The ABC Homeopathy Forum
New to Homeopathic Remedies. How many remedies can you take at once?
example i been taking lycopodium clavatum 30x everyday, onosmodium virg 1m ones a week every sunday and kali carbonicum 30c every day.gio123456 on 2014-09-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I assume you are asking SHOULD you be taking more than one remedy at once. Of course you can, and people do, but you should NOT.
There is an important homoeopathic principle called the Law of the Single Remedy. One remedy given at a time, with enough time given for it to act, and a proper assessment of the result done before either repeating, changing potency OR changing the remedy.
The only reason another remedy would be prescribed is if the first one did not work as expected or the whole case changed significantly.
There is no reason at all to give several remedies to the same patient to be taken together or in sequence. The only reason this is done is because the prescriber cannot find the correct remedy for you, so they give a whole lot of remedies for different things. It is a failure on the part of the practitioner and unfortunately it is the patient that often pays the price.
Prescribing one remedy for one problem, and another remedy for another problem, usually results in palliation and suppression. Suppression is especially serious, and the patient will either become worse, develop a new disease, or become harder (even impossible) to cure.
On top of this, any of the remedies can create side effects, especially when they are not given for the entire case, and such side effects can become permanent until cured by someone prescribing in the correct manner.
There is an important homoeopathic principle called the Law of the Single Remedy. One remedy given at a time, with enough time given for it to act, and a proper assessment of the result done before either repeating, changing potency OR changing the remedy.
The only reason another remedy would be prescribed is if the first one did not work as expected or the whole case changed significantly.
There is no reason at all to give several remedies to the same patient to be taken together or in sequence. The only reason this is done is because the prescriber cannot find the correct remedy for you, so they give a whole lot of remedies for different things. It is a failure on the part of the practitioner and unfortunately it is the patient that often pays the price.
Prescribing one remedy for one problem, and another remedy for another problem, usually results in palliation and suppression. Suppression is especially serious, and the patient will either become worse, develop a new disease, or become harder (even impossible) to cure.
On top of this, any of the remedies can create side effects, especially when they are not given for the entire case, and such side effects can become permanent until cured by someone prescribing in the correct manner.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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