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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic constipation


4 and a half year old girl diagnosed with Chronic Constipation since 10 months old.

The problems acctually started after food diversification since 3 month old.

Although in my opinion problem started since 2 month old when after a cold she was administered antibiotics orally without probiotics protection.

Additionally prolonged administration of chamomile tea during first year in order to easy her defecation process.

Laxatives( like Duphalac ) was not of very much help for her obstinate constipation.

The only thing that truly helped her (to go out) was administration of Magnesia Usta Lactosa (or lactose + magnesium oxide).

Shen was administered Magnesia Usta Lactosa once in 2 days until today.

Duphalac wont help her.

We visited a Homeopath since half an year ago. She tried various treatment including : Alumina, Bryonia(we had a feeling this one would aggravate her

condition), Collinsonia, Plumbum Metallicum, Silicea, Opium, Magnesia Muriatica, Amonium carbonicum, Calcarea carbonica, natrium carbonicum, Natrium

Muriaticum...some of them was of some help ...some not....during that period only Magnesia Usta Lactosa trully helped her although het body started to get

used to it.

Although she likes meat she almost has aversion to meat because she noticed that meat aggravate her constipation.

She bearly eat and lost weight.

Thank you.
  cristtt5 on 2014-05-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will come back
Zady101 last decade
Give her a dose of Bryonia 200c 30 min before meal at morning daily for 7 days. A dose of medicine means 2-3 drops of liquid medicine mixing it with a cup of water.

Update me after 7 days.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Please don't give Bryonia.

Please give morw details on how the problem started? What was happening at that time? How much antibiotic was given?
Zady101 last decade
No, I won't give her bryonia.

When she was 2 months old she had fever and her doctor gave her oral syrup amoxicilina for 5 days.

When she was 2 and half month old switch for maternal milk to powder NAN milk.

Since 4 month old, after food diversification, she began to have stool once in 2 days.

From that moment till 10 month old the constipation aggravated when she was diagnosed with chronic constipation.
cristtt5 last decade
You will give her Nux Vomica 6C twice a day at 12 hours gap everyday.

Dissolve 1 drop/2 pills in 3 teapoons water in a disposable, stir a few times and drink.

Update me after 2-3 days.
Zady101 last decade

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