The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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To: Joe De Livera (Acid Reflux)
Hi Joe:My son is now 8 years old in Sept. He was diagnosed of acid reflux a few months ago because he contiunes to have hoarse voice. I read some posts here and in your website. Can you please let me know how I should treat him for his age? I used some prescription drugs from doctor but it won't help his symtoms.
Thanks a lot,
bluewenzy on 2014-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Wendy,
Joe is not on here everyday. He does have his own site- you can post questions on there and
get answers faster.
One of the reasons people get reflux can be due to having had
antibiotics bc they destroy the gut flora and the gut flora
has to be replaced with probiotics. You can experiment with
multi strain probiotics to see what helps him- as probiotics have
a lot of brands and different strains and what works for one gives
another person gas etc.
You could also just have him have a cup of plain yogurt every day
and make sure his diet does not have a lot of acid type foods,
like chocolate and sugar, ice cream, soda, etc.
Joe is not on here everyday. He does have his own site- you can post questions on there and
get answers faster.
One of the reasons people get reflux can be due to having had
antibiotics bc they destroy the gut flora and the gut flora
has to be replaced with probiotics. You can experiment with
multi strain probiotics to see what helps him- as probiotics have
a lot of brands and different strains and what works for one gives
another person gas etc.
You could also just have him have a cup of plain yogurt every day
and make sure his diet does not have a lot of acid type foods,
like chocolate and sugar, ice cream, soda, etc.
♡ simone717 last decade
Unfortunately, due to the way search engines work, Joe's name pops up with reflux search.
I believe Joe's intentions are noble but he is not competent. To top it all, he is adamant on abusing homeopathic remedies in a way which is totally unhomeopathic.
I am posting a primer on homeopathy and how it works so that you can make an informed decision instead of blindly following something.
Homeopathy works on individualization i.e. the remedy for GERD which will work on one child may not work on another. There are several remedies for GERD. A particular person is promoting Nat-Phos as THE remedy for curing GERD by selectively quoting parents benefiting from his Nat-Phos protocol. This is not only incorrect but totally against the principles of individualization in homeopathy. I am sure desperate parents would do anything to get the cure but blindly going for Nat-Phos is not the route as many have found the hard way. Its a case of common sense & statistics. If you give Nat-Phos to 100 kids for GERD, some are bound to improve, it doesnt mean that its THE remedy for GERD. Next time someone touts Nat-Phos as the remedy for GERD ask him the statistics first.
If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.
I believe Joe's intentions are noble but he is not competent. To top it all, he is adamant on abusing homeopathic remedies in a way which is totally unhomeopathic.
I am posting a primer on homeopathy and how it works so that you can make an informed decision instead of blindly following something.
Homeopathy works on individualization i.e. the remedy for GERD which will work on one child may not work on another. There are several remedies for GERD. A particular person is promoting Nat-Phos as THE remedy for curing GERD by selectively quoting parents benefiting from his Nat-Phos protocol. This is not only incorrect but totally against the principles of individualization in homeopathy. I am sure desperate parents would do anything to get the cure but blindly going for Nat-Phos is not the route as many have found the hard way. Its a case of common sense & statistics. If you give Nat-Phos to 100 kids for GERD, some are bound to improve, it doesnt mean that its THE remedy for GERD. Next time someone touts Nat-Phos as the remedy for GERD ask him the statistics first.
If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.
fitness last decade
I concur. It is a risky way to use our medicines, or to treat any condition at all. There are safer and more efficient ways to treat illness.
The principles of homoeopathic practice are there to protect patients, so breaking them puts people at a potential risk.
The principles of homoeopathic practice are there to protect patients, so breaking them puts people at a potential risk.
♡ Evocationer last decade
It is fortunate that I happened to visit the ABC today and read the 2 posts from Fitness and David Kempson with whom I have had many duels in the recent past on using my 'Joepathy' which as Homeopaths throughout the world are aware by now, is NOT practiced by me alone, as the Doctors Banerji Prasanta and his son Pratip who own and operate the
have openly stated that they use the same methodology aka 'This for That' therapy I use, and they treat over 1500 patients DAILY. They are both qualified Homeopaths unlike me and Fitness and the mere fact that they treat over 1500 patients in their hospital daily, is ample proof that their therapy is accepted not only in India but throughout the world of Homeopathy as being an advancement in the therapy which has been subjected to so much unnecessary abuse by the classical sect by keeping the patients dangling by the thread that the classical homeopath binds them, to ensure that they return time and time again for that next classically oriented remedy, to seek a cure for their ailment. In direct contrast they discover and have confirmed that when they used my Joepathy they are CURED, sometimes overnight. (Remember the case I copied on the ABC on using Arnica 6 to cure Acne a few days ago which I predicted would occur in a week while the patient confirmed in just 2 days that there was considerable improvement ?)
I do object again, and that vehemently, to David's supercilious reference to Homeopathic remedies in implying that they are all under his direct control:
'It is a risky way to use our medicines, or to treat any condition at all. There are safer and more efficient ways to treat illness.' I do wonder on what grounds, he dares to classify Homeopathic remedies as being virtually owned by him. I also challenge him to prove the element of 'risk' that he prophesies must follow the use of my Joepathy. There is ample proof to prove otherwise.
The fact remains that patients are CURED by my Joepathy and a close analysis of my therapy on my website which is open to the world will prove this fact. I would also like to emphasize that my therapy is all given free of charge and this includes the remedies, if the patient consults me in Colombo.
To Fitness
You stated:
'I believe Joe's intentions are noble but he is not competent. To top it all, he is adamant on abusing homeopathic remedies in a way which is totally unhomeopathic. '
Thank you for your endorsement of my Joepathy as being 'noble'. As you may be aware, I did originally use the classical norms of prescribing with the assistance of Radar 9 which at that time, 10 years ago, was considered the Ultimate software to help the classical Homeopath. I do not use it anymore today as the results that followed in cures were dismal. It was this fact that prompted me to use my own Joepathy which differs from classical therapy, as the rate of CURE far supersedes it, even when assisted by Radar.
All I am interested in, is to help CURE the patient who seeks my assistance ASAP and I am glad to learn from you that:
'due to the way search engines work, Joe's name pops up with reflux search. '
I was not aware of this fact. Thank you for opening my eyes to realities. I presume that you are aware that the reason why my name does pop up, is because of the phenomenal rate of CURE I have been able to sustain in helping to alleviate GERD, in both Babies and Adults. My Joepathy also extends to many other ailments and I am glad that the search engines have listed many of my cases of interest under:
Joe De Livera
Wet Dose
Joe De Livera Homeopathy
It will be safe to state that they would not have done so, if there was no positive response which resulted from my Joepathy.
As for the degree of 'competence' you refer to in my Joepathy, I shall let the patients themselves decide.
And this includes you and your own version of classical homeopathy.
I will not waste my time in refuting David's barbs directed at my Joepathy as patients at large are aware that my simple and SAFE therapy with Nat Phos 6x to treat GERD is by far the most effective therapy to cure GERD. I have treated GERD for the last 20 years with the same Nat Phos therapy, and it would be safe to state that 95% of my patients have been CURED. There is a case of a Millionaire patient living in Statten Island NY, who had suffered from GERD for 26 years and was using the dangerous PPI drug Zantac and showing severe signs of distress who discovered in just a few weeks that his life had changed with the Nat Phos + Arnica therapy I had prescribed.
David has only recently reappeared after his accident and he dares to challenge facts recorded in both the ABC and on my own Website which give ample evidence to show him up as an impostor who feels that it is only he that can help suffering humanity with his own classical therapy, which does not seem to work.
If you still wish to have proof of the many CURES that have resulted from my Joepathy, you are invited to visit my website to read the tributes of desperate mothers and even desperate adults who have benefited from my 'Joepathy'.
Fitness and David
I would like to quote the first 2 of Hahnemann's Aphorisms to remind both you gentlemen that Hahnemann clearly indicated that:
ß 1
The physicianís high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed
ß 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
You will note that he did NOT object to the use of a 'This for That' therapy aka Joepathy.
I would like to conclude with the following quotations:
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
'If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance'
Orville Wright
have openly stated that they use the same methodology aka 'This for That' therapy I use, and they treat over 1500 patients DAILY. They are both qualified Homeopaths unlike me and Fitness and the mere fact that they treat over 1500 patients in their hospital daily, is ample proof that their therapy is accepted not only in India but throughout the world of Homeopathy as being an advancement in the therapy which has been subjected to so much unnecessary abuse by the classical sect by keeping the patients dangling by the thread that the classical homeopath binds them, to ensure that they return time and time again for that next classically oriented remedy, to seek a cure for their ailment. In direct contrast they discover and have confirmed that when they used my Joepathy they are CURED, sometimes overnight. (Remember the case I copied on the ABC on using Arnica 6 to cure Acne a few days ago which I predicted would occur in a week while the patient confirmed in just 2 days that there was considerable improvement ?)
I do object again, and that vehemently, to David's supercilious reference to Homeopathic remedies in implying that they are all under his direct control:
'It is a risky way to use our medicines, or to treat any condition at all. There are safer and more efficient ways to treat illness.' I do wonder on what grounds, he dares to classify Homeopathic remedies as being virtually owned by him. I also challenge him to prove the element of 'risk' that he prophesies must follow the use of my Joepathy. There is ample proof to prove otherwise.
The fact remains that patients are CURED by my Joepathy and a close analysis of my therapy on my website which is open to the world will prove this fact. I would also like to emphasize that my therapy is all given free of charge and this includes the remedies, if the patient consults me in Colombo.
To Fitness
You stated:
'I believe Joe's intentions are noble but he is not competent. To top it all, he is adamant on abusing homeopathic remedies in a way which is totally unhomeopathic. '
Thank you for your endorsement of my Joepathy as being 'noble'. As you may be aware, I did originally use the classical norms of prescribing with the assistance of Radar 9 which at that time, 10 years ago, was considered the Ultimate software to help the classical Homeopath. I do not use it anymore today as the results that followed in cures were dismal. It was this fact that prompted me to use my own Joepathy which differs from classical therapy, as the rate of CURE far supersedes it, even when assisted by Radar.
All I am interested in, is to help CURE the patient who seeks my assistance ASAP and I am glad to learn from you that:
'due to the way search engines work, Joe's name pops up with reflux search. '
I was not aware of this fact. Thank you for opening my eyes to realities. I presume that you are aware that the reason why my name does pop up, is because of the phenomenal rate of CURE I have been able to sustain in helping to alleviate GERD, in both Babies and Adults. My Joepathy also extends to many other ailments and I am glad that the search engines have listed many of my cases of interest under:
Joe De Livera
Wet Dose
Joe De Livera Homeopathy
It will be safe to state that they would not have done so, if there was no positive response which resulted from my Joepathy.
As for the degree of 'competence' you refer to in my Joepathy, I shall let the patients themselves decide.
And this includes you and your own version of classical homeopathy.
I will not waste my time in refuting David's barbs directed at my Joepathy as patients at large are aware that my simple and SAFE therapy with Nat Phos 6x to treat GERD is by far the most effective therapy to cure GERD. I have treated GERD for the last 20 years with the same Nat Phos therapy, and it would be safe to state that 95% of my patients have been CURED. There is a case of a Millionaire patient living in Statten Island NY, who had suffered from GERD for 26 years and was using the dangerous PPI drug Zantac and showing severe signs of distress who discovered in just a few weeks that his life had changed with the Nat Phos + Arnica therapy I had prescribed.
David has only recently reappeared after his accident and he dares to challenge facts recorded in both the ABC and on my own Website which give ample evidence to show him up as an impostor who feels that it is only he that can help suffering humanity with his own classical therapy, which does not seem to work.
If you still wish to have proof of the many CURES that have resulted from my Joepathy, you are invited to visit my website to read the tributes of desperate mothers and even desperate adults who have benefited from my 'Joepathy'.
Fitness and David
I would like to quote the first 2 of Hahnemann's Aphorisms to remind both you gentlemen that Hahnemann clearly indicated that:
ß 1
The physicianís high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed
ß 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
You will note that he did NOT object to the use of a 'This for That' therapy aka Joepathy.
I would like to conclude with the following quotations:
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
'If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance'
Orville Wright
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
To Bluewenzy
It will be safe to give your son 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x after every main meal to treat his GERD and you can also add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions below which you will give him twice daily.
You can reduce his dosage to just one tablet after he has shown a positive response but you will continue the Arnica for some months.
You will of course STOP all drugs and you will report his response in 48 hours.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
It will be safe to give your son 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x after every main meal to treat his GERD and you can also add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions below which you will give him twice daily.
You can reduce his dosage to just one tablet after he has shown a positive response but you will continue the Arnica for some months.
You will of course STOP all drugs and you will report his response in 48 hours.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you so much, Dr.Joe De Livera, for your reply.
I have given 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x twice yesterday after dinner and evening snack 1 hour before bed with 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x each time.
This morning I gave him the same dose after breakfast: 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x and 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x.
Can I give him 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x three times after each meal?
For Arnica currently I only bought tablet in local store. Can I dissolve it in the Spring water or I must have the Ethanol pack? If yes, I will order online immidiately.
Thanks again,
I will let you know the results tomorrow morning.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:05:56 BST]
[message edited by bluewenzy on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:06:43 BST]
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:48:09 BST]
I have given 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x twice yesterday after dinner and evening snack 1 hour before bed with 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x each time.
This morning I gave him the same dose after breakfast: 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x and 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x.
Can I give him 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x three times after each meal?
For Arnica currently I only bought tablet in local store. Can I dissolve it in the Spring water or I must have the Ethanol pack? If yes, I will order online immidiately.
Thanks again,
I will let you know the results tomorrow morning.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:05:56 BST]
[message edited by bluewenzy on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:06:43 BST]
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:48:09 BST]
bluewenzy last decade
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera:
For Arnica, can I use this one to make Wet dose:
Arnica (Arnica Montana) Liquid Extract 4 Oz (120ml):
Ships from and sold by Hawaii Pharm.
Highest Strength, Super concentrated Arnica (Arnica Montana) liquid extract!
Arnica (Arnica Montana) Extract Contains ONLY natural ingredients!
Super concentrated Arnica extract: dry material / menstruum ratio 1:3!
Not filtered - crude Arnica (Arnica Montana) extract of the first cold extraction!
Really the BEST Arnica extract on market!
Thank you,
Look forward to your reply.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:48:28 BST]
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:48:54 BST]
For Arnica, can I use this one to make Wet dose:
Arnica (Arnica Montana) Liquid Extract 4 Oz (120ml):
Ships from and sold by Hawaii Pharm.
Highest Strength, Super concentrated Arnica (Arnica Montana) liquid extract!
Arnica (Arnica Montana) Extract Contains ONLY natural ingredients!
Super concentrated Arnica extract: dry material / menstruum ratio 1:3!
Not filtered - crude Arnica (Arnica Montana) extract of the first cold extraction!
Really the BEST Arnica extract on market!
Thank you,
Look forward to your reply.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:48:28 BST]
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:48:54 BST]
bluewenzy last decade
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera:
My son have had 2 days dose, I haven't seen much improvement in his voice which is his only symptom. I have ordered the Arnica Liquid form online but I may have it next week sometime. I will continue current dose: 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x and 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:49:24 BST]
My son have had 2 days dose, I haven't seen much improvement in his voice which is his only symptom. I have ordered the Arnica Liquid form online but I may have it next week sometime. I will continue current dose: 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x and 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:49:24 BST]
bluewenzy last decade
Hi- sounds like you are ordering
a herbal extract - which is not safe for
oral use.
Contraindications: Arnica is generally safe when used topically (externally). However, prolonged use may irritate the skin, causing eczema, peeling, blisters, or other skin conditions. Arnica should not be used on broken skin, such as leg ulcers. Also, people who are hypersensitive or allergic to the herb should avoid it. Arnica, taken internally, may cause dizziness, tremors, and heart irregularities. It may also irritate mucous membranes and cause vomiting. Do not take more than the recommended dose as large doses may be fatal.
You can go to the top of the forum and click homeopathic remedies shop and choose from
3 usa suppliers-
The homeopathic Arnica is highly diluted and there is no physical substance of the plant
in the remedy after a certain potency. It is a molecular imprint on the water molecule.
Herbal extracts and tinctures are an entire different system and can have extreme side
effects if not used correctly.
a herbal extract - which is not safe for
oral use.
Contraindications: Arnica is generally safe when used topically (externally). However, prolonged use may irritate the skin, causing eczema, peeling, blisters, or other skin conditions. Arnica should not be used on broken skin, such as leg ulcers. Also, people who are hypersensitive or allergic to the herb should avoid it. Arnica, taken internally, may cause dizziness, tremors, and heart irregularities. It may also irritate mucous membranes and cause vomiting. Do not take more than the recommended dose as large doses may be fatal.
You can go to the top of the forum and click homeopathic remedies shop and choose from
3 usa suppliers-
The homeopathic Arnica is highly diluted and there is no physical substance of the plant
in the remedy after a certain potency. It is a molecular imprint on the water molecule.
Herbal extracts and tinctures are an entire different system and can have extreme side
effects if not used correctly.
♡ simone717 last decade
Copied from my Website
It took me some time to figure out what you were talking about and I see that you have also posted on the ABC and indicated that you wish to use some variation of Arnica to help your son who has a 'hoarse voice'.
You did mention that his problem was diagnosed as GERD and I prescribed my default therapy for GERD on the ABC which I note has not been followed by you as you are giving your son
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after meals.
This is OK but you cannot give him Arnica 30x three times daily as this is not what I prescribed. You cannot use remedies blindly for any reason and you must use the Arnica 30c ONLY.
You will STOP the Arnica 30x IMMEDIATELY.
If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution, you may use the standard pellets and make the Wet dose with just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water.
I shall be away from Colombo for a few days from tomorrow and the time here is almost midnight and I felt that I should post this in haste to prevent any mishap.
Please do not experiment with Homeopathic remedies as they can be a source of danger if used in a manner that is not prescribed.
Please follow SImone's instructions to source the Arnica 30c in either the Liquid dilution or the pellets.
It must only be Arnica 30c.
It took me some time to figure out what you were talking about and I see that you have also posted on the ABC and indicated that you wish to use some variation of Arnica to help your son who has a 'hoarse voice'.
You did mention that his problem was diagnosed as GERD and I prescribed my default therapy for GERD on the ABC which I note has not been followed by you as you are giving your son
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after meals.
This is OK but you cannot give him Arnica 30x three times daily as this is not what I prescribed. You cannot use remedies blindly for any reason and you must use the Arnica 30c ONLY.
You will STOP the Arnica 30x IMMEDIATELY.
If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution, you may use the standard pellets and make the Wet dose with just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water.
I shall be away from Colombo for a few days from tomorrow and the time here is almost midnight and I felt that I should post this in haste to prevent any mishap.
Please do not experiment with Homeopathic remedies as they can be a source of danger if used in a manner that is not prescribed.
Please follow SImone's instructions to source the Arnica 30c in either the Liquid dilution or the pellets.
It must only be Arnica 30c.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera:
My son was diagnosed as Acid Reflux because his hoarse voice. Actually the hoarse voice is his only symptom and he has this for several years. What is your suggestion for curing the hoarse voice?
I will stop the Arnica 30x and try to buy Arnica 30c soon. If you have other suggestions of healing his hoarse voice, please let me know.
Thanks a lot,
My son was diagnosed as Acid Reflux because his hoarse voice. Actually the hoarse voice is his only symptom and he has this for several years. What is your suggestion for curing the hoarse voice?
I will stop the Arnica 30x and try to buy Arnica 30c soon. If you have other suggestions of healing his hoarse voice, please let me know.
Thanks a lot,
bluewenzy last decade
The nat phos 6x Joe prescribed is called a cell salt- also called Dr. Schuessler tissue
salts. Cell salts are a sub branch of homeopathy, there are 12 salts and
they work by rebalancing on a cell level.
So, if he has no other symptoms but hoarseness-
Nat phos is a cell salt given for acidity.
You can add two more salts that are indicated for chronic hoarseness-
they are Calc Phos 6x and Calc Sulph 6x. You may use two tabs of each
and give along with Nat Phos, ( so 6 tabs at one time) ( if he also has a
super dry throat along with hoarseness you can add in Ferrum phos 6x
to the mix)
You can do this 3 times a day a half hour before or after eating.
See how that goes for the next few days and report. At same time,
make sure his diet is good .
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 03:35:59 BST]
The nat phos 6x Joe prescribed is called a cell salt- also called Dr. Schuessler tissue
salts. Cell salts are a sub branch of homeopathy, there are 12 salts and
they work by rebalancing on a cell level.
So, if he has no other symptoms but hoarseness-
Nat phos is a cell salt given for acidity.
You can add two more salts that are indicated for chronic hoarseness-
they are Calc Phos 6x and Calc Sulph 6x. You may use two tabs of each
and give along with Nat Phos, ( so 6 tabs at one time) ( if he also has a
super dry throat along with hoarseness you can add in Ferrum phos 6x
to the mix)
You can do this 3 times a day a half hour before or after eating.
See how that goes for the next few days and report. At same time,
make sure his diet is good .
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 03:35:59 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank you so much, Dr. Simone, I am away these two days, I will get the other two salts upon my return and let you know afterwards.
Thanks again for all your helping notes.
Thanks again for all your helping notes.
bluewenzy last decade
Dear Wendy,
Fyi, I am not a Doctor, either is Joe.
You can click on any posters name
and you will see their profile and
experience and posts on this forum.
There are only a few practicing homeopaths on this forum and no
Take care,
Fyi, I am not a Doctor, either is Joe.
You can click on any posters name
and you will see their profile and
experience and posts on this forum.
There are only a few practicing homeopaths on this forum and no
Take care,
♡ simone717 last decade
Dear Simone:
Thanks a lot. I will be back tomorrow and try to get the other two cell salts for my son.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera and Simone:
For your information. My son have used Nat phos 6x (3 time daily after each meal) and arnica 30c in wet dose(6 pellets in 500ml spring water) twice daily for 2 days now, I am not so sure whether there is an improvement in his voice. I would continue the treatment for more days to see the results.
Thank you, please let me know if there is any problems.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 01:14:35 BST]
Thanks a lot. I will be back tomorrow and try to get the other two cell salts for my son.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera and Simone:
For your information. My son have used Nat phos 6x (3 time daily after each meal) and arnica 30c in wet dose(6 pellets in 500ml spring water) twice daily for 2 days now, I am not so sure whether there is an improvement in his voice. I would continue the treatment for more days to see the results.
Thank you, please let me know if there is any problems.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 01:14:35 BST]
bluewenzy last decade
See what happens after a couple more
days, then see what goes on after
the other salts.
If nothing improves then you need to fill
out this form for him- and probably
answer more questions after that to
choose a specific remedy.
days, then see what goes on after
the other salts.
If nothing improves then you need to fill
out this form for him- and probably
answer more questions after that to
choose a specific remedy.
♡ simone717 last decade
Dear Simone:
I can not get the salts you recommended in local stores, they only have the 6c formula. So I will order it online today.
One question for you:
the Arnica 30c in wet dose, which is 6 pellets in 500ml spring water. I only use 10ml each day which means the 500ml will last 50 days, is this right? or should I make the wet dose each day freshly?
Thanks a lot,
I can not get the salts you recommended in local stores, they only have the 6c formula. So I will order it online today.
One question for you:
the Arnica 30c in wet dose, which is 6 pellets in 500ml spring water. I only use 10ml each day which means the 500ml will last 50 days, is this right? or should I make the wet dose each day freshly?
Thanks a lot,
bluewenzy last decade
Hi Wendy,
You put the pills into the 500 ml water. You bang
the bottle hard against your hand or a book 6 times
before you take a capful as a dose. You can keep it
in the fridge. You don't have to make up a fresh dose
everyday and you will be able to tell if it works or not
after a few days.
You put the pills into the 500 ml water. You bang
the bottle hard against your hand or a book 6 times
before you take a capful as a dose. You can keep it
in the fridge. You don't have to make up a fresh dose
everyday and you will be able to tell if it works or not
after a few days.
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank you so much, Simone, for your quick reply. I just ordered the orther 2 salts. Hopefully I can get them soon.
Thanks agian,
Thanks agian,
bluewenzy last decade
Dear Simone:
I think my son's voice is improved a little after one week of Nat
Phos 6x and Arnica 30c in wet dose. Yesterday I got Calc Phos 6x, so I gave 2 tablets to him 3 times a day from today. I will let you know the results a few days later. I have't got Calc Sulph yet.
do I need to change any treatment or just continue?
Thanks a lot,
I think my son's voice is improved a little after one week of Nat
Phos 6x and Arnica 30c in wet dose. Yesterday I got Calc Phos 6x, so I gave 2 tablets to him 3 times a day from today. I will let you know the results a few days later. I have't got Calc Sulph yet.
do I need to change any treatment or just continue?
Thanks a lot,
bluewenzy last decade
Dear Simone:
I got Calc Sulp 6x on yesterday (9/8) and I started to give 2 tablets to my son now.
His voice seems better but still I can feel the hoarseness. When he reads he needs to cough a lot, it seems there are something in this throat.
I will continue the medication to see whether the hoarseness can be cleared. Keep finger crossed!
One thing I need to mention is because he started school, he often forgets to take the medication after lunch. So for several days when I pick him up around 5pm, he took his medication which should be taken around lunch time. Then I give him the 3nd medication after dinner around 7pm. Will this be OK? or should I give the 3nd one before bedtime?
Thanks a lot,
I got Calc Sulp 6x on yesterday (9/8) and I started to give 2 tablets to my son now.
His voice seems better but still I can feel the hoarseness. When he reads he needs to cough a lot, it seems there are something in this throat.
I will continue the medication to see whether the hoarseness can be cleared. Keep finger crossed!
One thing I need to mention is because he started school, he often forgets to take the medication after lunch. So for several days when I pick him up around 5pm, he took his medication which should be taken around lunch time. Then I give him the 3nd medication after dinner around 7pm. Will this be OK? or should I give the 3nd one before bedtime?
Thanks a lot,
bluewenzy last decade
Hi Wendy,
For right now continue and give him the cell salts at bedtime.
Is the cough a new symptom?
Does he have allergies?
I would like you to fill out a basic form for him - I may have more questions.
For right now continue and give him the cell salts at bedtime.
Is the cough a new symptom?
Does he have allergies?
I would like you to fill out a basic form for him - I may have more questions.
♡ simone717 last decade
Dear Simone:
Sorry maybe I made some confusion here. It is not cough. When he reads, he always wants to clear his throat.
He is allergic to cashews and pistachios. Also he was tested postive to some trees.
Another symtom I didn't mention is he always has dry nose, stuffed nose in the morning ( I think this is related to tree allergy?) and sometimes it bleeds.
I will post the form seperately in another post.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:15:36 BST]
Sorry maybe I made some confusion here. It is not cough. When he reads, he always wants to clear his throat.
He is allergic to cashews and pistachios. Also he was tested postive to some trees.
Another symtom I didn't mention is he always has dry nose, stuffed nose in the morning ( I think this is related to tree allergy?) and sometimes it bleeds.
I will post the form seperately in another post.
[message edited by bluewenzy on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:15:36 BST]
bluewenzy last decade
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