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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



Height:174 CMS
Weight:92 KGS


1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).

I have problem in getting erection. I donot feel like to have sex. I do it out of compcompulsion. If I have sex on say )1 Nov then I donot feel to have sex for upto 15 Nov or so.. I donot feel like to work or take decisinn. Ipostpone my jobs till I am compelled to finish it other was it will cannot be done as it might be last date. Sometimes I miss this deadline. I am very careless about money . If somebody has taken loan from me I cannot ask it back. . I am very happy when out of my home with friends but at home I talk very less . I keep reserve . I

My wt is 92 kgs.

My TSH ( Thyroid) level is more i.e. 11.

My uric acid is also more i.e. 7 .

I feel pains in my legs .

I sigh a lot.

I sneeze a lot & nose starts blowing when I come in contact with cold air .

When I am traveling in acar I feel we might meet wit an accident.

Iintrernally I am something else where as I show to be different.

I cannot say no to anybody even if internally I wish to say so .

2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?

Long back.

3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?

Not noted
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.


5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?

A cold with irritability and anger.

6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.

I feel more problem in the months of October onwards(specially nose blowing)

7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?

Blowing nose & sneezing frequently.

8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?

I feel chilly . My legs & feet feel icy cold.

I perspire a lot allover body

9. Describe what your tongue looks like.

Normal, whitish

10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with

I worry about my children’s education & my future.

11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?

Not so tidy.

12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?

I cannot cry even on the death of dear ones.
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?

I think a lot.

14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?

When someone contradicts me I feel very angry.

15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?

Depression, joy

16. What fears do you have?

While traveling in a car I feel we might meet with an accident .I fear my family member who has gone out of home might meet with an accident.

17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?

When I was out of job.

18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life?

When I had a son.

19. What was your childhood like?

It was normal somewhat in poverty.

20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it?

How people show off. I some how convey to them that one should not showoff.

21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?

Lack of communication with friends & relatives and not visiting their places causes problems.

22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about?

I dream of snakes ,water and height.
23. What would you need to feel happy?

I would need a perfect health & good salaried job.

24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do?

I am working as FIELD ENGINEER in a telecom company.I would like to be a manager in a firm.

25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?

Country must be free from corruption.

26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?

They criticize me for delaying the things.

People praise me for finding a solution to a tough problem.

27. What would you like to change most about

I would like that I must be doing all my jobs at correct time & not delaying the things .I would like that I must be able to take right decisions and fairly early.

28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a

No I do not feel anything if go without a meal.
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)?

Hot Gulb Jamuns

30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what

Boiled eggs,ommeletes .I cannot bear the smell of eggs.
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?

I drink a lot of water .I drink 5-6 cups of tea. I feel very thirsty always. My mouth remains dry.
32. How is your sleep?

I donot know when I fall sleep.It takes very long to sleep.Lot of dreams of snakes & water .I donot feel like to getup in the morning.

33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)


34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?

Yes I have touble in falling sleep.


No not at same time


On the side with hand under head

40. What medications are you taking at present?

I am taking atenolol for BP

41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?


42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty?

Yes I suffered from fits in my early childhood.

Then I had fever every month or so for 3-4 months when my blood was tested for MALARIA ,it was fond positive.After taking a course of medicine for it I had no more fever.

I also had mild fever for a long time .I did not take any medicine for it.Afterwards adoctor asked me to go for WIDAL test . It tested positive for typhoid. I took a course of medicine for typhoid.
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?

Yes I had once very severe pain in my arm where vaccination injection was injected after 3-4 days of vaccination.( TAB or TT )
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?

Yes I had minor surgery on my leg when a rod was put into it when I broke my leg.
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?

I had warts on my neck and were treated with Thuja.

Now again I have warts on my neck.

46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?

I frequently have sneezings & nose blowing with thin watery discharge.Otherwise also I have phlegm .

47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people?
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?

I need stronger dose than others

Even if I take vitamins I donot find any change in my energy levels.
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?
I am sensitive to paint fumes.
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both

My sister died of a heart attack.She was very over weight.She suffered from heart disease before her death.

49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.

I joined Air Force at the age of 17 yrs.

I got married at age og 28 yrs

I retired from their after 20 yrs.I was jobless for 3 yrs .

When my younger sister died of attack I felt very bad but I couldnot weep.

Again when son of my sister died at the age 16 I broke but then also I could not weep.

50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?

I feel very frustrated.I go back and try to comeback when there is no rush.iF I get some support to lean against I may stand for a long.
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?

I took her to a doctor.
52. How is your sexual energy?

Very weak

53. How do you react to consolation.

It irritates me.
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.

I cannot say no to anybody.
55. What are your hobbies?

I like reading books and search web for homeoremedies.
  jasmer on 2005-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try ONE single dose of Natrum Mur 10m and wait at least 2 -3 weeks to judge results.
walkin last decade
Any body else has time to give suggestions plz?
jasmer last decade
Dear Doctors
No more suggestions??????
KIndly reply....
jasmer last decade
I advise;God treats:
1.Thuja 1M one dose in the evening once a week.Total four doses.
2.Hypericum Perf. MT or 3x twice daily for 15 days.
Dr.Jecee last decade
Dear Dr Jecee
I will try Thuja 1M in the evening weekly once for four weeks and Hypericum MT or 3X twice daily for a fotnight.
Thanks very much for taking out valuable time out from your tight schedule.
Thanks a lot indeed.
Looking forward to a good association with you.
jasmer last decade
I am working on only mental cases the drug of choice is Natrum Mur 10M drugs in ok
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr Deoshlok
I have already tried Natrum Mur 10 M.
Plz advise any other medicine.
jasmer last decade
YOU please take 1 dose of SULPHUR 1M, before breakfast and from the 2nd day start PHOSPHORUS 30, thrice a day for only 3 days , and then stop the medicine and report about the progress.
drsajid last decade
I went through complete repertorisation and this is the purly case of Gelsimium . Mr. Singh please go for Gelsimium 6 daily one dose early in the morning empty stomach.
you are advise to take only single medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I am surprised by the prescription, that dr.sharma did,
1st he prescribed NAT MUR, and now he prescribed GELSIMIUM,and saying that this prescription is done after complete repertorisation,then i am sorry to say that what was the 1st prescription,
I also did the prescription after carefully reading the case,
so MR.JASMER, you may take the GELSIMIUM, 1st if you want, but if it do not give reusult, then you can take the medicine that i advised.
drsajid last decade
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Homeopathy and Health Forum
depression From jasmer on 2005-11-11
11 replies 374 views
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Height:174 CMSWeight:92 KGSCHIEF COMPLAINT:1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on). I have problem in getting erection. I do not feel like to have sex. I do it out of compulsion. If I have sex on say )1 Nov then I do not feel to have sex for unto 15 Nov or so.. I don’t feel like to work or take decisions. I Postpone my jobs till I am compelled to finish it. otherwise itl cannot be done as it might be last date. Often I miss the deadline. I am very careless about money . If somebody has taken loan from me I cannot ask it back. . I am very happy when out of my home with friends but at home I talk very less . I keep reserve. I keep lying down all the day long.AMy wt is 92 kegs.My TSH (Thyroid) level is more i.e. 11.My uric acid is also more i.e. 7 .I feel pains in my legs. I sigh a lot.I sneeze a lot & nose starts blowing when I come in contact with cold air . When I am traveling in a car I feel we might meet wit an accident.Internally I am something else whereas I show to be different.I cannot say no to anybody even if internally I wish to say no.. 2. When did this problem begin? What happened inyour life around that time? What do you thinkcaused it?Long back.3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,heat/cold, or anything else that you can thinkof; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?Not noted4. At what time of the day or night is the CC theworst? Specify an hour if you can.Not specific5. What symptoms can you identify that accompanythe CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?A cold with irritability and anger.GENERAL QUESTIONS6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, air-conditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.I feel more problem in the months of October onwards (specially nose blowing)7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?Blowing nose & sneezing frequently.8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?I feel chilly. My legs & feet feel icy cold.I perspire a lot allover body 9. Describe what your tongue looks like.Normal, whitishMENTAL/EMOTIONAL10. What do you worry about? How do you deal withworries?I worry about my children’s education & my future.11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?Not so tidy. I don’t feel like to take bath.12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?I could not cry even on the death of dear ones.But I feel very emotional on seeing filmy scenes.13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?I think a lot.14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?When someone contradicts me I feel very angry.15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?Depression, joy16. What fears do you have?While traveling in a car I feel we might meet with an accident .I fear my family member who has gone out of home might meet with an accident.17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?When I was out of job.18. What are the greatest joys you have had inyour life?When I had a son.19. What was your childhood like?It was normal somewhat in poverty.20. What bothers you most in other people? How,if at all, do you express it?How people show off. I some how convey to them that one should not showoff.21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?Lack of communication with friends & relatives and not visiting their places causes problems.22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about? I dream of snakes , water and falling from height.23. What would you need to feel happy?I would need a perfect health & good salaried job.24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what wouldyou like to do?I am working as FIELD ENGINEER in a telecom company .I would like to be a manager in a firm.25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?Country must be free from corruption.26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?They criticize me for delaying the things.People praise me for finding a solution to a tough problem.27. What would you like to change most aboutyourself?I would like that I must be doing all my jobs at correct time & not delaying the things .I would like that I must be able to take right decisions and fairly early. FOOD28. How do you feel before, during and aftermeals? How do you feel if you go without ameal?No I do not feel anything if go without a meal.29. What would you most like to eat (if you didnot have to consider calories, fat, anythingyou've read about the right way to eat)?Paneer Pakora 30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?What foods do you react badly to, and in whatway?Boiled eggs, omelets .I cannot bear the smell of eggs.31. How much do you drink in a day? Includesodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, andalcoholic beverages as well as water. Howthirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?I drink a lot of water .I drink 5-6 cups of tea. I feel very thirsty always. My mouth remains dry.SLEEP32. How is your sleep?I do not know when I fall sleep. It takes very long to sleep. Lot of dreams of snakes & water .I do not feel like to getup in the morning.33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)Snore34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?Yes I have trouble in falling sleep.IdeasNo not at same timeCompulsionOn the side with hand under headHEALTH HISTORY40. What medications are you taking at present?I am taking atenolol for BP41. How frequently do you get colds and flu’s?Frequently42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,or in a very severe form, or after puberty?Yes I suffered from fits in my early childhood.Then I had fever every month or so for 3-4 months when my blood was tested for MALARIA ,it was fond positive .After taking a course of medicine for it I had no more fever.I also had mild fever for a long time .I did not take any medicine for it. Afterwards a doctor asked me to go for WIDAL test . It tested positive for typhoid. I took a course of medicine for typhoid.43. Have you had any vaccinations since thestandard childhood ones? Have you ever had anadverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?Yes I had once very severe pain in my arm where vaccination injection was injected after 3-4 days of vaccination.( TAB or TT )44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?Yes I had minor surgery on my leg when a rod was put into it when I broke my leg.45. Have you had at any time (mention year): warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?I had warts on my neck and were treated with Thuja.Now again I have warts on my neck.46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?I frequently have sneezing & nose blowing with thin watery discharge. Otherwise also I have phlegm. SENSITIVITY47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose ofmedications than most other people?b) Do you need less an anesthesia than others,or have a hard time coming out of it?c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbsand/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?I need stronger dose than othersEven if I take vitamins I don’t find any change in my energy levels.d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhaust,dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?I am sensitive to paint fumes& dust.48. Family history: Mention diseases, causesand ages of deaths of father, mother,sisters, brothers and grandparents on bothsides.My sister died of a heart attack. She was very over weight. She suffered from heart disease before her death.My mother is having High B.P. 49. Construct a time line: Mention from birthon to the present day, all IMPORTANT events (emotional and physical traumas,heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,diseases or traumas your mother had whilebeing pregnant with you, family stress,death in the family or of friends,disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptomsexperienced at those moments or which youcan date to those traumas.I masturbated a lot for years together from the age of 15 yrs. I got married at age og 28 yrsI retired from their after 20 yrs.I was jobless for 3 yrs .When my younger sister died of attack I felt very bad but I could not weep.Again when son of my sister died at the age 16 I broke but then also I could not weep.50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?It does not irritate me.51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?I took her to a doctor.52. How is your sexual energy?Very weak53. How do you react to consolation?It sooths me.54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.I cannot say no to anybody.55. What are your hobbies?I like reading books and search web for homeo remedies.
Important Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. For example, taking mother tinctures can lead to serious side effects, and stopping prescribed medication without first consulting a physician can also endanger your health. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.

This site is for information only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Site contents and design © Copyright 2001-03 Influenca ltd
jasmer last decade
Dr Sajid/Dr Deoshlok Sharma
I am back after a long. I have tried Gelsemium as well as Sulphur and phosphorous.But there is no relief.kindly advise.
jasmer last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.