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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Evocationer/ dr shaurav please help (Depression) Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Alright it is time to do a proper assessment.

Please go through the answers you gave me, and next to each symptom or problem write the word Better, Worse or Same. If better or worse, also write a percentage value % to represent how much.

It is important to make a complete list and think about the improvement or other changes to each symptom.
Evocationer last decade
Energy: Same
feeling lack of energy
Temperament: Better 40%
Less aggressive
Mood: Better 10%
Still not very happy feeling or enjoy company.
Confidence: Same
Still find it difficult to communicate with people.
Concentration: Same
Unable to concentrate or involve in any work.
Envy: Better 30%
Previously i become more aggressive to become successful like others now theres a decrease.
Mental pressure: Better 40%
Mental stress has decreased
Sexual thoughts/Desires: Better 50%
There still lot of sexual thoughts but sexual feelings made me very aggressive before but now they are calm.
Restlessness in company: Same
Despair of social position:Same
Anxiety about future: Same
Offended easily: Same
In a hurry state: Same
Ailment from sexual exitement:
Better 40%
Improvement relating to errection and masturbation but unable to feel orgasm but i hope i got very little release which gave me very light and good feeling for few hours.
Doublemindedness: Same
Still find it diffult to choose between things e.g to take this or that one when i choose one mind says why you take this give me feeling of disatisfaction.
Sleep: Same
Unable to sleep in time and unable to wake early and feel lethargic.
Earthquake feeling: Same
My body still sometimes lying on bed trembles which frightens me.
[message edited by depressed_soul on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 14:48:10 BST]
[message edited by depressed_soul on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 13:22:12 BST]
depressed_soul last decade
I am again feeling very frustated on 1st of July again becoming aggressive. The feeling of not able to create interest or involve in any work really annoy me a lot and as we are fasting now a days
Due to fasting i got more lethagic and lazy.I am feeling helpless.
depressed_soul last decade
Waiting anxiously for your reply...Reply me as quickly as possible.
depressed_soul last decade
There is enough improvement to give confidence to stay with the same remedy I believe.

He will need to obtain Staphysagria 1M. In the meantime, have him repeat the 200c but hit the bottle 30 times. Let me know when you have the higher potency.
Evocationer last decade
will get him Staphysagria 1M today however in the meanwhile will instruct him to have another dose of its 200 potency. its strange that a person of his age has not masturbated ever (with proper ejaculation)except for night falls (thrice in a month. he has reported that during his endeavor to ejaculate very small amount of semen is emitted from his penis. please help him achieve proper ejaculation that too. thanx doc.
depressed_soul last decade
I have taken staphysagria 200c on this Thursday. I am feeling very depressed.Now I have bought staphysagria 1M so
tell me when and how to take it.
depressed_soul last decade
Do NOT take the 1M at this stage. It is possible the remedy has caused an aggravation, so we need to wait to see if that lifts and improvement comes after it.
Evocationer last decade
I am not feeling any improvement yet my condition is getting worse.
Lack of energy: -10%
Iam feeling very lethargic not able to create interest in anything.
Agression: -10%
Iam getting very frustated the feeling of not able to do anything.Others are progessing and i am not and inferiority complex feeling get me very depressed. I feel it very difficult to bear my relatives not enjoy their company at all. I lost my temper again and again.
Confidence: Same
Envy: -10%
I am feeling very disturbed and jealous by others success.
Mental Pressure: -10%
I am feeling lot of stress.
Sexual thoughts: Same
Anxiety about future: -10%
Offended easily: -10%
Sleep: Same
Can't wake up early.
Despair of social position: -10%
Restlessness in company: Same
In a hurry state: Same
Doublemindedness: Same
Earthquake feeling: Better 100%
[message edited by depressed_soul on Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:38:24 BST]
depressed_soul last decade
Interesting, one symptom completely cured. That is unexpected.

However we are only at 4 days from when I gave the instruction to repeat the remedy. Aggravation usually starts within 3 days of the dose, and peaks (is at its worst) 5-7 days after the dose. You still seem to be within the period of aggravation.

Try to remain with it for a few days longer. We will act if there is no change at the end of 7 days.

Aggravation can be hard to bear at times. I suspect we have not adjusted your dosage adequately to accommodate your reactivity. I will make sure we pay attention to that problem from now on.
Evocationer last decade
I had already mention about we are fasting nowadays.We fast for a month.Fasting also aggravates depression feeling very lazy and lethargic.In the morning we fast i can't be able to go out because i feel lack of energy and in the evening after iftari i feel very lazy and i just sleeps. Routine is very much disturbed. Lets see how i feel after Ramadan which will probably end on 28th July.
Temperament: Better 40%
Now my aggression is in control. My mood is better.
Mental Pressure: Better 40%
Sleep: Same
[message edited by depressed_soul on Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:02:12 BST]
depressed_soul last decade
So have things improved over what they were a few days ago?
Evocationer last decade
Last Week Overview:
Worse Condition:
I took last dose on 3rd July and my condition remain worse till 8th.
Lack of energy: -10%
Iam feeling very lethargic not able to create interest in anything.
Agression: -10%
Iam getting very frustated the feeling of not able to do anything.Others are progessing and i am not and inferiority complex feeling get me very depressed. I feel it very difficult to bear my relatives not enjoy their company at all. I lost my temper again and again.
Confidence: Same
Envy: -10%
I am feeling very disturbed and jealous by others success.
Mental Pressure: -10%
I am feeling lot of stress.
Sexual thoughts: Same
Anxiety about future: -10%
Offended easily: -10%
Sleep: Same
Can't wake up early.
Despair of social position: -10%
Restlessness in company: Same
In a hurry state: Same
Doublemindedness: Same
Earthquake feeling: Better 100%
Better Condition:
My condition became better on 9th.
Temperament: Better 40%
Now my aggression is in control. My mood is better.
Mental Pressure: Better 40%
Sleep: Same
Confidence: Same
Envy: Better 10%
Sexual thoughts: Same
Anxiety about future: Better 20%
Offended easily: Better 10%
Despair of social position: Better 20%
Restlessness in company: Same
In a hurry state: Same
Doublemindedness: Same
Earthquake feeling: Better 100%
[message edited by depressed_soul on Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:23:36 BST]
[message edited by depressed_soul on Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:27:41 BST]
depressed_soul last decade
Now on 13th July iam again feeling depression again getting disturbed of not able to do any work , not able to have any friends,not able to marry,unable to communicate feeling lack of confidence and enjoy life . Its a routine somedays i feel calm and other days i feel aggressive,depressed and dissatisfied. So Please advise me when to take the next dose.
depressed_soul last decade
Alright, I will get you to take a single dose of the 1M, just as you did with the 200c. It is concerning that it is not holding very well at all - but I am hopeful that the potency is the problem.

However, I will work on a new remedy for you in the meantime. Are there any new symptoms at all? Or have any of the symptoms changed in some way - have new qualities, or are being affected differently?
Evocationer last decade
I have taken this dose with 10 times hit of palm of hand so i want to ask? I should start with 10 times.
depressed_soul last decade
So please guide me actually i have taken 10 times mistakenly in case of 5 times so is this ok will it will prove helpful for me.
depressed_soul last decade
Well the more you hit the bottle, the stronger the dose. It can produce a little more of an aggravation but it won't affect the effectiveness of the remedy (if it is the correct one).

Has there been any reaction as yet?
Evocationer last decade
Still not any aggravation and aggression is also in control i will inform you about my condition after 6 days.
depressed_soul last decade
I felt aggravation on 13th July Sunday.It decreases on Monday and i took medicine on the same day the condition remain same till Thursday.From Friday i again felt aggravation and mental stress and it continue till today. There are not any new symptoms but there's somewhat improvement in my temperament and sleep.
Lack of energy: -10%
Iam feeling very lethargic not able to create interest in anything.
Aggression: Better 5%
I felt there's somewhat improvement in temperament.My temperament is not very stable sometimes it aggravates and sometimes its in control.
Confidence: Same
Envy: Better 5%
I felt there's somewhat improvement in envy. Sometimes it aggravates and i felt very disturbed and jealous by others success and sometimes its in control.
Mental Pressure: Better 5%
I felt there's somewhat improvement in temperament.My temperament is not very stable sometimes it aggravates and in this condition I felt lot of stress and sometimes its in control.
Sexual thoughts: Same
Anxiety about future: -10%
Offended easily: -10%
Sleep: Better 20%
Now able to get sleep and wake up.But feel very lethargic.
Despair of social position: -10%
Restlessness in company: Same
In a hurry state: Same
Doublemindedness: Same
Earthquake feeling: Better 100%
[message edited by depressed_soul on Sun, 20 Jul 2014 17:07:20 BST]
[message edited by depressed_soul on Mon, 21 Jul 2014 01:17:18 BST]
depressed_soul last decade
Were you able to get Staph 1M?
Evocationer last decade
Yes I have got it and using the same medicine.
depressed_soul last decade
What do you mean 'am using the same medicine'?
Evocationer last decade
Medicine Decription:
Staphisagria 1M
(Delphinium Staphisagria)
Alcohol vol %90
10ml dilution
Made in Germany
Dr Willmar Sehwabe
Karl Sruhe
I place 3 drops into 100mls of clean water.I hit the bottle 10 times firmly against the palm of my hand Then I take 2 teaspoons of this into my mouth and hold for 20 seconds and then swallow.
[message edited by depressed_soul on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:10:49 BST]
depressed_soul last decade
I am again getting very aggressive so please guide me.
depressed_soul last decade
My aggression getting worse please guide me as quickly as possible.Waiting anxiously for your reply
depressed_soul last decade

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