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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe acne

Hi there.
I would briefly describe my history first.
I always had acne problems in teenage, the pimples usually come up to the cheeks and forehead.
I got married and had no pimples during pregnancy, when my daughter was born I started breastfeeding her and didnt get a period for 14 months and pimple free time.
Now that o have finally got my periods, I have started getting pimples.
now the pimples are on cheeks. They are in form og groups and filled with puss. Sometimes they get itchy as well. Skin is mostly dry and flaky and pimples are getting red marks on skin now.
my homeopathic doctor gave me echinacea 15 drops 3 times daily with berberis aquif q 15 drops 3 times along with two other drops and a homeopathic cream and sulphur soap to wash face with.
its been 10 days since the medicine and I am still getting my periods.
  mariam sohail on 2014-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homoeopaths don't use mother tinctures and creams. Are you sure this was a qualified, trained homoeopath? Doesn't sound like it to me. We don't prescribe those kinds of things - there is no homoeopathic medicine being given from the sound of it. A real homoeopath would not do that.
Evocationer last decade
I will check that out for sure
but what should I do for the medicines that I have been given? And what about the acne?
mariam sohail last decade
Just curiously asking ...

'Homoeopaths don't use mother tinctures......' ..... Can u please elaborate Evocaioner ?

Mariam Sohail

Please tell Evocationer about the 'two other drops' and the cream too. It'll help him suggest u perfect remedy.
anindya384 last decade
There is no need to use mother tinctures in homoeopathy. We use potentized/diluted versions of those medicines to avoid toxic effects, overdosing, and other problems associated with them. While one can use tinctures homoeopathically, since we are trying to create aggravation in order to get cure, with a tincture this can be very severe, even life-threatening.

Because using tinctures can cause such severe aggravations when used according to the homoeopathic principle, they are more often applied palliatively (according to the law of opposites) or even allopathically (not based on the symptoms at all but some perceived underlying cause).

It is clear from the description of treatment here that no homoeopathy is being practiced. Multiple medicines, no potentized substances, herbal tinctures used in traditional ways typical to herbal medicine, topical creams, a sulphur based soap! (a big mistake if one is trying to heal from within).

Whoever is prescribing all this is not practicing homoeopathy. If they were a properly trained homoeopath there would be no need for all this. It sounds like the sort of treatment a naturopath or 'natural therapies' orthodox doctor would suggest, not a homoeopath.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 26 May 2014 04:00:48 BST]
Evocationer last decade

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