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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

11 month baby with severe eczema. Pls help.

Hello my son Samuel is 11 months and was diagnosed with eczema at abt 3 months. It started in his neck and spread to his face. It is now very bad. Currently his face and neck is oozing ( it started oozing last night) I will be extremely grateful if anyone can provide some help.
1. Took him to ped. at abt 4.5 months. He had a little bit of crustiness around mouth by cheeks. He would scracth sometimes.
2. Ped. prescribed antibiotics.
3. Now that me and my wife look back, after his antibiotics is when it started getting really bad. Face red, shiny, oozing, hot, small red bumps.
4. Took him to two diff. dermatologists. They prescribed a stronger dose of Hydro, more antibiotics and fluocinolone acetonide 0.01% to put on face, neck and body. He had dry, red patches on his body.
5. After doing treatment twice, we decided to stop.
6. At abt. 6 months bought him probiotics, calendula ointment and squalene oil (topical)
7. Skin started getting better but the redness and inflamation has never left his face.
8. Abt. 8 months we started with shea butter, probiotics, and calendula.
9. 2 weeks ago bouth him borage therapy childrens lotion. ( all natural ingridients)
10. His body is fine now. Except the back of his knees ( they are hard, dry, and purpleish) and slight red dry patches on his armpits.
11. His face starts to get dry, looks like it is healing, crustyness leave and from one night to the other it starts oozing and we are back at the beggining again.
12. Face seems to get worse when he is teething ( has four top teeth and two and a half bottom teeth)
13. His face and neck has been really itchy for the past 3 days and wakes up every 2 hours at night trying to scratch.
1. Today i bought sulphur and graphites 6c pellets.
2. I gave him 5 sulphur pellets at 4pm.
Samuel is a happy child who walks now and is very smart.
We have no known family members who have had eczema.
  nrg9341 on 2014-06-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
Sulphur-30 (30c) 6 pills pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you. Is it ok if I put calendula cream on his oozing face? Or should I let the oozing stop on its own?
nrg9341 last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade

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