The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dosage of Hypericum Perforatum
Dear Doctors,I am a 31 year old male and have following symptoms:
1. Chronic fatigue
2. Pain in legs
3. Brain fog
4. Weak memory
5. Sinusitis
6. Chronic mild depression (since childhood)
By doing some study on the internet, I ordered Hypericum perforatum 30 ch, and i normally have it's 5-6 drops when I am feeling low, with mildly good results.
My question is can I take it on daily basis and at what dosage?
yogafreek on 2014-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- No you can't take it on a daily basis.
If you want to take something on a daily basis, get it in herbal
form or tincture.
The point of taking a remedy is to fully cure you. And when you
have reactions from a remedy, you stop taking the remedy and
see what the reaction is, and how long it lasts for. When you
relapse the times between taking it should get longer and longer
in between as a general rule.
A lot of people use this herb to lift their mood. But, if you have had
chronic depression since childhood, I don't think this is getting to
the core of what is going on.
It would be good for you to get a physical check up first, get a complete
blood count and a liver panel test ( if you have any digestion issues)
There can be physical reasons for this and they should be ruled out
If you want to take something on a daily basis, get it in herbal
form or tincture.
The point of taking a remedy is to fully cure you. And when you
have reactions from a remedy, you stop taking the remedy and
see what the reaction is, and how long it lasts for. When you
relapse the times between taking it should get longer and longer
in between as a general rule.
A lot of people use this herb to lift their mood. But, if you have had
chronic depression since childhood, I don't think this is getting to
the core of what is going on.
It would be good for you to get a physical check up first, get a complete
blood count and a liver panel test ( if you have any digestion issues)
There can be physical reasons for this and they should be ruled out
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks for ur elaborate response doc.
1. I have got all the routine tests done and found no major issues.
Should I get serotonin levels tested?
2. How is herbal/tincture form better than homeopathic med for daily consumption? As per my understanding, homeopathic medicine at 30 CH wud be more dilute than herbal/tincture.
3. What's the harm in having 30 CH daily for a month or two?
Kindly excuse if my questions are not justified.
[message edited by yogafreek on Wed, 28 May 2014 16:49:03 BST]
1. I have got all the routine tests done and found no major issues.
Should I get serotonin levels tested?
2. How is herbal/tincture form better than homeopathic med for daily consumption? As per my understanding, homeopathic medicine at 30 CH wud be more dilute than herbal/tincture.
3. What's the harm in having 30 CH daily for a month or two?
Kindly excuse if my questions are not justified.
[message edited by yogafreek on Wed, 28 May 2014 16:49:03 BST]
yogafreek last decade
I am not sure about how they test for serotonin or if they can do that accurately, sometimes it is not
the serotonin, but the delivery system of the serotonin that is not working properly.
How is your diet? What do you do for exercise?
On 30ch- Homeopathy is a distinct system. The object of homeopathy is to stimulate your life
force into action to clear any disease/imbalance. There is no substance of the herb in remedies above
12x. It is a water molecule imprint only. It is meant to be a similar to your disease and then the body
will recognize there are two 'similar' things going on - then the body will boost the life force to clear
out imbalance- it is your own life force doing the work - Not the remedy.
Taking this everyday can do a couple things. One is overdose, where then you will start to have
symptoms you never had before. Look up Hypericum in the materia medica and look over the symptoms
it is given for- you could start having any of them if you overdose.
Two- the remedy is most probably palliating you- which means you feel better but it is not Curing anything
bc you have to keep taking it. This suppresses underlying causes and will make it harder to get to them.
Herbs are entirely different system-they are more like food and operate at much lower levels- just like
having coffee stimulates your nervous system, hypericum soothes your nervous system. They have
a short duration and are not doing the same thing with your life force energy.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 28 May 2014 17:38:33 BST]
I am not sure about how they test for serotonin or if they can do that accurately, sometimes it is not
the serotonin, but the delivery system of the serotonin that is not working properly.
How is your diet? What do you do for exercise?
On 30ch- Homeopathy is a distinct system. The object of homeopathy is to stimulate your life
force into action to clear any disease/imbalance. There is no substance of the herb in remedies above
12x. It is a water molecule imprint only. It is meant to be a similar to your disease and then the body
will recognize there are two 'similar' things going on - then the body will boost the life force to clear
out imbalance- it is your own life force doing the work - Not the remedy.
Taking this everyday can do a couple things. One is overdose, where then you will start to have
symptoms you never had before. Look up Hypericum in the materia medica and look over the symptoms
it is given for- you could start having any of them if you overdose.
Two- the remedy is most probably palliating you- which means you feel better but it is not Curing anything
bc you have to keep taking it. This suppresses underlying causes and will make it harder to get to them.
Herbs are entirely different system-they are more like food and operate at much lower levels- just like
having coffee stimulates your nervous system, hypericum soothes your nervous system. They have
a short duration and are not doing the same thing with your life force energy.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 28 May 2014 17:38:33 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks for the enlightening explanation, really appreciate.
I have a fairly balanced diet and I neither smoke nor drink.
Lately I have not been exercising much due to fatigue and pain in legs. If I recall my childhood, I used to have body aches for few days after I played a cricket match. Although I look physically fit.
I have done farely well in my career but thoughout and more so recently, I have been 'slow' mentally and physically. I can't do tasks that require high concentration and I am energy deprived all day.
What options do I have if all my tets are normal. Do u think homeopathy can help me?
[message edited by yogafreek on Wed, 28 May 2014 18:40:08 BST]
I have a fairly balanced diet and I neither smoke nor drink.
Lately I have not been exercising much due to fatigue and pain in legs. If I recall my childhood, I used to have body aches for few days after I played a cricket match. Although I look physically fit.
I have done farely well in my career but thoughout and more so recently, I have been 'slow' mentally and physically. I can't do tasks that require high concentration and I am energy deprived all day.
What options do I have if all my tets are normal. Do u think homeopathy can help me?
[message edited by yogafreek on Wed, 28 May 2014 18:40:08 BST]
yogafreek last decade
Yes, I do think homeopathy can help you.
Your entire case has to be taken in detail, physical, mental, things
like what makes things better and worse to find a remedy that
is going work for you on all of these things.
Best way to do this is see someone in person, bc the homeopath gets
to use all tools of diagnosis that way. Second best, do skype or phone
with a qualified person. If none of that will work for you then people
can post their case on here and someone will try to help you out.
If you don't know how to choose a qualified person, you can list
your city and I can give you options of classical homeopaths in
your area/best not to go to any type of franchise clinics.
Your entire case has to be taken in detail, physical, mental, things
like what makes things better and worse to find a remedy that
is going work for you on all of these things.
Best way to do this is see someone in person, bc the homeopath gets
to use all tools of diagnosis that way. Second best, do skype or phone
with a qualified person. If none of that will work for you then people
can post their case on here and someone will try to help you out.
If you don't know how to choose a qualified person, you can list
your city and I can give you options of classical homeopaths in
your area/best not to go to any type of franchise clinics.
♡ simone717 last decade
You can fill out the main form- to start and there will be
more questions ( if I look at it)
Or you can go thru the forum, click on poster names and you will see profiles
and all the cases people have done. Then you could make a new thread and
ask for that specific person in your headline- every one on here has their own
way of taking a case. to start and there will be
more questions ( if I look at it)
Or you can go thru the forum, click on poster names and you will see profiles
and all the cases people have done. Then you could make a new thread and
ask for that specific person in your headline- every one on here has their own
way of taking a case.
♡ simone717 last decade
Patient ID: Sex: M Age: 30
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Mild chronic depression, inability to focus, brain fog, fatigue, energy deprived all day
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Dry eczema, sensitive throat (easily infected), sinusitis (operated once), weaknesses in legs
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Same as point number 1
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Demotivated, depressed, pain in legs, fatigue
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
I think it all started when I changed my school at the age of 17. Couldn't adjust to new culture and got depressed, my scores went down since then, I became reclusive.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Difficult to say. I don't feel fresh when I wake up. I guess i feel worst low during evening around 5.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Work stress gives me leg pain and I feel awful when I have sore throat. Physical tiredness makes me feel low.
Coffee makes me really good for a while.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Can't say.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Winters are better and I like rains.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Quiet, slow, calm, all ADD symptoms, poor memory, sharp mind ( thinking out of the box), low self esteem, impulsive in decision making ( unplanned trips), introvert, serious
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
I like it
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Don't like to have such discussions. So I would say NO.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Thinking all the time, lost.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
They are all awesome. And I wish to have stability and happiness so that I can share with them. But I lack mental and physical energy.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Cravings: cold coffee, milk shakes fruits
Aversions: spicy, oily food, sour
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Cant stay hungry for too long.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Sensitive to sour food and icy drinks, gives me sore throat
Coffee, tea, spicy food cause acidity and burning sensation in stomach
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Normal, head
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Frequent (4 times a day). Normal stool.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Wake at the slightest of noise. Sleep on my stomach.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Yes. Too much urge.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Don't drink or smoke
High integrity
Low energy
No ambitions
Enjoy less
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Mother diabetic and same legs pain
Father survived/cured cncer.. Now healthy
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Less hair
Good built
85 kgs
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Mild chronic depression, inability to focus, brain fog, fatigue, energy deprived all day
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Dry eczema, sensitive throat (easily infected), sinusitis (operated once), weaknesses in legs
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Same as point number 1
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Demotivated, depressed, pain in legs, fatigue
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
I think it all started when I changed my school at the age of 17. Couldn't adjust to new culture and got depressed, my scores went down since then, I became reclusive.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Difficult to say. I don't feel fresh when I wake up. I guess i feel worst low during evening around 5.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Work stress gives me leg pain and I feel awful when I have sore throat. Physical tiredness makes me feel low.
Coffee makes me really good for a while.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Can't say.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Winters are better and I like rains.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Quiet, slow, calm, all ADD symptoms, poor memory, sharp mind ( thinking out of the box), low self esteem, impulsive in decision making ( unplanned trips), introvert, serious
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
I like it
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Don't like to have such discussions. So I would say NO.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Thinking all the time, lost.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
They are all awesome. And I wish to have stability and happiness so that I can share with them. But I lack mental and physical energy.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Cravings: cold coffee, milk shakes fruits
Aversions: spicy, oily food, sour
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Cant stay hungry for too long.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Sensitive to sour food and icy drinks, gives me sore throat
Coffee, tea, spicy food cause acidity and burning sensation in stomach
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Normal, head
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Frequent (4 times a day). Normal stool.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Wake at the slightest of noise. Sleep on my stomach.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Yes. Too much urge.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Don't drink or smoke
High integrity
Low energy
No ambitions
Enjoy less
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Mother diabetic and same legs pain
Father survived/cured cncer.. Now healthy
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Less hair
Good built
85 kgs
yogafreek last decade
more questions for you-
1.When did the eczema start?
What have you taken for that?
2.When did the weak legs start? You mentioned they used to ache in
childhood after sports- has this been an ongoing issue getting worse
over time with your legs?
Does exercise help this?
3.When did you have the sinus operation and what was the operation?
What were you taking for sinus before this? What were you taking after this?
4. Are you allergic to anything, pollen, dust, dairy, wheat? and if so
when did these allergies begin?
5.. How do you feel about salt? love it, hate it, neutral about it.
6. Do you have symptoms in other areas that show up
with any of your pains-
depression, no focus, fatigue, eczema, throat, low energy-
for example- when legs feel weak, I get a headache on my
right temple frequently.
7. Can you name any food items you hate? or love?
8.When you moved at 17 and found it hard to adjust- what were
the emotions you felt at that time period. Give detail.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:51:35 BST]
1.When did the eczema start?
What have you taken for that?
2.When did the weak legs start? You mentioned they used to ache in
childhood after sports- has this been an ongoing issue getting worse
over time with your legs?
Does exercise help this?
3.When did you have the sinus operation and what was the operation?
What were you taking for sinus before this? What were you taking after this?
4. Are you allergic to anything, pollen, dust, dairy, wheat? and if so
when did these allergies begin?
5.. How do you feel about salt? love it, hate it, neutral about it.
6. Do you have symptoms in other areas that show up
with any of your pains-
depression, no focus, fatigue, eczema, throat, low energy-
for example- when legs feel weak, I get a headache on my
right temple frequently.
7. Can you name any food items you hate? or love?
8.When you moved at 17 and found it hard to adjust- what were
the emotions you felt at that time period. Give detail.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:51:35 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
1.When did the eczema start?
What have you taken for that?
Since childhood, probably at the age of 7-8.
Was applying Saltopic, which completely cured. But started again since last year, took some medicine ( don't know) from a local homeopath, working well.
2.When did the weak legs start? You mentioned they used to ache in
childhood after sports- has this been an ongoing issue getting worse
over time with your legs?
Does exercise help this?
My shoulders and neck area used to ache during childhood with tiredness in legs.
Now neck and shoulder are fine but legs ache and get easily tired.
Mentally feel great after exercise, all mind issues get resolved for following 3-4 hours. During exercise no pain but feel energy deprived and tired post exercise.
3.When did you have the sinus operation and what was the operation?
What were you taking for sinus before this? What were you taking after this?
Can't recall when did Sinus start but got operated in 2011. Much better after that. No medicine. I do Jal neti daily.
4. Are you allergic to anything, pollen, dust, dairy, wheat? and if so
when did these allergies begin?
5.. How do you feel about salt? love it, hate it, neutral about it.
6. Do you have symptoms in other areas that show up
with any of your pains-
depression, no focus, fatigue, eczema, throat, low energy-
for example- when legs feel weak, I get a headache on my
right temple frequently.
During sore throat, legs pain,feel low and energy deprived
7. Can you name any food items you hate? or love?
Love : coffee, dry chicken, fruits, ice cream shakes
Hate: sour food
8.When you moved at 17 and found it hard to adjust- what were
the emotions you felt at that time period. Give detail.
Lonely, by that time I started losing hair so had inferiority complex, felt I was not that smart as other kids, my scores went down,became an introvert. Missed my friends from last school. Started having pain in my shoulders and neck.
What have you taken for that?
Since childhood, probably at the age of 7-8.
Was applying Saltopic, which completely cured. But started again since last year, took some medicine ( don't know) from a local homeopath, working well.
2.When did the weak legs start? You mentioned they used to ache in
childhood after sports- has this been an ongoing issue getting worse
over time with your legs?
Does exercise help this?
My shoulders and neck area used to ache during childhood with tiredness in legs.
Now neck and shoulder are fine but legs ache and get easily tired.
Mentally feel great after exercise, all mind issues get resolved for following 3-4 hours. During exercise no pain but feel energy deprived and tired post exercise.
3.When did you have the sinus operation and what was the operation?
What were you taking for sinus before this? What were you taking after this?
Can't recall when did Sinus start but got operated in 2011. Much better after that. No medicine. I do Jal neti daily.
4. Are you allergic to anything, pollen, dust, dairy, wheat? and if so
when did these allergies begin?
5.. How do you feel about salt? love it, hate it, neutral about it.
6. Do you have symptoms in other areas that show up
with any of your pains-
depression, no focus, fatigue, eczema, throat, low energy-
for example- when legs feel weak, I get a headache on my
right temple frequently.
During sore throat, legs pain,feel low and energy deprived
7. Can you name any food items you hate? or love?
Love : coffee, dry chicken, fruits, ice cream shakes
Hate: sour food
8.When you moved at 17 and found it hard to adjust- what were
the emotions you felt at that time period. Give detail.
Lonely, by that time I started losing hair so had inferiority complex, felt I was not that smart as other kids, my scores went down,became an introvert. Missed my friends from last school. Started having pain in my shoulders and neck.
yogafreek last decade
So, you started taking a homeopathic medicine-
that you do not know what it is for the eczema?
What is going on with that- are you still taking it?
that you do not know what it is for the eczema?
What is going on with that- are you still taking it?
♡ simone717 last decade
That homeopath doesn't write the medicine name on prescription, so I don't know.Have not taken it since last week.
yogafreek last decade
Ok- this is not going to work on here then.
You need to take one remedy at a time. The homeopath should be
taking your entire case- meaning the depression and low energy etc
and including the eczema- in choosing your remedy. He has probably
done that.
Homeopathy works on the individual totality- so that is why 3 people
with the same flu can have 3 different remedies- same for eczema.
One person has to monitor everything and if I or anyone on here suggests
something it is going to interfere with what your homeopath is giving you.
Knowing that- you can take hypericum as an herbal tincture not as a
remedy. If you have not told the homeopath about your depression
that is something he needs to know.
You need to take one remedy at a time. The homeopath should be
taking your entire case- meaning the depression and low energy etc
and including the eczema- in choosing your remedy. He has probably
done that.
Homeopathy works on the individual totality- so that is why 3 people
with the same flu can have 3 different remedies- same for eczema.
One person has to monitor everything and if I or anyone on here suggests
something it is going to interfere with what your homeopath is giving you.
Knowing that- you can take hypericum as an herbal tincture not as a
remedy. If you have not told the homeopath about your depression
that is something he needs to know.
♡ simone717 last decade
That homeopath is known for skin related issues.
He just saw my finger on which I had eczema, didn't ask any questions and gave me the medicine which was to be taken hourly for 2 weeks. It worked. I am not taking that medicine anymore and I can't discuss the other issues with him.
I would really appreciate if you consider my case.
He just saw my finger on which I had eczema, didn't ask any questions and gave me the medicine which was to be taken hourly for 2 weeks. It worked. I am not taking that medicine anymore and I can't discuss the other issues with him.
I would really appreciate if you consider my case.
yogafreek last decade
Now eczema is gone, if it doesn't come back then something more serious will happen like arithritis, internal anxiety, etc. Actually this is homeopathic suppression. Perhaps homeopath has done his job. He is known for skin and has treated skin successfully.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Thanks for your reply zady101 but. It would be great if you appreciate that fact that I am trying to find a solution. Straight forward language would be better than insinuations. Not everyone has as much knowledge about homeopathy as you do.
Looking forward to forum's support.
Looking forward to forum's support.
yogafreek last decade
My posts were intended for Simone only and I was asking Simone to take my case given that I am not taking any meds anymore.
Would request to maintain decorum in this forum and let her reply if you are not interested in my case.
Waiting for Simone's response.
Would request to maintain decorum in this forum and let her reply if you are not interested in my case.
Waiting for Simone's response.
yogafreek last decade
Dear yogafreek,
Let me explain more on this, in a general way. In homeopathy, your life force
does the healing, not the remedy. The remedy is chosen based on how
much it matches a number of things going on with you, mental, physical,
emotional, what makes things better and worse, etc.
The remedy if it is similar enough to the entire disease picture, stimulates
your life force to start clearing out all imbalance bc the body will not
tolerate two similar things at once and your life force gets activated.
When this happens, and the remedy is right, the healing takes a certain
pattern which homeopaths look for. It is called Herings law of cure ( you
can google it)
Many homeopaths have a person make up a timeline for all things they
have had in their life. You can see that then the remedy will start to go
backward in reverse order clearing things one by one.
When an illness is 'suppressed' by an allopathic medicine, it stops
the symptoms of the problem but does not really cure the problem-
so many people have suppressed skin symptoms early on in life. For
example, when a baby has a rash, that rash is the body taking care of
a disturbance thru pushing it out thru the skin, if the rash is
suppressed by a cream or steroid, then whatever is going on can't come
out and goes to a deeper level in the body.
A lot of people who suppressed eczema, then start getting allergies, it is
very common.
So back to your homoeopath-I don't know what he gave you. But you see
you are stressed and have these other things going on which came
AFTER your eczema was suppressed at 7 by steroid cream.
So there is the possibility that if I give you something for your overall,
it is going to start taking you back one by one, things will come up,
stay a week or a day , then leave. It is possible that the eczema will
flare up again, but you will have to let it come up and then it will leave
for good.
We can do this if you want, but you can't take other remedies while
doing this bc they will interfere with the process..
(btw- Zady has done quite a few severe eczema cases in children- so he was
Feel free to ask me anything you want about all this- sorry it is so long, but I wanted
you to have the correct overview of how this all works.
btw- is it possible to ask the other homeopath what remedy and potency he gave
you? Bc if he gave you a high potency that can act on you for 2 weeks or months depending
on what it was- and also some remedies interact with each other and can cause problems.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:14:09 BST]
Let me explain more on this, in a general way. In homeopathy, your life force
does the healing, not the remedy. The remedy is chosen based on how
much it matches a number of things going on with you, mental, physical,
emotional, what makes things better and worse, etc.
The remedy if it is similar enough to the entire disease picture, stimulates
your life force to start clearing out all imbalance bc the body will not
tolerate two similar things at once and your life force gets activated.
When this happens, and the remedy is right, the healing takes a certain
pattern which homeopaths look for. It is called Herings law of cure ( you
can google it)
Many homeopaths have a person make up a timeline for all things they
have had in their life. You can see that then the remedy will start to go
backward in reverse order clearing things one by one.
When an illness is 'suppressed' by an allopathic medicine, it stops
the symptoms of the problem but does not really cure the problem-
so many people have suppressed skin symptoms early on in life. For
example, when a baby has a rash, that rash is the body taking care of
a disturbance thru pushing it out thru the skin, if the rash is
suppressed by a cream or steroid, then whatever is going on can't come
out and goes to a deeper level in the body.
A lot of people who suppressed eczema, then start getting allergies, it is
very common.
So back to your homoeopath-I don't know what he gave you. But you see
you are stressed and have these other things going on which came
AFTER your eczema was suppressed at 7 by steroid cream.
So there is the possibility that if I give you something for your overall,
it is going to start taking you back one by one, things will come up,
stay a week or a day , then leave. It is possible that the eczema will
flare up again, but you will have to let it come up and then it will leave
for good.
We can do this if you want, but you can't take other remedies while
doing this bc they will interfere with the process..
(btw- Zady has done quite a few severe eczema cases in children- so he was
Feel free to ask me anything you want about all this- sorry it is so long, but I wanted
you to have the correct overview of how this all works.
btw- is it possible to ask the other homeopath what remedy and potency he gave
you? Bc if he gave you a high potency that can act on you for 2 weeks or months depending
on what it was- and also some remedies interact with each other and can cause problems.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:14:09 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
Thanks for explaining the concepts of hoeopathy. Would request you to take my case and suggest some medicine for me. I am not taking any medicine currently and also it won't be possible to ask that Dr about the one he gave me.
Thanks for explaining the concepts of hoeopathy. Would request you to take my case and suggest some medicine for me. I am not taking any medicine currently and also it won't be possible to ask that Dr about the one he gave me.
yogafreek last decade
Ok- am looking this over-
When you went to get tests, was your blood sugar ok? Am asking that
due to your Mother and diabetes-
You said you both have the same type leg pains- is your Mother leg
pains due to being diabetic or is there another reason?
When you went to get tests, was your blood sugar ok? Am asking that
due to your Mother and diabetes-
You said you both have the same type leg pains- is your Mother leg
pains due to being diabetic or is there another reason?
♡ simone717 last decade
My sugar levels are normal. My mother used to have leg pains in her childhood too,which was treated with neurobion injections, continuously for a week.
BTW..I am at work right now and I feel like numb, as if my forehead is choked, can't think anything, hard to any task demanding focus. That has been the main issue I have been facing since years and is really troubling me in my current job.
[message edited by yogafreek on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:17:59 BST]
BTW..I am at work right now and I feel like numb, as if my forehead is choked, can't think anything, hard to any task demanding focus. That has been the main issue I have been facing since years and is really troubling me in my current job.
[message edited by yogafreek on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:17:59 BST]
yogafreek last decade
I would like you to get Lycopodium 30c. If liquid 2 drops in two tablespoons of water and take a tsp.
for a dose. If pills dissolve 4 pills in the two tablespoons of water and take a tsp for a dose.
Take 3 doses of this- one at night, one in the morning and one more the next night. Do not eat or
drink half hour before or after. Do not have any coffee while doing this-you can have tea.
If you have a reaction to any of these doses, then stop at that dose and let me know. Otherwise
report in 24 hours after the last dose as to what is happening.
I don't know if you are taking any vitamins, but if not, get a good total B complex that also has
Vitamin C in it , if possible, but at least all the B's and start on that.
I would like you to get Lycopodium 30c. If liquid 2 drops in two tablespoons of water and take a tsp.
for a dose. If pills dissolve 4 pills in the two tablespoons of water and take a tsp for a dose.
Take 3 doses of this- one at night, one in the morning and one more the next night. Do not eat or
drink half hour before or after. Do not have any coffee while doing this-you can have tea.
If you have a reaction to any of these doses, then stop at that dose and let me know. Otherwise
report in 24 hours after the last dose as to what is happening.
I don't know if you are taking any vitamins, but if not, get a good total B complex that also has
Vitamin C in it , if possible, but at least all the B's and start on that.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
Hope you are doing good. As suggested, I had three doses of Lyco. Yesterday night had the last dose, nothing much to mention regarding medicines effect except that I woke up with mild swelling in my eyes, both the mornings, which went away in an hour. Some other points about me which might help in the treatment:
1.I read on the internet, lyco personality matches a lot with mine
2. Tinnitus in left ear, troubles in winter more as there is sound of fan or AC
3. Post nasal drip along with sinusitis
4.I have black spots on my tongue for years
5. Coffee used to make me feel good about myself, not much anymore
6. Have had repeated episodes ( once in two months) of sore throat which makes me energy deprived during the episode
7. I took Himalaya's septilin for 2 months, my throat was absolutely fine post that but during instead had pain in legs.
Please suggest a good multivitamin.
[message edited by yogafreek on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:32:12 BST]
[message edited by yogafreek on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:32:41 BST]
Hope you are doing good. As suggested, I had three doses of Lyco. Yesterday night had the last dose, nothing much to mention regarding medicines effect except that I woke up with mild swelling in my eyes, both the mornings, which went away in an hour. Some other points about me which might help in the treatment:
1.I read on the internet, lyco personality matches a lot with mine
2. Tinnitus in left ear, troubles in winter more as there is sound of fan or AC
3. Post nasal drip along with sinusitis
4.I have black spots on my tongue for years
5. Coffee used to make me feel good about myself, not much anymore
6. Have had repeated episodes ( once in two months) of sore throat which makes me energy deprived during the episode
7. I took Himalaya's septilin for 2 months, my throat was absolutely fine post that but during instead had pain in legs.
Please suggest a good multivitamin.
[message edited by yogafreek on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:32:12 BST]
[message edited by yogafreek on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:32:41 BST]
yogafreek last decade
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