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Hypericum Perforatum:


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Dosage of Hypericum Perforatum Page 4 of 5

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Hi Simone,
I have been taking the salts but eczema is in bad state. And still have pain in legs. Mental state is fine.
yogafreek last decade

1. Describe what the eczema looks like
now, where it is etc.

2. Give me some percentages of

what you originally posted.

1. Chronic fatigue
2.leg pain
3.weak memory

and add in anything else you have
going on.
simone717 last decade
I have emailed u the pictures of eczema. I have it on fingers only.

1.Chronic fatigue: 70% of the original i.e 30% improvement
2.leg pain: 30% improvement
3.weak memory: 50% improvement
4.Sinusitis: same
6. Heaviness in head:50%
yogafreek last decade
Had so much pain in legs today that I had to return home from work early.
yogafreek last decade

Please stop the salts for right now. Purchase Graphites 12c.

Take 3pills and dissolve in a quarter cup of water. Take a tsp as a dose,

Do 3 doses, one at night, one in the morning and one the next night,
and report after 2 days.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,

Took Graphite as suggested. Eczema is still really bad.
yogafreek last decade

When did you take the 3rd dose?

Have you noticed anything happening at all on

Specifically on items #1 thru 6.
simone717 last decade
Had third dose on 18th, no considerable change since then.

Got sore throat today, one that takes a week to get normal.
[message edited by yogafreek on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:57:02 BST]
yogafreek last decade

look on this forum first page and click remedies shop. Then click
on Graphites and read the Throat section. Are any of your
sore throat symptoms showing up in that section? If so, please
list them.
simone717 last decade
I have discomfort while swallowing, that's all I can relate to.

I don't think Graphite has much to do with sore throat. I went on a trekking trip on 19th and had lot of chilled sodas, moreover the weather these days is such that many people have got cold.
[message edited by yogafreek on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:41:25 BST]
yogafreek last decade

Please purchase some Calendula spray
or a combo of Calendula and Urtica Urens
to use on the fingers - If anything has
a high alcohol content, then if spray or
tincture dilute it so it won't sting.

Next, start taking Vitamin C 3000mgs a day-break it up into segments. This will
help your immune system and you can take Vit C up to bowel tolerance.

I want to reformat the dosing. Please get a dropper bottle, put 5 parts water to one
part alcohol in it, and dissolve 3 pills of the Graphites 12c. Then hit the bottle
6 times hard against your hand.

Put 2 drops of the mix into a quarter cup of water. Take a tsp as a dose and throw
the water away ( use disposable cups so you don't have remedy residue on your

Please take a dose of this every day for 4 days and then update.
simone717 last decade
Can I take Graphite 30c instead of the mentioned preparation. I don't have alcohol.
yogafreek last decade
No-if you don't have alcohol or cannot use alcohol make it
up without alcohol in the dropper bottle and keep it in
the fridge instead.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,

I am taking Graphite as suggested. Just wanted to let u know that I was going through the Internet, I realized my symptoms match a lot with Fybromyalgia i.e fatigue, muscle pain ( worse in morning), brain fog etc.
yogafreek last decade
Hi-Even if it was CFS, the remedies would be based on your symptoms
you have given.

Have you been to the doctor about your legs at all? This could be
from having a sports injury and a disc out of alignment in the lower

Have you looked into that ?

What are you doing about weight, diet, and fatty liver?
simone717 last decade
I have shown the legs to dr, no injury etc., all scans and nerve tests were normal. He suspected restless legs syndromes.
For liver I am taking Liv.52.
yogafreek last decade
Hi Simone,
Apologies for the delayed update as I was traveling for wirk. I had taken Graphite as you had adviced, could not get the other med. Current status:

1. Excema much better
2. Still pain in legs, gets awful wen I don't get enough/proper sleep
3. Mental state neutral, neither happy nor depressed, I wish it was positive and I had some enthusiasm in me . No doubt in last few months it has become neutral from depressed
4. Un-refreshing sleep, as always
[message edited by yogafreek on Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:38:20 BST]
yogafreek last decade
Hi- On 7-22 I advised take a dose
for 4 days in a row.

What have you been doing? Did you do
4 days and then stop? When was the
last time you took it?
simone717 last decade
I took that last dose on 27th July and stopped. Couldn't update as I was traveling for work.
yogafreek last decade
If the eczema is continuing to improve- then no more doses
of Graphites- advise me when it begins to get worse.
I had advised the Calendula etc bc of the images you sent
me and the cuts- so no need to do that if it is improving.

Please start some cell salts.

Silicea 6x
Kali phos 6x
Nat phos 6x
Nat mur 6x

Take 4 tabs of each (12) at one time and do this 3 times a day.

When was the last liver panel done? I would like you to get
another one to see what Liv52 is improving or not improving
and put the results of both on here.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I have ordered the cell salts. I had already got liver panel tests before and after 2 months of liv 52, there was tremendous improvement.

One question, if some ointment or an oil is applied on eczema, will that be called as suppression?
yogafreek last decade
Yes. Have you been using something?

If so what is in it?
simone717 last decade
Coconut oil
yogafreek last decade
I think that is fine. Have you used it in the past for eczema?

What was the result in the past using it?
simone717 last decade
Never used it before.
yogafreek last decade
So.. When did you start using it?

What are the effects? Did you start using it after you took Graphites?

You need to describe the situation better, As I am sure you know-
That no one can figure out what is doing what unless you give
good information. Sometimes this seems like I am a lawyer who
can only get basics out of a reluctant person on the witness stand.
simone717 last decade

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