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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


v. intense on waking. uncontrollable stream of negative thoughts. guilt, remorse, paranoia that i have offended , made a mistake with someone, been a failure, no one has ever liked me, cared about me. it's frightening in it's unstoppableness and power. it's not like apathy, low energy.
  selawa on 2014-08-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Therapist, try it, but just try to look for a routine or schedule, change is tough. I know, trust me. But also engaging in a routine even when the depression lets you know no can help you cope, however take a vitamin everyday, attempt to work out even when you don't believe you have the energy and try your very best to eat healthy! Great techniques to help your depression, and put around you a friend( if available) and get a therapist who can talk to you and also try to understand and help you out of trouble!
GarrettHnatiuk last decade
this is a reaction to an illness i have. when i am exposed to a chemical or mold then i have this in the morning. in the day too but intensely in the morning. it was also taken away completely by a homeopathic remedy but i don't know the name of it. the homeopath will not tell me. it's a school in australia and they keep it a secret what they give.
selawa last decade
Nm is one of the specific remedis for depression.
Natrium muriaticum (homeopathic treatment for depression ...
The main feeling of Natrum muriaticum is that she will be let down or betrayed or disappointed by the person her trust depends on, or by the ...
muntadev2in last decade
Allergies to mold can create strange mental symptoms and then also weaken
your immune system to the point of having reactions to many things.

First you must check that your living space is free of hidden mold and that
you are not spending time in other structures that have mold. The first step
is remove mold from your environment - there is a company called Moldcheck
where you can buy a strip kit and overnight see what rooms have a high spore
count-then you know you are dealing with mold and it does not matter
what kind of mold it is.

Below is a prior post on here about drs who know how to handle this problem.
I have sent people to homeopaths where treatment failed bc they did not
get the mold out of their home or they thought they did not have the mold in
their home ( later found out they did have it) and others who were a total
wreck with many bizarre symptoms from being exposed unknowingly to mold
( homeopathy was not helping but these drs did help, and huge relief for
the patients, not only physically but finally knowing they were not crazy as
the effects of mold disappeared)

If the homeopaths gave you a remedy that took this away-even if they
would not tell you what it was- why are you not using that remedy from them?


Here is the info-

You need to work with a mold expert on how to strengthen your system
as this requires specific expertise. And often homeopaths or drs. or
others who do not understand this, dismiss or diagnose people as having mental
problems when this is absolutely not the case.Please go to the site
of Dr. Shoemaker, a well known expert in usa on mold. Contact his
office and find a doctor who has learned his methodshttp://www.survivingmold.com

This is your best option at getting healed, I know several people who had this
and went to other Doctors who were trained by Dr Shoemaker on the mold issues
and the people finally!! got relief and were on their way back to normal.
Homeopathy does not work well on this , due to the hypersensitivity and
uncommon reactions to remedies due to this.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 20:01:40 BST]
simone717 last decade
first of all i got 'fired' from the australian school and my supply is nearly out of remedies.
and yes, i am working on the problem at home. i just discovered it.
nm didn't work at all.
these symptoms are clearly a reaction to chemicals and mold.
thanks for the surviving mold info.
selawa last decade
to clarify-

You mean the Aussie school 'dismissed' you as a patient?

Your supply is nearly out of remedies? So is the remedy?
remedies that previously worked still working???

Bc there are ways to make it last with water and alcohol.

-working on the 'problem' at home- means you have found
mold I guess.

(btw- the Moldcheck site has really good advice on how to remove
and repair-and the mold strips lead you to the room with most
spores and that is usually where the Cause/leak is that must be
fixed. In usa, there is huge business going on making clean up
etc into a very complicated, Expensive process- a lot of scamming
going on.
simone717 last decade
thanks a lot for the info. i will get the strips. i also know about the scamming and over doing everything re mold.
yes, my supply is nearly out. i have tried putting the remedy in a jar with water but i never feel it is as good as the pills.
i also have another illness and mcd too so solving the mold won't cure it all. damn, i wish i had more of these pills!
i checked the boxes on the form at the beginning of this site, and it suggested pulsatilla nigranence. should i get a high dose of it?
selawa last decade
The Remedy Finder only works on acute things, not chronic, so
I have no idea what type of condition you are looking to treat.

on your pills, you can put 3 pills into a small dropper bottle,
Fill 1/5th of the bottle with brandy, rum, vodka as a preservative.
The rest with water. Use that as a dosing bottle, Hit the bottle
5x hard against your hand to start out with, bc hitting ups
the potency slightly and the body will react more.

Then take a couple drops from the dropper bottle and put them
into a couple tablespoons of water and take one tablespoon as
a dose. You can wait and gauge your reaction to the amount
of hits. If nothing or the dose stalls out, then increase the hits
by 3 or 4 and try that. This way you can keep going.
simone717 last decade
thanks, i have ordered some bottles.
anyone have a recommendation for homeopath who works with symptoms?
the only homeopaths that i hear of are 'classical' and try to cure everything with one remedy. i have tried that quite a few times, several times having a horrible reaction, all the other times just nothing happened.
the 'school' in australia would send lots of remedies and some of them really worked for specific things like sleep, etc.
selawa last decade
You can post a new thread on here- put all your symptoms on it-and your story.
and what else you are taking ( even tho you don't know what those pills are-)
and also list everything you are taking now- herbs, any other meds including
homeo meds, and list what you have done about this in the past( and all known meds)

Leave the white box Open--at the end of the post and do not post till
someone has replied to you - bc the white box shows that no one has taken
the case.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:35:21 BST]
simone717 last decade
Classical homoeopathy only works when the homoeopath has skill and experience - and I have seen a lot of people who call themselves classical actually practice terrible homoeopathy. The label doesn't give someone any special abilities.

Where in Australia are you? I am in Brisbane.
Evocationer last decade
i am in the us. i was sky ping the homeopath in australia.
selawa last decade

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