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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile Dysfunction

I am Balaji. I am 35 years old and male. I have problems like 1.ED and penis is small 2.Numbness in legs due to masturbation . I took many homeopathic and ayurvedic medicines but found no cure to the problem.I am still unmarried because of these health problems and I need a solution to treat this.
  Bala2014 on 2014-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Bala,

1. First thing is do away with the silly idea that it is all due to Masturbation.It is all nonsense guilty inducing tricks by so called......

2. The small penis is also a very relative matter to discuss. Actually about 3 inches long on full errection is good enough to enjoy sex & give satisfaction to the partner as only first about 3 inch long portion is sensitive in a woman.
Another fact is that it cannot be made longer than you are born with.All ads & so-called claims are humbugs & do not fall to any of them & waste money.

3. As for ED I would suggest you to take LYCOPODIUM 1M 5 pills just once on every Sunday for three Sundays.

Also take AGNUS CASTUS Q mother ticture 10 drops in some water three times a day on all other days except on Sunday.

4. Practice worry free life and give your self a strong message that 'ALL IS WELL'.

Lastly, please let us know how you are feeling after 3 weeks.Good luck!

Expecting your marriage invitation soon :=))
[message edited by daktersaab on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:19:11 BST]
daktersaab last decade
Dear Daktersaab, Thank you for prescribing me medicines.I will contact you after 3 weeks
[message edited by Bala2014 on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:06:25 BST]
Bala2014 last decade
Mr. Balaji,
what is your current position now ? ED problem is fixed ? or still ED you have ?
please tell me the progress .
shknitfashion last decade
Dear Daktersaab,
As you have advised, I have taken the medicines and I found erection improved.But I still have muscle twitching in my legs.Could you suggest me some more medicines for my problem. Thank You a lot.
[message edited by Bala2014 on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 07:56:22 BST]
Bala2014 last decade
Stop taking Lycopodium & continue with Agnus castus for at least a month more.
Things will improve a lot.
daktersaab last decade

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