a deep impact on you/bothering you the most and see what is happening deep within your body right now. If you perceive any bodily sensation, vibration or movements please feel it completely and then right the whole experience as it is without adding or subtracting a word from it.
10] What according to you will be best moment of your life?
How does it feel to be in that moment?
What will be opposite feeling of this moment or feeling?
11] How do/did you react in situations which have/had a deep impact on you?
What is your first reaction when you face your worst fear/situations?
Describe your reaction as it is?
How do you react when you are faced with stressful situations?
12] What you feel/feel like doing when you are alone and free of all your work?
13] How is your relation with your near and dear ones, at your work place?
Anything in the relationship that is bothering you the most?
If yes, describe that in detail? How does that feel like? How do you experience that?
14] Describe five negative and positive points in you?
Which out of it you would put first and why?
How does it feel to have that?
Please answer the following:
1] Tell about the dreams that had a deep impact on you.
2] Tell about the dreams that are repetitive, strange and weird that are not related to you at all.
3] Any dreams from childhood till today that you remember the most?
4] Any dream from childhood till today that had a deep impact on you?
5] Any dreams, just before your problem started?
6] Any particular part of your life where you had some recurrent dreams? If yes, describe in detail.
1] Any incidents from your childhood which had a deep impact on you, which touched you the most. Describe in detail about that incident/s and the feelings/thoughts/perception and sensations associated with it. What was your reaction to these incidents?
2] Describe your fears during childhood in detail.
3] Any imagination/fantasies/imaginary fears which you remember the most?
4] What you wanted to become as a child and why?
1] Describe your posture in sleep. (On the back, side, abdomen etc.) Are you able to sleep in any position? In which position you cant sleep?
2] During sleep do you:
a) Snore?
b) grind teeth?
c) Dribble saliva?
d) Sweat?
e) Keep eyes or mouth open?
f) Walk? Talk?
g) Moan? Weep?
h) Become restless? Wake up with a jerk?
3] Describe if anything else is unusual about your sleep: (sleepy, sleeplessness, etc. if so when?) ________________________________________
1] How is your appetite?
2] When are you hungry?
3] What happens if you have to remain hungry for long?
4] How fast do you eat?
5] How much thirst do you have?
6] Any particular time are you especially thirsty?
7] Do you feel any change in your taste and feeling in your mouth?________________________________________
Food/Drink likes and dislikes, and how strongly
1] Do you have any problem regarding your stools?
2] When and how many times a day do you pass stools?
3] When is it urgent?
4] Do you have any problem about bowel movements?
5] Do you have to strain for stool? Even if soft?
6] Do you have belching or passing gas? Describe its character.
7] How do you feel after passing gas up or down? ________________________________________
1] Any problem about urine?
2] Any strong smell? Like what?
3] Do you have any trouble before, during and after passing urine?
4] Any difficulty about the flow? Slow to start, interrupted, feeble dribbling etc.?
5] Any involuntary urination? When?
1] How much do you sweat?
2] Where and on what part do you sweat the most?
3] Do you perspire on the palms or soles?
4] Is the sweat warm, cold, clammy, sticky, musty, greasy, stiffens the linen etc.?
5] What is the smell like? E.g. foul, pungent, sour, and urinous.
6] What color does it stain the clothing?
7] Is the stain easy to wash off or difficult?
8] Any symptoms after sweating?
9] When do you get fever or chill?
10] What brings it on?
11] Do you experience any sense of heat or cold in any part of your body at any particular time? ________________________________________
1] Do you catch cold often? If so, how often?
2] Describe the symptoms, nature of discharge etc.
3] Is there any trouble with your CHEST or HEART?
4] Is there any trouble with your voice or speech?
5] Is there any difficulty in breathing?
6] Do you have cough?
7] Is it more at any particular time? ________________________________________
1] Any excessive indulgence in sex in past and present ? Any effect on your health?
2] How do you feel after sexual intercourse?
3] Any particular feeling or symptoms appear before, during and after sexual intercourse?
6] Did you suffer from any venereal disease?
Syphilis? Gonorrhoea?
7] Do you have increased desire or decreased desire for sex?
8] What is the method you use for family planning?________________________________________
1] Any difficulty in erection?
2] Wanted erection? Unwanted erection?
3] Weak erection? Failing erection? Describe.
4] Any other trouble in sex? Describe in detail.
1] Menses: How are the periods; regular or irregular?
2] At what age did it start?
3] Was there any trouble then?
4] Mention number of days of flow.
5] Menstrual flow: Is there any change in quantity, color, smell or consistency?
6] Are the stains difficult to wash?
7] Have you noticed any variation in quality and quantity of flow during menses?
8] How and when?
9] Do you suffer in any way before, during or after menses? If so, describe.
10] What symptoms did you suffer during menopause?
11] Do you feel the internal parts coming down?
12] Is there any white discharge?
13] If so, mention the nature, color, consistency and smell of discharge.
14] When and under what circumstances is it more or less?
15] Has the discharge any relation to menses?
16] What is the effect of this discharge on your general feeling? Or any of your symptoms?
17] Any itching, excoriation etc. due to discharge?
18] Do you pass any gas from vagina?
19] Any trouble with breasts?
Aggravated or Ameliorated by various Factors
Affected by the Environment in any way, and how does it affect you?
Affected by position in any way?
Affected by some physical activity?
Affected by some mental activity?
Anything else you are sensitive to?
♡ Evocationer last decade
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Parakletos; practioner of classical homeopathy.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Parakletos; practioner of classical homeopathy.
♡ Parakletos last decade
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