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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sinusitis since June 2014

Doctors I hv been suffering from sinusitis. It all started with cold in june. My ears got blocked and no nasal discharge. Gradually it developed in sinusitis. CT scan revealed air fluid filled right maxillary sinusitis and inflammed ethmod sinuses. Since then I hv taken 2 courses of antibiotics. Homeopathy also tried. Dr gave me sanguinaria 30 c, mer sol 30c, Cal Carb, lycop 30. But no help. Recently I'm taking ayurvedic medicines ..... s was kalp cephagraine tabs and another mixture given by ayurvedic doctors. I can see some relief but my ears are clogged up and left ear crackles. Throat infection as well. Plz help. I am 40 years old female.
[message edited by naim786 on Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:51:16 GMT]
  naim786 on 2014-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if the medicine u are taking showing improvement then take that remedy(ayurvedic medicines ) it will work.Do not take homeopathy medicine with ayurvedic medicines because in most of the ayurvedic medicines for ur symptoms has camphor and other strong smell component which cut the effect of homeopathy.Stick with one remedy see how it is doing.If u think it will not work go to a local homeopath or if u want u can post about it in this forum.
take care.
gaintrox last decade

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