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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic constipation in 3 yr old

My child is been having constipation for more than5 months now.Initially it all started with cough.Her cough was very severe, I started her on nat phos 6 x 2 after each meal( max 6 per day).i am also giving her triphla.She is much better than how she was before but her stool is still hard , Sometimes she will not pass stool for a day or 2.if she eats more even now she coughs a little bit.ICan you please suggest something for her?
  Tanaya on 2014-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her a dose of Sulphur 30.
Stop all other medicines. Report after 2 days.
telescope last decade
When you say a dose, does it mean 1 pellet of sulphur 30 c once a day?
Tanaya last decade
One or two pallets of sulphur 30 only for one day and then wait for 2 days to see what it achieves.
telescope last decade
It is been 24 hours since I gave her suplur 30c.I haven't given her any other remedy except suphur 30.This morning she did have bowel moment , very hard and it looked like animal poop.Her cough is slowly coming back.She coughs after eating..Right now it is not vigorous but I can see it growing day by day if I stop all reflux medication( nat phos 6x,probiotic , triphala and apple cider vinegar).Do you think I should continue with suphur 30 c?

I feed her lots of water,give her healthy food lots of fruits and veggies.Prune juice is also not helping..Please suggest something..
Tanaya last decade
Eating lots of fruit is good but unfortunately some of them interfere with medicine. So if you feel withholding other medicines and fruits is not good for your child I would suggest you consult another doctor.
telescope last decade

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