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dear rp tamhankar sir,
i read materia medica for pulsatilla wch says tat symptoms aggravates when rich or fatty food is taken..this is d exact prob i m suffering from..whenever i eat oily food i get pimples otherwise my skin is clear.
so i would like to take pulsatila instead of sulphur
.dosage as mentioned by u
sir is ma preassumption regarding pulsatilla correct? pls advice..
i read materia medica for pulsatilla wch says tat symptoms aggravates when rich or fatty food is taken..this is d exact prob i m suffering from..whenever i eat oily food i get pimples otherwise my skin is clear.
so i would like to take pulsatila instead of sulphur
.dosage as mentioned by u
sir is ma preassumption regarding pulsatilla correct? pls advice..
angelena george last decade
Sir i started taking pulsatilla pills yesterday..i vl report u my progress if any changes is visible..right now i hav 2 to 3 active pimple
angelena george last decade
Its my third day on pulsatilla and my acne is aggravated is more than before. What should i do?,
Its my third day on pulsatilla and my acne is aggravated is more than before. What should i do?,
angelena george last decade
Pl stop Pulsetilla
Do not take any meidicines for 3-4 days and you can again start
1. Radium Bromide-30 6 pills twice a day
2. Sulphur-30 6 pills at bed time
Pl take this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
Do not take any meidicines for 3-4 days and you can again start
1. Radium Bromide-30 6 pills twice a day
2. Sulphur-30 6 pills at bed time
Pl take this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Sir i have read that radium bromide is a strong remedy wch is used to cure canc patients...should i take it?? Will it cause any dangerous side efect
angelena george last decade
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